#in this scenario headcanon the hybrid amounts would be around like
bloodstainedhair · 6 months
Holiday Season
pairing. obsessed 141 / polar bear-hybrid reader *scenario/headcanons
note. gender neutral reader. reader is physically described to be 6ft or over. common hybrid features such as animal ears, tail, nose, claws, and paw pads.
cw. unhealthy relationships/yandere themes, meat and blood mentions, a lot of eating from hands mentions, a weird type of infantilization, big bad bear is called cute a stupid amount of times, dangerous but passive reader, vague made-up base because i watch too many movies.
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Holed up in the middle of fucking nowhere, Alaska, the white wasteland. That's how the 141 were going to spend the merry month of December. Endless snow in sight and no family to be found. A complete and utter joke of a holiday season.
It scarcely matters, the food that's been stored, the dense furniture they've been given, even the solace they find in each other. It's miserable out here. The freeze is always licking at their skin, seeping through their layered clothes to cling to the exposed nape. It's their constant company.
Yet, something else bothers them. A hint that only their trained eyes could catch in their misery. An entity, perhaps, something that follows the men without rest. It's a shadow of winter, blanketing itself around the base and leaving its warmth with no trace to its next destination. Only something another human could pull off.
Dishes left strewn on the counter are returned to their cupboards, clean and scrubbed. Leftovers are consistently missing a bite more than what Soap remembers wolfing the night before. If a blanket or pillow goes missing, best bet it doesn't come back. It doesn't take much convincing for Price to round up his boys to find out the root of their question. Not when they've nothing else to do.
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It's Soap who finds you first. Rummaging through the fridge with a plastic container in your hands, that adorable black nose covered in spaghetti sauce. He wonders how they didn't hear you sooner with the way you carelessly scarf down the contents. You remind him a little of himself...
Little round ears perk up at the sound of his gasp. Soap freezes in place as your head cranes back to inspect him. Eyes staring at him with indifference, a lone noodle stuck to your cheek and tomato red staining your considerably large teeth. Sharp and big, enough to poke out from your mouth and dig into your chapped bottom lip. A similarly large grayish-blue tongue swipes out to clean the damning evidence.
So. Fucking. Cute.
Johnny is thanking the names of every God he knows when you let him lead you by hand to his team. A new warmth flows through his body, lighting up his dormant nerves in the winter night, your thick black claws prodding into his rough skin. You must be a docile ol' thing, obediently following him to his buddies, though only after he bribes you with more meals to come. He'll cook up the whole damn kitchen if it means you trail him like this daily.
Ghost is sure that Johnny's the one hiding furry ears and a tail when he rushes over like a dog with a fresh new bone. That, and he's more crazy than he imagined dragging over what looks to be a six foot something polar bear hybrid right his way. Ghost doesn't forget things easily, and he's confident that said bears are known to be the most eager predators in the presence of flesh. Not just by circumstance, no, by nature.
A strange thought does pop up in head. That fluffy white tail you sport catches his eye for longer than he'd like to admit. He wonders. If he offered up a nice, raw chunk of seal to you, would it wag in anticipation? Would your ears twitch at the sounds of his boots crunching in the snow, bringing you yet another delicious catch? He could be the perfect provider for you, he thinks. Maybe even have you hunt alongside him, a bonding ritual of sorts. Blood all over your mouth, allowing only Simon to dab away at your chin with a towel. What a sight to behold. Two predators in the same room.
Gaz takes a step away before doing the exact opposite a minute later. You're not just some wild animal, and he's half worried he just disrespected you to your face (you didn't see it). Any bit of nervousness he had melts away when you gently push your nose into his warm hands. He was going for a handshake, but this is surprisingly preferred. Seems he missed wiping some the cocoa from a recent pot of hot chocolate. He hadn't expected you to be so... soft. If you want more, he's got a heap of cookies hidden away in his room. No issue with you visiting him for a late night snack. Christ, he'll even handfeed you if you're feeling lazy, no worries.
