#indoor activities for kids near me
freakingtrends · 2 years
One of the best vacation places for those seeking adventure is Brownsville, Texas. It is renowned for its year-round good weather, deep-water harbour, and extensive cultural and historical past. The top places for interesting things to do in Brownsville, Texas, have been selected from among the many historical landmarks that are worth seeing in the city. An American businessman who started a…
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alex51324 · 3 months
Vacation 2024, Nockamixon State Park, part 1
This was an exciting trip because, in addition to me and Sophie, for the first few days of the trip we were joined by my sister's teenager, Chloe. Chloe's a fun kid to be around, and it was interesting having another human on the trip!
This time we stayed in a modern cabin. These are have indoor plumbing, and they're newer and more standardized than the rustic cabins. We stayed in a bunch of these when I was growing up, and they're pretty much all this rectangular box:
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There's a nice wraparound porch, and you have your fire ring and grill:
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An interesting thing that happened on this trip was that we arrived and found that the cabin had been broken into. I called the park office, and they said it had been empty the previous week, while they did some work on the plumbing lines, so they hadn't checked it that morning, and at some point some people--kids, I guess?--broke in and had sex. You could tell that's what they did, because, dear reader, they left a used prophylactic device on the floor. Why, when there are two trash cans and a toilet in the cabin, I have no idea, but at least they were being safe. So our first activity upon arriving at the cabin was to wipe down all the surfaces, and wait around for the park ranger to come take a report.
After doing all that, we took a walk along a trail that runs between the cabin area and the lake. Here's the lake:
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Lake with some sailboats!
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The cabin probably has a bit of a view of the lake in fall/winter/early spring, but with the woods fully leafed out (and the recent water line work), our view toward the lake from the porch was unfortunately this:
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However, it's about a five-minute walk to a lovely little spot where you can wade:
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Or walk very carefully down the path to look at the lake in darkness:
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Back at the cabin, going inside you get a main room with sitting area and kitchen:
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And then there's a bunk room:
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When we were staying in these cabins as kids, I always took the bunk set to the left, and my sister had the one on the right. Chloe decided to put the air mattress in the middle!
(I did invite my sister's other teenager, too, but they had some things they wanted to do at home. My sister's youngest kinda did want to come, but he has some medical needs that his parents and I agreed it might not be a fantastic idea for me to be solely responsible for. His Dad took him somewhere fun, and I plan to figure out a close-to-home adventure he can join in on.)
This was my first time being in the Big Room in one of these cabins:
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On the Saturday, we went to a place called Ringing Rocks Park, which is about 15 minutes from the park where we were staying:
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The main feature is this field of boulders, which ring when you hit them with a hammer (or another rock). Per Wikipedia, scientists are not 100% sure why! There are several sites with these special rocks in southeastern Pennsylvania (most of them aren't public, and the other one is on a state game land where you have to hike in), and others in Montana and Western Australia.
Here's a little video of what they sound like:
Sophie was not a fan of the Ringing Rocks, so we stayed near the edge, but Chloe went exploring:
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I'm pretty sure that the person in the distance near the vertical midline of the photo is Chloe, but I'm not 100% sure.
Next up: A Hike! And a Little Treat!
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sotwk · 1 year
this is... such a random question, but i sent an ask awhile ago asking for ur headcanons or ideas on what the bathing habits of elves and dwarves are like. like, do they have bathhouses or private baths? if public, are they separated by sex? are they only accessed by the royalty? i guess im just wondering if you got it. if you didn't and are now just seeing this— id also love to hear if you think baby / youngster legolas liked bathing, or if he was one of those kids who would sooner track mud all over mirkwood than dip his toe in the water.
i also included my personal hc about the dwarves situation, but i don't remember it now
Hello Anon!
I'm sorry it has taken a while to get to this headcanon request, but I did get the original Ask you submitted further a while back:
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Let me just go ahead and address your questions about bathing practices with a few simple answers. 😊
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Did Legolas like baths when he was a child?
Legolas did not dislike baths per se; he was just the sort of child who was always too busy running around getting himself dirty, and having to take baths was kind of a nuisance that he felt was pointless. "I am just going to get dirty anyway!", as his logic goes.
Nonetheless, as a prince, good hygiene was required, so he did bathe regularly with the help of his nursemaid and occasionally the Queen herself.
His baths were done indoors, in a bathroom and tub of his own, where his nursemaid would spend a good amount of time scrubbing the dirt out of his hair and between his fingers and toes.
While Legolas had to be chased down to get into the tub, once he was actually in it, he enjoyed bathing. He liked to take toys and random objects into the bath to play with. Sometimes, he would sing silly songs! And he splashed water out of the tub. A lot.
SotWK-verse fun fact: Legolas's nursemaid was the mother of Haldir of Lothlorien! She raised not only her own 3 sons, but also helped raise all 5 of the Thranduilions, so she had patience in spades.
How did Elves bathe?
In most Elven communities, including Rivendell and Lothrlorien, I believe many elves have bathing spaces inside their own homes, so bathing is, for the most part, done privately. There are a few public bathhouses available, and these are indoor facilities. I don't believe genders are separated, BUT the spaces/tubs are arranged so each person could have their privacy. I think Elves see bathing almost as a ritual, a form of healing of mind and body that should be done with care, in a quiet and calm space.
In Silvan communities such as the Woodland Realm, where social norms are a bit more relaxed and "liberated", you might say, things are different. While the traditional private home baths (more common for lords/ladies) and public bathhouses are available, there are also public outdoor baths, aka communal bathing in rivers/streams/lakes. Most Silvan Elves who reside near bodies of water bathe this way, and there is no privacy or gender separation expected. Although bathing is done in public (and yes, fully unclothed), it is still a calm and relaxing practice. Personal spaces are respected, and everyone goes about their own business without making a fuss or bothering anyone else. Adult Elves don't play or get rowdy when taking baths; it's considered bad manners. Playful behavior is reserved for swimming, which is considered a different activity altogether.
How did Dwarves bathe?
I mean, that Extended Edition scene in Rivendell gave us a pretty clear idea of how these guys get clean, didn't it?
I fully agree with your HCs and the way you described how Dwarves use public bathhouses. I think private baths are less common for them than they are for Elves, because Dwarves are highly social within their own communities. Any activity they can do as a group, they will!
Dwarves seem to have no qualms about getting naked in front of each other, regardless of age or gender or familiarity. It could be a naturally respectful aspect in their culture, or perhaps the way they view their bodies is different from other races. (Could it be the amount of body hair covering them?)
Their bathhouses are massive and grand facilities, intended for long use. Dwarves might not bathe as frequently as Elves, but when they do, they can literally take hours, almost like having a spa day!
Rowdy playtime during baths clearly is acceptable at any age.
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Thank you for reading!
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purplesurveys · 2 months
Are any of your friendships on a fine line? No, I feel very secure with the circle I have, as much smaller as it's gotten over the years.
If I search your room will I find birth control? No but from my room you will hear my neighbors who for some reason seem to have 10 fucking kids under one roof just screeching all day, which also works as birth control.
Do you expect any of your ex’s to call or text you? Her, setting her pride down to reach out first? Not in this lifetime.
Have you ever witnessed a birth? Nope.
Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed? I like being either in my bed, in my car parked somewhere away, or in a coffee shop.
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? Only because it'll still be the weekend then, but we don't necessarily have any plan set for tomorrow.
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Maybe a few weeks ago when I held Angela's hand.
Have you ever faked sick? Sure but very sparingly. I hate lying, and since I don't file many leaves anyway I usually just use my normal vacation leaves.
Do you wear hoodies to bed? Absolutely never, unless it's Jan/Feb.
Are you currently wearing jeans? No. The weather here is constantly hot and humid so after a day of wearing jeans I usually want them off of me as soon as possible lol.
Do you buy eggnog around the holidays? I've never had eggnog and it's not at all a staple in this part of the world. I personally find it appetizing though and would like to try it at least once.
Have you gone to a coffee shop within the past week? [i.e. Starbucks] Yes, I was just in one a couple of hours ago.
Would you like to be able to read thoughts? It would be terrible if it ran 24/7 lmao, but it would be convenient to have that ability when I need to understand someone better.
Are you often the last one to understand a joke? Hehehe, sometimes yeah...
Your first black eye: Did you give it or get it? What's with black eyes and why is this the second consecutive survey to mention them lol? Anyway, I've never had it and I've never given it.
Do you think baseball is a dying professional sport in America? I don't think so? Isn't the Ohtani guy still huge over there? In any case, at least in the eyes of a foreigner, American sports still scream baseball and American football to me.
Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive? Not to me.
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? I've slept in a tent outdoors but it was super tame. It wasn't in the middle of the forest or anything like that, and it was just held in school as an overnight activity lmao.
What does your hair look like at the moment? Acceptable.
Are you mad right now? No, just tired.
Who did you spend your summer with last year? My work.
Did you eat a cookie today? Not today but yesterday.
Have you heard of wreck this journal? Yes. I so wanted one when I was a teenager, but I never got one because I knew I was nowhere near creative enough to make something artsy out of it.
Do you know any one who lives in California? That's like one of the migration hotspot states for Filipinos lmao. I know tons of people who've moved there or who vacation there.
Have you ever been told you were a good writer? Yes.
What do you put on your baked potatoes? Uh, just bacon and cheese. I don't have baked potatoes much.
Have you ever been on a farm? Sure.
Last three texts on your phone are from? All related to work as I don't use text for much else.
What are you listening to? I can hear my fan whirring and birds chirping while taking refuge on my aircon. :)
Are you one to take naps? No. I find sleeping to be a waste of time looooool; my free time is very very precious to me and I want to spend as much of it as possible catching up on the things I like doing the most.
Did you ever have braces? I had them but didn't wear my retainers frequently enough so they got crooked again, so I currently have them again for round two lol.
Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? Nope.
Are you afraid of flying? No. I like being on airplanes. Of course watching videos of plane crashes makes me feel terrible, but I try not to think of the possibility when I do fly.
Do you have freckles? I don't.
Do you have plans for today? Just this and maybe playing my game. I just want to do nothing for as long as I can hahaha.
Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you? Older. I don't know if I can manage a 21 year old...
