#industrial training kya hota hai
loginextenderlinksys · 8 months
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digitalazadi · 5 months
Artificial Intelligence Kya Hai | What is AI 
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Artificial Intelligence Kya Hai — Artificial Intelligence ने आज मानव जगत को ऐसा वरदान दिया है जिससे जटिल से जटिल कार्य भी आसान लगने लगे हैं।
क्या आपने कभी Self Driving Cars के बारे में सुना है जो Driver के बिना भी चल सकती हैं?
या क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि Google कैसे आपकी आवाज़ को शब्दों में बदल देता है?
या कभी आपने जानने की कोशिश की है कि Medical Devices जैसे कि MRI Machines, X-Rays, CT Scanners, कैसे आपके शरीर को स्कैन करके बीमारी का पता लगा लेते हैं?
असल में इन सभी कार्यों को करने के पीछे कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता यानि Artificial Intelligence का हाथ होता है।
Artificial Intelligence उन सभी जटिल कार्यों को सफलतापूर्वक करने में सक्षम होता है जिसके लिए इंसानों को कई दिनों का समय लगता है और उसमे भी गलती की गुंजाइश रहती है।
ऐसे में सवाल आता है कि Artificial Intelligence Kya Hai और कैसे काम करती है।
AI एक Modern Day Technology है जो उन सभी कार्यों को बहुत आसान बना देती है जिसे करने के लिए एक व्यक्ति को काफी समय लगता है।
AI की मदद से Robots Or Machines को Train किया जाता है और ऐसी Programming की जाती है जो एक नामुमकिन कार्य को भी मुमकिन बना देती है।
तो आइये आज के इस ब्लॉग में विस्तार से समझते हैं कि AI Kya Hai और कुछ महत्वपूर्ण सवालों जैसे कि AI कैसे काम करता है, AI के फायदे क्या हैं, AI की Applications क्या हैं, इत्यादि को भी जानने का प्रयास करते हैं।
1. Artificial Intelligence Kya Hai
Artificial Intelligence उस Technology का नाम है,
जिसे मानव ने खुद निर्मित किया है और अपने दिमाग जैसी शक्ति प्रदान करने की कोशिश की है।
जो Computers, Computer Controlled Robots, Softwares And Machines को ठीक वैसे ही सोचने की क्षमता प्रदान करती है जैसे एक व्यक्ति सोचता है।
जो Computer Science की एक Developing Field है जिसका उद्देश्य दुनिया भर में Intelligent Machines बनाना है जो इंसानों को Mimic कर सके और हर छोटे से बड़ा कार्य कर सके।
आज AI हमारी दिनचर्या का एक अहम हिस्सा बन गई है। Google पर Desired Information मिलना, Google Lens के ज़रिये चीज़ों को पहचानना, Voice To Text Conversion और आज के Trending Tools जैसे कि ChatGPT, Text To Image Converter, इत्यादि AI पर ही आधारित हैं और लोगों के कार्यों को आसान बना रहे हैं।
यही नहीं, आज लगभग हर Industry में AI का इस्तेमाल हो रहा है, चाहे वो Healthcare & Finance Industry हो या Travel, Education या Manufacturing Industry.
