weirdostm · 3 years
23, 28 & 35 for the muse meme !!
MULTI MUSE MEME / accepting.
23. Which muse have you written for the longest amount of time?
Andy! I have no grasp of time and like ... how time works but Andy has definitely been around for like 4+ years ?? Probably longer if I could conceptualise time lmao He's actually the first OC i ever made that wasn't like a throw away haha (':
28. Which muse is the most chaotic?
Love that I have a decent percentage of my muses to choose from for this one! Well I never developed him much or even played him on here I don't think ?? But Fauna is my most chaotic muse. He has zero regard for anyone's safety, his own included. The guy just .... Does things. He has an absolutely horrifyingly bad idea and he goes and does it. Throw in terrible lab ethics and a penchant for explosives and that is a choatic dude.
35. Which muses have pets? Tell us their species and names.
James has a pet rat named Bollocks-Chops.
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heavytm · 4 years
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FLEABAG!        no longer accepting!   /   @indignaticn​ STEPH SAID:    i guess i’m just really fucking lonely!
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     HE FEELS A HEAVINESS    settle  in  the  pit  of  his  stomach,   her  words  lead  balloons  falling  hazardously  at  his  feet.        marty  watches  her  for  a moment,  silent,  but  not  entirely  still.      his  hands  scrabble  at  his  sides,   mouth  moving  and  tongue  flapping  in  a  desperate  attempt  to  articulate  a  sensitive  response.      sure,  he’s  felt   LONELY   before,   but  he  has  an  inkling  that  her  loneliness  runs  a  lot  deeper.       marty’s  got  a  band,  a  big  family,  a  best  friend   -   he’s  been  misunderstood,   but  not  enough  to  warrant  a  gnawing  emptiness  in  the  pit  of  his  stomach.       that’s  the  real  monster  lurking  in  derry,   he  thinks.      or  at  least,   a  monster  much  tougher  to  best.      and  he’s  had  his  share  of  unexpected,  harrowing  adventure,  hasn’t  he  ?        the  mcflys  will  move  through  this  town  like  they’ve  moved  through  all  the  others.      
       “  i  ...  if  i  could  stay,  steph,  ”      he  wouldn’t.       and  he  knows  that,   even  as  he  stammers  on;   marty  knows  that  there’s  no  way  he  left  one  small  town  just  to  get  stuck  in  another.      but  looking  at  steph  now,  seeing  her  more  vulnerable  than  ever   -   how  can  he  tell  her  that  ?      “  hey,  if  you  gimme  your  number  m-maybe  we  could  keep  in  touch,   y’know  ?        cali’s  pretty  far  from  here,  but ...  ”
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felinewilesarch · 5 years
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@indignaticn​:    “💋 to kiss my muse”      /       accepting
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     “You don’t want to do this,” words are QUIET and messy as they bubble from the back of her throat. When they’re tangled up like this it’s so very DIFFICULT to tell which frantic heartbeat belonged to her or Quinton. TROUBLE was: they both wanted this. Hell, maybe even needed it in the most DESTRUCTIVE of fashions. You’re going to wreck him, Felicia. A second attempt at talking him out of his own impending doom was short lived, as his lips came down on hers. FUCK IT. Fingers curled against cotton, pulling him in closer. 
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for indignaticn : shoutout to @indignaticn who has been going through a very rough time, i want them to know that they are strong and worthy. that they have an incredible blog and people who love them / love writing with them. so talented.
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hiddengills · 4 years
🌹 if ur ok with it pal!
YES HELLO I ADORE YOU??? Fellow midwesterner sdalgkafkdsa. No but seriously, I’m so glad I decided to follow you, I adore all of your muses, and it’s easy to see all of the thought you put into all of them; I have nothing but Respect for people that write mulitmuses because that’s something I don’t think I could ever do. Each and every one of your muses are Beautiful and I can’t wait for us to actually write more together!mutuals send me a “🌹” and i’ll give you a compliment!@indignaticn
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floralege · 4 years
🌹 if this is ok uwu
hello, yes, you’re one of the nicest people i’ve come across on this website !! you created a group chat where everyone can hype each other up, which is a testament to your wonderfully good and open heart. anybody would be lucky to have someone like you in their life !! on top of that, you’re an amazing writer who always knows how to break my little heart with the details you include for your muses. you put so much care and development into them, i swoon ! 
