#inspired by that video where franziska meets phoenix
nobodytriple · 5 months
Gumshoe meets Beanix and Trucy
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thislovelylady · 8 years
@fiircbird I told you I’d do it. I changed some of the roles we discussed to make it fit characters better. Also any song titles labeled with * are subject to change depending on the content. I will rewrite the songs...tomorrow. lmao.
Phoenix Wright has everything going for him: Born into a wealthy upper-class family in Los Angeles, he was given plenty of opportunities to succeed in life. Presently, he is a double Art & Theatre Major, President of the prestigious Alpha Pi fraternity, and dating the love of his life -- Dahlia "Dollie" Hawthorne.
Our story begins with some of Phoenix's fraternity brothers, Larry, Ronnie, and Wocky excitedly discussing their President's plan to propose to Dahlia ("Oh my god you guys"). They go to surprise him with good luck booze, only to find his room empty. Larry then recalls that Phoenix was getting a tailored suit for the occasion, and the three rush over to go and support him.
The scene cuts to Phoenix in a dressing room, still unsure about the suit. As he contemplates, Larry and the others show up and they go on about their excitement.
Off to the side, a sales associate Frank Sawhit muses to himself that rich boys are stupid and attempts to make a quick commission charge. Phoenix, however, proves he isn't as gullible as he may look. Another associate rushes in and takes over, apologizing and offering him the perfect blue suit instead. Armed with this, Phoenix feels confident enough to pop the question to Dahlia tonight.
Dahlia arrives at his fraternity house later that evening, and with his brothers giving him encouraging gestures, he whisks her away to a romantic restaurant. There, Dahlia starts talking about the future ("Serious") and Phoenix gets himself hyped up to get out the ring. Before he can, however, she says they should break up. He tries to get her to change her mind, even bringing out the ring -- but that only makes her leave immediately.
Phoenix is devastated and sulks for days, and his brothers and other friends attempt to console him ("Hey Ace Of Alpha Pi"). They finally get him out of his room and into the main room, where they have some girls over (including Mia, Maya, and Ema). They hang for a bit and Phoenix seems to be doing well until a show comes on interviewing Diego Armando, a famous lawyer known for both his charm and skill in the courtroom. Seeing how the reporter fawns over him, Phoenix has an epiphany: Become an attractive, successful lawyer to win Dahlia back ("What You Want)!
With guidance from Mia and a lot of hard work, Phoenix forksakes his senior spring break and studies enough to pass the LSAT with qualifying scores to get into Harvard Law. Instead of writing a personal essay, he leads a bunch of his friends into a musical performance into the Harvard admission offices to inspire the department (consisting of its lead, Grossberg, and two aides Penny and Richard Wellington) into accepting him. Eventually, they do, once he reveals he is motivated by love.
Phoenix arrives on campus, clueless but optimistic as he tries to find Dahlia. His classmates (including Edgeworth) brag about their accomplishments and refuse to help him as he seems out of place, but he manages to get help from Lenora, the law teaching assistant ("The Harvard Variations"). While heading to class, he bumps briefly into Dahlia, who's shocked to see him there. Later, they end up in the class of the infamous Kristoph, whom Lenora consequently aides for ("Blood In The Water"). Kristoph kicks Phoenix out at the suggestion of Matt, a classmate who turns out to be Dahlia's new boyfriend. This tragedy summons the images of Larry, Mia, and Maya -- his three closest friends -- to act as his inner 'Greek Chorus'. They tell Phoenix to persist against this new development ("Positive"), but he can't seem to get over it. He decides to go to the local bar, the Borscht Bowl Club, to drown his sorrows and figure out what to do.
While there, Phoenix spills his heart to Gumshoe, the ex-cop-turned-bartender who tries to give him some encouragement. He tells about this dream he's always had about Ireland and how what he thought was the love of his life turned out to be a huge mistake ("Ireland*"). But if he could get through that, why can't he? While they're chatting, Matt walks in with a few of his friends and heads over to the pool table. He sees Phoenix and, in an attempt to smooth things over, invites him to a pool party happening this weekend. Phoenix accepts, eager to get another chance to talk to Dahlia, and runs off knowing exactly what to do. Gumshoe affirms that he'll be all right ("Ireland (Reprise)*").
Phoenix arrives at the party the next night, only to see that he had been lied to -- it isn't a pool party at all, but  a classy get-together. He's humiliated for a moment as everyone looks at him like he's an idiot, but then he totally owns it and goes up to Dahlia. She humors him for a minute before dismissing him again ("Serious (Reprise)") and he leaves the party, dejected.
Lenora finds him looking sad in a speedo on a park bench and cannot help but inquire what happened, and he explains. Despite this, she can't really sympathize with him, explaining her own circumstances ("Chip On Your Shoulder"). Still, she agrees to help Phoenix study and get back on track and the two of them develop a friendship over time and gets him to realize that his desire to please Dahlia is what's getting in his way. After impressing Kristoph, he submits his application for the prestigious internship everyone is fighting for. Later, Phoenix and Lenora help Gumshoe get his dog Missile back from his ex-girlfriend, April May. Seeing their work pay off gets him even more excited about what he's studying! They chat more on their way back to campus, only to stop when they realize a group of classmates is crowding around Kristoph's office door.