इन Industries के साथ ही आज डिजिटल मार्केटिंग (AI In Digital Marketing) में भी AI का उपयोग काफी ज़्यादा देखने को मिल रहा है, जिसके बारे में हमने इस ब्लॉग में चर्चा भी की है।
2. History Of Artificial Intelligence
AI Kya Hota Hai समझने के बाद समय है इसके इतिहास को जानने का जिससे हम जान पाएंगे कि आखिर Artificial Intelligence यानि कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता का जन्म कैसे हुआ।
वर्ष 1950 में John McCarthy (जिन्हें AI का जनक भी कहा जाता है) ने World’s First AI Conference में “Artificial Intelligence” शब्द दिया था और बताया था कि AI एक Higher Level की Computer Science Technology है जो मशीनों की Intelligence बढ़ाती है।
उन्होंने कहा कि AI की मदद से ऐसे Robots बनाये जा सकते हैं जो मानव मस्तिष्क के सिद्धांत पर काम कर सकते हैं।
इसके बाद कई Institutes & Universities में AI Centres खोले गए और इस पर और ज़्यादा रिसर्च होनी शुरू हो गई। इस बीच Scientists को कई चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ा, जैसे कि ऐसा सिस्टम बनाना जो खुद सीख सके, Inputs को समझ सके और कम समय में समस्या को हल कर सके।
वर्ष 1957–58 में दो Scientists ने एक GPS नाम की Algorithm Publish की जिसके ज़रिये सामान्य समस्याओं का समाधान किया जा सकता था, लेकिन Complex या जटिल समस्याओं को हल करने में ये अभी असमर्थ था।
इसी समय John McCarthy ने AI Programming के लिए Lisp Language का इज़ाद किया जिसका आज भी इस्तेमाल होता है।
वर्ष 1997 में IBM के Deep Blue AI System ने उस समय के Chess के World Champion को हराकर अपना लोहा मनवाया।
इसके बाद AI Field में लगातार Research & Developments होते गए और Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, इत्यादि में इसकी Application देखने को मिली।
आज हमें Speech Recognition System, Robotic Process Automation, Dancing Robots, Talking Humanized Robot, Smart Home Devices, Medical Devices, Gadgets, Vehicles में AI देखने को मिल जाती है।
उम्मीद है आपको AI का इतिहास (History Of AI) समझ आया होगा। आइये अब Artificial Intelligence Kya Hai ब्लॉग में आगे बढ़ते हैं और समझते हैं कि AI कैसे काम करता है।
3. Artificial Intelligence कैसे काम करता है?
AI Systems, Inputs के आधार पर Calculations करते हैं जो Algorithms के ज़रिये मुमकिन हो पाती है। इन Algorithms में वो Set Of Instructions होते हैं जो इन Inputs को Analyze करते हैं और Possible Outcome Predict करते हैं।
इसे और सरल शब्दों में समझने के लिए हम इसके Working Process को तीन Stages में बांट सकते हैं — Learning, Reasoning, Self-correction
Learning : AI Working का यह पहला स्टेज है, जिसमे Data Acquire किया जाता है और कुछ Set of Rules बनाए जाते हैं।
इन Set of Rules को Algorithms कहते हैं जिसमे वो सभी Instructions होते हैं जिनके ज़रिये Step By Step Specific Task तक पहुंचा जाता है।
Reasoning : इस Stage में सही Algorithms Select करने पर फोकस किया जाता है ताकि User Input का सही और सटीक जवाब दिया जा सके।
Self-correction : यह Stage Fine Tuning का Stage है जहां Algorithms को Fine Tune करने और उन्हें और बेहतर बनाने पर ज़ोर दिया जाता है। सही Algorithms ही Fast & Correct Outcome देती है।
इस प्रकार ये तीनों Stages एक साथ एक Artificial Machine को Run करते हैं और कार्यों को कुशलतापूर्वक पूरा करते हैं।
4. Benefits of AI in Human Life
जब से AI को विभिन्न कार्यों के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने लगा है, तब से इसने हम इंसानों की जिंदगी आसान बना दी है।
आज ऐसे कई Artificial Intelligence Benefits हैं जिनके बारे में शायद कुछ समय पहले तक सोचना भी मुमकिन नहीं था। आइये ऐसे ही कुछ महत्वपूर्ण फायदों को समझते हैं।
 1. Accuracy & Decision Making में Improvement आई है
 2. Highly Efficient And Personalized Results मिलते हैं
 3. Human Errors कम हो गए हैं
 4. Repetitive Tasks को Automate किया जा रहा है
 5. Research & Development को Accelerate करना आसान हो गया है
5. AI के नुकसान
Unemployment Create होना
इसे Implement करना Costly है
Humans को Lazy & Inactive बना रहा है
Human Touched Emotion नहीं है
बहुत ज़्यादा Data की Need होती है
6. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Hindi
AI का इस्तेमाल लगभग हर इंडस्ट्री में हो रहा है और Complex & Repetitive Tasks को आसान बनाया जा रहा है
1. Speech & Object Recognition
2. Smart Assistants
3. Translation & Transcription
4. Automation
5. Cybersecurity
6. Robotics
7. Self Driving Cars
8. Digital Marketing
7. Future Of Artificial Intelligence In Hindi
Artificial intelligence (AI)  का भविष्य उज्ज्वल है, लेकिन इसे कई कठिनाइयों का भी सामना करना पड़ता है। प्रौद्योगिकी के विकास के साथ-साथ AI के व्यापक रूप से विकसित होने का अनुमान है, जिससे healthcare, banking और transportation सहित क्षेत्रों में क्रांति आ जाएगी। AI-driven स्वचालन के परिणामस्वरूप कार्य बाजार बदल जाएगा, जिससे नए positions और skills की आवश्यकता होगी।
АI के व्यावहारिक रूप से हर क्षेत्र में अनुप्रयोग हैं, और हम प्रत्येक प्रमुख क्षेत्र में АI के भविष्य के बारे में बात करेंगे।
