#in which a wild ribbon appeared on flowey
frisiunia · 1 year
Humans names in Undermourning
Yeah! I'm finally posting something more worthy in this month. Today I'll tell you about humans names in my AU and their meanings. I'm including Sofia, Natalie and Bianca. But I'm excluding Chara and Frisk because these names already appear in Undertale itself.
Let's start from second fallen human, the human with patience soul. Estelle - that's her name. In short - this name means star. So why did I name her after a star? 1. Stars are associated with night and I associate night with patience. That's because when we have night, we have to wait patiently for another day. Night also is associate with something bad like misfortune and this child knows what misfortune is very well. 2. Stars are fading and Estelle "faded" quite soon, after all we can find her ribbon and knife in the Ruins. And I also associate fading with misfortune. (+ Her armor is Faded Ribbon)
Now, third fallen human, the one with bravery soul. This tomboy's name is Briar. This name comes from throny bushes and wild roses. And talking about wild roses, this name has a lot to do with Grimm's "Sleeping Beauty" because in this version our beauty is called "Briar Rose". So why did I named her Briar? 1. She is briar. Actually she was a killer. 2. I like brothers Grimm's fairytales (though I actually prefer Perrault's "Sleeping Beauty")... I know this argument doesn't really have much to do with character itself but if I like something, why don't refer my creation to it at least a little bit? 3. I think this name fits her personality very well... and sounds cool and unusual :>
In Underourning humans with justice soul is actually fourth fallen human. However I told ya his name already, didn't I? "Rey"... well, no. I mean, I did but now this information is overdated. Yes, that's something that I've posted already but changed it. What is his new name then? Clover. I actually saw human with justice soul named Clover ealier. But then I didn't know what word "clover" means in English. Now I know and I decided to used it too! And I want to say that this name is gender neutral it's just much, MUCH more common for girls to be named Clover than boys. So why Clover? 1. In Photoshop Flowey's fight justice soul heals us using clovers. 2. In this case by clover I mean four-leaf clover which symbolizes luck. Which creates contrast between his name and his life. Because he wasn't very lucky...
Next human is the one with integrity soul. I'll make this short. Melody. Why? 1. Similarly to Clover, it has to do with Omega Flowey's fight. Integirty soul heals us with notes. 2. She's ballerina, dancer! Dancing - Music - Melody. Understand? 3. I actually could use name that means star, similar to Estelle because she attacks with stars in Photoshop Flowey's fight but I see more reasons for name connected to music and dancing.
Now kindness soul. This one was the hardest for me I think. I decided to name him Clemens. I thought it could be Oliver but it didn't made as much sense as Clemens and I didn't really wanted his name to has the same end ("-ver") in another boy's name. That is why we have Clemens. Why? 1. Clemens means merciful and gentle while kindness soul's owner is very kind and understanding for others. 2. There isn't a lot of reasons why I chose this name honestly. But I think it fits the character quite well.
Next is perseverance soul. I'll again make this short - her name is Brilliance. Why? 1. She's a writer and writing is associated with intelligence while Brilliance means inteligence. 2. Brilliance also means light which is associated with something good, talented etc. While owner of perseverance soul was very talented writer. 3. This word is actually a name! Let me have this! >:(
Now what about Sofia, Natalie and their little sister, Bianca? Well I actually chose their name much ealier and I didn't pay attention to meanings of these names so they're pretty random. First Sofia means wisdom. And I actually don't think it fits. I mean I don't say that Sofia isn't wise but it isn't her dominant trait. "Birthday of the Lord" - that is what Natalie's name means. And honestly it doesn't fit either. And I'm not saying that I'm changing their name. I won't. I'm attached to these names because these two has them for a long, long time. I can even say this is a little part of my childhood. I just wanted to say that I didn't really chose fitting names if we're talking about meanings. However I think these names fit in general. The only one with fitting meaning of name is Bianca. Her name means "white" which is perfect. Why? Because her characteristic trait is a white curl.
Now we're having humans who falls after Frisk. Ya don't know them at all so this is the great occasion to know them better! (These humans were actually made by Chara)
First - Sunday, the day of sun... I actually can see Sans making fun of that young lady and her making grumpy face in response. So why Sunday? 1. Sunday, the day of sun. Sun! We associate sun with something positive, with happiness. Sunday itself is quite happy day because it's weekend. And that makes contrast with her personality because she's grumpy! 2. I was thinking about Apolline and Helia which both mean sun but none of them fits for grumpy person in may opinion.