Edgeworth is already walking away from the board, sounding excited and pleased with himself, telling whoever is on the other line that he received the internship. Lenora wonders why Kristoph posted it early -- and Phoenix runs to go check for his own name. He stops, however, upon hearing Dahlia and Matt celebrate they both earned the internship, too. In a spontaneous burst of excitement, Matt proposes to Dahlia. She's shocked, but seeing Phoenix there snaps her out of it -- and she accepts. Phoenix goes back to sulking, devastated again -- until Lenora points out his name's on the internship list, too. ("So Much Better").
Max Galactica is a famous magician known for his stunning performances ("Whipped Into Shape"*/). Kristoph reviews a video of Max's latest filmed performance with his team -- Lenora, Phoenix, Dahlia, Matt, and Edgeworth -- and presents him as their defendant, who unfortunately has been accused of killing his wife, Regina Berry. Sadly, he refuses to provide an alibi as to his whereabouts on the day of the murder. Nobody can get the alibi out of Max, up until he speaks privately with Phoenix, who recognizes him as a previous ALPHA PI brother. Max explains he was getting liposuction the day of the murder, but is terrified his fans will hate him as a result. Because of Phoenix's loyalty to his client and refusal to state the alibi, he and Lenora are shunned by the group. To cheer Lenora up, and to increase her chances of impressing Kristoph, Phoenix takes her to the mall to get a proper makeover ("Take It Like A Man").
Back at the Borsct Bowl, Phoenix is chatting with Gumshoe when a cute night security guard, Maggey, walks in briefly -- and then walks out, realizing she has the wrong place. Apparently she does this a lot. Gumshoe pines for her, but doesn't think he can get her attention. Together with the help of the Greek Chorus -- specifically Larry -- , Phoenix teaches him a surefire flirting technique that works on all straight women! Sadly, in the process of attempting the move, Gumshoe knocks Maggey out ("Bend and Snap"*).
In the courtroom we see Adrian Andrews, a witness who has allegedly had an affair with Max while working as the maid in his home. Max denies this vehemently. Phoenix gets a hunch that Adrian is gay, seeing as how she remains unaffected by his infamous smouldering look, but the group debates whether this is a legitimate line of questioning or not ("There! Right There!"). Eventually, Lenora gets her to crack by causing her to slip and mention she has a girlfriend -- Franziska, who is present in the courtroom at the time. Adrian takes it all back and the ladies leave together.
Later that night, the group celebrates their victory. Kristoph takes Phoenix aside and attempts to make a move on him, which he refuses -- and, upon doing so, he is fired. Edgeworth witnesses all of this from outside. A defeated Phoenix prepares to go home, even though Lenora asks him to stay, finally realizing that she is in love with him ("Legally Blonde*").
Phoenix drops by the Borscht Bowl to say goodbye to Gumshoe, but is stopped by Edgeworth, who convinces him otherwise. Edgeworth admits that although he found him obnoxious at first, Phoenix has proven himself worth to be a lawyer -- which rejuvenates his desire to return to the courtroom. Donning his blue suit, Phoenix leads a parade back to the courtroom. Along the way, Gumshoe and Maggey meet up and confess to one another, and his friends from college (Larry, Mia, Maya, Ronnie, Wocky) and even his parents have shown up to see the final trial day ("Legally Blonde Remix"*). Back at the trial, Max fires Kristoph and hires Phoenix, who is able to serve as the defense attorney so long as a licensed one oversees -- which Lenora gladly does.
The trial proceeds, calling the witness Ken Dingling to testify. Phoenix is able to find a contradiction in his testimony and unravel his lies, revealing that the witness purposely framed Max for the murder, as he had a grudge against Regina from years prior. Ken is arrested and Max is set free. Everyone celebrates together. Lenora turns to Phoenix, ready to tell him how she feels -- up until she sees Dahlia shyly standing in the background. Resigned, she leaves them to talk. Dahlia apologizes and tells Phoenix she wants to marry him, but he realizes that she never wanted to marry Matt in the first place. She was just looking for an 'upgrade'. He tells her it's over, but thanks her for breaking up with him as it helped him discover what he could really do ("Find My Way"). Dahlia is offended by the rejection and runs off.
Three years later, Edgeworth introduces Phoenix as the valedictorian of his class. Gumshoe jumps in to explain where everyone else is presently: Edgeworth practices family law, Matt dropped out to become an actor, and Dahlia found a wealthy husband in some other country. Kristoph ran for governor and was defeated, and Lenora completed a few trials that allowed her to get her mother and sister a nice house to stay in. And, of course, Gumshoe and Maggey are married with two kids and a third on the way. At the end of his speech, Phoenix proposes to Lenora, and she accepts ("Finale").
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