Cyber security
Artificial Intelligence ने आज मानव जगत को ऐसा वरदान दिया है जिससे जटिल से जटिल कार्य भी आसान लगने लगे हैं। 
आज लगभग हर एक इंडस्ट्री AI को अपना रही है और इंसानों की बजाय Highly Intelligent Machines का उपयोग कर रही है।
हालाँकि, इन मशीनों की Maintenance या रखरखाव के लिए एक Expert Individual की ही ज़रूरत पड़ती है। ऐसे में हम यह नहीं कह सकते कि आने वाले समय में AI इंसानों को Completely Replace कर देगी। 
खैर, जब AI इतनी Intelligent है ही तो क्यों न इसे अपने Digital Business में भी Use किया जाए और अपने Repetitive Tasks को Automate करके Revenue Generation पर फोकस किया जाए।  
इसके लिए हमें कुछ ऐसे Automation Tools की ज़रूरत होती है जो इन कार्यों को सफलतापूर्वक करने में सक्षम हों। 
इन Tools का Working Process समझने और इनकी मदद से अपने Business को Grow करने के लिए Digital Marketing Strategies की ज़रूरत भी पड़ती है। 
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bollywoodpapa · 4 years
10 Indian family movies to watch during lockdown
New Post has been published on https://www.bollywoodpapa.com/272988/indian-family-movies-to-watch-during-lockdown/
10 Indian family movies to watch during lockdown
The outbreak of the coronavirus affects all parts of the country. In order to avoid the spread of the virus, the government has taken many precautions and prevention steps. Among the precautions, the whole country lockdown is followed by many countries around the world.
Well, in this article today we are going to tell you about 10 Indian family movies that you can watch during lockdown.
  1. Maine Pyar Kiya 
Maine Pyar Kiya is a family musical film, focusing on a rich boy romance with a poor girl. Suman is the daughter of a poor mechanic Karan (Alok Nath) who leaves her with his rich friend Kishan (Rajiv Verma) before going abroad. Suman is befriended by Kishan’s son Prem and they fall in love. However, Jeevan (Mohnish Bahl), the son of Kishan’s business associate Ranjeet (late Ajit Vachani), is a big stumbling block for the two lovers.
Maine Pyar Kiya emerged as a major critical and commercial success, with a lifetime worldwide gross of ₹308.1 million at the box office, becoming the highest-grossing Bollywood film of the year and the highest-grossing Indian film of the 1980s. The film is said to be the inspiration of 2005 Telugu blockbuster Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana directed by Prabhu Deva. Later that film led to remakes in seven other languages including Tamil, Hindi and Kannada. And another Salman Khan’s film Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya was partially inspired from this movie.
2. Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!
Hum Aaapke Hai Koun is a story about sacrificing one’s love for one’s family.  It contributed to a change in the Indian film industry, with new methods of distribution and a turn towards less violent stories. It was the first Indian film to gross over ₹1 billion, and when adjusted for inflation, is the highest grossing Indian film of the 1990s and also still one of the highest-earning Bollywood films ever.
3. Dilwalwe Dulhania Le Jayenge
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayege also familiar as DDLJ is an all-time romantic Indian film.  The plot revolves around Raj (Shah Rukh Khan) and Simran (Kajol), two young non-resident Indians, who fall in love during a vacation through Europe with their friends. Raj tries to win over Simran’s family so the couple can marry, but Simran’s father has long since promised her hand to his friend’s son. The film was shot in India, London and Switzerland, from September 1994 to August 1995. Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge became the highest grossing Bollywood film of the year, and one of the most successful Indian films in history.
 It is the longest-running film in the history of Indian cinema. As of 2019, over 20 years after its first release, it is still being shown at the Maratha Mandir theatre in Mumbai.
Indian family movies to watch during lockdown
4. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
The film tells the story of three college campus friends, Rahul Khanna (Shah Rukh Khan), Anjali Sharma (Kajol) and Tina Khanna (Rani Mukerji). The plot combines two love triangles set years apart. The first half covers friends on a college campus, while the second tells the story of a widower’s young daughter who tries to reunite her dad with his old friend. Filmed in India, Mauritius, and Scotland, this was Johar’s directorial debut. One of his goals for the film was to set a new level for style in Hindi cinema.