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? We haven't talked in nearly four hours; we just don't need to anymore.
If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick? Probably avocado.
What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning? Fast asleep.
What was the last thing you drank? Coffee that was way too strong haha. My chest was on overdrive for a while but fortunately it's mellowed down a bit now.
Where did you get the shirt your wearing? Zara.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? No. 
How often do you drink Monster? I've never had it.
Are you easy to get along with? I try to be, but I understand how I could be difficult to crack at first. I've just learned to be more guarded with my boundaries, that's all.
Are you short? 5'1".
Can you ever get enough of mac ‘n’ cheese? The taste does get tiring eventually, especially if I got a big serving; but it's great while I'm still enjoying it haha.
Are you allergic to nuts or dairy products? Not allergic, but I am lactose intolerant so I always need to get alternatives for my milk.
Do you have trust issues? Yes.
Is there someone you want to let go of? Nobody. I've never had a problem cutting off who needs to be cut off.
Do you think age matters in relationships?  Personally, it does.
Do you have any regrets? Sure.
Has anyone ever called the cops on you? Nope.
How old are you? 26.
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nah.
Do you go to church every Sunday? I do with my family. I don't really have a choice until I'm able to move out. I never pay attention though and just use the hour to daydream.
Can you recall the last time you liked someone? I guess, yeah. It was four years ago since I last had feelings like that.
Do you like your height? It'll be cool to be a little taller, but it's not something I'm actively conscious about.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? Discounting work texts, the last guy I talked to isn't.
Could you go a week without brushing your teeth? Absolutely not.
What day is it? Saturday.
Are you usually awake at midnight? I am, yeah.
Does it get really cold where you live? Maybe in like January or February, but that's it.
When you get home from school / work do you change into your pjs right away? Not always right away, because sometimes I'm too tired to do anything else. Those times, I'd just change right before I go to bed.
Have you ever been peer pressured to smoke pot? There was never any peer pressure; me trying it once was my own decision.
Have you ever played the game Sims 3? I don't think I have.
What is the temperature currently in the town you live in? 29C.
Do you ever actually drink milk alone? Nope.
If you don’t have one already, would you consider getting an iPhone? Yeah, it's what I've had since high school.
What year were you born in? 1998.
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xstrike · 2 months
Top 10 Fun and Educational Kids Activities in Dubai
Dubai, a vibrant city known for its luxurious lifestyle and architectural marvels, is also a haven for children. With a plethora of fun and educational activities, it offers an enriching experience for kids of all ages. Whether you're a resident or a tourist, here are the top 10 kids activities in Dubai that blend fun with learning, ensuring a memorable time for your little ones.
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Xstrike UAE
For those looking for action-packed indoor activities near me, Xstrike UAE is the perfect spot. This state-of-the-art tactical entertainment center offers an immersive experience that combines the thrill of video games with physical activity. Kids can learn about teamwork, strategy, and problem-solving while having a blast.
- Tactical entertainment
- Immersive gaming experience
- Promotes teamwork and strategy
Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo
Located in The Dubai Mall, the Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo is a must-visit for families. Kids can marvel at the 10-million-liter tank, home to thousands of aquatic animals, including sharks and rays. The underwater zoo offers educational insights into marine life, making it both an exciting and learning experience.
- Glass-bottom boat rides
- Interactive sessions with marine biologists
- Shark diving experiences
Kidzania, also situated in The Dubai Mall, is an interactive mini-city where children can role-play various professions. This unique concept allows kids to learn about different careers while having fun. From being a doctor to a firefighter, Kidzania provides a realistic and engaging environment for kids to explore and develop new skills.
- Over 80 role-playing activities
- Realistic city layout
- Educational and entertaining
Dubai Science Park
Dubai Science Park is an excellent destination for young minds curious about science and technology. The park offers interactive exhibits and hands-on experiments that make learning fun and engaging. It's a fantastic way to spark interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects.
- Interactive science exhibits
- Hands-on experiments
- Educational workshops
Green Planet
For a taste of the rainforest in the heart of Dubai, head to the Green Planet. This indoor tropical rainforest is home to over 3,000 plants and animals. Kids can learn about different species and ecosystems, making it an educational adventure. The Green Planet also offers interactive sessions with biologists, enhancing the learning experience.
- Indoor tropical rainforest
- Over 3,000 species
- Educational biologist-led tours
Dubai Dolphinarium
Dubai Dolphinarium offers an opportunity for kids to interact with dolphins and seals. The live shows are not only entertaining but also educational, providing insights into marine life and conservation. The Dolphinarium also offers swimming sessions with dolphins, making it a memorable experience for children.
- Dolphin and seal shows
- Educational marine life insights
- Swimming with dolphins
Children’s City
Located in Creek Park, Children’s City is a dedicated learning center for kids. It features interactive exhibits on various subjects such as space exploration, human body, and international cultures. The center also includes a planetarium, adding to the educational value. It's an excellent place for children to learn through play.
- Interactive learning exhibits
- Planetarium
- Focus on space, science, and cultures
LEGOLAND Dubai is a theme park designed specifically for families with children aged 2-12. It offers a range of rides, shows, and attractions based on the iconic LEGO bricks. The park promotes creativity and problem-solving skills, making it a fun and educational outing for kids.
- Over 40 LEGO-themed rides and attractions
- Water park
- Creativity and problem-solving focus
IMG Worlds of Adventure
As the world's largest indoor theme park, IMG Worlds of Adventure provides a variety of thrilling rides and attractions based on popular cartoon characters and superheroes. The park is divided into themed zones, each offering a unique experience. It’s a fantastic place for kids to enjoy and learn through interactive exhibits.
- Four themed zones
- Cartoon and superhero attractions
- Interactive exhibits
Dubai Miracle Garden
Dubai Miracle Garden is a floral wonderland, featuring over 50 million blooming flowers arranged in stunning designs. It’s a great place for kids to learn about different types of flowers and plants. The garden also includes a butterfly garden, adding to the educational experience.
- Over 50 million flowers
- Butterfly garden
- Educational on flora and fauna
Dubai offers a wide range of activities that are both fun and educational for kids. From exploring the wonders of the underwater world at the Dubai Aquarium to role-playing various professions at Kidzania, there is something for every child’s interest. These activities not only entertain but also provide valuable learning experiences, making Dubai a top destination for family fun. So, the next time you search for kids activities in Dubai or indoor activities near me, you’ll know exactly where to go for a perfect blend of fun and education.
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loumauve · 4 months
thanks for tagging me, @novastellaris
Were you named after anyone? accidentally, not on purpose. very much to the dismay of my mum. (my dad forgot that his mother's middle name is the same as the name they picked for me)
When was the last time you cried? earlier today, or maybe late last night? been crying a lot lately, ever sínce my other grandma passed away. I'm always glad when I end up crying over a moving scene in a fic, or some lyrics in a song instead, ngl
Do you have kids? not unless my plant children count? I have quite a few, not as many as I used to, but still plenty. (I think current count is 55, though it used to be over double that at some point)
What sports have you played/do you play? I played soccer in kindergarten/elementary school (still salty over being the only one dressed in pink) but that was nothing serious, and then my asthma got worse and was no longer able to run for long periods of time, plus the hip issues I was born with flaring up a little every now and then. spent ten years in the circus though, which is kind of like sports? poi and juggling, dancing (mostly hip hop, swing, tap), mini trampoline stuff (where I nearly broke my nose and made a bloody mess of my friend's math homework), a lot of balancing (walking/doing tricks on the ball, unicycling, some tightrope walking.. incidentally the same tightrope I smashed my face into during my over-enthusiastic front flip off the trampoline), trapeze.. all kinds of stuff, really. loved it, still remember that time so very fondly even if it left my body a little too wrecked for comfort (my wrists are a mess and my ankles still roll every so often, my ribs still feel bruised whenever I gain too much muscle around the bottom of them, lol) also have dabbled in climbing, mostly indoor bouldering, which I really should get back to, these days the social anxiety gets the better of me though. inline skating which I love and my hips and knees hate, sadly enough.
tldr: I love all kinds of being active and moving around, it's just that my body doesn't agree with most of it.
Do you use sarcasm? a lot of the time, more so when fed up and grumpy or defensive
First thing you notice about people? clothes, maybe? hair, perhaps. faces, but also not in a way where I really remember them? I'm not sure, actually. but the first two are the things I tend to remember the most even long after I've last seen someone
What is your eye color? blue-grey, depending on the lighting it can be either near completely blue or really grey. idk
Scary movies or happy endings? both, preferably together. though, I'm not a fan of artificially happy endings, sometimes bittersweet and a little sad is the best you can get and that's fine with me. more true to real life that way anyhow
Any talents? hm. maybe it's finding all kinds of wonderful knick-knacks and integrating them into my flat to make it wonderfully chaotic and cluttered, but welcoming? (it prevokes either extreme joy or utter despair in visitors who come to my place lol) not sure that counts as a talent though.. I guess I'm real good at getting back up every time life does its best to crush me into a smudge on the sidewalk? can you call that a talent? it's either stubbornness or just straight up spite, definitely not a pretty sight but I make it work, somehow
Where were you born? Dresden, home sweet home. (home of old-ass architecture, the beloved Frauenkirche and Zwinger, eternally indebted and cursed by the river Elbe, sadly haunted by right wing politics) born and raised here, only lived elsewhere for a year and a half, or so. missed it terribly while I was gone, a blessing and a curse, really, but I don't think I'd ever want to move away again, no matter how haunted some places are for me now. I'd miss the river and the Elbsandsteingebirge too much.