Captain Price nearly drops the flimsy cup of coffee held in his gloved hands. Fucking giant thing you are. He nearly drops it again when your nose takes a sharp turn to the smell of his beverage. Not picky, are you... He'll keep note of that for later. From the looks of it, you're adapting well to the chaos of his batch, sniffing and patiently waiting for Soap to release you from his iron grip on your paw pad. He also takes note of what your wearing almost immediately, Arctic grade parka wrapped around your waist in favor of standard workwear, more akin to a jumpsuit than winter gear. Unbelievable. However, that does explain it now. You work here.
It makes sense, considering you're one of the more volatile hybrids. So many people, including your bosses, are uneasy about the predators. It must've been particularly bad for you. Hiding you away in a big and lonely base to eat dinner at an empty table. The world unable to appreciate you for what you are.
Price on the other hand, he knows his boys like the back of his hand. They understand your type. Would take you in without judgement or fear. Indulge you. Feed you fat red meat from calloused palms and let you lap at the warm blood still dripping on the snow. Gladly clean the droplets that stain your pure white parka. Make you warm.
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boytoyhalo · 7 months
Can you give me your fitpac headcanons to make me feel better after whatever the fuck Bad's stream was today. I am so unwell...
absolutely i can!!! let's see here hmm
pac likes to sleep/cuddle with fit sprawled out directly on top of him, like actively crushing him, because the deep pressure makes him feel safe (i think I said this in a different post but accidentally switched the names around, tho tbh i could see this being true both ways so maybe they take turns)
pac's ring markings glow bright blue when he's flustered or startled (see my blue ringed octopus hybrid pac headcanon) fit discovered this for the first time with the "how you doin big daddy" incident and since then fit has been going out of his way to sneak up on pac to make it happen because he thinks it's cute, this is also part of why he's gotten more confident with his flirting
fit would never say it out loud (partially because it would embarass him and mostly because he knows it would embarass pac) but he actually capital l Loves it when pac says his name with the "-tch" sound at the end. he thinks about it more than he shoud probably
this is less of a headcanon and more a writing prompt or like. a scenario that i think would happen but i think that at some point they'd be goofing around and threatening each other over whose a better fighter (they both think its each other but theyre arguing for themselves. for the bit) and fit would take off his prosthetic arm to hold it in his other hand and point it at pac like a sword and pac would be all oh yeah i can do that too and try to take off his leg standing up and would of course immediately overbalance and fall and fit would rush to check if he's ok while laughing his ass off and pac would use the leg to knock his legs out from under him so they would both be on the ground laughing so hard they couldn't breathe. and then fit would make a stupid pun about pac "not having a leg to stand on in this argument"
speaking of prosthetic's pac normally likes to keep his metal leg covered but the first time fit gets a proper look at it he's like woah your prosthetic looks so cooler and sleek and high tech i wish mine was like that and pac preens because he made it himself (ok it was him and mike but thats practically the same thing) and after that pac starts wearing his right pant leg rolled up (fit is only half of the reason, the other half is that it makes richarlyson feel better about his own leg but this is a fitpac post)
they both Really Like watching each other fight, hence the dungeon dates, but their favorite part is after all the mobs are cleared when they're cleaning their weapons and sorting through loot and just sitting quietly together basking in the shared victory and adrenaline and praising and complimenting each other for a fight well done
fit is aroacespec (he can count the amount of people he's been actually attracted to on one hand) and between that and his trust-no-one 2b2t background he's pretty inexperienced with most relationship related things, so pac is a lot of firsts for him. Pac not-so-secretly loves this because he's possessive and likes that no one else gets the type of attention he does from fit
fit starts wearing his glasses more often when he's not expecting combat or some other situation that will make them too inconvenient because pac says he looks cute in them
pac likes to make fit carry him on his back because 1. he likes the contact and 2. its fun to feel tall. the first time this happens it's because pac's metal leg takes a hit during a battle and is basically useless til he can repair it, so fit carries him back to chume labs out of necessity. After that pac usually makes up an excuse or plays up any hits he take so fit will do it again, except he's really bad at lying so fit knows what he's doing but he doesn't mind so he doesn't call him out on it
