#int; nadiye sultana
rcyalxblccd · 5 months
Very little time had been spent wandering the castle if Xavier could help it upon his arrival. After all, there were some people he wished to avoid, so much so that when he was not performing his duty as guard to the Cuban royals - he had found himself venturing to the inner cities to help himself to copious amounts of liquor. Unfortunately, his habit was quick to catch up with him. After a fellow guard had warned him how his foolishness could put the King and Queen into yet another compromising situation, he tried his best to get himself out of the rut he had been in since he and Nadiye had been separated in Italy.
So upon being released from his duties for the day, Xavier had decided to venture to kitchen for a cup of tea to wake himself a bit. The kitchen was unsurprisingly empty, as it was quite a bit after lunch but too early for the staff to be preparing meals for dinner. He rummaged through several cabinets, until stumbling upon the kettle he had been looking for. As he moved to the sink to fill the kettle with water, the sound of approaching footsteps pulled Xavier away from his current task. "Would you like s-..." he began, his words caught in his throat though when he saw who had entered the room. Quickly Xavier averted his gaze away from Nadiye. His eyes instead; becoming glued to his reflection in the tea kettle.
Xavier had imagined being reunited with Nadiye many times prior to his arrival in Greece; however any words he would have once spoken to her had seemed to fly out the window the moment he learned that she had given birth to a child. He knew he should not be surprised or upset with her; after all, she was now married and children were expected to follow such events but that did not mean it hurt him any less.
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