What are your hobbies? a little bit of everything. collecting hobbies is another talent of mine. most hobbies last me a few weeks at most before they rest in limbo until I pick them up again, but here's a few: book binding, sewing, painting, video games, board games, reading, dissociating to the perfect (at the moment) song on loop for hours/days straight, sometimes (very rarely these days) writing - fic and poetry, dreaming (a fave, ngl. wouldn't mind if my life was nothing but), finding the most amazing terrible horror films to watch, collecting dice and rolling them until they all show the same numbers, collecting and looking at Magic: The Gathering cards and building decks that I then never end up playing with because I have nobody to play with (rip), making DnD characters that I will never play but have entire backstories for nonetheless, taking care of (and multiplying) my various plant children
Do you have any pets? not at the moment, I used to keep garden snails for a bit, but then I felt bad for them never experiencing the outdoors so I released the latest batch of them to where I found the parents originally. I hope they're alright out there. I'd love to have pets again, but I'm allergic to most furry beings, and my flat isn't a good place to keep non-furry animals either because it gets really cold and draughty in winter and far too hot and stuffy in summer, and I'd rather not subject any critters to that. plus, most of everything in here vibrates whenever I used the washing machine since I live in what used to be an attic space with wooden beams all around, so anything that needs structural integrity (like an aquarium etc) is out as well. I guess at the moment I do have a few visitors though, two tiny spiders that live in my bedroom and bathroom respectively, tucked away in corners where they don't bother me and I try not to bother them, and I regularly get bird visitors outside my bedroom window since I'm still putting out bird food that's left over from me feeding them over the winter, so I have a flock of 8 or so pigeons, a few crows and a few more magpies. not pets, but daily companions nonetheless.
How tall are you? 164 cm, which according to google is around 5'4''
Favorite subject in school? English (as a second language), Art, and maybe Biology? used to be German but then German became all about remembering boring dates and I lost interest
Dream job? no idea, I go where the winds of life blow me. I mean, in an ideal world (where my knees don't suck) I supposed I would have loved to be a graveyard gardener for the rest of my life. that was my favourite time at work ever. OR if we lived in a different time, maybe a lighthouse keeper. sometimes I still dream of that, or of roaming some deep dark woods and I feel so very at peace
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kleoyeager78 · 2 years
10 things I hate about you Ch.4
Warnings: mentions of suicide attempt
y/n's Pov
When I got back to class, I was instantly met by Annie.
"What took you so long"
"I-" I was going to make up some excuse, but she stopped me
"Were you crying?"
"No, I-" I was going to make up another excuse but again she stopped me
"Was Yeager out there?"
"U-" again she wouldn't let me finish my sentence
"I knew I should've gone, him and his friends usually smoke at this time. Did they bother you?"
"Who am I kidding of course they di-"
"Annie stop asking me questions if you aren't going to let me answer" I said getting aggravated
"Huh- oh sorry y/n I was really just talking to myself at this point I expected you to zone out or something"
"Anyways let's go warm up"
"Sure, and you can tell me what he did while we do so"
"Fine but you better not go crazy"
"That right there is why I'm not telling you"
"But you will"
I knew that she was right, so I just sighed and shook my head. if I didn't tell her she would spend an eternity trying to find out.
"Annie let's go" you said basically dragging her outside
(I don't think I said this, but Shadis's classroom has an indoor classroom with a door leading to the outside so if you are confused on why they aren't already outside its because they were standing in the classroom part. I don't know why I felt the need to include this lol)
When we got outside, Annie was still attempting to get the details of what had occurred in the hallway from me, so I told her. And to say that she was livid would be an understatement.
"Just wait till I find him; he'll wish he never laid a finger on you." Annie started rambling about everything she would do to him if he ever came near me again.
I couldn't help but smile when I realized how much she cared. I'd never had anyone care about me as much as Annie did, not even Hitch; she'd always tell me things like "just go with it." or "he just had a bad day, tomorrow will be better." Annie, on the other hand, was different. She was willing to snap anyone's neck, if she thought they were giving me the wrong look. But here's the strange thing: Annie wasn't like this for herself. If someone said something rude to Annie, she would simply walk away, not wasting any of her time.
"LISTEN UP RODENTS" Me and Annie heard Shadis say and immediately started to pay attention
"You will be partnered up for this activity"
Everyone started to look at who they wanted to be their partners to be, and you looked at Annie.
"don't get too happy, I will be choosing your partners" Shadis said with a sinister grin letting us know we most likely won't get the people we want
He began to say the partners once the number of sighs decreased.
"Hitch you're with Marlo" I could hear Hitch and her friends giggling when he said that because they were all aware of her crush on Marlo.
It was eventually my turn when only a few individuals remained, including Annie, so I crossed my fingers and hoped for Annie.
"Y/n you're with Mikasa"
After he said that, my whole mood switched from hopeful to scared. I wasn't scared of Mikasa, well I was but that's not why I was scared I was scared because Mikasa always tried to get every class Eren was in, so he was most likely in this class as well
And when I looked around to check sure enough, she was standing right next to him.
I didn't even notice Shadis had given everyone else their partners because I was to stuck in my own head
"Find your partners so I can explain the activity"
Everyone started to move but I was going to walk up to Shadis and ask to switch. As I was walking up to him, I felt someone grab my hand and yank me. I turned around to see Mikasa
She didn't say anything, she just dragged me, and I didn't stop her because I didn't want problems, especially not with Mikasa.
"Today we are going to be doing a fitness test" Shadis began to explain the directions
I was already aware of what Shadis had in mind for us to do, but I didn't see why we required a partner.
"Due to the fact that most of you had me last year, I didn't feel the need to work you to death. As a result, I gave you partners so that you could alternate activities; how you choose to rotate is entirely up to you and your partner. Quite frankly, I don't care if you don't work at all as long as at least one of you does something."
Well, that explained everything I was thinking.
"I'll do everything you can just sit or do whatever" Mikasa said
The girl most likely could do everything by herself and not lose any energy but I didn't want to let her work all alone like that. I mean we were a team for a reason.
"No, I can d-" She cut me off before I even got a chance to speak
"Listen I don't need your bad lungs and inability to stay on track messing me up so like I said I'm going to do everything and you're going to sit understood"
"Um my health might not be the best but I'm sure I can help with something" I said not even trying to hide how her words offended me
"Listen y/n like I said you aren't going to mess me up so no you aren't going to help with anything"
I gave up attempting to help because Mikasa was not going to let me, and the activities were about to begin, so if I made her late, I would only have given fuel to the fire. So, I proceeded to the bench where everyone else was waiting for their partners.
When I arrived at the bench, I was shocked to see Annie sitting there; the first activity was running, which she was good at, so I was wondering why she wasn't the partner running since they couldn't possibly be a faster runner than she was.
"Hey, why aren't you running" I said sitting next to her
"Renier had made a ridiculous bet with Connie that he would beat him in a race, so he insisted on running for us."
"Oh, that makes sense"
After chatting with Annie for a while, suddenly, someone approached me and threw a cup of ice water in my face.
"What the fuck" I said taken aback by the action
"What the fuck is your problem" I heard Annie say and my senses immediately came back because I knew Annie was probably going to get violent.
"Geez it was Just an accident" The person who spilt water on me said and I recognized the voice it belonged to one of Hitches friends her name was Abigail.
Abigail was a hoe like the rest of the girls in that group, but she was different because in addition to being a hoe she was a backstabbing home wrecker who was known for sleeping with one of her best friend's boyfriend and when her friend found out she had her friend beat up by multiple people and then when she realized her best friend had no one she paid dudes to act interested in her, get her nudes, and post them all on social media. This led her friend to make three suicide attempts, all of which failed. However, her friends' parents continued to press accusations against her, but Abigail pretended to be innocent, and her money, of course, bought her way out of the charges. She was also one of the girls who was obsessed with Eren to the point of making a one-night stand appear like a relationship and fabricating a pregnancy in order to keep him, so naturally when Eren told her that he still didn't want anything to do with her but would take care of his child she stopped because I'm guessing she realized how desperate she looked.
But she was also known for starting drama so when she threw water in my face Annie didn't take it lightly.
"Accident my a-" Annie was about to say something but I quickly interrupted her
"If she said it's an accident it probably is, no need to fuss over it"
"Yeah, it's not like you didn't need it" Abigail said
"What the hell is that suppose to mean" Annie said getting even more mad now
"I mean she looks dry as fuck does, she not"
For some reason I didn't notice Abigail attracted a crowd until I heard people snickering.
"Isn't that what every man you get with says after the first night, come on i'm going to need you to be more original" Annie was quick to defend you as usual.
The crowd grew louder, and the number of eyes on you increased your discomfort.
"The running is almost over I'm going to get Mikasa some water" you whispered to Annie
Although you probably shouldn't have left her alone, you didn't care because you needed to get away from this atmosphere, and if it meant letting Annie beat the fuck out of Abigail, so be it.
While you were gone, Annie and Abigail continued to argue, and Abigail's friends made the decision to get involved.
"Why do you even hang out with that junkie?" Abigail asked
"Why can't you ever shut the fuck up" Annie responded
"I'm just saying it's not like you gain anything from hanging out with her"
"You aren't supposed to gain anything from being friends with someone, but since you aren't a true friend, I suppose you wouldn't realize that."
"Friendship shouldn't be a burden, but because y/n is your only friend, I suppose you wouldn't realize that."
Annie did not have a response for that. She didn't think of you as a burden; rather, she was taken aback whenever you were referred to as her friend.
Because Annie had never seen someone like that before, and the fact that other people saw you like that made her question how close you two appear from the outside.
But nevertheless, Abigail took Annie's silence as her being defeated.
"Oh, so I guess the little druggy is a burden? I mean it's not that hard to tell it must get tiring having to pay for all her drugs, right?"
"Shut up you don't know anything about her"
"But I do I know she takes a lot after her mom if you know what I mean" Abigail said with a giggle which pissed Annie off
"And her dad - " Before Abigail could finish her sentence Annie cut her off
"How the fuck do you know that?" Annie was quick to shut her up because she knew you didn't want people to know any of this.
"Oh, I have my sources?" Abigail said referring to Hitch
Annie sent Hitch the dirtiest look which did not go unnoticed by Hitch
"Don't look at me like that, Annie; you don't even want to be friends with her, and we all know it's out of pity. Seriously, who wants to be friends with someone who has such a crappy life? She's pathetic really."
"She's the pathetic one? Hitch, you should be disgusted with yourself. You deserted someone who would have given you the world if you had asked for it, and for what? Some dick from a man who treats girls like they're nothing, and for friends who would ditch you the moment you even consider debating with them."
"So, what it's better than having a junkie for a friend"
"You are part of the reason she's a junkie"
"And that doesn't sound toxic to you Annie? She was that dependent on me that she had to use substances when I left"
"I'm not saying you're terrible for leaving that environment, but you did that to her: you gave her weed and promised her it would make her feel better, didn't you? You told her it would help her get rid of her issues, didn't you? You slept with Eren behind her back knowing how he treats her didn't you? But you didn't care because you never gave a fuck about her, did you?"