pac's hair looks really soft and fit realllly wants to run his hands through it but he's way too awkward to ask because that feels like a line being crossed and whenever pac runs his own hands through it fit just stares like a total weirdo which tubbo and phil both make fun of him for but somehow even then pac doesnt seem to notice. it takes him a long ass time to mention it to pac who he then finds out really likes having his hair played with and has been wanting fit to do it for forever but has also felt too awkward to ask. and then they laugh at themselves for being dumbasses (and then when they kiss for the first time and every time after that fit's flesh hand immediately goes up to his hair)
fit mentions that when he gets overstimulated sometimes its too much effort to remember to take his hearing aids out so pac asks if he can borrow them for a little bit and gives them back to fit with a new noise cancelling feature, and fit has to stop himself from literally proposing marriage right then and there. He settles for just cleaning chume labs top to bottom and leaving some chocolate and an embarassingly sappy thank you note that would read as a straight up love confession to anyone outside of him and pac's oblivious-but-also-not-oblivious slowburn-but-not-slowburn bubble
sometimes if pac is tired but cant get to sleep he'll go find fit and ask him to just talk at him for a bit because his voice is relaxing and if he falls asleep with his head on fit's shoulder or in his lap fit will sit as still as a rock for hours to not wake him up
ok ok you got me rambling this post is way too long now and most of these can barely count as headcanons but yippeeee i hope u like them!!!! everything will be ok we will have our morning crew and fitpac content back soon i promise
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fushigurro · 1 year
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𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪. ⌇ since i am an adult and often post nsfw content, this blog is meant for those 18+ only, and anyone who does not have an indication of their age on their blog will be blocked. all written persons are also 18+
𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧. ⌇ i will engage with and even create content with darker themes from time to time, including but not limited to things like dubcon/noncon, incest/stepcest, corruption, etc. (see below for more details). i try to be as thorough as i can with tagging/warnings, however, if this is content you are generally against/uncomfortable with, feel free to unfollow or block.
𝗔𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗨𝗣 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦. ⌇ i will read and create content in which some characters are aged up. i would advise you not to follow if this is something that bothers you.
𝗗𝗘𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗣𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗦. ⌇ i personally enjoy trying to make my writing accessible to others, so i try to write gender-neutral reader as often as possible. certain nsfw scenarios will usually cater to an afab audience, and occasionally strictly fem!reader. i also usually do my absolute best to refrain from using any descriptors of reader in my work, at least outside of anything necessary to establish a certain setting/au/etc. if anything happens to deviate from this, it will be tagged to the best of my ability.
𝗥𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦/𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦. ⌇ i will take suggestions for headcanons, blurbs/drabbles, etc., but just know that i tend to be slow sometimes! and i certainly can’t guarantee anything. please don’t take it personally if i don’t get around to something in particular. sometimes things just don’t click, and my adhd often makes things difficult for me.
𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗥𝗘𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗧. ⌇ i do not consent to the reposting or recommendation of my works here or on any other platform (wattpad, tiktok, etc.) but reblogging and commenting here on tumblr is encouraged!
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i’ll write in canonverse and modern au’s, and potentially other various au’s as well.
i am a dom-leaning switch and will write dom, sub, and switch reader in nsfw depending on my mood and the character. but i do have a tendency to lean towards dom!reader with a fair amount of characters.
𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗜'𝗟𝗟 𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗘. ⌇ age play / anal / begging / biting / bondage and restraints / brat taming / breeding kink / choking and breath play / cockwarming / collaring / cnc / corruption / cum play / dacryphilia / daddy kink / degradation and humiliation / dirty talk / discipline / dubcon / dumbification / edging / exhibitionism / fingering / gangbanging / hair-pulling / hate sex / hybrids / impact play / incest and stepcest / intercrural / marking / masturbation / mommy kink / noncon / omegaverse / oral sex / overstimulation / pain play / pegging / praise / pregnancy / public sex / sensory play / sex pollen / somnophilia / squirting / switching and role reversal / thigh riding / threesomes and group sex / voyeurism
𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗜 𝗪𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗘. ⌇ eating disorders / things directly involving weight and body image / scat / vore. drug and alcohol use is not my favorite; it depends on the situation. i’m usually not a huge fan of virgin or super innocent reader, but there are definitely some exceptions. other things may be added or changed in the future!
𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘. ⌇ i feel like this should go without saying, but fiction is separate from real life and i do not promote/condone all themes in works that i create or interact with.
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ghostie-my-beloved · 3 years
Yandere Karlnapity Headcanons?
yandere karlnapity hcs
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Synopsis: the polyamorous trio in the Dream SMP are all such sweethearts. Well, at least around their dear beloved that is.
Pairings: yandere!Quackity / yandere!Karl / yandere!Sapnap (separately) x GN!reader (they/them) [COMBINED BONUS WITH ALL CHARACTERS AT THE END]
A/N: hey first yandere request for the Dream SMP! Thanks for the request, it was very fun coming up with headcanons for these guys! Also I’d like to bring up that all Yandere content for the dsmp will be CHARACTER VERSIONS ONLY! NO CONTENT CREATOR YANDERES! (Art credits go to @/SweetcriesSweet on Twitter and @/Camriod on tumblr)
TW: THIS IS YANDERE CONTENT. It will include many dark themes such as g0re, stalking, kidnapping, murder, drugging, unhealthy obsessions and many more, please don’t read if you’re easily triggered by this stuff
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Karl would be those playful types of yanderes and you know it
When he first started falling for you, he didn’t think much of it, after all he WAS open to having new partners anyways
But soon he’d start fixating on you, and imagine scenarios of him hanging out with you and such
These daydream slowly got more and more concerning, as his imaginations started getting more… colorful you could say
And then he started projecting those fantasies onto his victims, which twisted our time traveling boy into the yandere he is
He’d never dare to hurt you, that would just be shameful! Not even manipulate you, he doesn’t find it necessary
However he’s surprisingly good at keeping up a facade and making sure you’re oblivious to everything he does
He acts so sweet and cute around you, but behind the curtains his whole demeanor changes
Out of the trio, he does the least amount of killing
He’d rather just emotionally manipulate his victims to the point they’re BEYOND repair
But with manipulation comes with skill, and Karl is ruthless with his words and actions
Gaslights his victims a lot, threatens them on many occasions
His sickly sweet voice alone is enough to scare someone shitless, it’s not even funny
When he does kill it’s usually just one or two times
He only does it when the person is REALLY ticking him off
But he doesn’t make them suffer or anything, he’s generous sometimes, after all torture is too much handy work for him
Back to the playful topic; he’d use his clinging as as a way of telling other people to back off from you both
With the exception of Sapnap and Quackity, he’d just cling to you and send death glares to anyone who even looks at you without you even noticing
Rarely stalks you, he’s around you enough because of how handsy and affectionate he gets
When he does though he makes sure that you can’t notice him, he doesn’t want his darling to see this side of him after all
And you can’t ever feel his menacing gaze, as his amethyst eyes pierce into your figure
Karl would be the slickest yandere in the trio, and the least violent in terms of physical field, but he’s the best when it comes to his words and manipulation, don’t mess with him if you’re only asking for emotional trauma
“Awww don’t cry sweetheart, I’ll be here to take care of you. As long as you do a favor for me, I’ll be sure to spare you! It’s only a fair trade for the two of us, right?” -yandere!Karl
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Sapnap would be the scariest yandere
Up until the point where he even spooks Quackity and Karl, it’s kinda terrifying my guy
This Blaze hybrid is kind of possessive of his current partners, he probably didn’t like you that much at first
But he soon grew to love you, and soon adopted the traits that Karl was displaying when you weren’t around
Not gonna lie, Quackity most likely manipulated him into doing his yandere tendencies, poor guy
LOVES any form of attention from you, even if it isn’t direct
If he thinks you’re talking about him, he automatically wants in on it
Because he wants to show off lol
He most likely does the most killing in the group
But it’s all rather sloppy and messy, it’s the inner Blaze instincts in him
Methods of killing are usually via his weapons, or using his flames to give his victims a painful death
Will not hesitate to be intimidating, you’ve got scary guard dog privileges
He’s very bad at stalking, as he almost got spotted many times, so he mostly leaves it up to Karl