The film received numerous accolades, including the National Film Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment and awards in the “Best Film” category at the Filmfare Awards, Zee Cine Awards, Screen Awards, and Bollywood Movie Awards.
5. Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham… 
The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor, with Rani Mukerji appearing in an extended special appearance. The film tells the story of an Indian family, which faces troubles and misunderstandings over their adopted son’s marriage to a girl belonging to a lower socio-economic group than them. The film emerged as a major commercial success, both domestically and internationally. The film won several awards at popular award ceremonies the following year, including five Filmfare Awards.
6. Kal Ho Naa Ho 
The film stars Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta, with Sushma Seth, Reema Lagoo, Lillete Dubey, and Delnaaz Paul in supporting roles. It tells the story of Naina Catherine Kapur, a pessimistic and uptight MBA student. She falls in love with her neighbour Aman Mathur, a terminally ill patient who tries to get Naina and her friend Rohit Patel to fall in love with each other, since he fears she will grieve for him if he reciprocates her feelings.
It explores several themes, such as the depiction of non-resident Indians, inter-caste marriage, terminal illness, and homosexuality through innuendo and homosocial bonding. It won two National Film Awards, eight Filmfare Awards, thirteen International Indian Film Academy Awards, six Producers Guild Film Awards, three Screen Awards, and two Zee Cine Awards in 2004.
7. 3 Idiots
The 3 idiots is a comedy-drama movie directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The film follows the friendship of three students at an Indian engineering college and Farhan and Raju form a great bond with Rancho due to his positive and refreshing thoughts.
The lead roles are played by Aamir Khan, Madhavan, Sharman Joshi. The movie is narrated through parallel dramas, one half of the movie is present and the other half of the movie is ten years in the past. The Aamir khan played a lead role and describes the social pressures on the Indian education system. This is one of the best movies that have a huge fan base in Bollywood.
8. Dangal
Dangal is the Indian-Hindi sports film which is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Aamir Khan and he is also taking part in the movie. Aamir khan played a role as an amateur wrestler and trained his daughter’s Geeta and Babita to become India’s first female wrestlers.
This movie portrays the struggle that has been faced by a family with four daughters and the struggle of the woman who is trying hard to achieve their success. This movie had reached fame in many parts of India and the film had reached record-breaking commercial success. The way he trains his daughter and the way he motivates his daughter is the best part of the scenes in the movie. The screenplay and the background score of the movie also gained more attention from viewers. So you can spend the best 3 hours of the lockdown by watching the Dangal movie.
9. PK
The film follows an alien who comes to Earth on a research mission, but loses his remote to a thief, who later sells it to a godman. He befriends a television journalist and in his quest to retrieve the remote, questions religious dogmas and superstitions. The film stars Aamir Khan in the titular role with Anushka Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, Boman Irani, Saurabh Shukla and Sanjay Dutt in pivotal roles.
It received generally positive reviews, with praise for the performances, particularly by Khan, and its portrayal of superstitions. The film received eight nominations at the 60th Filmfare Awards, winning two.
10. Piku 
The film stars Deepika Padukone as the titular protagonist, Amitabh Bachchan and Irrfan Khan, with Moushumi Chatterjee and Jisshu Sengupta portraying supporting roles. The film emerged as a commercial success worldwide.
Piku earned ₹141 crore (equivalent to ₹171 crore or US$24 million in 2019) worldwide.
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Bhokali Song Lyrics- Dino James
Bhokali Song Lyrics- Dino James #beatmyaudio posting New song “Bhokali – Dino James” Lyrics from popular Single Track Singer “Dino James” This song is coming from 0 Label.