"I-" Annie didn't even let her finish her sentence
"You didn't, despite everything, and you don't now, because if you did, you wouldn't be going around discussing her family life."
Hitch couldn't say anything because she knew she was right.
"And, despite everything you've done to her, she'd still welcome you back with open arms."
Hitch still couldn't say anything.
"However, Hitch, she's more of a friend than you ever will be."
That was the last thing Annie said before leaving to find you because she knew you were probably crying from Abigail's hateful comment about you.
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daman19942 · 1 year
I’m slow to do this because I’m recovering from a small surgery, but thank you to @plumbtales & @polynovskaya for tagging me. Not going to tag anyone because I’m late and still feeling like a zombie, but here goes:
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, my parents just liked the name and thought it fit well with my brothers’ names.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh boy, last week? I’ve watched a few Ozu films lately and they are just devastating. Haven’t cried from the surgery yet, but that’s coming soon. 
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Single and not planning to have kids at this time.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It may not come across here, but absolutely. 
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Growing up with brothers, I played a bunch of sports. Baseball, soccer, golf, etc... I’ve been getting back into rock climbing since moving to Los Angeles (indoors, not outdoors yet). I need to be active to stay sane. 
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Either their eyes or if they have a warm / cold personality. Don’t be self-centered. 
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I’m not a horror movie person in the slightest. 
8. Any special talents?
I’ve done a little Ninja Warrior training (obstacle courses and other challenges) so I think that is pretty special. Though I’m nowhere near an expert at that. 
9. Where were you born?
New England. I haven’t lived there in more than a decade but I miss it more and more. 
10. What are your hobbies?
I’d say video games but TS2 is basically the only game I play at this point. Watching movies, writing, reading, staying active. I’m currently trying to learn Norwegian, so I’m counting that too. 
11. Do you have any pets?
I do not, but I badly want a dog after I graduate and have a more sensible schedule. 
12. How tall are you?
Average height! 5′9″
13. Fave subject in school?
English first, then film studies. I always loved the humanities and hate to see them dwindling in popularity as college becomes unreasonably expensive that students think they need to pivot to STEM to make enough of a living to pay off loans. You learn such vital reading comprehension, writing, and research skills in the humanities, and I think our cultural literacy is already suffering because of it. 
14. Dream job?
I’d say watching, writing, and reading about movies and TV would be pretty close to a dream job, and that’s what I’m trying to do by coming back to grad school. Of course, that doesn’t come with a ton of financial security. So that + being independently wealthy to make it all the more enjoyable. 
15. Eye colour?
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razorsadness · 1 year
A week ago Thursday, I took a long walk around my neighborhood. Later, at night, I sat out on the back steps for a while, listening to all the night sounds: the pop and snap of wood burning in a neighbor’s fire pit, critters rustling in the weeds, the lonesome howl of a freight train in the near distance.
The next day started off kinda shitty. I was dealing with more confusing and annoying bureaucratic red tape re: energy assistance, plus some other stuff along similar lines, and the kids were cranky, and I was feeling all sad and cranky myself and dwelling on some old issues that rear up from time to time—maybe cuz of PMS, maybe cuz of Mercury Rx, probably a little of both. C. and I took a little outing to the garden center, and I got some more soil for this year’s garden, and some pansies for outside, and a little African violet for indoors. That helped a bit, but when I got back, I was still stressed and sad, and P. could tell, and he told me to take the rest of the evening to do whatever would make me feel better. So I had a tiny bit of an edible, then took a long, hot bath and ate some dark chocolate, and it worked wonders.
Saturday was better. I wrote a poem, worked on editing some poems, and submitted some poems to a couple lit zines. After the kids were asleep, P. and I had sex.
That night I had a strange dream that P. and I were visiting some old friends of his, and we were there for hours and hours and I wanted to leave because I was tired, but he decided he had to make this elaborate slow-cooked pepper sauce (??) before he left. So I was like: “Can I just leave, and you can crash here?” But he said that would be rude so I had to stay, too and I was pissed. I don’t know where the fuck that dream came from.
The next day my anxiety was through the roof—about (lack of) money, about bills, about other things that I couldn’t even identify. And we were going to have dinner with my mom because my dad was out of town, and having dinner with my parents often stresses me out. But it turned out okay. I remembered that my parents are much less awful to be around when it’s just one of them, not both.
That night I had another weird dream. I was in Chicago, at a zine fest held at my alma mater, CCC (much like the actual MWPZF was, last October), and I had a new zine with me that I’d just finished the day before and hadn’t had a chance to make copies of. (Which, again, is much like real life experiences I’ve had—I’m notorious for rushing to make copies the day before or day of zine fests.) Anyway, someone told me there was a Xerox machine in one of the offices where they’d let me make copies for free, so I went there. The guy working was this super hot punky French dude named Guillaume, and it was like we locked eyes and immediately knew we wanted to bang. We were just gonna fuck right there in the office, but people kept coming in and interrupting us, so we couldn’t. Later, we decided to go find a hotel and get a room and fuck there, so we were wandering downtown Chicago looking for a hotel we could afford, and we finally found one—but it was being used as a vaccine clinic, and was so packed with people waiting to get vaxxed that we couldn’t even get inside to see if there were rooms available. Also my parents were there for some reason, waiting to get vaccines at a hotel in Chicago, which kinda killed my horny mood. It was a terribly frustrating dream. And also hella weird. (And also my dream dude Guillaume was really hot, and he’s been popping up in my fantasies ever since.)
The first of May was probably the best day of the week. It was too cold and rainy to do any outdoor activities, but I taught D. a bit about the labor rights/anarchist history of May Day for school, did a bunch of artsy-crafty stuff, did some witchy stuff. I started mapping out my new poetry project—a (book-length!) sonnet sequence about a love affair I had in the summer of 2005. I’d already planned on writing a poem about that lover and that summer, but then realized I had more to say about it than would fit in just one poem. Then I thought of a book I recently read and loved—Maggie Millner’s Couplets, which is a book of poems about a love affair—and thought: oh! I could write a book of poems about it! And then I thought of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s Fatal Interview, and thought: oh! the book could be a sonnet sequence! Which is incredibly nerdy, I know, but is also super exciting for me, as I’ve been getting back into sonnets with a vengeance; and seems especially appropriate considering that the spring/summer of 2005 was when I first got obsessed with Edna Millay and with writing my own sonnets. Later, I listened to electro-swing while making pasta primavera for dinner. And P. and I got to have sexytimes again that night.
Tuesday, my period started, and my anxiety was through the roof again. But I did yoga, which helped a little, as did listening to some good old fashioned punk rock. And I worked a bit more on my sonnet-book, which, I decided that day, will be titled Untrue Aftermath—both because it has the same syllable count as/a similar feeling to Fatal Interview, and because it comes from a sonnet I wrote in the summer of 2005.
I started off Wednesday feeling so good. I did yoga, made myself a strawberry-blueberry-banana smoothie for breakfast. But then I got a phone call from energy assistance saying that I needed to call back and verify more stuff—stuff which I had already verified, by the way—or my application was going to expire. Which sent me into a panic, because I’d already received the disconnection notice from the power company, and though I didn’t know what day they’d turn it off, I knew it wasn’t far off. So I verified it all again, and then kept calling back to make sure they had all the information they needed and my application wouldn’t expire, and they assured me it was fine! It was all good now! So I thought I had that taken care of, but I was still stressed just from dealing with it, and also was thinking about my cousin C.W., who was going into surgery later that day, to remove part of his colon and intestines, due to cancer.
But the day got better. It was sunny, and warm enough to go outside and plant the pansies and get some veggies sprouting. We also did other yard work, like cutting back the mulberry bushes which are trying to overtake the yard, and then I helped C. build a lean-to from some of the mulberry branches. Then I worked on more of Untrue Aftermath, and P. and I cooked delicious Jamaican jerk burgers for dinner. And I got good news about my cousin—the surgery went well, and they’re pretty sure they got all the cancer.
I didn’t sleep well that night, either. At first it was fun being up late; I sat on the porch alone to listen to the night sounds, to dream and scheme. But then, even when I wanted to go to sleep, I couldn’t, and started, once again, worrying about everything.
I woke up the next day exhausted, with jaw and tooth pain, because I sometimes grind my teeth in my sleep when I’m stressed. The morning light on the yard was beautiful, though, and in the afternoon, I dropped D. off with my parents, and went to run a couple errands. I was feeling good, driving around, drinking an iced coffee, looking at all the trees in bloom and singing along to old favorite songs I still love. I thought I’d get home, work on my sonnet sequence, and make a cake. And then I got home and I just crashed. I felt ancient and tired and sad and ugly. I started missing the good old bad old days, while simultaneously feeling like I was in them.
Let’s see if I can explain…working on Untrue Aftermath, well, I’ve been delving back into the summer of 2005, reconstructing events and emotions from old journal entries and photographs and mix tapes. But what sometimes happens when I fall too deep into the nostalgic k-hole of a particular timeframe—it’s happened before, and it happened this time—is, I start remembering things I hadn’t even kept record of, and I start feeling how I felt back then, and then the wave of memories and emotions becomes so vivid and intense that it feels like it’s happening again, in real time. Which, to paraphrase myself, is good for my writing, but so very bad for my delicate heart.
But then the other thing that happens is that, though I may be experiencing all the old memories and feelings in real time, my brain also likes to remind me of all the ways that the Now is not like Ye Olde Days. That was happening on Thursday, too. You know, my brain was going: Remember all your lovers and all your adventures? You barely have adventures anymore. And you’ll never have a new lover again, not just because of the relationship you’re in but because you’re old and ugly and no one would even want you. (To quote an Edna St. Vincent sonnet that’s not from Fatal Interview: I only know that summer sang in me / A little while, that in me sings no more.)
All that got me too sad and restless to focus on writing or baking. So I read my friend Jonas’s newest book, and built some LEGOs with C., and ate linguini and clam sauce for dinner. Later, I sat out on the front porch again and watched the almost-full Flower Moon rising through the flowering trees. It wasn’t what I wanted, but it was what I had, and it was enough to get me through.
