#insideazusapacific NatalieP friends
insideazusapacific · 7 years
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Fostering Friendships Back Home
I think one of the hardest parts about coming to college was leaving behind the few close friendships I had back home.  Friends I have loved and adored since elementary school who all of the sudden leave California for college.  But one of the best things about going home over break is being able to see those friends again.  
One of the hardest things about being away from them is trying to stay connected in the midst of the homework-filled, crazy college life.  It seems like when you leave for college, everyone is talking about how they’ll stay in touch, but homework begins to pile up and schedules fill up and before you know it, it’s been a month and you haven’t talked to anyone from back home.
So here’s a piece of advice that I’ve come to learn this semester: be intentional in staying in touch with friends back home.  Granted, FaceTime and texting are no match for face to face time, but they’re better than nothing.  I’ve found that talking with friends back home can even be a stress reliever and can bring a newfound joy and life that seems to get lost in the week to week routine that develops.  
Going home this past week for Thanksgiving made me especially thankful for the friends I have back home.  The friends who I haven’t talked to for a few weeks, but when we’re together it feels like no time has passed at all.  The friends who make the stresses of college and homework a little more bearable.  
So send that text to your best friends back home.  Maybe communicate the old fashioned way and send them a letter.  You never know how that may brighten up their day, or even yours.
-Natalie P.
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