#in this version Temeraire and Laurence become must more conventional YA dystopia protagonists for the record
elexuscal · 3 months
The Truth of the Twitter Temeraire AU
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okay okay so @chimaerakitten and I stared at the glorious crack that is the Twitter AU of Temeraire too long
and realised that the only logical way to at all have the plot of Temeraire play out in the modern day, with modern technology, that doesn't somehow require every individual continent on Earth having independetly gone for a No-Contact Wakanda style blackout
is Europe, 200 years ago, deciding to absolutely double-down on the dragon-phobia
and fallen into some 1984-style dystopia where the average civilian has extremely limited contact with all nations outside of Europe
in order to preserve the illusion that dragons are nothing by mindless beasts
but ALSO lol Laurence needs to figure out how twitter works
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