… Bhokali Song Lyrics- Dino James …
  Pata nahi yaar It’s very confusing I don’t know Kabhi lagta hai track pe hoon Kabhi lagta hai nahi hoon I don’t know
Abhi haal he mein ghar par aayi YouTube ki ek million ke trophy Par pata nahi kyun main khush nahi hoon Mujhe lagti woh ek showpiece Ab bhi woh saala broke hi hai Basic cheezon ki koshish Dukaan mein chahiye note hi Agar ghar lana hai bete grocery
Roz main karta hoon Bhale khush hone ke post main Phir kosne lagta hoon Sabko main apne soch mein Of course yeh gaane josh mein Par kama nahi raha hoon notes mein Is hope mein Ki mujhpe bhi padegi rab ke roshni
Hardum daraaye, sab tham sa jaye Sab itna bhara hai mere chest mein Ekdum se high Phir maan bhar aaye Par kuchh bhi dikha nahi in x-ray Kasam se bhai I wanna jump from height Lage kuchh bhi nahi hai sala bas mein Main known hoon guys, manzil dekhayi Phir bhi rehta hoon humesha desperate
YouTube ka hype, comment aur like Sabhi lagta hai mujhe bhram sa I don’t wanna to lie Meri same hai life Future pe rehti hai shanka Karta hoon try but I don’t know why Videos bana raha hoon leke chanda You know na guys Hai meri normal life Mila nahi hai chaandi ka chamcha
Dost bata main roz kaise karun post Ke bada hoon main Instagram mein Jab nobody knows ab bhi saali soch hai Basic cheezon ke intezaam mein Noch khaati soch Do baatli roz peeke sota hoon itmenan se Roz khaari toast kha ke bhaari bojh Roke deta hoon imtehan main
Bohat khaali, maine bohat taali Par hai bohat khali meri boss thaali Main itna sochta nahi But I am so sorry Mujhe bohat jaali lage growth saari Bohat note kamaane jaisi hope to nahi Scotch nahi to kya beta Vodka sahi Maine bohat saare mauke ganwa di Phokat ke lagti saali bhokali
Saara halla saara gulla Saari masti lage jaali Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake yeh bhokali x (2)
Aise hi hota hai industry mein Kaam karwate hain saale free mein Bheem ke jaise badi team hai Phir bhi chalta hoon main dheeme YouTubers ke gande sea mein Na-khush si ek machhli main Kya hoga band muthi mein Soch ke I am just dreaming
Yeh sach hai dude pata nahi kyun Saare million views Nahi lagte true Sabhi lagte jhooth Nahi lagte fruit Mera lakshya door Nahi bakse full Mere saste shoes Khud pe trust issues Hoon shakk se full Meri batti ghull True guftagu nahi kuchh bhi jhooth Nahi successful bas frustrate hoon
Aaj-kal hota hoon thoda distract Bana doon kya ek diss track Ho jaunga notice shayad Badh jayengae subscriptions Kisse dekhna hai bhench skill set Ab humko bhi ban’na hai ab Bill Gates Pet bhar gaya khake respect Cheque kar do mera dispatch
Mere bhaari bhaari verse Hai kaarigari mast Par hai khaali khaali purse Sir pe udhari aur karz Jaaun Kandivali tak Badal ke baari baari bus Hai bhaari bhaari lafz Phir bhi khaali khaali sab
Mera har jagah shor hai Pasand karein log hai Aur har baari million views hai Par sab lage bore hai Dil chaahta kuchh aur hai Main kya karun it’s so confusing Mere gaane saare trending Bill pade pending Smile chipkata hoon glue se Shuru hai yeh ending I’m done pretending Sach nikal hi jaata hai saala munh se
Saara halla saara gulla Saari masti lage jaali Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake yeh bhokali x (2)
Lokpriya mera music hai Bade log ke sath group pic hai Koyi kaam ke nahi hai yeh bhos ke Instagram mein nahi blue tick hai Sab real hai ya duplicate Eminem hoon ya Gucci gang Par majboor hoon main ruchi ke Bas aa jaaye aansu kushi ke
Sabke verse ke nahi arth be Saale sab fake bade garv se Beat purchase sab cut paste Baatein surface fokat matbhed Train main Churchgate Baith ke farsh pe Par baatein Merc ke swag perfect No word play, no swar change Har state mein badh rahe inke birth rate Kha ke bhar pet piece barf ke Bas har tarah se mera heart break Meri harkatein isliye sirpherain Meri dard ke nahi first aid
Sab hai good good, jhooth jhooth Kahe sudh budh, chup chup Bete YouTube youth wouth Sab hai chhut put mukut Bhale good books looks good Pare suit boot good shoes Sune utshuk buddhu Reh le khud khud, khush khush
Jo socha hai wohi khoja hai Khud ko nocha hai aur kosa hai Yehi totka hai chhote go try Bharosa hai aur hausla hai Bhookha hai tabhi bhoka hai Tabhi beta chhokra aag moot raha hai Saara saara show sha yeh bahut khokhla hai Dino beta chot khaya kala cobra hai
Jaise majdoor bana raha hoon gaane Mat poochh kya chhote mera bhaav hai YouTube main itna kahan be Sab jhooth sab hain chhalave Achook hai meri kartoot Phir bhi achhoot bete mara wallet Chappu ke bina saali naav hai Par majboot bada mera khwaab hai