Then we have Cameron. Why this name? 1. It means "crooked nose". This young man is named like this because once durning a fight, Chara broke nose of one boy. 2. Point 1 clearly says that Cameron isn't the best person... and his nose is actually crooked :>
Next is Jayden. This one is positive. Why? Well... 1. Jayden means "thankful" and that because Chara is thankful to his favorite teacher and that is why he created Jayden to be just like him (or at least how he was seeing him). Like wise mentor. 2. Honestly there's no argument 2 :P
Final one is Cora. Why Cora? Well, I don't have here argument number 2 either so I won't give it a number. Cora means "maiden". Chara often heard of how perfect woman should be. Pious, tender, humble, polite, caring, know her place. He didn't saw this kind of woman often after all society expectations and reality can be really different. But his mother was like this. At least pretended to be like this. And tried to make his sister like this too. So Chara having that in mind created little maiden just like this and named her Cora.
So that's all for today. I'm interested what do you think about these names because I spent a while to search and chose them.
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agreementtale · 5 years
Chapter 11: Who is there?
Step one eat the whole pie
Step two take care of Mother (A laugh a day) In progress
-> Bath (Too yellow) Bleaching (Maybe?) Spiders worked
-> Sewing clothes (Can you even?) Hell yeah
-> Pie => Get cinnamon (Where?) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-> Tidy the house (Doesn’t count)
-> Fix her relations with other monsters (especially Flowey) :-)
Step two 3 gather materials => Boot, Toy, Ribbon (on inventory)
Step three 4 go to ‘icy place’
-> Warm clothing => 3 sweaters
-> Enough food => Candy, Pie (in progress), Cookies, Donut, Cider
-> Decent shoes => Combat boot (Not found) Lots of socks (That seems like a smart idea) PS: Sarcasm don’t translate well on text (Find better alternative)
-> Big blanket
Step four 5 befriend the hell out of monsters
-> Ruins (except the ghost)
-> Icy place
-> Watery place?
-> Fiery place?
-> Earthly place?
-> Windy place?
Step five 6 break the barrier => ??? => Profit!
They eyed the list proudly.
She was happy.
Their mother was finally happy.
She had even started to go out with them to play with the other monsters.
The little Froggits that before ran from her as if their life depended on it, now approached her for candies. The Whimsuns that were hidden now walked along the path carelessly. After almost three months of hard work, the Ruins were full of life.
They looked from their sleeping brother to the shining star, untangling their arm from the sheets they extended it in a grabbing motion, letting themselves wash on the feeling.
* Knowing that tomorrow you will leave the Ruins, fills you with Determination.
They let the feeling sink in, their soul agitated on their chest. They didn’t sleep that night, they had tried for hours, until the house got quiet, until they could hear nothing but the soft sound of their brother breathing, until they saw faint lights below the door.
So quietly they got up.
Walking to the mirror, they took a good look at themselves.
Their skin, burned by the sun, attested they were from the surface, not that any monster would realize it. They had a common face, they didn’t thought of themselves as beautiful, but had to admit they were not ugly either… just average, and that was good enough, outside didn’t matter anyway.
Their hair was brown and short, Mom had it cut, so it wouldn’t get into their eyes. And their eyes…
With their fingers they held their eyes wide open, approaching the mirror to get a better view. In photographs it always appeared that they were with their eyes closed, truth was, too much light used to hurt them, so they got used to squinting, but seeing them in the mirror like that, yep, they were brown without a doubt.
Light, almost amber, but brown.
* It’s you!
Yes it was.
And they still had one last thing to do today.
“Good morning, child” They greeted Mom with a smile and a big hug.
“I have a favor to ask you” they said, holding the flask expectantly.
When she got over her surprise, they went to the kitchen, and started baking. Mom was an amazing teacher, but even if she taught them a thousand times, it was always better when she was the one cooking it.
The smell of butterscotch cinnamon pie filled the house, attracting their brother. It was obvious to him which pie was made by whom, it was a silly thing to ask him, but mom laughed at their dejected face when he obviously chose her pie to eat instead of theirs.
All of them ended up eating her pie together, and it was as good as they remembered. For the whole lunch he ate the pie, without even a single mean remark, she was happy, their brother was happy, they were happy.
“Exploring today again?” She asked.
“Don’t think so” she looked quizzically at them, it was the first time they had a negative answer, he looked surprised too, but didn’t comment.
“Something wrong?” She had the concerned expression again, the one they hadn’t seen in weeks.
“I have big plans for today” they quickly added, the less she had that expression on her face the better “You can just follow your routine, I’m going to be fine” they wanted to remember this as a good day.
In a moment her troubled expression was gone, a bit more and she herself had vanished to somewhere, they had a faint recollection of where.
“No nightmares tonight?” Asked Flowey from the boot, bringing them back to the present moment “That it’s a first” he was using his vines to eat the last crumbs of pie
“You could say that” time seemed to linger, when they got up from the chair it would be it. No going back.
