#in this AU rhea and mysaria have hooked up after bonding over daemon being a shit person
hollowwhisperings · 2 years
ASOIAF Prophecy Suberversion, a HotD Fix-It.
Viserys I has a dream that he & his cousin-wife, Aemma Arryn, will have a son together and that said son will be king. Aemma reminds Viserys that he is The King and that monarchy in Westeros is Inherited: their son would be a king because Viserys is the king.
Aemma relays the tale to their young daughter, Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, who is wholly aware of how each new pregnancy endangers her mother's life (and that both of her grandmothers died too young, of pregnancy) proposes that she, Princess Rhaenyra, take up Crossdressing as a "hobby". When she is announced as crown princess, she presents herself in full armour and with her dragon at her side. She promises to be a good king, bullrushing over any confusion by her pointing out that Westeros has "always been rulee by Kings" and "Have You Met My Dragon, Syrax?". Rhaenyra is also very publically supported by the increasingly healthy Queen Aemma, the intimidating power couple that is Lord & Lady Velaryon, and the giddy King Viserys who scandalizes the court by announcing his intention to Abdicate his throne to his daughter when she is ready. The mixed confusion and relief of, 1) not having a disinterested king in charge, 2) Prince Daemon being moved down the succession, and, 3) the various Intelligent Appointments Rhaenyra('s support network and herself) proposes settles the Court to a state of hesitant excitement. All of this is aided by the early betrothing of Ser Laenor Velaryon to the crown princess: all dragons of Westeros once again tied to the crown.
Viserys happily abdicates his crown to his daughter as soon as she is ready, Rhaenyra's kingly education long seen to by Queen Aemma, the Princess Rhaenys, Lord Velaryon and even a reluctant Lord Otto. Both parents live to see their daughter crowned King of Westeros. Her prince-consort brings along his war veteran dragon, Seasmoke, and leaves the inheritance of High Tide to his sister, Laena (who, having successfully claimed Vhagar, is treated with Utmost Respect). Prior to their marriage, Lord Baratheon and several prominent Vale lords & ladies had been appointed to court so as to Loudly And Pointedly comment on the non-incestuous family ties the couple would bring together. The court is thusly prepared for King Rhaenyra's heirs distinctly Baratheon looks, aided by Lady Laena presenting dark haired children of her own (no one asks the rider of Vhagar who, exactly, fathered her children).
One notable appointment to King Rhaenyra's court was the Lady of Runestone, Rhea Royce, who commanded great respect within the Vale and soon within King's Landing also. She alternated her time between the Keep and Runestone, doing much to enlighten the court on the look of Valemen, masculine women, and the peace of a court sans Prince Daemon. So grateful was the court for Lady Royce thay she was gifted a Favour from her king: an anulment of marriage for lack of consumnation (a detail neglected in Prince Daemon's own efforts to render himself single). This gift further advanced Lady Royce's ability to act as Daemon-Bane and she soon earned a host of suitors, who had taken well to the Fashion of presenting oneself as both masculine and feminine (as inspired by their King, her prince-consort and, according to Renowned Septon Barth, dragons as a species).
The amitions of one Otto Hightower are curtailed by then-crown princess Rhaenyra's quickly appointing the Lady Alicent as her "Mistress of Court": with Rhaenyra as king and her husband a dragonriding knight, she reasoned, the "essential duties of a queen" would be neglected... unless Rhaenyra appointed a lady of such fine ettiquette and piety as Alicent to act "queenly" in Rhaenyra's stead. Alicent's duties included holding court with ladies and smallfolk, "ensuring proper dues to the Faith", seeing to the royal educations of Rhaenyra's heirs, acting as Rhaenyra's [PR manager]... confused but convinced that his daughter would be a queen in all but name, Otto begrudgingly lent Rhaenyra his support (that he knew he would otherwise be replaced as Hand by Princess Rhaenys was an added incentive).
Amidst her preparations for the Royal Marriage of Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor, Alicent wed the renowned knight, Ser Harwin Strong, commander of the City Watch (the term "goldcloaks" very thoroughly snuffed out as soon as possible, lest it catch on). It was an open secret at court that King Rhaenyra favoured Ser & Lady Strong over most everyone else, akin to her favouring of her good-sister. Ser Harwin was committed to reforming the city's protectors whilst Lady Alicent ensured that neither the smallfolk nor the faith were without voice in Rhaenyra's Court. Lady Laena... kept the largest, strongest dragon known occupied with scouting passage over the Narrow Sea and "adventure". There were Rumours of there being more than friendship between these most favoured by the King... but such is expected of kings, said the knights (lead so nobly by Sers Laenor and Joffrey) and the court ladies (so charmed by the attentiveness of their Mistress of Court and her ever-prompt mediations between factions). The smallfolk? Ser Strong's leadership of the City Watch was vastly preferable to Prince Daemon's tyranny, Lady Alicent ensured their concerns were never forgotten, Lady Laena's efforts kept seafaring safer than ever before... and it was far more fun to speculate over the mechanics of such relations, to know that whenever such gossip reached their king's ears she laughed in good humour rather than, say, employing the Watch to cut tongues and throats.
With Rhaenyra long established as her father's heir, her great popularity and her nigh-unanimous support (she might be a woman but a King is a King, the lords would say), Prince Daemon's ambitions were much curtailed. The combined forces of Queen Mother Aemma and Princess Rhaenys kept Prince Daemon too busy for scheming: "oh, Daemon, with Rhaenyra raising her children at the Keep, who will tend to the dragons of Dragonstone?", "oh no, Laena reported unrest at the Stepstones, surely the wielder of Dark Sister could help the cause?", "Daemon, your brother hasheard word of a surviving tome of Old Valyria, won't you see to its safe arrival?". The happiness evident in the retired King served the realm's efforts most of all, the restraints of rule enabling the brothers to spend more time together and rendering Daemon's outbursts for attention unnecessary.
(when Daemon tried to gift his very young niece priceless jewellery in an intimate fashion? Oh look, there's Proud Dad Viserys to clasp the necklace around his daughter's neck and ensure the WHOLE FAMILY is witness to such FAMILIAL devotion!)
(likewise, with Aemma Arryn alive and well, Otto Hightower initially made efforts to have his sons court their "future queen" - except she's to be their King, says Lord Corlys, and her marriage will return all dragons to the crown, says Prince Daemon)
Amazing, the differences possible when mothers live to supervise their offspring's childhood. Amazing, the ways of prophecy when an Outside Opinion is taken into consideration. Amazing, the problems solvable with good publicity.
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