#in which zevran is not happy he staked his unaliving bid on the capabilities of the greenest warden in thedas
scribbledquillz · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Because sometimes you just wanna share. 😌
Tagging: @siriskulksnerding , @heniareth , @wild-houseplant , @oxygenforthewicked and anyone else who wants in. As always no pressure to participate - but tag me if you do, I wanna see!
This is from the next chapter of my main Revka x Zevran compilation fic. With any luck it will be posted in the next few days. 🤞
Were she any other mark, were this any other moment than now, he would have laughed in the face of such a farce. Was this truly all the Wardens’ famed order had left to offer? Her savagery was impressive, yes, and her willingness to face him alone commendable, if not wise. But where was the artistry? The carefully honed skill her order claimed capable of pushing back the very Blight itself? Not here in this woman, certainly. Brasca - had he desired to die in no better than a tavern brawl, he might have saved himself the trouble and allowed Karrok the chance to claim her contract for his own. 
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