#info abt my other ocs on that toyhou.se too :3
venusararara · 2 years
This can totally be posted or not, I'm just really curious about your characters (especially Gatherine 👀). I'm sort of newer to your page and I was wondering if you have a game already complete with her in it or if it's planned for the future? Also is she a monster or a sort of alien? I'm sorry if these are totally obvious I'm really dumb when it comes to figuring shit out so I thought I would ask! I'd love to support any projects you have and I wanna know more about Gatherine!! (Wifey material even though she may literally destroy me) 😊
YOU R SO SWEET MWAH ♡♡♡ also literally not dumb you're so silly!!! okey so basically NIGHTHIVE//SKINDEEP is currently in development, it's a VN uwu I'm like, 50% done with it? Still working on assets and endings but it's done other than that uwu
For Gatherine, yes!! A demon, a nasty woman!! She borders between being respectful and friendly to inappropriately violent depending on the way you treat her and stuff :3 her job is kidnapping and harvesting the entire bodies of creatures on her planet who have wasted all of their time, but she's easily enamored if you're nice, she's a little socially inept and doesn't get a lot of interaction with others bc she's nocturnal. Her workplace is a mixture of a commune and a hospital-esque building where she lives with her gf and her adopted monsters. She's very capable of being caring and responsible, she's raised her monsters, but she's super sadistic if she realizes you're terrible or trying to manipulate her into sparing you uwu
She's very strong but not very skilled at fighting, she's trained in firearms, her only other weapon is brute strength. She also has a few pocket knives :D
Here's her toyhou.se page too!!
It's very vague and a little outdated but it talks abt some parts of her life I usually gloss over
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soukeyed · 1 year
my cool and epic oc masterpost
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(names from left to right: nebula, lynn, ember, dia, z, mercury)
link to their folder on toyhou.se, but honestly this post is probably a more comprehensive source of info
hello hello i was gonna make one of these sooner or later! thank u to @loveismine for asking abt them this was the motivation i needed LOL . also tagging @eqqbyte @harvsbian since they asked :]
my oc universe (3 years unnamed and counting!) is set in a universe where most people die twice; the first time, you come back with powers based off of the way you died (or rarely something completely unrelated,) the second time you die for real. this brings with it a bunch of new cultural norms; middle and upper classes have ceremonies to achieve specific powers, lower class families sometimes save up for these ceremonies and bank on having one child with practical powers to support them through work. ptsd from the 'first deaths,' especially if youre someone who was put through a specific ceremony for it, is extremely common but largely dismissed. etc etc there's a lot of pointless details i've thought out
the story is centered around nebula - one of the many 'children' (test subjects) of the very very corrupt government - her wife lynn, a pretty normal woman who works as a model, and lynn's childhood friend dia (and HER sister ember) who resents nebula because . . . : )
nebula is keeping secrets, notably her actual origin and why she and lynn even met to begin with; when ember gets kidnapped during nebula and lynn's wedding, the entire plot kicks off.
WARNING: all of these discuss death a lot given the story's themes, more specific warnings are given per character
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art cr. me + me again + mocakola on toyhou.se / gallery
WARNING: includes discussions of child abuse/child death
one of the few legitimate children to her science-obsessed parents, nebula was involved in their government research since she was a child. the government intended to create an army of extremely powerful individuals, and to do this carried out a series of experiments to see just how random someone's powers could be - and if powers could be specifically engineered to manifest in a certain way.
to nebula's parents she was just another test subject, so she was given the name NE-004 and at five years old left to suffocate in space as part of one of their experiments alongside a group of other children. she came back to life with gravity powers; she can alter the gravitational field strength of any object within a 1km radius, as long as it's within line of sight. this wasn't the intent of the experiment, and so nebula was deemed a 'failure' and spent most of her life until around 19 growing up in a government facility with dozens of her 'siblings', being trained in combat, weapons etc. so she could still be useful in the future as a guard. it was dehumanising, isolating, and nebula and her 'siblings' were often subject to abuse from eachother or their handlers, or painful/invasive experiments from the facility's scientists.
nebula was sent out as a sort of spy when dia's family caught the attention of the government (more about this in ember's section, but ember's powers manifested in a unique way that the government wanted to research.) her mission was to get close to the family, gain their trust and eventually obtain the information the government needed more discreetly.
and then she met lynn.
