#incorrect zodiac academy posts
thecapturedafrique · 2 years
HLAW: Day 6—Flowers/Throwback
Good evening everyone and happy Hana Lee Appreciation Week! For day 6 I’ll be sharing the character page I created for Hana since her name itself means flower lol. As with the page I shared for Liam during his appreciation week (here), there will be notes below the read more explaining the points specific to my AU.
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek and the marvelous hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
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Full Name: Hana Lee Hua
In Hànyǔ: 李花 (Lǐ Huā)
In Greek: Ανθεια Λι (Anthea Li)
Nicknames: Meihua (Xinghai), Xiao Hua (Bao), ánthdáki (Floure), Ánnáki (Liam), Flora (Ally), Han (Maxwell & Penelope)
Noble Title: HG Hana Lee of House Ryuka, The Duchess of Chrysopolis, Guardian of the Realm, DOS, RC
Charge and Colors: sunflower; murrey and or (w/ bleu-céleste)
Epithet: The Ideal/Idol → Psyche Anthea
Age: 24
Date of Birth: September 24th, 1994
Place of Birth: Shanghai, PRC
Zodiac: Virgo ♍️ (Sidereal), Dog 🐶 (Chinese)
Gender: Cis woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual
Enneagram: 9.3 (w1; Negotiator)
Optimistic, reassuring, supportive: have a healing and calming influence—harmonizing groups, bringing people together: a good mediator, synthesizer, and communicator.
Height: 5'6"
Race/Ethnicity: Han Chinese, Agni Hito, Malayali Nair
Nationality: Chinese and Cordonian
Face Claim: Vanessa Tevi
Education: Balissande Finishing School; Swiss Grand Diploma in Pastry & Chocolate Arts from Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Languages: Putonghua, Shanghainese, English, Cantonese, French, Italian (intermediate), Greek (novice), Latin (studied)
Favorite Color: pink
Tattoos: apple stylized as a heart with an A in its center on right shoulder blade; flowers growing from a book on inner left wrist
Piercings: single lobe; left nostril
Partner: Kiara Theron (girlfriend)
Best Friend(s): Ally Romiere
Family: Lorelai Lee (mother), Xinghai Lee (father), Floure Ryuka† (maternal great-grandmother), Bao Lee† (paternal grandmother), Qinghai Lee (paternal uncle), Yawen Lee (paternal aunt-by-law), Aparna Nair (maternal cousin once removed), Ganesh, Karthik, Ganga, Jyoti, and Manikantan Nair (second cousins)
Character Notes:
Hana’s Greek name is a transliteration based on the meaning of her given name 花 and her Western name Hana, as Anthea also means “flower”
As her House name indicates, she is a descendant of Sei Rhuka; I changed the surname to the correct spelling and covered up PB’s mistake in canon as being in-universe an incorrect romanization
Liam’s nickname for Hana is based off Anthea, which he chose to use in part due to the similarity between Ánnáki and the common Cordonian pet name “ánthdáki,” Greek for “little blossom” and previously used by Floure. Bao’s nickname 小花 was the Chinese equivalent, and her father called her 梅花 (“plum blossom”) when Hana was little.
Not so coincidentally, the plum blossom is one of her favorite flowers next to the lotus and the moonflower
Ally (my TRR MC) actually nicknamed Hana after the character Flora from the Winx Club due to their resemblance in both looks and personality
Since Liam mentions his desire to revitalize the old unclaimed duchies, I head canon that he also bequeathes one to Hana at the end of TRR2, both because she’s proven herself to be an excellent candidate and also because, like with the MC, he wants to ensure that she always has a home in Cordonia
Duchy Chrysopolis in particular is also significant because it was formerly held by his mother Queen Eleanor
Guardians of the Realm are members of the Order of the Seven, a knighthood which confers upon Hana the title of Dame (DOS)
The other post nominal letters RC indicate her status as a member of the Royal Council
Under Eleanor, Chrysopolis’s house sigil was a sun, and Hana chooses a sunflower as an homage to the late queen as well as her own House
During her engagement to Viscount Peter, the media dubbed Hana “The Ideal Woman” or “The Ideal” for short, and after an interview where she names Astrid Leong a fashion inspiration, the homophone “The Idol” becomes another version of her epithet when comparing her to Astrid (who is known as “The Goddess”)
Upon becoming a duchess, she’s given the new epithet “Psyche” (the goddess of the soul) appended to her Greek name, which she shares with the goddess of gardens
Hana’s enneagram is type Nine, also known as “The Peacemaker”: the easygoing, self-effacing type described as receptive, reassuring, agreeable, and complacent. She is a One-Wing, who are generally more idealistic and serious than other type Nines, and her level 3 is the level of social value.