They felt his eyes on them, studying their face carefully “Why are we not going out today?”
“We are” said distracted, seated still.
“You lied to her?” he screeched, like he was offended by the idea.
“Of course not” retorted raising their voice, they would never lie to Mom! He should know that by now.
He let them be for a few moments “Then we are going out, just not exploring…”
“Yep” It would be much more intense than just explore the Ruins.
“I hate when you get like this” that made them look at him, if only to watch his reaction to their next sentence.
“I can live with that” He hissed threateningly, but the small crumbs falling from his mouth made it hilarious, they couldn’t avoid laughing while he mumbled something “what was that?”
“Nothing” said grumpy, they could swear it was something along the lines of ‘stupid human’.
“~I’m telling Mom~” they teased.
“I didn’t say anything!” his whole demeanor changed when she was on the picture.
“You did!” it was so amusing.
“I didn’t!” he was too cute.
“Ok, sooo” but it was time “I don’t tell Mom if” they put a finger on their cheek, like if they were thinking about it “you give me the knife above the shelf” his confused face lasted only for a second.
“Sure” with distrust he went to the kitchen.
It didn’t matter.
They breathed in and out.
This was it.
They eyed the pie tray in front of them, they would carry this memory close to their heart. Beside the empty tray was the pie they had made, the size of the pie didn’t intimidated them at all, so they put it on their inventory before they got up, going to their room, picking the few extra clothes they had separated for the travel.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Bidding the room goodbye, trying to calm their lungs, they went for the stairs.
“Here” but Flowey was just behind the door, holding the knife with his vines “Will you finally throw away the stick and equip something useful?” they grabbed the knife a little too eager.
“Nope” the shape on their hand was familiar, it had a nice weight to it “in a real fight a knife can hurt someone pretty bad” they could breathe again.
“That’s the intention!” It never was.
“Nope!” They put the knife on their inventory, grabbing the boot on a quick movement and running down the stairs.
They barely felt his vines grabbing their arms, trying to maintain his balance, they ignored his protests, while walking down the long hall below the house, they didn’t want to leave, but it was necessary. So they ran.
“My child!” Her voice sounded from the end of the halls, and right there, just around the corner, they saw her “This is a dangerous place to explore” she was surprised by their presence, uneasiness clear on her smile “You should play upstairs instead!” she tried to take their hand, but they stepped back before she could.
“I already saw all there is to see up there” they held the boot close to themselves, Flowey unusually quiet “This is the only place I haven’t gone yet”
“It is drafty here, no place for children” she still said gentle “Go upstairs or you will catch a cold” they missed her already.
“You taught me that somewhere on the end of the ruins, there is the one way exit to the rest of the underground” it wasn’t time to be sentimental.
“History, you learned it well” breathless she continued “And next semester I will teach you about the other regions of the underground and all its peculiarities!” voice wavering on the end.
“The exit is here, isn’t it?” they didn’t looked at her face, they didn’t want remember what expression she made when heartbroken.
“Now now, be a good child and go upstairs” Surprisingly, she didn’t sound sad.
“I need to get to the barrier” she flinched hard at this, they could see from the way her robe shook and hands tensed, she quickly turned her back to them, maybe she didn’t wanted to face them either.
“You are a good student” her voice was void of warmth “The barrier is ahead, yes, but what is in between the Ruins and the Barrier?”
A little taken aback for her question they tried to understand her line of thinking “The underground?” was this the answer she was seeking?
“Yes… the whole underground…” she started walking towards the end of the corridor, they followed close “And what is the underground filled with?”
“Monsters” they understood where this was going.
“Monsters seeking a human soul” her posture was regal “Why is that?” she seemed to be a lot taller all of sudden.
“Because the king ordered them to” at the mention she stopped walking, turning slowly towards them.
They could see the door ahead, it was purple and had several inscriptions on it, there was a small book and a pen resting beside it.
But right in front of them was she. A two and a half meter Boss monster, staring at them with the coldest red eyes they ever saw.
“This is your final warning” her voice was just as piercing “You are not the first. Every human that falls here meets the same fate. They come. They leave. They die.”
She was sullen, they remained silent, but had half of a mind to put boot with the trembling flower on the ground.
“Do you want to leave so badly?” her voice rose on the corridor.
They met his eyes giving a reassuring smile, then turned back to her.
“You are just like the others. You will die just like them!”
They finally met her eyes. Determined.
She was angry.
Her magic burning wild around her, in successive waves of increasing heat.
“Then prove yourself” While her voice carved the words, as cold as ice.
They felt their soul aggressively being pulled to a fight, her powerful presence suffocating any trace of magic, a warning to the fools that dared to face her.
“Prove to me you are strong enough to survive!”
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