However, he does give you many special gifts and such
He’s also very uhhh— seductive and flirty around you, since he wants to claim you as his as soon as possible
And he definitely has dirty fantasies about you and him too, don’t think he doesn’t
Since Sapnap is now 1000x more protective of you, he tends to pretty much overthink about what could possibly happen to you when he’s gone
Which makes him— WAY MORE dangerous every-time you’re away from him
So let him cool off his stress by going absolutely ballistic on a few people or two <3
He stopped accepting visitors at his place too, because he’s too paranoid on what might happen to you
Dream and George were kind of concerned at this, but it’s not like they could do much anyways
And eventually, many people started to stay away from you and Sapnap, which made the panda boy satisfied
But he’s still pretty yandere around you obviously, that never changed
Oh you bet your ass that he watches you while you’re sleeping, and you’re completely unaware
And he even might kiss you and leave a mark or two on your body while you’re in a slumber, just to let everyone know who you belong to :)
“So pure and innocent, I want it all to myself. I don’t care who I vas to go through to claim you as mine forever, I’ll make sure you learn to love me, like how ill love you.” -yandere!Sapnap
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He’s the tactician of the trio, the smart and cunning yandere
Quackity has very violent tendencies at times, but he mostly leaves the dirty work to Sapnap
He works with his other partners to plan out their next moves, and figure out everything about you
When you’re around Alex, he’s very sweet, charming and flirty
You find it so dorky and endearing, but honey we all know that’s just a facade so he hides his true demeanor
Hon you better pray that you don’t get on his bad side, because my oh my he’s a man constantly wary of his victims every moves
Not a single one of his prey gets away from him, and he ensures that my making sure his other lovers help him commit to his dirty work
He starts off with Karl luring the target into a weaker area both mentally and physically
Then he gets Sapnap to abuse the poor soul for the sake to watch them suffer, or just, for his own amusement, which most of the time ends in death
If it doesn’t however, he finally finishes them off in his— own special way that’s better off left in the dark :)
This whole relationship just basically became toxic as fuck, and it’s mostly because of Alex himself
Karl doesn’t have the willpower to hurt others, and Sapnap is just— violent, so Alex made it work
On his own, he’s still a force to be reckoned with
He also specializes in torture, so pray to god that you have the endurance to handle what he’s about to do to you
He keeps trinkets from his victims as a trophy for the trio
I’m not kidding, it’s horrifying to think about
Take an accessory from a victim’s body, or a piece of clothing, hell maybe even something precious to the victim and bam, a souvenir for memories
Quackity has a trophy for every victim all three of them have murdered
Combined all their kills together, and the number is scarier than how most people would interpret it
Quackity also steals a lot of your stuff for the sake of “preserving” it as well
Hairbrush, shoes, clothes etc. He’ll take anything from you as long as it reminds him of you
This sick side of Alex is very terrifying, but he’s very good at masquerading it
Does he know what he’s doing is over the top insane? That Sam could send him to jail for this? Absolutely, of course he does
But he couldn’t care any less, this is all for the sake of his beloved darling
He’s doing this for him and his current lovers, he’s gonna keep you safe no matter what :)
“You think I ever cared about what could’ve happened to me? Think again, darling. They’ll be mine for good, and once I get my hands on them permanently, it’s over for you all.” -yandere!Quackity
[ADDED QUOTE ONE-SHOT BONUS. I’ll leave it up to the readers to decide what happened after ;)]
“No guys— please I need an explanation, something isn’t right…”
“Y/N my love, what do you mean by that? Are you sure you’re fine?”
“I know damn well I’m not going crazy or something— you’re behind their deaths aren’t you?”
“Your words pain me, how could we do such a thing—“
“PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME! You’re all— acting so- so strange, it’s not normal. And I’m just getting this awful feeling from you three it’s- it’s driving me nuts. What’s— whats going on with you three…?”
“My love, you know us better than that. We would never do that to your loved ones, we wouldn’t dare to do that.”
