#in truth bon is an imovable object she can't do anything until he wakes up <<
ndostairlyrium · 10 months
Some wholesome ask? ✨
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7 for everyone, 28 for Ankh and Bonbon, 31 for Kerry, 35 for Ela and 37 for Len! :3
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HI ** 💛
Laughing bc I envision something dreadful for all of them
7 - [The Bunch] What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would enjoy?
Elanor: Probably an epic fantasy, or something from the 80s. Labyrinth is the first that comes to mind, but she'd be a hardcore fan of The Lord of the Rings as well. Her favorite character would be Aragorn and she would totally wear a necklace with the one ring unironically.
Kerry: Whatever makes him laugh and have a good time. Airplane or one of The Naked Gun movies would be good candidates. But also a "romantic flick with a twist" would do (catch him crying and fangirling @ Keanu Reeves in The Lake House). Also, Julia Roberts is totally a fave!
Ankh: Now, this you won't expect, but in the modern days AU I've written in my brain she's a huge fan of Ducktales. Like, she knows the lines and every episode by heart. She's obsessed with the old and the new series, but also with the Disney ducks in general, so much that she has a lot of first editions and multiple sketches signed by Don Rosa scattered around her house. Magica De Spell is her favorite villain, hands down. Movie wise, I'd say it's either Fantasia or Robin Hood. She's not a Disney adult even if she loves their brand of animation, but these are the movies she enjoys the most. "The snake speaks!! Lmao"
Len: Army of Darkness and Planet Terror are her favorite movies of all time. She's a sucker for a grotesque slasher with some comedy in it, she knows her tropes and when a movie has "horror" and "Bruce Campbell" in the mix she's sold instantly. The less quality FX the better!
28 - [Ankh & Bonbon] What would they do if their favorite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
Oh, Bonbon is a gentleman! He would wait until she wakes up and then bark insistently until she fetches him some carrots.
31 - [Hawke] What would make them blush?
He's not one that flusters easily, mind you, but he's very impressionable when it comes to his crushes doing anything. Ask Fenris to point at a rock, he would sing the praises of how valiantly he raised his finger and think about it fondly for a week straight.
35 - [Elanor] What is something they're ashamed of but others find extremely cute?
Copy-pasting the original answer because I still stand by that:
"Her laugh. It's a syncopated one that has small snorts here and there. She usually "corrects" it by using a deeper tone, or she just covers her mouth and laughs silently. Her life is a try not to laugh challenge without rewards. And considering her LI is, in her words, "the funniest person in Thedas" it's a real torture."
37 - [Leonarda] Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
A fuckton of grenades for herself, a couple of mods for Garrus, and a Salarian-shaped plushie for Wrex so he can choke it when he's too stressed. She would probably reach the limit in two minutes << also now I have to pay for her monthly Fornax subscription fee
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