#instead i shall merely say a very merry fuck you very much to my appendix
trolleybitch · 2 years
trolley does nano days 10-17!
well. remember how a couple of posts ago i said that everything was going suspiciously well and i expected a disaster to strike? OH BOY did i predict the future with that sentence!!!!
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after a delightful day 10, i then spent most of the evening/night of day 11 in hospital a&e. thankfully i didn't need surgery but i spent the next few days in a lot of pain and severely sleep-deprived, and then days 15 and 16 gradually getting better thanks to a bunch of medication and shitty christmas movies. that makes 5 whole days where i did no writing whatsoever, and my beautiful 3k headstart has been destroyed :'(
i'm feeling pretty much back to normal now, just slightly achey and bearing a giant bruise on my arm from badly-administered blood tests, and i have finally been able to have a proper work-and-nano day today with a count of 2193. my stats tell me it'll take 2108 words a day to catch up, so let us all manifest an absence of further medical issues and a smoother path to the end of the month!
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