Friday, I woke up in a better mood, and the weather was good. I had such plans for the day. I was going to bake the cake, and then we were going to do more gardening, and then make burritos (with homemade guacamole) for dinner. I was in the middle of making the cake—batter was more than half done, oven was preheating—when our gas and electricity got shut off. I immediately called energy assistance to see what the fuck was going on. The woman I talked to was like: “Well, see, it was really confusing because you reported this and then you reported this conflicting thing, you sent in this form but then sent in that other form, blah blah.” And I didn’t yell because I knew it wasn’t her fault individually, but I said: “It was confusing to me, too! I only sent in and verified what I was asked to, it’s not my fault that people told me to send in and verify conflicting things.” She said: “We can book you for a crisis appointment over the phone at 4:40 p.m. today, to cancel out your previous application and put in a crisis one.” I agreed to it, but said: “This would not have been a crisis situation had everything been processed a month ago like it should have been.” I was pissed. For once in my life I was on top of my end of shit, and this still happened?!
We packed as much of our refrigerated food as possible into an ice chest with a bunch of ice and packed all our frozen food (plus the meat for the burritos) into the big freezer in our basement with several large bags of ice. Then I booked a hotel room for the night, and put a call for help on my main blog.
It may have been slightly irresponsible, financially, to book a hotel room, rather than stay with my parents—but mentally/emotionally, it was the right thing to do. Because my parents would have made that night hell for me. Whenever anything like this has happened in the past, even if I am not asking them for financial help and am finding other ways to take care of it myself, they just berate me, endlessly. “Why didn’t you just pay the bill off months ago?” they say. “We didn’t have the money,” I tell them. “Why didn’t you have the money? Why don’t you get a better job? Why doesn’t P. get a better job? Blah blah blah.” This time would have been no different. They wouldn’t have cared that it actually wasn’t my fault, that I applied for assistance as soon as I knew I wouldn’t be able to pay the bill, and that I stayed on top of it but e.a. didn’t have their shit together. No, that wouldn’t have mattered at all. They would have insisted on giving me the money to pay the bill—even if I told them I didn’t want them to, and was working on other ways to get the power back on. Then they would have spent the rest of the night lecturing me about how they shouldn’t have to help me out financially like that anymore and can’t afford to now that my dad’s retired (which I know and agree! which is why I wouldn’t ask them to!), and on all the ways in which both I and my partner are fuck-ups (which, news flash: lecturing someone about how they’re a failure doesn’t help them not be a failure).
Once we got to the motel, I did the math, and figured out that if I got around $1000 from my emergency post, I could put that together with the money I had set aside for rent, ask my landlord to hold off on cashing the check until I get paid from my most recent proofreading gig (which should be by the 10th, and she usually doesn’t cash our rent checks until after the 10th of the month anyway), and pay the minimum balance to get the power turned back on, so that even if the e.a. thing didn’t work out, I could still get our power back on the next day.
Then I had the crisis appointment. If only they had given me one of those a month ago, it wouldn’t have been a crisis! The woman I spoke to this time was actually on top of things. She gathered all the information she could from our previous application, and just asked me to verify/clarify a few more things. The approval for the amount of help they can give went through right away, but she told me the payment wouldn’t go through until Wednesday. Well, fuck, I thought, there’s no way we can afford to stay in a motel for that many nights, plus by then all our food would spoil, and we can’t afford to replace all that, either. So I was just praying that my emergency post would get enough of a response that I could pay the minimum the next day. I asked the woman from e.a. what would happen if I did that, if it would somehow cancel the assistance, and she said no, it would just go toward paying off whatever was left on the bill and/or be put towards the next one.
After that, there was nothing more I could do for the night other than periodically reblog my emergency post, so I decided to try and enjoy myself/relax as best I could. I did have a brief thought that the universe heard me longing for ye olde days, and decided to grant my wish, in a very monkey’s paw way. Like: Oh, you want the old days back? The days of adventure, when you could never afford to pay your bills on time and were constantly living with no gas or electricity? Fuck, Universe, that’s not what I meant; guess I should have been more careful what I wished for.
But I also did get a bit of the good parts of the old days—namely, staying in a roadside motel. I just love hotels and motels so much. All the people coming in and out, the free coffee 24/7, the way that they’re liminal spaces so even if you’re staying in your own town it’s like you’ve stepped out of daily time and into something different. We ordered pizza for dinner, cuz one of the better pizza places in town opened up a new carryout-and-delivery spot just down the road from where we were staying, and they delivered it right to the room. P. and I both took long hot showers; the kids both took baths.
I kept going outside to smoke, which I have been so good about not doing recently, but all the stress just fucking got to me and I caved. I’d go outside to smoke, watch the cars pulling into and out of the parking lot, the people checking into the hotel, the parking lot across the way with the rehab center next to the coffeeshop where I saw Adam Fell do a reading back in early 2018. I watched and listened to the redwing blackbirds, swooping and chirring in the roadside marsh. In my head, I played a medley of all my favorite hotel and motel songs. One of them being, of course, “Can’t Hardly Wait.” And at one point I noticed that most of the vehicles in the parking lot had Minnesota plates. Turned out that there was a youth football team from Minnesota staying there for the night. And then a little while later, outside having another smoke, this trio of young punks approached me—I guess they saw my tattoos and my t-shirt with the sleeves torn off and knew I was one of them—we all stood around smoking and chatting, and it turned out they were a punk band…from Minnesota. What are the fucking odds?
I was up late. Full moons and motels both make me restless, plus I was still worried about the power situation. Wondering if my emergency post would get enough traction to get me the money I needed; wondering if my landlord would be pissed when I asked her to hold the rent check, and if I’d have to pay her the $50 late fee. I was up late, sipping whiskey, wishing that I was having a fun motel night of drinking and sex rather than the type of motel night I was having, but I was enjoying myself despite it. When I went out to have my last cigarette of the night, and look at the full moon, I took my little plastic motel cup of ice & whiskey out with me, and the Minnesota punks were out there too, smoking and drinking beer. We talked again. They asked me to come party with them in their room, and I was like “oh, boys, thank you, but I am here with my husband and kids and I don’t think they’d appreciate me bailing on them to go party.” I mean I really was thankful that they asked me. Made me feel like I’m not so old and boring after all, if some punk kids nearly two decades younger than I am think I’m cool enough to party with.
When I finally fell asleep, I dreamt that I met [redacted] and we got drunk and had sloppy-drunk motel sex.
In the morning, we partook of the complimentary breakfast and coffee, and I checked on the money and energy situation. People really stepped up, I got enough that I could have paid the minimum balance and any late fee my landlord asked. So I called the energy company, asked them how I needed to pay the balance to get my power back on that day, and they let me know. I went on the website, and as I was entering my information to pay, I mean I was literally about to hit the ‘complete payment’ button, I got a phone call from energy assistance. Telling me that, because they’d marked it as a crisis, their assistance amount went through that day instead of needing to wait until Wednesday. So I called the power company back, they confirmed it had gone through and told me how much I now owed, and because it was less than I’d initially thought due to the assistance going through, I was able to pay the bill completely off without even needing to put a hold on the rent check.
After that, we packed up, grabbed some more free coffee (and cocoa for the kids) from the lobby, checked out, came home, and called the power company one last time to get the power back on. Then we checked our food—everything was still good, hallelujah.
The rest of Saturday, I was exhausted, but happy. Glad to be home. Thinking maybe I learned a couple lessons from all this. One being that if I ever need energy assistance again, I should apply at least two months ahead of time. The other being: appreciate what you have. Adventure’s not all it’s cracked up to be, at least not when it comes with that kind of chaos. And I was appreciative. Appreciative that friends and strangers alike helped me out when I most needed it. Appreciative that the energy assistance came through after all, even if it was last minute. Appreciative that the food was still good, and we were able to make the guacamole and burritos for dinner that we’d planned on making the night before.
I was so sure I’d sleep well that night because I was so tired. I fell asleep fine, but then C. woke up in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to get him back to sleep. And then even when he did fall back to sleep, I was awake for another couple hours.
So yesterday I was even more exhausted than I was Saturday. I mean, I hadn’t slept well in several nights; that was a problem even before the power outage. I was exhausted, and C. was exhausted and cranky, and I had to catch up on a bunch of laundry. But it wasn’t all bad, in fact there was a lot of good. The weather was beautiful. A couple of the poems from one of the lit zine submissions I sent out at the end of April got accepted for publication. I got hired for a new proofreading gig, a pretty well-paying one. Because of that, and the fact that I’m getting the paycheck from my last gig very soon, and the fact that my energy bill is now square, I actually have a teeny bit of extra money—which I’m using a portion of to give to other causes and people who are in urgent situations right now. Then, last night, we went to have dinner with my parents. We did tell them some of what happened on Friday, but because it was no longer urgent we could play it off as ‘oh, our power was out for a night, we stayed in a motel, it was an adventure,’ and there was no lecture and everything was fine. They watched the kids for a bit; P. and I went to get takeout to bring back for everyone, and had a round of beers while we waited. (My parents treated us.) I was absolutely enamored by the bartender and the two waitresses. They were all queer femmes (takes one to know one); these young, rough-ass bitches (and oh, I mean rough-ass bitches in an absolutely positive way) wearing these ridiculous, amazing outfits (stuff I would love to wear but probably wouldn’t have the guts to; but probably would have worn when I was as young as they are). And Halsey’s “Bad At Love” came on, and they all started singing along, at the top of their lungs and so full of feeling in that “I’ve been there” way and god, I love people. Truly, I do. Then, dinner with the kids and the parents, and it was actually pleasant and low-key, for once. And then home again, home again, once again exhausted and happy. We all finally slept well. I only woke up in the night once. I was having a dream in which I was reading a beautiful poem (I am one of those rare people who can actually read text in my dreams sometimes), and I woke up with one line from the poem still in my mind. I rolled over, pulled up the notes app on my phone, typed it in, then went back to sleep. This morning, I read what I’d typed: in the time of the witches / the streets were smoked with blue perfume. That’s pretty excellent. I need to use it (or something like it) in a real poem. Today I started my new proofreading gig, did schooling with the kiddos. I had to make one last call to the power company, to make sure the payment/arrangement went through so we don’t end up in that situation again; according to them it’s all good and now this hellish cycle of phone calls and panic is done. I’m not in the best mood today—all the stress of the past few days has worn me down; and everything has been so weird and wild lately that the past few days has felt more like a few weeks. And oh, now our oven is crapping out, which is another thing we can’t afford. Plus it’s rainy and chilly again, so I can’t go outside and garden or just sit in the sun, and I’m just kinda sad, really. I’m trying to make the most of today and not get into a total funk. I dressed up in a way that’s comfy and fabulous at the same time. I made myself a box of Annie’s mac and cheese for lunch, because that’s one of my comfort foods. Now I’m drinking tea, and I’m hoping to find the time to work on poetry stuff later. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be better, so I’m planning to go to the library (I have a novel on hold there that I’m very excited for); maybe go to the post office (some people ordered books and zines from my emergency post; also the post office has Lichtenstein stamps now and I need some!). Over all, I am so grateful for how everything turned out. It’s been a fucked up few days, but it could have been a lot worse. And next time I’m lonely for adventure? Please remind me that just a trip to the library or a walk around my neighborhood will suffice.
