#int; sigyn & eric.
heartsdefine · 1 year
starter call — accepting! ↳ @luminescenc1e (eric northman)
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Sigyn of the Staying Power, Goddess of Constancy, