#insideazusapacific NatalieP deadweek
insideazusapacific · 7 years
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How to Come Out of Dead Week Alive
As dead week begins, students everywhere are searching for the few last bits of sanity that are left. As stressful as life can become as the semester comes to an end, it’s so easy to drown under the piles of homework that never seem to end.
Dead week and finals week (especially your first one) can seem so overwhelming and at times unsurvivable.  But here are some tips to help survive (and possibly thrive in) this dead week while still staying both physically and mentally healthy.
1. Sleep!
As tempting as it may seem to pull an all-nighter to finish your homework, many have learned the hard way that it’s not the smart thing to do.  Although staying up all night may help you finish that six-page research paper, the lack of sleep will catch up with you later.  Plus getting rest will help you function and focus better the next day.
2. (Try to) Eat Healthier
It’s so easy to load up on junk food and snacks from Paws n Go when you don’t want to wait in a 30 minute line at the Den, especially when you have the giant freshman dining plan.  But eating healthy will not only help your body from getting sick from being so stressed, but it will also help you feel better.
3. Take Breaks
Studying, writing papers, and compiling portfolios can all seem like daunting tasks.  Doing them all at once can seem even more overwhelming.  Don’t try to do everything at one time.  Aristotle even says that “even studying is occasionally harmful to health.”  Every so often, take a walk with a friend or go grab something to eat.  Try setting a timer to work for an hour or two and then take an intentional brain break to relax.
4. Have Some Jesus Time
This may very well be the most important tip of all.  In times of the impending stress and anxiety, remember that you can’t get through this by your own strength, but rely on God’s.  Spending time praying and reading the Bible can be one of the most refreshing and reenergizing things you can do in the midst of a stressful day.
Always remember that God’s got you and He will help you get through what may seem unsurvivable.
You got this!
-Natalie P.
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