Apaahij sa lagta hai Bhale chalta hoon main tez Khwaahishein itni hain Ke bharta nahi hai pet Is laayak main ban jaaun Ghar ka rakh paaun care Saari fight bas iski hai Iska hai saara game
Saara halla saara gulla Saari masti lage jaali Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake, lage fake Lage fake yeh bhokali x (2)
Oye nahi tu mujhe ek baat bata Tu hai kaun Matlab Matlab tu commercial hai Tu Punjabi hai, gu gully hai Tu street hai Tu bata sakta hai teri jagah kahan hai Ab yeh to log batayenge
Bhokali – Dino James Song Details:
  Song Bhokali – Dino James Category Single Track Singer Dino James Movie 0 Label 0 Featuring Dino James
Bhokali Song Lyrics- Dino James #beatmyaudio
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Difference between core and advance java in hindi ? Excellence Technology
#differencecorejavaadvancejava #corejava #advancejava #excellencetechnology Hello friends iss video mai humne bataya hai ki kya difference hai core java mai aur advance java. core java kya hai uski kaun kaun c application hai? kha kha use hota hai. Advance java kya hai uski kaun kaun c application hai? kha kha use hota hai. iss video ko pura dhekhe taki apko easily aane wale tutorial samjh aa sake. Humare aane wale videos ko sabse pehle dhekhne k liye humare channel ko subscribe kre or bell icon ko click kre. In this video we have explained the difference between core java and advance java? use ,application and scope of core java and advance java. ________________________________________________________________ Classes Available for all students from Himchal,Punjab,Haryana, chandigarh _________________________________________________________________ Excellence technology also offers training on all latest technologies at mohali and Chandigarh. we also offers 6weeks and 6 months industrial training in Chandigarh and mohali. you can ask us for free demo class before joining. Assured Placement Assured Quality Learn Under Developers Free E-books Free video tutorials ________________________________________________________________ Other Videos Link What is JVM, JDK and JRE in Java in Hindi? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGxrq... How to download and install java on windows 10 in hindi | 100% working method | Install JDK? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJbWn... how to set path in java in windows | Excellence Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT-bF... How to run java program in hindi? Excellence Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlGBZ... Full introduction of core java in hindi | Excellence Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdoC3... Why Java is Important for Android in hindi ? Excellence Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vC2K... Advance Java Introduction In Hindi | Excellence Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7_a-... _________________________________________________________________ LIKE || SUBSCRIBE || SHARE  || COMMENT || FOLLOW US Website : https://www.excellencetechnology.in. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Extech22 Twitter : https://twitter.com/extech22 Instagram: www.instragram.com/extech22 Google+ :https://plus.google.com/u/0/103892454... Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/exce... __________________________________________________________________ For Quires on Training Program Please Contact us on: C-133, First Floor, Industrial Area, Phase-8,Sector-72, Mohali __________________________________________________________________ 0172-4788822, 91 9317788822(Whatsapp) Or apply online: www.excellencetechnology.in
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indiainfobiz · 6 years
BEd full form in Hindi | बी.एड. का फुल फॉर्म
Information about BEd full form / B.Ed ka full form kya hai ? Bachelor of Education ka abbreviation (short form) hai B.Ed. Isliye BEd ki full form Bachelor of Education hi hota hai. India mein, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) ek postgraduate course hai. Jo student education field mein career build karna chahte hai. Wo es program ko kar sakte hai. Padiye BA ka full form
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Aap BEd ka full form ki information prapt kar chuke hai, jara niche aur padhiye to aapko iske saath-sath B.Ed. course ki Eligibility, career/scope & job opportunity after B.Ed course ki kafi jankari ho jayegi.