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forgenotes-archived · 4 years
😍 from drew!! Of course!!
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❛❛    you’re    fucking    sweet    ,        babe    -        even    though    if    you    didn’t    think    i    was    attractive    ,        i    think    we    would    have    a    problem    here    .   ❜❜
@indignaticn    |    TELL   HER   SHE’S   PRETTY  
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slainson · 4 years
𝟑, 𝟒, 𝟓   /       accepting.  
@indignaticn​ sent :  “ i’ll love you always. ” - from quin 
it’s  a  lazy  kind  of  day,  a  calm  day.  once  rare,  becoming  increasingly  less  rare  now.  they  were  just  laying  around  quin  had  been  sketching  but  he   left  it  abandoned  on  the  bed  alongside  him.  and  connor,  he  was  reading.  of  course.  his  book  settled  atop  quin’s  ribs,  his  chest  half  laid  over  the  human’s  legs.  he  was  listening  to  quin  still,  he  was  getting  better  at  that  ___  his  ear  is  trained  to  quin’s  voice  and  it  can  ooze  through  shirley  jackson’s  words.  at  first  he’d  been  talking  about  a  concept  design  for  a  tattoo.  then  what  to  have  for  dinner,  then  something  about  witchcraft  that  connor  will  have  to  correct  him  on  once  he  finishes  this  paragraph.  then  he  feels  a  warm  hand  laid  on  his  cheek.  and  words  that  still  make  his  heart  skip  a  beat  ____  oh,  quin  must  have  felt  it  against  his  thigh.  
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connor  pauses,  dark  eyes  lifting  to  look  up  at  quin.  he’s  happy.  they’re  happy.  a  dimpled  smile  BLOOMS  on  his  face.  shirley   is  squashed  between  them  as  connor  scoots  up.  one  hand  drifting  up  quinton’s  arm,  over  some  fading  lines  and  bumps.  HEALING.  always  healing.  his  fingers  curl  between  quin’s,  squeezing  tight. 
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‘  forever.  ’  connor  agrees,  lips  close  to  quin’s,  then  joined.  
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cometogethcr · 4 years
@indignaticn​​ SAID :  “There’s a place for us somewhere.” - to Robert from drew uwu
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             robert has learned a lot in his forty five years. made mistakes, grown, changed, and if there’s one thing he knows now, it’s that if you spend so much time searching, sometimes you miss exactly what’s right in front of you, something that otherwise could be even better than what you were looking for. a small smile creeps across the mans face. “ well... who’s to say that place isn’t right here? “ 
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weirdostm · 4 years
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@indignaticn​  sent  :  slurred  words  +    lucas /  lavender  
shit  she  was  just  there.  how  did  he  lose  her.  wouldn’t  have  to  worry  about  it  if  she  could  look  after  herself  (  as  much  as  he  would  not  admit  it  she  was  more  than  powerful  enough,  more  than  intelligent  ;  she  was  too  naive.  way  too  fucking  naive  and  this  place  was  dangerous  )  ‘  lavender  !  ’  he  repeats  ___  yells  over  the  music.  it’s  too  loud.  or  maybe  it  just  seemed  it  because  he  was  completely  out  of  his  head.  from  much  more  than  bourbon.  ‘  she’s  like  __  ’  he  makes  a  pain  expression,  throwing  out  a  vague  hand  as  if  he  might  be  expressing  her  height  but  honestly  he  has  no  idea.  how  do  you  give  a  description,  especially  when  he’s  so  fucking  out  of  it.  ‘  she  has  all  these  freckles  ..  ’  they’re  beautiful  
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‘  brown  hair.  stupid  smile.  she  looks  like  she ..  she’s  wearing  a  fucking  flower  crown  even  when  she’s  not.  actually  she’s  probably  wearing  something  cheap.  ’  he  really  needed  to  brush  up  on  his  descriptors.  ‘  she  was  probably  apologized  to  you o-or  someone.  ’  why  does she  do  that,  why  does  she  feel  the  need  to  excuse  her  existence  ??  he  didn’t.  wouldn’t.  and  only  one  of  them  was  tainted.  
