#indie space crew rp
pocmuzings · 4 years
I’ve got a positive ooc chat story! I don’t do group rps anymore, but when i did i was in this lovely rpg with, admittedly, a small group of people. so, naturally, i was nervous about their closeness but they were really well on keeping me included. and they had these character development questions which really helped and, since it took a while to answer them for detail sake, people could react to each one whether in that group rp or privately for potential plotting. actually, even in indie rp
fandom i am in, they decided to do a ooc chat that was open to everyone (again another worry because it’s like, am I even allowed to join this? is this just a cliquey space in disguise?) and I had just been on the scene for like a week? but they were excited to have me and they like, also had this whole section for muse development and it worked wonders in getting people to interact and talk about their muses. and i made pretty good friends which is hard in indie rp sometimes!
I LOVE HEARING POSITIVE STORIES !! THIS IS SO NICE TO HEAR ! I’M SO GLAD U HAD THIS EXPERIENCE !!!! i honestly think some group chats work so so well and they can create the most . . magical , inclusive , beautiful space when they’ve got a good crew to them , and genuinely nice people ! they’re a lil rare to find , but god - they make ur heart squeeze real big !!! thank u for sharing this amazing story ! it’s very appreciated , and i’m sure that anon from before will be glad to hear that the character development questions asked in the group chat helped for u guys ! 
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slyasimplied · 7 years
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What's an Illirian to do when her whole crew has moved on and it's just her and her annoying AI ship? Sly's plan is to keep The Opportunity together and flying while having those large ears open for future prospects or potential marks to make a coin off of.
☆ Space-faring, drug peddling, swindling Illirian without a home up for adventures
☆ Indie Fandomless OC, multiverse and up to tangle with any fandom
☆ Multiship and AU friendly
☆ 10+ general RP experience, 4+ Tumblr RP experience
☆ Sly has existed as a Wildstar Aurin since 2013, but now it's time to make her my own so she can freely interact with anyone
☆ Penned by Ash | Rules | Character | Species | Verses
If you'd like to interact with a High Risk Trader, like/reblog this post so I can check you out.
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I see that you like roleplays, are you currently rping? do you have any favorite groups you recommend?
I am! And I’m not. XD 
I haven’t been part of a group in years and I’m p sure the ones I was a part of have since gone extinct. I have several indie blogs that have my partial focus right now, but I’m not super active on them. My main one is so busy that I just get all my drafts done and dump them every couple months, and the other ones I pop in on as I find inspiration.
So, yes and no! If you RP and you’d like links and such, hit me up off-anon or in IM. They’re all OCs, pretty fandomless. I like writing more than I like roleplaying, if that makes sense XD They’re everything from pirates to half-elves to a crew of space outlaws to a bodyguard with brain damage just trying to get through his day-to-day.
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adjudicxtor · 7 years
((A list of Citta testimonials, all in response to this post:
minervassoul replied to your post: I’m thinking about joining citta, and I kinda want…
Pops in! I’m in a fandom that literally no one knows about. But people here are really nice and it’s easy to make friends. If anon apps, they’ll easily find their way into their own group of pals and stuff!
herokind replied to your post: I’m thinking about joining citta, and I kinda want…
oh let me do a testimonial too! ive been known for dropping out of groups really fast and easily b/c i have an impulse brain, but ive been in citta for almost 3 years.
logicalimagination replied to your post: I’m thinking about joining citta, and I kinda want…
((ooc: My muse is from an obscure series, and citta has honestly been so good for finding new partners. People are always posting starter calls and opens. People love their muses and it honestly shows. I love this group))
scirephysica replied to your post: I’m thinking about joining citta, and I kinda want…
[[ just a note for anon: don’t be intimidated by how big the group is, you’ll no doubt find your space. and the group is super friendly when it comes to answering questions if you’re interested or confused!]]
My own response:
((Mhm! I myself don’t interact with everyone, but I’ve managed to find my own little space along with a great crew of rp partners.
Plus a lot of us are open to new interactions and strive to be friendly and welcoming! It might be difficult at first, especially if your muse is a bit on the obscure side, but it doesn’t hurt to try ;u;))
And lastly:
snowysniper replied to your post : “I'm thinking about joining citta, and I kinda want to know, from a...”
[ I joined not too long ago and currently have two pretty obscure muses in the group. Honestly I apped 'em here because I was having a lot of trouble getting independent interactions just due to being shy. It's kind of a relief after all my years indie, tbh, since usually people are open to interacting with whoever and you can get some neat character-specific plots going. ]
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