Minimum Eligibility criteria for B.Ed course / Admission ke liye jaroori qualifications:
B.Ed Course Details: Bachelor of Education program me admission ke liye minimum qualification Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) ya Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) hai. Padiye BSC ka full form Class 9th & 10th mein teaching karne ke liye & class 11th & 12th mein teaching karne ke liye ab B.ED degree hona compulsory hai. Art side ke students ko History, Civics, Geography, and language ke liye training di jati hai. Science side ke students ko Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology ke liye training di jati hai. Ye full form bhi Janiye - Phd full form in Hindi Course ki duration 2 years hai. BEd karne ke baad students kisi bhi Indian university se Master of Education (M.Ed ka full form) kar sakte hai. Ya jo institute ye course karate hai waha teacher ban sakte hai. Act for Quality Education: National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) India me Teachers Training courses ke niyam banata hai aur unko regulate karta hai. Ye Full form bhi padhiye - MA full form in Hindi { एम.ए. } Bacho ke liye free & anivarya education ka Act bana jiska naam Right to Free & Compulsory Education for Children (RTE Act 2009) saal 2010 me April se lagu hua tha. Yah Act har child ki education quality par jor deta hai. Schools/colleges mein quality education ke saath yah bhi important hai ki BEd (General) candidate ke liye entry 50% aur anusoochit jaati & anusoochit janajaatiyon (SC/ST) ke lie entry 45% honi chaahie. Padiye full form of BCom
Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) kya hota hai / What is B.El.Ed course
Bachelor of Elementary Education course 4 years ka integrated professional degree course hai. Jisko higher secondary ya intermediate (10+2) ke baad kiya ja saktahia. Isme leadership, subject knowledge, Manav Vikas (human development), Shaikshanik Gyan (pedagogical knowledge), and Sanchar Kaushal (communication skills) jaise subjects ko shamil kiya gaya hai. Yah degree course karne wale students ko professional & academic knowledge ek hi degree yani B.El.Ed mein mil jati hai. What is full form of Mcom
Bharat mein B.Ed. karne ke fayde / Benefits of Bachelor of Education (BEd full form)
B.Ed course karne se principles of teaching & learning ke vishayo ki jankari hoti hai. Innse yuwa me prabhavi teaching skill develop hoti hai. Kaushal ka vikas karne ke saath sath samajh ka dayara badhati hai. Jisse students ko quality education me madad milti hai. Job me santushti, suraksha, jyada salary aur job ka flexible time ka fayda milta hia. Read also LLB full form in hindi. B.Ed. Degree Employment Industry in India Home & Private Tuition Coaching institutes Department of Education Education consultancy Publications firms R&D institutes & agencies Schools & colleges Types of Jobs after B.Ed course in India Faculty Administrator in college/institute Assistant Teacher Content Author Instructor A Research scholar in Education Course syllabus creator Correspondence medium se B.Ed Degree ki Top 5 University: Isme 2 types ki universities (Vishwavidhyalay) hai. Top 5 Distance Learning Universities: Annamalai Vishwavidyalay, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu (http://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in) Madurai Kamraj Vishwavidyalay, Madurai , Tamil Nadu (http://www.mkudde.org) Jamia Milia Islamiya Vishwavisyalaya, New Delhi (http://jmi.ac.in) Kurukshetra Vishwavidyalay, Kurukshetra, Haryana (http://www.kuk.ac.in) Kakatiya Viswavidyalay, Warangal Top 5 Open Universities for B.Ed Degree IGNOU - Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi - (http://www.ignou.ac.in ) YCMOU - Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, Maharashtra (http://ycmou.digitaluniversity.ac) KSOU - Karnataka State Open University, Karnataka (http://ksoumysore.edu.in) BAOU - Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Gujarat (http://www.baou.edu.in) NSOU - Netaji Subhas Open University West Bengal, India (http://www.wbnsou.ac.in/), Request to Readers / Paathkon se Vinti Dear reader aapko yah information about BEd full form ki jankari kaisi lagi hame jaroor bataye iske liye aap comments me likiye. Ye post hamne short me likhi hai kyoki jaydatar traffic mobile se aata hai aur jyada long details read karne me problem hoti hai. Lekin BEd ka full form se related aur information agara aap chahte hai to hame suggestions likhiye. Facebook Twitter par is page ko jaroor like & share kariye. Aapki thodi si help hame kafi motivate karti hai jisse ham aur bhi useful information apko provide kar paye. Aap aur kin words ke full form in Hindi janna chahte hai hame jaroor bataiye iske liye aap hamara Facebook page like kar sakte hai waha comment me likh sakte hai. IndiaInfoBiz.com (IIBC) par aapke liye jaroor publish karenge. Thanks. Read the full article
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beikecaiseo · 6 years
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