‘  sometimes  it’s  like  she’s  not  there.  ’  his  eyes  have  drifted,  doped  and  dizzy.  looking  for  lavender.  forgetting  the  stranger  he  spoke  to.  ‘  like  she’s  a  DREAM.  ’  
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heavytm · 4 years
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KISS MARTY MCFLY!        no longer accepting!   /   @indignaticn​ STEPHANIE SAID:   can i kiss you?
    IT’S THE LEAST HE          can  do  right  now,   isn’t  it  ?           offer  her  comfort  in  any  way  possible  ?        after  all,   steph’s  distressed,   it’s  his   LAST  NIGHT   here  in  derry,   and  he  won’t  have  the  chance  to  offer  her  anything  come  tomorrow.      to  say  its  been  a  whirlwind  week  would  be  an  understatement.        marty  can’t  remember  being  so  scared,  so   CONFUSED   all  at  once.       sure,  he’s  time  traveled,  but  that’s  the  type  of  thing  that  has  an  explanation.       none  of  doc’s  theorems  and  tinkering  can  explain  what’s  happened  here   (  he  doesn’t  even  want  to  try  and  comprehend  IT  ),   what  he’s  feeling  right  now,   the  different  parts  of  him  warring  back  and  forth.     marty  has  felt  so  much  so  fast  that  he  doesn’t  know   WHAT   to  feel  now.    
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       “   ——  do  you  want  to  ?  ”       a  stupid  question,   considering  what  she  had  asked.          marty  has  never  been  good  at  these  sorts  of  things.           ironically,  his  mouth  usually  gets  in  the  way  of  what  he’s  trying  to  accomplish          to  put  an  end  to  it,   he  shakes  his  head,   puckers  his  lips,   and  leans  forward.    
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felinewilesarch · 4 years
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    Never leave it to her to be so damn SILENT. Where’s the snappy comeback? The sass? THE CRUELTY waiting to spew like poison off of the edge of a sharp tongue. It would be so easy to do; push him away - it’s her second nature. Felicia could talk herself into it with EASE. “You’re in way over your head.” Is what was bit out instead. Don’t go easy on him, Cat. Go in for the kill. “Don’t be an IDIOT. You’ll get hurt. You know it.” 
    / @indignaticn​
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hiddengills · 5 years
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The Kindness of Strangers (Accepting) @indignaticn​ sent  “ I think we — switched orders ” - from lavender !!
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At the woman’s comment Remy dips his nose down and sniffs the drink in his hand, No peppermint or raspberry in here and he nods, “D-Defffinitely nnnot mine,” Remy exchanges his drink with her and smiles, “I p-promise I d-didn’t dddrink any of it.” 
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slainson · 4 years
@indignaticn​ said:  [ carry ] my muse carries your muse to their house
quin  is  going  to  drop  him  any  minute,  he’s  sure  of  it.  his  boyfriend  is  strong  but  he’s  too  lanky  to  be  carried  around  like  this.  well  if  quin  does  ..  he’ll  levitate.  but  he’s  not  finished  any  half-hearted  protests.  the  witch’s  arms  are  wound  around  quin’s  shoulder’s  the  human’s  arms  clasped  tight  around  him,  long  legs  poking  out, one  almost  reaching  the  floor  at  this  odd  angle, their  chests  half  pressed  together  as  connor  clings  on.  a  beaming  grin  has  crossed  his  face,  brows  popping  up  as  the  wobble  on  the  way  over  the  threshold and towards the couch.  ‘  we’re  gonna br-break  our  necks.  ’  said  with  a  smile.  ‘  table,  t-table. shuh-shit. ’  he  manages  to  warn  through  a  laugh,  hooking  a  leg  around  the  back  of  quin  to  steer  him  to  the  side.  a  couple  of  more  staggered  steps  and  they  tumble  onto  the  couch.  connor  grabs  his  boyfriend’s  collar  and  gives  him  a  secure  tug  on  top  of  him  before  he  could  slip  of  the  couch.  
