#inspector g spillin the tea 🫡
inspector. give us your best impression of prosecutor asogi.
dogs dont talk or blog ! you are all dumb and i wont listen to any of you! i only listen to my sword! yes swords talk!! dogs do not!
i am going to burn the ol bailey to the ground! the reaper will hang!! ill thrust my sword in you if you get in my way! it knows where you live !!
inspector lestrade!? she can not have biscuits, my lord, no sir. and i wont eat them neither! give her the boot!! and the dog too cause its not a sword !
objection my lord! the defence is too pretty! evidence?? my sword says so!
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also miss smartypants when you get up: dont go farther than the porch without waking one of us all right?? you might get hurt a bit since you were sorta unexpected and i havent added you to our flat yet. there are croissants and some quiche in the kitchen you can help yourself to!!
only rule is no weapons or feet on the table. put those on chairs and if youre up before me you can come get me! i will make you breakfast all proper!!
oi, thanks fer the treats! 'mazin as always!! 😍🙏
'ope i didnt wake ya wiv me 'ollerin jus now 🙈 i wos sneakin proper gentle-like, but that flamin floorboard right outside yer door went all creaky on me… 'eard it, tried to skip past quick, an' ended up smashin into the wall an' bumpin me bad arm sumfin fierce…
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can you do an impression of the reaper 👀
...pray forgive the discurtsy of throwing me bottles on you, man. ...oh? it was asogi. ah. alas. dont be a hallowed fool, prentus! it was mearly a half full bottle. ...oh no ! you are hurt! come, let me kiss it better. ...no that is too close. please stay away and let me sulk. hallowedly.
i am obsessed with liquid. insult my hallowed grape juice and i will weep like a baby. alas!! i am not. my scowl and thick heavy boots should be enough proof. would a baby drink grape juice ? would a baby throw bottles in a tantrum? objection!! i think not.
miss lestrade! get that dog away from me dollhouse. it is the crime scene, do not you see? no!! hallowed objection my lord!! miss lestrade is playing with my dolls. tell her to stop!!
mister meat. mister meat do not give me a riddle please, pray do not! i must not lose to miss lestrade again! she will never have my dolls.......!
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Hey Gina please can I get my 3 dollars back. It's Canadian money you can't even use it. Please :(
canadian, eh...? 🤔
oi @chaosofshadow, reckon youd 'ave any use fer this rum coin?
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I'm not sure what exactly is going on, however, I trust your judgment. I want to say that if you want to talk about anything, I am here to listen and help you when you need it. Please remember that I'm here for you when you need me. Take care of yourself, alright? I vaguely know what happened to you and the others. I hope you have a speedy recovery and take the time you need to rest.
........oddo, i.......
......why... dya always trust me...?
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What was your first impression of Prosecutor Asogi?
that e wos a bloke wiv no chill, blimey. i jus came to drop off some evidence fer the reaper, an' this masked cove shoves a sword in me chevy chase!!
sure, i picked me way through the lock, but c'mon, the reaper wos out an' i 'ad better fings to do than sit round an' wait fer 'im, didnt i?? cor, ow wos i sposta know e'd gotten 'imself a bleedin guard dog...
if it wosnt fer me charm an' quick finkin, i reckon id've been dead meat, i would 😱
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to the future head of scotland yard,
i’m sure that you deserve many more biscuits than you normally get daily. i’m sorry to hear about your experience with toby’s treats but i’m glad that he found you when needed!! make sure to give him a few extra pets from me when you get the time! now, onto another question. did you have a fun time at quinns? well, i’m sure you did, i was following along with your updates, but i just want to make sure you had a great time!!
-A. Spellmeyer
i... dont fink i do deserve very many bickies, to be straight wiv ya. i keep screwin up, i do. even wiv toby... soph went to check on 'im, an' it turns out e'd up an' left wivout so much as a yarf. probly 'e wos fed up wiv 'avin me as 'is 'ousemate. thats the third - maybe fourth - lemon an' lime in a week that ive gone an' pushed someone to their wits end.
as fer quinns... cor, that seems a lifetime away, dunnit? but, yeah. s'pose i 'ad a good time...
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Hi Gina!! I think you should consider getting Toby a hat like yours to match, it would look great.
... that idea aint 'alf bad 🤔 e'd look dashin in one, e would! not so sure e'd much like wearin one though. wos a real to-do just gettin 'im used to wearin a ribbon - blimey, the fuss 'e made!! i was 'alf ready to give up wiv it an' call it a bad job, when all ov a sudden 'e went an' changed 'is tune, an' then e's all over the one wots round me neck!! wouldnt let up 'is arfin till 'e 'ad me ribbon tied round 'is own neck... so i 'ad to go an' wear 'is ribbon fer meself instead. theyre a queer lot, dogs, aint they???
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everyone is welcome at quinns if theyre not here to hurt anyone! you can bring toby, we have snacks for dogs too! sure i didnt know you were comin but it doesnt mean youre not allowed back! besides you cant just convince yourself youre not welcome because mr pretty prosecutor was grumpy at first! you got to dance with him and thats real rare!
and walking home together was really fun, so we should do that together again! whats the worst that could happen anyway, one of us will fall into the thames?