“Yeah… why would you think of us that way? We would hate to do that to you… you know that, right?”
[you felt the strong and firm grip of Sapnap from behind you, not budging a bit or letting go]
“Trust us, Y/N. We’re doing our best to protect you. We love you too much to hurt you.”
“Good, you’re calm now… that’s what we want from you, you’re doing great so far, we’ll keep helping you.”
[you’re telling yourself to run, but you can’t, you simply just can’t]
“Ohhhh mi amor… we’ll make sure you’re safe in our hands forever :]”
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James McCloud -- Death and the Lylat System
I’ve talked a lot about Corneria’s theorized history, a lot about Krystal, some about Aparoids, and a little bit about the Star Wolf team.  You know what rumor/theory that I haven’t really discussed on here?  The “is James McCloud alive” theory.  So here’s my hot take on that.
So, in the past, I’ve discussed things like how the Cornerus and the Krazoa could be linked and really that’s the main post you have to look at before reading this post.  Here’s my grain of salt before I jump into this theory: I’m making a LOT of assumptions through very small details.  However, these small details are sometimes the only thing we have to go off of to make the story make more sense.  I’m going to call them Assumptions and they will be listed below!
Just as a note, a lot of this information is from Star Fox 64, which has a dubious canon role given the release of Star Fox Zero, but given that none of this information was outright negated by SFZ, it’s pretty much safe to assume that it’s still accurate.
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Assumption #1-- Venom is near Sauria.
We can assume this from multiple things.  In the opening to Star Fox Adventures, after Krystal is trapped in a crystal (it’s 2017 and I’m still mad about that), it is stated that “Meanwhile, in a lost corner of the Lylat System”, implying that we’re on the fringe of the civilized Lylat System already.  Venom sits in a similar position, described by the SF64 manual as being opposite of Corneria (it is also often depicted as being opposite of Corneria in games such as SF64).  So from this knowledge, we know that Venom and Sauria are on the edges of the Lylat System.  I am not wholly convinced that we’ve ever gotten a true and proper Lylat System map but if we consider that Sauria is referred to as “in a lost corner of the Lylat System” and Corneria is opposite of Venom... well, I’d guess less space travel even happens around Venom, so, probably Venom and Sauria are nearby.  (Slippy also seems to back this up in Battle Begins, when he states that it’s a long way between Sauria and Corneria, so they’re definitely not on the same side of the Lylat System.)
We can also gather that Sauria and Venom are nearby from the events of Star Fox Adventures, which states that Andross’s spirit fled to Sauria.  It would make a hell of a lot more sense that Andross fled to Sauria if it was nearby than on the other side of the Lylat System.  Andross also seems rather familiar with Krazoa Spirits and the nature of the planet, and I feel like this could have come from his home base on Venom being close enough to Sauria so that he could observe Sauria.
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Assumption #2 -- Magic Exists on Multiple Planets
This seems incredibly likely given what we know of Krystal and what we’ve witnessed in the Lylat System.  Krystal is telepathic and her staff is sentient, with the ability to channel and absorb magic as well as send telepathic messages.  We already know Krystal is from Cerinia and her staff has the same design as her armor, which nothing else of that pattern is ever seen on Sauria, so we can probably assume that the staff is also Cerinian.  
General Pepper expresses no surprise at Sauria’s situation in Star Fox Adventures when he’s talking with the team about their mission of saving the planet, so clearly magic is a known entity at least to Corneria.  
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(No, no, no, not you, James Cameron!)
Assumption #3 -- Magic-Rich Planets absorb magic back into it
Has anyone ever questioned why the Krazoa Spirits are... well, Spirits?  Were they always spirits?  Are they dead?  If so, who killed them?  Or have they transcended mortality?  Honestly... considering that a lot of Saurians speak of the Krazoa in both the past and present tense, I think the Krazoa are dead.  Their empire has very clearly crumbled and they do not really seem to rule like they used to. Instead, their spirits seem to remain to keep the planet from falling apart.  
