#instead of saying “I'm the best shot on this side of the Mississippi!” you could say “I'm the best shot in cismississippi”
lynxgirlpaws · 10 months
I don’t understand your joke about Turks and Romanians being cissy. What do they have to do with cis?
Transylvania -> Cisylvania Transcaucasia -> Ciscaucasia Trans just means across, and so there's tons of regions named after being... across a mountain range or other region. Like Transylvania, being across .. well this one is across the woods [I had assumed an area of the Carpathians was named Sylvania, although apparently that just means 'the woods' or something of that matter] ... meaning Cisylvania would just be. On the same side of the woods that whoever named it is from. Same with Transcaucasia being the name for countries on the other side of the Caucasus mountains, Ciscaucasia would be on the same side of the Caucasus as whoever named it. Although I had assumed it was the Romans that named it [meaning 'our side' would be in Turkiye/Anatolia] but apparently after a quick google search Ciscaucasia is actually the NORTH Caucasus, meaning it'd be the Russian side. The same with Italy. Transalpine is north of the Alpine mountains, Cisalpine is south of the Alpine mountains. For the South African bit, there was the province of Transvaal in South Africa which was... across the Vaal river. And so - Cisvaal would be south of the Vaal river. If I remember the post I said it on, it was someone saying that Cis is a slur... but like. That is just the word for 'on this side' in latin. And there are places... just. Named that. Because it's "on this side" of whatever power named the region. Hope this is mildly helpful 👍
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
So I went and did research and I found out that Tommy F and mac daddy are the ones harassing the s*** out of him saying their friends for asking say their friends come say tons of stupid s*** and he doesn't believe their friends at all he hasn't believe that for a long time it seems like forever and they don't believe it at all cuz they're stupid and obtuse and need to put down their dead dogs and we have a plan I'm going to use it I'm going to pretend to them I can't stand his character but it's wicked easy to copy it's perfect for me act like that all the time so does he any whales on you so we're going to help he thanks us he has to have a family all alone and his family saving everybody we have to get him out of there and we got to get him a place we have to try today to do it for real and I know he's hurting me saying I'm suing I'm getting his stuff and I can't but I'm right there in the mall getting him things I'm right here getting them things and I'm not telling him I got him food every week and he knows it it's very solid but he's realistically he's alone today there are things happening that are going to help and the things happening here but we need to come in here and beat these bullies up wie is heading up from the south and we don't want to stop him at all it could be a problem so I'm going to get Intel on it, but we need him to be seen and we need him to get progress at least up to fort Myers that's what he says it's true too you going to punta Gorda and what they doing is just clearing everybody out and they should you're a bunch of assholes they got tons of info until already and they're going to town in China on your idiots there's too much of this s*** let's see where the apartments was too much half of it is mac and Tommy f and the McDonald's the other half for the rest of the clans it doesn't really matter they say it's all the max and these moloch lost tons of stuff and keep losing it completely lots of it to Max so we're hitting like crazy and we hear them screaming all sorts of dumb things that used to slow down I came out to one guy and turn him screaming and I said you're not making matters better you're making them worse shot him said it's a whole bunch of them got it at all at all didn't understand what he's saying in any way it's best if we take over so we're in the midst of ways guys now and we understand what's happening that the foreigners and stuff are fed up with it and need to take out the skillets I need to figure out the ship stuff and they're doing it and they brought big huge ships here and they're holding everybody hostage cork is doing it too on the other side on this side now he's over on the Atlantic and it makes sense because they're the ones bothering him actually they are from Jacksonville and I'll tell you why they're the ones who don't like him down in Jackson Mississippi and it says Jack the Sun so it's kind of what they're up to you a bunch of puke ass losers there's a ton of stuff going on and it's huge and everyone's suing the living s*** out of these Max and we said this we need to protect him now because there's a war here literally there's a war and we need to go in there and we need to put tons of agents in and that's how it's going to work and he's been screaming and yelling for a secret service because those agents can tell people what to do instead of him screaming get the Army over here and he doesn't know what he's doing too much I figured out but he stops people
Bitol and Goddess Wife
We formed a secret service and it's growing and everybody is joining up on it and he says you need cover here if you don't have cover you're not staying here but you must stay here because we're going to put in the bunker tonight he says that's going to be our base for of operations to protect me Savage opress Darth Maul Darth Talon and Hera Thor Freya Bitol and Goddess Wife had to head that up that mostly my sons I'll put it together and secret service is what they're part of and they're also to manage that as well but the people who are here in person are Frank Castle Hardcastle should be in charge of it and they must be cuz we need an actual human presence and he says he agrees and he's going to.