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(art cr. orpiiment on toyhous.e)
lynn was dia's best friend; the two were basically inseparable, so she was the perfect way to get closer to dia's family without seeming too suspicious, especially to the now paranoid and distrusting dia herself. with lynn, nebula felt for the first time that she was being treated like an actual person; her own emotions were clumsy and her social skills awful from her lonely upbringing, but the two of them quickly fell in love and got engaged.
all the while, lynn had no idea of nebula's origins. neither of them liked to discuss their families, so she had no real reason to suspect. but in the background nebula's superiors were getting impatient. two years passed and with no helpful information gained in all that time, they sought to resolve the issue themselves.
which leads to ember being kidnapped at the wedding.
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art cr. iouquie on toyhou.se + mocakola on toyhou.se + furei on toyhou.se / gallery
WARNING: includes discussions of child death (drowning) and references to csa
grew up as the oldest sibling in a large working class family; had to take care of her siblings a lot while her parents worked toward the promise of a proper ceremony for her when she became a teenager. lynn's family intended for her to gain fire powers since they were pretty practical + versatile, and as a result set her and dia up on playdates so they could become friends and eventually train eachother's powers together.
at the age of 11 she drowned. as a result she gained the power to turn her hair into water to its roots; something her family obviously didn't want for her. lynn's relationship with her family broke down over the years, not helped by her coming forward about the actions of a 'family friend' from when she was younger and made all the worse when they didn't believe her. she left home to live with dia's family at the age of 15; she still considers dia's parents more family than anyone else.
passing school with alright grades, lynn went into modelling and quickly picked up traction thanks to her looks and powers. she met nebula a little into her career; they bonded strangely quickly, and despite dia's distrust of nebula lynn proposed to her anyway. her life was going good.
in reality, lynn's self esteem was extremely low; her powers were weak and good for nothing except aesthetics (especially in comparison to nebula and dia's), she still felt guilt over 'abandoning' her family, she felt stupid and naive for letting herself be manipulated as a child but refused to kill her trust in people for it.
all feelings that would spiral out of control after the wedding, and after nebula would be forced to admit the truth.
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art cr. zidanetribal on toyhou.se / gallery
pretty tame middle class upbringing; her mothers both worked for the government (relatively low level civil servants though.) went through a ceremony at the age of 13, just like her parents had before her, and came out with horns and a devil-like tail that could materialise fire (she doesn't use the horns often though because they singe her hair lol) and also severe nightmares but that's supposed to be normal.
pretty upbeat and flippant about most things but is fiercely protective of her younger sister ember, especially after the media attention her family gained in the wake of ember's powers manifesting. she shelters her pretty severely in an attempt to protect her and this definitely won't come back to bite her.
EXTREMELY mistrustful of nebula from the start; mostly gets along with her for lynn's sake. her hatred reaches a peak after the wedding and in the main events of the plot.
not a lot to say about her tbh? i love her though : ) if there's a character whose pov you'd be reading from itd probably be her
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art cr. yuchino on toyhou.se
dia's younger sister! more of a side character but she is plot important. very sheltered upbringing (much moreso than dia since ... dia is very overprotective lol) very nonchalant about like.. everything, she doesn't have much of a filter but it usually doesnt get her in trouble because shes not a mean person to begin with. underwent the same ceremony dia did at age 13.
the clawlike hands (she can summon fire w them) are the manifestation of her powers; this got her and her family media attention because this was the exact same way her mother's powers manifested - an extremely rare occurrence the reason she gained the attention of the government. this was one of their points of research; if there was a link between family members' powers and if there was a way to ENSURE family members had the same powers. this of course leads to them sending nebula out and later ember getting kidnapped.