....mr pretty proscetutor.... thats ziggy, aint it? 'is grumpin aint wots put me in the dumps. but ta fer tryna perk me up! 🫶
pffft! if we end up takin a tumble into the thames, thatll be the end o' me! better 'ope ya can swim, cos i sure cant 😂😂
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What was your first impression of Lord Barok van Zieks?
not a great one, to be straight wiv ya. i mean... aint like i ad good first impressions ov any o'the adults i met then, but the reaper? e did nuffin but chuck mud my way. oi, 'e labeled me a petty thief, not to be trusted, jus a little girl, 'ateful, reckless, a dirty liar wiv no cred... that sorta fing 🙄 nuffin i aint eard before, but e jus piled it on, e did!
but i wosnt ever afraid ov 'im. e wos jus like the rest. aint no adult wots different. all the same, the lot o'them...
..... thats wot i reckoned back then, anyways!
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What do you like most about yourself?
cor blimey, wots bleedin NOT to like!!
im sharp as a tack. i got the noggin ov a pro diver an the savvy of a top inspector. im a proper riot to be 'round, easy on the eyes, an ne'er a penny short. my guts an grit are so thick they put soggys knockers to shame. erlock says im the greatest dee in all o' lonndin, an that bloke ain't ne'er been off the mark. 'alf the yards dyin to be me, the other 'alfs beggin to be chums wiv me, an the third 'alf dunno a stepladder from a ladder, so who cares a fig bout wot they fink anyway!!
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[Upon digging at the roots of the great tree, you find a thin candle a foot long. It is green mottled with gold, like late summer leaves, and smells faintly of maple.] 🌠
...... this.... this aint the watch..... ??
there aint nuffin else ere.... 😔 wot am I sposta do, light it or summat...? i dont got nuffin to light it wiv...
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miss smartypants!!! i have returned to being awake and so i can thank you for coming!!! i didnt know if you were going to show or not but it was a lot of fun to see you there!!! and now youve met me when people arent throwing things through my window!!!
you and mr handsome make a fine duo for dancing, thats for sure!!! and it was super fun to walk home together!!!
aven!!! 😁 pardon fer the delay, i—ive been up to me ears in it, i tell ya. but blimey, if saturday wosnt an absolute hoot?! luvved the dancin, the singin an the gabbin!! yer a marvel wiv that fiddle, an yer voice, aven, blimey. an i near stopped breathin when ya 'opped on the table an the reaper went stiff as a bobby in the dead o' winter 😂😂 then we 'ad ourselves a proper giggle on the way to me digs, didnt we??
id come evry weekend if i could!! … im finkin, though, maybe it aint such a good idea. probly best i stay 'ome wiv toby, lookin after 'im… gets 'imself in a right state, 'e does, pesterin evryone 'round if 'is treats aint on time !! 😅
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Can I have a hug?
sure, why not!! 😇🫳🫂
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miss smartypants!!!!!! i have to tell you something!!!!!! right so youve been through my area many times because the people here have terrible luck and also hate everyone else of course. obviously. but i got lucky tonight!!!! this one lad whos real cool finally showed up to my brothers pub!!!!! and i got to serenade him!!!!
miss smartypants i cannot stress this enough he smells like pennyroyal. he smells like pennyroyal and some sort of nice tea and you didnt even tell me. hes the bestest and you know this and you knew he smells so nice and you never said anything!!!! you never told me!!! you let me wonder!!!!
i can only forgive you miss smartypants if you tell your dog i love him too. even if another lad stole the title of the bestest from him. you understand me right. right???
penny... pennyroyal......??? 'ang on a flamin tick. SOGGY is yer top bloke ya cant stop natterin bout whenever im round???
PFFFTT!!! 😂😂 gordon bennett aint that a riot!! avent eard a good 'un like that in donkeys years!!!
oi @kazuma-asogi-blog !! who'd've adam an eve'd yer smell would be so pined after??? i reckon we could cork that up an start peddlin it on the 'igh street, make a bob or two, ey? 😂🙏
cor blimey aven—next time soggy goes to see ya strummin, ya better make sure 'e drags me along wiv 'im!!! dont let 'im leave me out, ya 'ear??
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Inspector Lestrade,
I hope this message finds you well, and in the company of a nice drink and some cake. I would like to offer my condolences for the loss of your mentor, and I can promise you that he safely made it to the afterlife, from where he can watch over your exploits. I would also like to offer to you my sincerest thanks for your help in uncovering the true Reaper. You acted honestly and with steel, and my gratitude cannot be understated.
Yours in the alleys,
wots all this, then? the perfessor, innit? i dunno wot yer goin on bout but its not like wot i did wos fer you wos it..?
.... 'old on a darn tiddlin tick. y...ya spoke to the boss..? ....is 'e there? is 'e… is 'e really wotchin...?
..OI, BOSS! ARE YA GETTIN THIS??? look at me, usin me words 'n all!! proper shocker, aint it?! ya probly thought itd be a cold day down below fore ya'd see it ! 😁😁😁
oh an' jus so ya know! ive been on top ov windin that clock o'yers, evry blinkin day! avent missed a single twist o'the knob, ya hear? its all ticktockin away, nice 'n steady, all cos ov me!! 🫡
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