Like their founder Sei, House Ryuka are members of the Agni Hito, the Fire Tribe’s name for their people; their lands are the regality of Antirrhinum, and their sigil is the cherry blossom
Lorelai’s father was born into the regality of Samsara’s noble House Nair, whose founders were Malayali of the Nair caste
In order to attend the Queen Charlotte's Ball, debutantes must be preparing for or enrolled at a university, so Hana is allowed to attend the Culinary Arts Academy in Switzerland where she earns her degree
In my HC, her parents disown her earlier in TRR2 during the Shanghai leg of the trip, and in a moment of pure impulse she winds up exhibiting her new freedom by getting her first tattoo while in NYC; it’s based on the ace of apples, one of the Cordonian card suits that is used within the queer community to represent demisexuality
Hana gets her next tattoo done by the same artist after Liam gives her Chrysopolis, this time choosing a regularly visible part of her body (symbolic of her sense of security)
When a body piercing is offered for free as part of the second tattoo deal, she elects to get her left nostril pierced, having always admired her mother’s own but not being permitted to have one since her parents feared it would “ruin her appeal”
Aparna is The Baroness Samsara and cousin to Lorelai, both of whom inherited the feud between their two Houses; as such, Hana doesn’t meet her until during TRR3’s timeline, and those details will be shared in Hana/Kiara’s love story B&tR
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alissa3000 · 2 years
I’m more active on tumblr now so I’m doing a little about me post and what not :))
Fandoms I’m in:
The flash
The umbrella academy
Greys Anatomy
Criminal minds
Harry Potter
New girl
911 (on season 2-3)
Top gun (1986 + 2022)
The Sandman
Some songs I like:
Bulls in the Bronx - pierce the vail
Angeleyes - ABBA
Deity - Valeree
Moving in the dark - neon trees
American idiot - Green Day
All my life - foo fighters
Zodiac killer - Khalil?
Deep water - American authors
My hobbies/ interests:
Greek mythology
What I post:
Incorrect quotes
Random posts
Headcanons (which I’m new to)
Relatable ass shit tbh
Feel free to send in thoughts or ideas :)))
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shipwrexked · 3 years
Incorrect Zodiac Academy quotes
Darcy Vega: Orion is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Tory: kick him in the balls. Then when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Seth: Tackle him
Caleb: Dump him, and go out with Seth.
Darius: Kick him in the shin.
Orion: No to all of those!!! Just ask me to lean down!
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kingstxns · 4 years
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basic info
full name: kingston everett
birth date: november 25, 1994
pronouns: he/him
hometown: chicago, illinois
sexuality: panexual
height: 6′5″
eye color: dark brown
hair color: black
build: slim, sometimes trying to get back to his peak form but also not caring as much
tattoos: got a tramp stamp once on a dare (yes, he was drinking, no he doesn’t still have it)
piercings: none
style: sometimes dresses nice because he feels like it, other times he looks like an actual dumpster fire
favorite color: forest green
favorite food: everything
zodiac: sagittarius sun, leo moon, libra rising
mbti: entj
hogwarts house: gryffindor
enneagram: type 9 wing 1
temperament: phlegmatic-melancholy
alignment: chaotic good
kingston everett landed his first magazine cover a week after he was born; people magazine payed a great deal of money for the exclusive on the newborn everett baby. born to the academy award winning actor/director team of harrison and mei everett, people were reading about him before he even knew how to read, started commenting on his wardrobe choices before he could tie his shoes -- when he was fourteen, a random person on the street asked how he was handling not making the football team. he was never sure who his true friends were and who was just using him for his fame, which was why he generally just hung out with the cast and crew of whatever film her parents were working on. he fit in better with adults, anyways -- he had always been mature for his age -- and even if it did get lonely sometimes during takes when everyone was busy doing their jobs, kingston still loved every moment. the energy on set was incomparable to anything he had ever felt...until he hopped in front of the camera himself. king had started out hopping into frame whenever they needed a random kid so the crew wouldn't have to go through a whole casting process, and by age fifteen he started acting in his own projects. he was a natural and he loved stepping into someone else's shoes, even if just for a little while. the bigger roles started flooding in, but the bigger his own celebrity got, the more he felt as though he didn't truly belong. the crew that had been his family never seemed to want to talk to him anymore, and the camaraderie he'd fallen in love with vanished. his name was too big for him to feel comfortable with anyone outside of the industry, and a terribly loneliness filled him. after being cast in the new power rangers movie, king had a full-on identity crisis and disappeared. nobody knew where he'd gone, though gossip rags had plenty of incorrect guesses. nobody suspected that he'd joined the peace corps, and he laid low in south america for two years while he left his world on fire back home. when he returned, he felt good about actually making a difference, and hoped he could find some peace in his old world. unfortunately, his newly minted "flight risk" status meant his old world didn't want him. burger king wouldn't even hire him, and he found himself relying on his name to get anything. that was where yates came in. harrison everett was from an “old money” family that gave him everything he needed so he could focus on his passions instead of making ends meet, and he was a legacy at yates (and calloway society). begrudgingly, king asked for his father’s help to get into university, because the last thing he wanted at that moment was to hop back into the black hole of hollywood that threatened to swallow him whole. his enrollment was still reported on, obviously, but after three years, it’s tapered off considerably.
the problem with attending university was kingston still had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. he wanted to help people, sure, but how? social work was the closest to what he wanted to do -- though a career in politics is still on the table -- and it’s what he’s sticking with until he graduates. that is, as long as his “flight” response isn’t triggered again.
about his secret: the affair in question happened right before he left for south america, and it was one of the events that triggered his disappearance. he broke up with the girl in a hasty text, never spoke to her brother again, and ran. out of every shitty thing he’s done in his life, it’s the one he regrets the most, and the one thing he’s been able to hide from the tabloids somehow.
wanted connections: will also be posted later because i have to go walk my grandparents’ dog after work and i leave in ten minutes, like for me to come at you!!
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