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art cr. that_pitt on twitter + me + aquacanis on toyhou.se / gallery
i dont pick favourites but shes my favourite LOL. the girlie in my pfp!
scientist working for the government; plays a VERY minor role in the actual main story. her side story with her and mercury however is very dear to me. i'll just dump her toyhou.se profile link here because it has all her backstory etc written out anyway.
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art cr. redline on toyhou.se + cookedshrimp on artfight + aquacanis on toyhou.se / gallery
WARNING: includes discussions of child death (via stabbing)
her and z's stories are like integral to eachother so i advise skimming z's backstory before this at the very least but i cant stop you lol
leader of the most high-profile resistance against the government. had a relatively happy childhood that was cut abruptly short when she was out with her family one day; they were mugged, and at 12 years old mercury was stabbed to death alongside her parents. she came back to life with the power to manipulate metals and was almost immediately bought into a prestigious school to train her powers, fully funded by the government. meanwhile her younger sister (being at home w a babysitter at the time) was put in foster care; their relationship was distant, though not from lack of trying on mercury's part.
mercury quietly grew to hate her powers; they were the reason she could barely see her sister, the result of her family's deaths, and yet they were treated like a blessing by everyone around her. at the same time they were the only advantage she really had in life, and in a way the last thing her parents had given her - so she trained like hell and graduated with top grades lest it all be for nothing.
somewhere along the line in high school she met z and they fell in love; z was smart and easy to talk to and about the only person she seemed to be able to have a real critical conversation with about their world - what these powers meant, why they happened in the first place. they both ended up in one of the country's top universities; funded and used personally by the government to scout new talent.
and then, at the start of her second year of university, z vanished. no goodbye, no texts, nothing.
mercury spiralled. she dropped out and searched desperately for z long after anyone else had accepted her death, devoted her life to that and nothing else and barely took care of herself at all. along the way she stumbled across forums; huge networks of people whose loved ones had vanished in the same way. then, even smaller networks talking about how they'd been working for the government months before and now their so-called 'employers' were acting like they'd never existed.
the rebellion was never meant to be what it became. it started as a sort of support group; a shoddily made up forum mercury created herself where people could freely discuss their loved ones and what might have happened to them. the group grew massively, countless stories of the very same circumstances; people digging up whatever proof they could, all manner of people contacting mercury asking how to help, offering funds, even those wanting to seek their own justice - and mercury can't say her encouragement of it was entirely selfless.
the grief had to go somewhere physical. over the years mercury's group outgrew it's original shitty webpage and became something else entirely. but despite being branded as the resistance's leader, most of its build-up felt out of her hands; she managed the funds and tracked members, sure, but she was never a leader. she couldn't give speeches or motivate any emotion but anger. violence was the language she spoke best, despite it all.
she never forgot about z. every time they raided a government facility or uncovered some new documents she looked for her face.
she found it, eventually - on the side that she'd been fighting against for years.
despite that, mercury still loved her. z was one of the only things she had left to love and she clung to her with everything she had. noone knew, of course, because the consequences for either of them would be deadly, but they still got together frequently. despite everything z had done, despite everything mercury knew she'd been capable of and despite how much they fought, now.
mercury is a minor character in the main story; she becomes a sort of mentor figure to nebula and her and z's relationship is sort of a parallel/worst case scenario of nebula and lynn's. i love her very very dearly.
if you've read this entire thing: thank you so much! have a mercurz image dump because they are truly everything to me.
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(by redline on toyhou.se - right img is my current pfp!!)
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(by aquacanis on toyhou.se aka the goat of mercurz art. they never miss)
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(by twgp on toyhou.se . i just . explodes.)
tysm again if you took the time to read this entire thing. i love you and you are so cool
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