#inspired by that one meme by thegoodmurphy
papasmistakeria · 4 years
Headcanon: Jared invented an 'Annoy Melendez Day' which is on Neil's birthday
What they do they do on 'Annoy Melendez Day'? The plans vary every year. The first time this was implemented it started with Shaun following Neil everywhere and just staring at him except his eyes (which creeps Neil out), Jared kept asking weird questions like "Are lego houses made of the flesh of the people living in it?", and Claire would keep chasing him while calling his name for no reason. At the end of the day, Neil preparing to go home with a migraine, the three residents gather in his office with a box of cupcakes and candles and sing happy birthday
Neil wouldn't admit it but he loves Annoy Melendez Day (or his birthday in short). Yes it usually ends with him having a killer migraine but he knew his residents mean well and their gestures are warm. The annoy part just makes the ending alot better and sweeter
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