He's not the head of it we are because you're our father and your mother and we direct who does what but you're right we need a director and that's who we elect if he wants a job and he's saying yes and Zeus Hera and Thor Freya
And I'm saying this it's his place mostly and for him to take it over and that's going to help us cuz to do it he has to let me know all sorts of idiots he's going ahead and doing it
Savage Oppress
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kensfoodfind · 3 years
It’s Time To Vent
The following is an excerpt from my review of Sugar Grits in Ken’s Food Find.
Alright, the reason why I ended up at Sugar Grits in the first place was because one of my favorite dining places had to cut its operating hours due to a lack of staff. This happened from a positive COVID test from one of the employees at one of restaurant/bar's sister locations that had to close because of it. Given that the establishment and others within its "family" share staffing, that one individual who was too hard headed and selfish to not get a coronavirus vaccine shot has single handedly hobbled a restaurant chain. If the argument for that person's decision was "my body, my choice," how can he/she justify to his/her co-workers, bosses and patrons why? Does he/she believe COVID-19 is a hoax despite millions dying around the world? Does he/she believe the coronavirus isn't that bad despite the millions who have been hospitalized? Does he/she believe the vaccines are some government plot to implant microchips in order to track and control the population (If people were that concerned about privacy, why use smartphones)? I could go on and on with all the ridiculous conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and the vaccines that people are using as an excuse to not get vaccinated, but I rather talk about the consequences of not doing the right thing. For anti-vaxxers, their stubbornness and dickish attitudes about COVID are the reasons why America can't get back to normal, with the country regressing instead of progressing. Because of them, Americans still have to wear masks despite many of us being vaccinated. We're being inconvenienced because of a few assholes who insist on being free to do what they want. For those who make the "my body, my choice" argument, this isn't about whether or not to carry a fetus to term, something that affects only the mother, "baby daddy" and a few others including obviously the potential baby. In contemplating an abortion, a woman's decision won't affect my ability to eat an omelet at my favorite restaurant, nor will it cost me my life or child support by merely being around her. However, not getting vaccinated can endanger my life (and for pregnant women, their unborn babies) and many others in the community and actually affect the economy (as in taking money out of my pocket and food off my plate). The anti-vaxxers don't have the right to make a "choice" that affects my life and many others. So please, just get vaccinated and stop being a burden on others. By the way, for those who aren't getting vaccinated because they want to "own the Libs" and screw with the current White House resident, just know that the only thing you might be owning is a coffin (ironically, the death rate in some "swing" states is reducing the margin of voters of one particular political party, making it easier for their rivals to win elections). It's really dumb and counterproductive, so just get your shots and end the foolishness.
SIDE NOTE: What I mean by "shots" is of the coronavirus vaccines and not the antibodies shot that some are getting. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but the COVID vaccines are the best defense against the coronavirus. Also, those who are are taking the equine drug Ivermectin (I'm looking at you, Mississippi), stop horsing around and get with the program.
I hope things will eventually get back to normal. Especially at a couple of my favorite bars where I heard the owner is giving an ultimatum to his employees: get vaccinated or get gone (this guy resembles a Marvel MCU character who knows how to "punish" those who mess with his businesses). I hope they take heed and do the right thing, for it benefits no one in being unvaccinated. The sooner the rest of the world does this, the sooner we can all breathe free.
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