TalHotBlonde The Movie
I watched TalHotBlonde this weekend and it shocked me at the end. If you haven’t seen it I won’t spoil it for you all I’ll say is it’s based off of real events. I think that the whole moral of the story is, be careful of what kind of relationship you develop with people online. I remember when I was a child I thought online chat rooms and webcams were the coolest thing! My friends and me didn’t care who we were talking to. The first question anyone asked a person was “asl” (age, sex, location) and after that the conversation was started. Now that I'm older it’s not quite the same. People would ask me where I am from and how old I am but not it’s not that big of a deal anymore. My point is that even though I was always honest about myself I didn’t know then and I don’t know now who I'm talking to too the fullest.
There are some creepy people out there who hide behind a computer screen and no one would know what their hidden intensions are. Now that the world is directing it’s focus towards a media/online generated community the connections that people make face to face will be blinded by the accessibility of meeting someone online. At least when we are able to meet someone face to face we can get a sense of who they are physically and mentally. It all goes back to not truly knowing the person behind the screen unless they are willing to skype or use some other way to reveal themselves past the words they type. Thinking back to when I was a kid and thinking about my children and online chat rooms it makes me stress the importance to my children about online predators. TalHotBlonde is a great example to show my kids the prices some people pay for being naïve to other’s hidden intensions and lies. If you haven’t seen the movie I strongly recommend watching it and then consider letting your kids watch it depending on their age and having a discussion about the dangers behind online chat rooms afterwards. Like I said this movie is based on a true story. If our kids aren’t informed they could be a victim in the dangers that can develop online.
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