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‘  i  c-coulda  done  better.  ’  he  teases.  using  magic,  of  course.  
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multixmused-moved · 3 years
@indignaticn​ // Haruto for Hiroto
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“And....that is my cue to get outta here--”
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bakgos · 3 years
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@indignaticn​ said : 1, 5, & 6 for the questions for muns meme !! | memes for roleplay muns.
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What is your favorite trope to rp?
uggggh there’s so many to choose from and honestly i like MOST of them but i gotta say , i LOVE writing alternate universes. my faves are always like slice of life aus for characters with supernatural / action packed canons bc they get to just. be a little less yknow?? its not as crazy , its not as hard as their canon universes but the situations can still be pretty interesting! im also a huge sucker for ANY enemies to rivals to friends to lovers trope like that slow burn is always so delicious. 
What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
god there’s a lot there too. i’ve actually got a lot of like ... serious , more edgy characters that i do like but i can RARELY play them because i’m always more inclined / in tune with my cheerful , happy , depressed - but - i’ll - smile - through - it babies , because i’ve just always been able to play them much better than the former. there are exceptions , like bakugou , obviously. 
Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
good god i’m gonna keep this short bc if you let me ramble i will be here all day. 
first of all , bakugou’s determination to do his absolute best in life is something i’ve admired since i first saw his appearance. he was a bully and a jackass and it was hard to see that he really does have a zest for his life and what he can accomplish in it to reach his dreams, and it’s honestly something that’s carried me through my own trials throughout these last few years. there’s something just so inspiring about seeing him overcome challenge after challenge, especially when so many of those challenges are internal. it isn’t something you notice much in the series because of how the focus is primarily on deku , but when you DO get those scenes where you see bakugou’s unraveling , where he’s trying so hard to keep it together in the face of a struggle within , idk it really got to me. the way he bottles things up inside is absolutely unhealthy , but i’m glad he’s progressing in a way that has him opening up a little more , showing emotion a little easier. it’s just another way of showing us that he’s starting to care more , about everything.
bakugou’s work ethic is definitely out of this world. the boy may have natural talent here and there , but talent will falter through if you don’t do the proper work to upkeep your skills and we know damn well that bakugou works hard. everyone else does too , obviously , but you have to remember that bakugou has been claimed to be good at everything , by not just himself , but also his own family -- which means that , in order to tackle perfecting skills he’s already good at and be even better than the day before , he has to work EXTRA hard and push past his own limits time and time again. in his eyes , everything can be refined a little bit more ; his landing could be sharper , his blasts could have more firepower , his speed could be more advanced in his aerial movements. bakugou recognizes the importance of hard work even when you have talent like he does and that doesn’t waver in him for a second.
lastly , is his confidence. he’s overconfident and arrogant and all that , but if i had more confidence , even a shrivel of bakugou’s , i know my own life would be better. i know that i’d have the strength to tell people no more often , or say “yes i want this” more often. i wouldn’t let ANYONE step to me a wrong way , or let people who i love walk all over me ( i dont do this as much as i did in the past but it still happens oops ). obviously i don’t want to be a jerk like bakugou can be , but in his confidence there is such strength. strength to be his own person , with his own desires and needs and the ability to obtain them, and not let anyone stand in his way. it doesn’t matter if you’re a loved one , a stranger , or a villain , he’s going to figure shit out for himself and take the necessary steps after. honestly , if he was a little bit nicer , a little bit more polite , bakugou would be so perfect to me. 
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