If we look waaaaaay back at Dinosaur Planet, which became Star Fox Adventures, in particular to a section called Blackwater Canyon, the nature of death is explained on Sauria.  When a creature dies, its magic is said to be returned to the planet by the power of an organism called the Tree of Life, which is found in Blackwater Canyon, an ancient dinosaur burial site.  So why haven’t the Krazoa been returned to the planet? Aren’t they beings of immense knowledge and magic?  What little we know of Dinosaur Planet does not explain this and while the section with Blackwater Canyon was removed, the lore surrounding death and Sauria remains... well, frankly, unmentioned at all in the game.
However, let’s make the assumption that it is still the same law-- a magic rich planet re-absorbs magic from organisms (which, to be honest, the name Tree of Souls, makes me wonder if it’s just magic or... rather, one’s spirit that is also absorbed).  It still leaves the question as to why the Krazoa Spirits are still around and seem fully capable of conducting magic spells and why Andross is able to show up to Sauria and not get fully absorbed into the planet.
Yet when you beat up a Sharpclaw or really any other baddie... what happens to their body?  Yep, it poofs.  (Although, I haven’t really figured out why they respawn in a similar animation yet, I can only assume it’s because they wanted a cool way to respawn enemies on-screen and just decided to go with a similar aesthetic).  I think this strange discrepancy can be explained by one thing-- power.  Things that are powerful enough to resist being drawn back into the planet’s circulation of magic energy can resist it.  This will come into play in this theory.
You may ask, “Well, wait, what about those dead HighTops and Thorntails that we see in Star Fox Assault, why haven’t their bodies vanished?”... I’ll get to that in another post, but the tl;dr version is that the Aparoids are in process of turning those dinos into other Aparoids, and I’m sorely disappointed we never got to fight a half-Aparoid, half-dino hybrid.  Moving on!
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Back to the actual theory!
Okay, so now that we’ve established all of that, let’s talk about James McCloud.  James’s exact cause of death is relatively unknown, all that we do know is that it happened on Venom.  I think it’s likely that it happened somewhere on Venom’s surface or in Venom’s orbit.  If we assume Venom is a magic-rich planet and that James is powerful enough to resist being absorbed by its natural magic-planet-flow, then James could have continued to exist in spirit form.  Weakened, probably, due to not being as “advanced” in magic as a Krazoa or even Andross (will get to that in a second), so unable to manifest visually for long periods of time but able to resist the pull.  He remains this way through the events of the Lylat Wars and aids Fox in escaping Andross’s lair before it explodes.  Andross is killed in this explosion, reduced to a state similar to James.  I suspect Andross was aware this could happen and had studied the Krazoa beforehand, using Sauria as a “back up” in case things got really bad in his campaign against the Lylat System. 
Andross moves on to Sauria, tricking Krystal into becoming a channeling device, and siphoning off of the energy of the Krazoas gathered at Krazoa Palace until he has enough power to fuse with the Krazoas and become a half-Andross, half-Krazoa entity.  During Fox’s travels on Sauria, he encountered cheat token wells, some of which gave him advice.  This advice came in the form of James’s disembodied voice, which seems to imply that James’s spirit followed Andross over to Sauria-- or, alternatively, that James’s spirit has been looking over Fox as a guardian angel. 
I consider Command canon, though perhaps not all of its endings.  I think it’s likely for the scenario Dash Makes a Choice that James has returned to Venom to watch over it, knowing that it is a cursed place where so much evil has come from.  Yet, I’m not really sure if I consider that ending canon or not.  In other endings, I would assume that James’s spirit faded into the planet, as Andross was defeated it would mark the end of James’s mission to keep the Lylat System safe from Andross, thus he would be “at peace” and have no reason to stick around.  But given Command’s nature and Nintendo’s lack of clarification, it’s... really hard to say what the status of the Lylat System is at the end of that game.  
Anyways, I’m super sorry this got really wordy and long, but I hope you enjoyed my hot take on James McCloud’s current status.  Obviously this is some headcanon/theorizing stuff and if you’d rather headcanon something completely different, then hey, that’s also great!  I just wanted my 2 cents thrown into the internet.  Now, to eat an absurd amount of chocolate cookies...
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