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travelblogonus · 1 day
A Perfect Trip Plan to Visit St. Louis: Exploring the Gateway City
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Planning a trip to St. Louis? This vibrant city offers a blend of history, culture, and fun activities for travelers of all ages. Whether you're seeking iconic landmarks, kid-friendly attractions, or luxurious accommodations, St. Louis has something for everyone. Here's a brief guide to making the most of your visit.
Day 1: Exploring Iconic Landmarks and Attractions
When visiting St. Louis, the first thing on most itineraries is the Gateway Arch, one of the most recognizable landmarks in the United States. Standing 630 feet tall, it offers breathtaking views of the city and the Mississippi River. Take a tram ride to the top for a unique experience, then explore the Gateway Arch National Park for a stroll or a picnic.
Afterward, dive into the city's rich history at the Old Courthouse, located nearby. It’s the site of the famous Dred Scott case and offers insights into the history of civil rights in the U.S. From here, you can walk to Laclede’s Landing, a historic district filled with cobblestone streets, great restaurants, and nightlife.
For those interested in art and culture, visit the St. Louis Art Museum in Forest Park. Housing a vast collection of art spanning centuries and continents, this museum is a must-see for art lovers.
Start your trip with a visit to the Gateway Arch, one of the top tourist attractions in St. Louis. After soaking in the view, explore Forest Park, home to the St. Louis Zoo, the Art Museum, and Missouri History Museum—all great places to visit in St. Louis, especially if you're traveling with kids.
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Day 2: Family Fun and Kid-Friendly Activities in St. Louis
Looking for kid-friendly activities in St. Louis? Day 2 of your trip is all about family fun. Head to Forest Park, which is home to a variety of free attractions that kids will love. Start at the St. Louis Zoo, consistently ranked among the top zoos in the country. From elephants and penguins to big cats and reptiles, there’s something here for everyone.
Another great family attraction in Forest Park is the St. Louis Science Center. With hands-on exhibits, a planetarium, and an Omnimax theater, it's an educational yet entertaining stop for kids and adults alike.
After exploring the zoo and science center, visit The Magic House, a children’s museum full of interactive exhibits. From a giant slide to the kids' courtroom, this museum is packed with activities that will keep young minds engaged for hours.
If you're in the mood for something more adventurous, check out City Museum, an indoor playground for all ages. With its repurposed industrial materials, secret tunnels, and rooftop ferris wheel, it’s one of the most fun places near me in St. Louis for families.
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Day 3: Outdoor Adventures and Dining
After a day outdoors, explore the Delmar Loop for dining and entertainment, or take in a game at Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals.
St. Louis is home to some beautiful outdoor spaces, perfect for a relaxing day in nature. Visit the Missouri Botanical Garden, one of the oldest and most renowned botanical gardens in the country. Stroll through the Japanese Garden, admire the tropical plants in the Climatron, or explore the seasonal displays that change throughout the year.
For more outdoor adventure, take a walk along the Mississippi Riverfront. The area offers scenic views, riverboat tours, and several great spots to grab a bite to eat.
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Where to Stay in St. Louis
Finding the perfect place to stay is easy with options ranging from luxury accommodation booking to cozy suites. If you're traveling with family or pets, look for hotel suites near me that cater to your specific needs.
For those who want to experience the height of luxury, the FAIRFIELD BY MARRIOTT is a popular choice. Located near the Mississippi River, this 5-star hotel offers stunning views of the Gateway Arch and downtown. The hotel boasts a rooftop pool, world-class dining, and spacious suites perfect for families or couples looking for an indulgent stay.
Another great option for upscale travelers is Millennium Minneapolis Known for its timeless elegance and impeccable service, this hotel is located in the upscale Clayton neighborhood, just a short drive from downtown. Guests enjoy luxury accommodations, a top-tier restaurant, and a relaxing spa.
For families or those traveling with pets, the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch is an excellent choice. Located right next to the Gateway Arch, this hotel offers spacious rooms and suites, making it ideal for families. They also offer pet-friendly amenities, ensuring your furry friends can join in on the fun.
If you're searching for hotel suites near me with a modern twist, the Angad Arts Hotel offers artistic, colorful suites and a rooftop bar with stunning views of the city. This boutique hotel combines creativity with comfort and is located in the heart of the Grand Center Arts District.
For convenient booking of your ideal stay, head over to B0arding.com to secure a room at one of these premium hotels in St. Louis.
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partypluss-blog · 12 days
Exciting Kids Birthday Party Ideas: Finding the Perfect Venue and Entertainment in Singapore
Planning a child’s birthday party can be a challenge, but with the availability of soft play in Singapore and exciting options like kids birthday venues in Singapore, it’s easy to create an unforgettable celebration. Whether you’re searching for outdoor game rentals near me or thinking about incorporating a fun balloon dome, the right combination of activities will keep children engaged and entertained throughout the event.
Finding the Perfect Kids Birthday Venue in Singapore
When organizing a birthday party, one of the first decisions is selecting the right venue. Singapore offers a variety of options that cater to different themes and activities. If your child enjoys active play, choosing a venue with soft play in Singapore can make the party even more enjoyable. These indoor play zones are filled with padded play structures, allowing kids to jump, climb, and explore safely.
Alternatively, if you're looking for an outdoor celebration, many kids birthday venues in Singapore offer outdoor spaces that can be transformed into a fun playground. When combined with outdoor game rentals near me, such as sack races, giant Jenga, and inflatable games, the party becomes a high-energy experience that kids will love.
Why Choose Soft Play for Kids' Birthdays?
Soft play in Singapore is a popular choice among parents because it provides a safe environment for children to engage in physical activities. These play areas are designed with cushioned surfaces and are tailored to suit toddlers and younger children. They promote social interaction, enhance motor skills, and most importantly, ensure that children have fun in a secure setting.
Many venues that offer soft play in Singapore also provide flexible packages that include birthday decorations, snacks, and even entertainment options like balloon twisting or face painting. This means that parents can relax and enjoy the party while everything is taken care of by the venue staff.
Outdoor Game Rentals: The Perfect Solution for Active Kids
For those looking to host a party outdoors, finding outdoor game rentals near me is a great way to incorporate a range of fun activities. Outdoor games are perfect for creating an exciting atmosphere where kids can burn off their energy while participating in group activities. Classic games like tug-of-war, water balloon tosses, and obstacle courses bring an extra level of excitement to the party.
For parents who are looking for unique entertainment options, renting inflatables such as bouncy castles or obstacle courses can also elevate the party experience. By combining outdoor games with inflatable fun, the birthday celebration will surely be remembered for years to come.
The Appeal of Balloon Dome Rentals
A balloon dome is another fantastic addition to any children’s birthday party. This inflatable structure is large enough to fit multiple kids inside, offering them a magical space filled with balloons where they can bounce around and play. A balloon dome not only adds a visual centerpiece to the party but also serves as a safe play area for children of all ages.
The whimsical nature of a balloon dome makes it a popular rental option for both indoor and outdoor venues. Kids can spend hours playing inside the dome, which is why it's such a hit at birthday parties. Adding themed decorations or colored balloons to the dome can make it even more exciting and align it with the overall theme of the party.
Choosing Between Indoor and Outdoor Venues
When planning a birthday party, one major decision is whether to host it indoors or outdoors. Both options have their advantages, but the choice often depends on the weather and the activities planned. If you’re hosting a party during the rainy season, an indoor Kids Birthday Venue Singapore with soft play areas might be the better option. This ensures that the fun continues regardless of the weather.
On the other hand, if you're planning a party during Singapore’s dry season, outdoor venues provide a perfect setting for outdoor game rentals near me. Parents can create picnic-style parties, with games and inflatables spread out over large, open spaces. Plus, the natural setting adds to the festive atmosphere.
Decorations and Themes to Enhance the Party
To make your child’s birthday party stand out, consider incorporating a fun theme. Whether it’s superheroes, princesses, or a favorite cartoon character, themed decorations can transform any venue into a magical world. Balloon domes can be customized to match the theme of the party, adding a unique flair to the event.
For an outdoor party, decorations like banners, balloon arches, and themed table settings can make the environment more vibrant. Indoor parties can benefit from customized backdrops, soft play structures decorated with the party’s theme, and personalized party favors for each guest.
Creating a Safe and Fun Environment
Safety is paramount when planning a birthday party for children. Whether you choose Soft Play Singapore or outdoor game rentals near me, it’s important to ensure that all activities are supervised and age-appropriate. Soft play areas are designed with safety in mind, providing a padded environment where children can explore without the risk of injury.
For outdoor parties, inflatables and games should be properly set up and maintained by professionals. It’s also essential to have adult supervision during all activities to ensure that children play safely and follow the rules.
Why Choose Party Plus for Your Event?
Party Plus is an excellent choice for parents looking to create a memorable birthday experience. Offering everything from soft play in Singapore to outdoor game rentals near me, Party Plus ensures that your child’s special day is filled with fun and laughter. With their professional team handling the setup and organization, parents can focus on enjoying the celebration with their children.
