#in this dream the underground was like. soooooooooooo fucking big it was like a whole planet big down there
cherry-shipping · 2 years
#cherry chats#we were together and were in the underground...... but at some point we got lost in the woods#in this dream the underground was like. soooooooooooo fucking big it was like a whole planet big down there#like there were oceans and stuff it was wild......#and we got lost and due to sans' head injury it wasnt safe to teleport long distances#so he had to try and get us back little by little. we were also so far from home#and id been playing zelda right beore my nap so i dreamt it was full of monsters but like different than underground monsters#like they really were just little animals who were mean and attacked us#we had to hide and try to avoid everything bc sans' hp was so low and i was so weak and cold#like he had to carry me the entire time#and ummm what else what else. oh right there were scary abandoned temples filled with traps and monsters.......#and some places messed with ur perception of reality like causing hallucinations to get you to reveal yourself and get killed#it was a little scary we were both almost dead and we couldnt stop to rest because we could be attacked anytime#but we got home ^__^ and everyone welcomed us it had been like almost a year#we had a great big feast except not really bc it was in the underground. but everyone ate more than usual#i remember them going 'theres enough for everyone! well‚ everyone can have a little‚ at least'#bc they were like Lol no ones gonna be eating a full meal we dont have that much but everyone can eat SOMETHING#it was a nice dream all in all. a little scary but well its horrortale u know how it is
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