Let the silent sage move about in the village as the bee goes taking honey from the flower without harming color or fragrance
Dhammapada – Flowers 49 ~ Buddha
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The Destroyer brings under his sway the man who, possessed by longing, plucks only the flowers (of existence), (and) who is insatiable in sexual passions.
Dhammapada – Flowers 48 ~ Buddha
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Neither mother nor father, nor any other relative, can do one as much good as a perfectly directed mind.
Dhammapada – The Mind 43 ~ Buddha
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Whatever foe may do to foe, or hater to hater, greater is the harm done (to oneself) by a wrongly directed mind.
Dhammapada – The Mind 42 ~ Buddha
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As a great flood carries away a sleeping village, so death bears off the man who, possessed of longing, plucks only the flowers (of existence).
Dhammapada – Flowers 47 ~ Buddha
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The Learner (of the Transcendental Path) shall conquer the Realm of Death with its deities. The Learner shall make out the well-taught Verses of Truth as an expert picks flowers
Dhammapada – Flowers 45 ~ Buddha
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The mind is extremely subtle and difficult to grasp, alighting on whatever it pleases. Let the man of understanding keep watch over the mind. A guarded mind brings happiness.
Dhammapada – The Mind 36 ~ Buddha
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Who shall conquer the earth and the Realm of Death with its deities? Who shall make out the well-taught Verses of Truth as an expert picks flowers?
Dhammapada – Flowers 44 ~ Buddha
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There is no fear for someone who is awake, whose mind is uncontaminated by craving, (and) unperplexed, (and) who has given up vice and virtue.
Dhammapada – The Mind 39 ~ Buddha
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Before long, this body, devoid of consciousness, will lie rejected on the ground like a useless faggot.
Dhammapada – The Mind 41 ~ Buddha
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(The mind) is frivolous and difficult to control, alighting on whatever it pleases. It is good to tame the mind. A tamed mind brings happiness.
Dhammapada – The Mind 35 ~ Buddha
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Far-ranging and lone-faring is the mind, incorporeal and abiding in the cave (of the heart). Those who bring it under control are freed from the bonds of Mara.
Dhammapada – The Mind 37 ~ Buddha
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His wisdom does not attain to perfection whose mind is unsettled, who is ignorant of the Real Truth (saddhamma), and whose faith wavers.
Dhammapada – The Mind 38 ~ Buddha
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The almsman who delights in mindfulness (and) who regards unmindfulness with fear is not liable to regression. He is in the presence of Nirvana.
Dhammapada - Mindfulness 32 ~ Buddha
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The almsman (bhikkhu) who delights in mindfulness (and) who regards unmindfulness with fear advances like fire, burning up fetters gross and subtle.
Dhammapada - Mindfulness 31 ~ Buddha
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By means of mindfulness, Maghava (i.e., Indra) attained to the chieftaincy of the gods. Mindfulness is always praised, unmindfulness always despised.
Dhammapada - Mindfulness 30 ~ Buddha
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