Their balloon dome rentals add a unique and magical element to any party, creating a space where children can play in a colorful, inflatable world. Plus, Party Plus offers flexible packages tailored to your needs, whether you're hosting a small gathering or a larger celebration.
Planning a memorable kids' birthday party doesn’t have to be stressful. With so many fantastic options in Singapore, from soft play venues to outdoor game rentals near me, parents can create the perfect event for their little one. Adding a balloon dome can make the day even more magical, providing hours of entertainment for all the guests. With Party Plus at your side, every detail is handled with care, ensuring a successful and unforgettable celebration.
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childrenssoftplayuk · 1 month
Soft Play Near Me
Create the Ultimate Soft Play Environment at Home: Affordable and Fun Solutions for Your Kids
Are you searching for "soft play near me" in the UK and finding it challenging to locate the perfect place for your children? Why not bring the fun and excitement of a soft play centre right into your home? At Children's Soft Play, we specialise in providing a wide range of soft play products that can transform any space into a safe and delightful playground for your kids. From ball pits to soft play castles, we have everything you need to create an engaging and affordable soft play environment at home.
Why Choose Home Children's Soft Play
Convenience and Accessibility
One of the biggest advantages of setting up a soft play area at home is the convenience it offers. No more rushing to make it to a soft play centre before it gets crowded, or dealing with the hassle of finding parking. Your kids can enjoy their playtime whenever they want, right in the comfort of your own home. This convenience is particularly beneficial for busy parents who want to provide a fun and safe environment without the logistical challenges of visiting a public venue.
Cost-Effective Fun
Regular visits to a soft play centre can add up over time. By investing in home soft play equipment, you provide endless entertainment for your children without breaking the bank. Our products are durable, safe, and designed to offer maximum fun, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. Moreover, home soft play equipment can be a more economical option in the long run compared to frequent outings to commercial play centres.
Affordable Soft Play, Cheap Soft Play Solutions, Budget-Friendly Soft Play at Children's Soft Play
Safe and Hygienic
Public soft play centres, while fun, can sometimes pose health risks, especially during peak seasons. With home soft play solutions, you have complete control over the cleanliness and safety of the play area. Regular maintenance and supervision ensure that your children play in a hygienic and secure environment. This peace of mind is invaluable, especially for parents who are particular about hygiene and safety standards.
Our Range of Soft Play Products
Ball Pits
Ball pits are a classic favourite among children. Our Ball pits come in various sizes and shapes, filled with colourful, non-toxic balls that provide endless fun and sensory stimulation. Easy to set up and store, they are perfect for any playroom or living space. They encourage physical activity and help develop motor skills while providing a safe and enjoyable play environment.
Soft Play Mats
Safety is paramount when it comes to playtime. Our soft play mats offer a cushioned surface that protects your children from bumps and falls. Available in a variety of colours and designs, they are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, making them a great addition to any home. Soft play mats are also easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your play area remains hygienic.
Soft Play Castles
Spark your children's imagination with our soft play castles. These whimsical structures provide a fantastic setting for creative play, allowing kids to embark on imaginary adventures in a safe and controlled environment. Made from high-quality materials, our soft play castles are built to last and can be customised to fit your specific space and theme requirements.
Soft Play Slides
Add an extra element of excitement with our soft play slides. Designed for indoor use, these slides are safe and fun, providing a great way for children to develop their motor skills while having a blast. Easy to assemble and disassemble, they are ideal for any home setup and can be stored away conveniently when not in use.
Soft Play Sofas
Our soft play sofas combine comfort and fun. These versatile pieces can be used for lounging or as part of a play setup, offering both relaxation and entertainment. Perfect for reading, napping, or imaginative play, our soft play sofas are a hit with both kids and parents. They are designed to be durable and easy to clean, making them a practical addition to any play area.
Customisable Soft Play Packages
We understand that every home and family is unique, which is why we offer customisable soft play packages. Whether you have a spacious playroom or a cosy corner, we can tailor our products to fit your space and meet your specific needs. Our team is here to help you create the perfect play environment for your children, ensuring that every element is designed to maximise fun and safety.
Easy Setup and Maintenance
Our soft play products are designed with busy parents in mind. They are easy to assemble, move, and clean, ensuring that you spend less time worrying about setup and maintenance and more time enjoying precious moments with your children. Detailed instructions and support are provided with every purchase, making the process straightforward and stress-free.
Easy Soft Play Setup, Low Maintenance Play Equipment, User-Friendly Play Solutions visit Children's Soft Play
Transform Your Home Today
Creating a soft play area at home has never been easier or more affordable. With our extensive range of products, you can bring the joy and benefits of a soft play centre to your home, providing a safe, fun, and engaging environment for your children. Whether it's a rainy day or you simply want to keep your kids entertained, our home soft play solutions are the perfect choice.
For more inspiration and to explore our full range of soft play products, visit Children's Soft Play. Transform your home into a play haven that your children will love and cherish.
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bloom-cayman · 2 months
Fun Activities You Can Do On A Weekend With Kids
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At Bloom Learning Center, we understand the importance of quality time with your children. Weekends are the perfect opportunity to engage in fun and enriching activities that can create lasting memories. Whether you are looking for kids fun activities in Cayman or something educational and entertaining, we've got you covered. Here's our guide to making the most of your weekends with your little ones.
Explore Local Parks and Beaches
One of the top kids fun activities in Cayman Islands is spending a day at the park or beach. Seven Mile Beach, with its soft sands and gentle waves, is ideal for family fun. Kids can swim, build sandcastles, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.
Visit the Cayman Turtle Centre
For educational yet fun things to do for kids in Cayman, the Cayman Turtle Centre is a must-visit. Kids can learn about marine life, watch turtle feedings, and even swim with turtles. It's an exciting way to combine learning with play.
Check Out Weekend Specials
Look for weekend specials for kids in Cayman Islands. Many attractions offer special deals or events on weekends. From interactive workshops to special tours, these specials are designed to entertain and educate.
Enjoy a Kids Movie
Take a break and catch one of the latest kids movies in Cayman. Local cinemas offer weekend matinees perfect for children. It’s a great way to relax and enjoy some indoor fun.
Participate in Kids Programs
Bloom Learning Center offers various kids programs in Cayman that run on weekends. From art classes to science workshops, our programs are designed to be both fun and educational, helping kids develop new skills and interests.
Attend Local Events
Keep an eye on events happening in Cayman Islands. Family-friendly festivals, farmers' markets, and cultural events often feature activities designed for children. It’s a wonderful way to immerse in the local culture and have fun.
Enjoy Outdoor Adventures
Engage in outdoor adventures such as hiking, biking, or nature walks. Places like the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park offer beautiful trails where kids can explore and learn about local plants and animals.
Visit Preschools and Daycares
For younger children, visiting a preschool in Cayman or daycare in Cayman on weekends can be a great way to socialize and play. Many offer weekend playgroups and activities that are perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
Discover Kid-Friendly Spots
Always be on the lookout for kid-friendly activities near me. Whether it's a new playground, a fun café, or an indoor play area, discovering new places can add excitement to your weekends.
Engage in Fun Activities at Bloom Learning Center
At Bloom Learning Center, we offer a variety of fun activities for kids in Cayman. From interactive learning sessions to creative arts and crafts, we ensure that weekends are both fun and enriching for your children.
Weekends are a wonderful time to bond with your children and create beautiful memories. With so many fun activities for kids in Cayman, from beach outings to educational visits and local events, there's always something exciting to do. At Bloom Learning Center, we are dedicated to providing engaging and educational experiences for your children. So, join us and explore the endless possibilities for weekend fun in the Cayman Islands!
To read this full blog visit: https://www.bloom.ky/blogs/fun-activities-you-can-do-on-a-weekend-with-kids
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soccertraininguk · 4 months
Youth Football Coaching: Nurturing Future Stars
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Youth football coaching is a little more than just teaching kids how to kick a ball. It is primarily about fostering their interest, learning their capabilities, and honing their character. This means for London residents with young aspiring footballers, knowing how to coach effectively is vital. 
In this guide, we will discuss age-specific drills, the importance of futsal, proper communication methods, and cultivating a true passion for the game with the younger players.
Age-Appropriate Drills: Building Skills Step by Step
The cornerstone of effective youth football coaching lies in age-appropriate drills. Kids need time to develop, so make sure you are using drills that are appropriate for the age group concerned. For example, younger players (ages 6 to 8) may need more fun and engaging activities more focused on the basics - such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. Yet there are simple drills that will challenge them without discouraging or boring them. As players age (ages 9-12), more complex drills that incorporate teamwork and strategy become important. These drills not only improve their skills but also teach them the importance of working together towards a common goal. You can also look for “futsal training near me”.
The Importance of Futsal Training: Enhancing Skills and Agility
In recent years, futsal, a variation of football that is played indoors on a smaller court, has become recognized as a critical component of training. Futsal has plenty of benefits for young footballers. By having a smaller area of play and a smaller number of players, each child has more touches on the ball—thereby improving their ball control, quick decision-making, and agility. Futsal players have been shown to touch the ball six times more as often as in regular football, which raises overall technical skills faster. Given the number of futsal training centres in London, it would be easy for them to enrol their children in this useful way of training, so start with “futsal training near me”.
Effective Communication Strategies: Building Trust and Understanding
Communication between a coach and his/her players is key to developing an effective coaching relationship. Youngsters must try to take any feedback that comes their way and use it as a way to improve their game and keep their passion for learning high. Instead, coaches should help deliver imagined directions using positive coaching language in a way that implements children's understanding and the reason for the stationary and the drill. Additionally, involving parents in the communication loop helps reinforce the messages at home, creating a supportive environment that extends beyond the training ground.
Fostering a Love for the Game: Creating Lifelong Football Fans
Having a long-term love of football instilled into young players is probably the most important thing you can do as a youth coach. This love of the game is what can propel them to become better and want to keep participating in the sport for as long as they can. And also making sure the kids feel appreciated and are loving what they are doing though, a love that is the sole responsibility of coaches to nurture a fun and positive environment. No adverse comments are made by the coaches about games in line with core values, creative play on the field is encouraged, and successes are marked as such, while mistakes are heralded as learning opportunities, which not only instils a love for the sport but lasts.:
Balancing Competition and Fun: The Right Approach
While competition is a part of the nature of sports, this nature must be balanced with enjoyment, especially for younger players. Overexerting goals can cause stress and overworking. Playing and skills development are more important, the more attention coaches pay to them the better. It will also teach the kids how to compete with one another for an amazing reward, challenging them to view competition as a friendly test and fun, rather than as a source of anxiety. This statistic proves, that kids who have fun with the sport will remain in the sport longer and improve over the long haul.
The Role of Parents: Supporting Young Athletes
Parents have a big part to play in the development of their small-time junior soccer players. Their encouragement of support can greatly influence a child's perspective on the game. Parents can teach that it's about effort as much as achievement. Parents going to the games, being interested in how their child is doing, and listening to what the coach is saying are all vital for a child to benefit and enjoy their football.
Conclusion: Building the Future of Football
The future of football is a combination of technical development, clear communication, and igniting passion for the game. For coaches and parents, age-specific drills, some futsal training near me searches, and creating a positive and encouraging atmosphere can go a long way in terms of ensuring young players reach their fullest potential. There are plenty of training facilities available to London residents with upcoming football stars to help nurture their children to become well on their way to football stardom. In the end, the rewards of developing youthful talent are of course partly for the players that play but are also for football generally - a part of the sport for future generations of passionate and talented footballers.
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free-flight-aerobatic · 4 months
The Case for Free Flight Aerobatics
by Wayne B. Patten
I wish I could say that I am an expert in free flight aerobatic model designing and building, but I assuredly do not dare say that. Ignorant that I am, I still might be the world’s leading proponent for the discipline, perhaps the the world’s only proponent.
Read any FF experts opinions on the subject and you will be told how to make a stable flying model that is light and can resist the vagaries of the atmosphere we have here on Earth. You will learn how to maximize the flight time and how to build nice and light and strong. I have to say there isn’t a thing wrong with what they are advising.
But it is not the whole picture, either.
I learned this at a church youth model airplane building activity using the AMA Delta Dart 40 count kit package. At one particular session I went to retrieve the rubber motors for the youth who had their airplanes finished only to not be able to find them. I had a spool of my personal rubber with me, so I cut motors from that and sent the kids off to fly in another part of the hotel room. Finally getting a moments break from the twenty or so kids I was working with, I looked around the room partition that separated the two areas only to see the Delta Dart doing several loops over the kids heads rather than a climbing spiral that it normally would perform. The room supervisor was right there so I commented that that was not the way that they were supposed to fly, but I guessed that it was okay for in here. The supervisor responded, “Oh no, it’s perfect, they are only using one corner of the room and having a blast.” Hearing comments from the kids like, “It’s diving on us, it’s diving on us!” I had to agree.
I am going to stop here for a moment. I suspect that the century and a half of deeming free flight only capable of endurance flight trim has simply been an entrenched assumption. Think about this: If a free flight model can be tuned to avoid maneuvers, then it should also be possible to tune it to maneuver. Some would say that that is asking for a crash. Ask, or not, endurance FF designs crash anyway. What’s to lose?
The Delta Dart flights revealed a potential that is necessary for successful FF aerobatics. That is the ability to pull out of a loop slightly higher than entry altitude. I wondered how to pursue this characteristic and began designing prototypes to that end, using the P-51 Mustang fighter as my reference. The second prototype had the flight characteristics, but lacked crash resistance (and more on this later). The third prototype had both with a modification that my intuition hinted at. Mind you, this whole project came out of intuition, not mathematics or logic. In fact, as near as I can see, it is difficult to use logic. I will attempt to in the next paragraphs.
In general, with traditional, that is, endurance mode, FF balance is about 20 to 33 percent aft of the wing leading edge. Wing tip wash-in mollifies stall. Dihedral is used to limit roll axis variations. Rudder is tuned to keep the model stable in yaw and spirally resistant. Tailplane is tuned for glide and turn. Down and side thrust limit power climbing. Motor torque is supplied in moderation. If a given model is well tuned it will even fly out of sight. A school yard is considered a small flying field, save the modelers that fly indoors.
I do not know of any way to incrementally move from endurance mode to aerobatic mode. But since they are sort of opposites, why don’t we just reverse what we can and see what happens? Balance? Put it back near the MAC. Dihedral? A little if you want, or build the wing flat and and have slight anhedral. Motor power? All the torque the airframe can tolerate, climb be damned. Wing incidence? We use 3º positive since we still need lift, forget wash-in. Tailplane? 2.5° negative was a workable starting point, experience has revealed that tailplane incidence depends on wing location. Tailplane is sized to “let go” at low end of flying speed. Rudder? Big enough to handle the motor torque, offset as needed.
How does all this work? The good fortune of my first two designs, the Z-51 and the Mohawk, created a false sense of mastery. The following designs would not fly when the parameters of the first two were applied to them. In time I was able to figure out that wing down wash has a direct effect on the tailplane. Of the two Z-51 models I am currently flying, the one with anhedral flies with the most exuberance. It will often exit a loop fifteen to twenty feet, 5-6 meters off the ground. Its wing developed a warp and it still flew well rolling to the right and landing normally. The Mohawk flies larger loops and can break into chandelles (sideways loops, really), climbing for the entire motor run. Since I mentioned a wing warp, I will add an aside; the wing design is certainly different, but it is not hard to build. I apply the tissue, spray the water on and lean the wing up against something to dry. It seldom dries with any warps. It has proven to be a light, strong and readily repairable structure.
There is an inter-coupling of features I have found necessary for FF aerobatics. First the motor cross-section is determined by how much torque the airframe can handle. This essentially dictates the all up weight. Coupled with this is a two point propeller requirement. The propeller needs to be pitched just below the pitch that would cause the airplane to stall in a vertical climb. This keeps propeller rotation speed as low as is possible. Coupled with this is a propeller with as low a mass as is possible. The low speed and low weight keep the gyroscopic forces as low as is possible. This reduces the resistance to axis change, which is needed in aerobatics. Rather than being resistant to change, we want to readily induce change in a constant and consistent manner. Read the previous sentence several times to break the old FF engram.
Looking at a simple loop, the initial high torque gets the aircraft going vertical, slightly slowed by gravity which extends the climb just slightly as the tailplane has less influence. From about 45° inverted there is acceleration which increases tailplane influence, in turn tightening the loop radius. This enables the aircraft to exit the loop higher than it entered. The increased speed of the dive, augmented by the high pitch propeller, increases tailplane influence.
I mentioned moving the balance point back to the MAC earlier. In truth, a normal balance point will fly aerobatics alright. A rearward balance point adds something: The ability to roll without a nose drop. I have seen the Z-51 do a 360° roll, getting blown sideways two or three meters and fly on unperturbed. I have also seen this plane be rocked violently side to side by the wind and fly on unperturbed. You can be sure that I have reservations in accepting the presentations of established FF gurus.
If I have any reason to pursue FF aerobatics it is this: I think it has the potential to lift FF from the ranks of a few dedicated die hards to the realm of a world wide STEAM hobby. As a rubber powered model, it is too light to do any damage when it strikes something, or even someone. Add to that the factor that only a small space is adequate for flying. Add to that the quietness of rubber power. Add to that the restrictions RC is now facing with the FAA. Add to that the limited workspace and tool inventory needed for construction. Add to that the fact that most of the world’s populace are urban and suburban residents. Add to that it is a rewarding challenge for those burned out on video games.
Maybe FF aerobatic times are near...
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campnorthstarmaineme · 5 months
best summer camps near me
Title: "Unplugged Adventures: The Transformative Power of best summer camps near me
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Summer camp: it’s a rite of passage for many children, a cherished memory for countless adults, and an experience that transcends mere recreation. Beyond the fun and games, summer camp offers a unique environment where children can grow, learn, and discover themselves in ways that are often impossible in the confines of daily life.
At its core, summer camp is about unplugging from the digital world and plugging into nature, friendship, and personal growth. In an age dominated by screens and schedules, the simplicity of camp life is a breath of fresh air. Away from the distractions of technology, children have the opportunity to engage with the world around them in a way that is increasingly rare.
One of the most powerful aspects of summer camp is its ability to foster independence and self-reliance in children. Away from the comforts of home, campers learn to take responsibility for themselves and their belongings, navigate social dynamics, and solve problems creatively. Whether it’s learning to build a fire, pitch a tent, or navigate a hiking trail, every challenge faced at camp builds confidence and resilience.
But perhaps the most enduring legacy of summer camp is the friendships formed amidst the backdrop of nature. Campers come from all walks of life, bringing with them a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. In the inclusive and supportive environment of camp, lifelong bonds are forged around campfires, on hiking trails, and during late-night conversations in bunk beds. These friendships transcend the boundaries of geography and time, providing a sense of belonging that lasts long after the final campfire has burned out.
Summer camp is also a place where children can explore new interests and talents in a safe and supportive environment. Whether it’s trying their hand at archery, learning to paddle a canoe, or performing in a talent show, campers are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and discover what they are truly capable of. In the process, they learn important life skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership that will serve them well in the years to come.
In today’s fast-paced world, the simple pleasures of summer camp are more important than ever. As children spend increasing amounts of time indoors, glued to screens, the need for opportunities to reconnect with nature and with each other has never been greater. Summer camp provides a welcome antidote to the stresses and pressures of modern life, offering children a chance to slow down, unplug, and rediscover the joy of simple living.
In the end, summer camp is about more than just making s’mores and singing campfire songs (although those are certainly important too!). It’s about creating memories that last a lifetime, building friendships that endure, and instilling values that shape the course of a child’s life. In a world that seems to grow more complex and chaotic by the day, the timeless traditions of summer camp offer a beacon of hope, reminding us of the simple joys of childhood and the transformative power of nature.
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Camp North Star is situated in beautiful Poland Spring, Maine, surrounded by many beautiful and natural landscapes that we get to share and enjoy with our campers. Trips are offered every session and happen on the days we are not on our normal activity schedule. Trip days are a time to relax and enjoy time with friends and bunkmates.
Camp North Star is the top premier Maine sleepaway camp for boys & girls. We offer the best overnight summer camps for kids & teens in New England. Call Now: (207)998-4777.
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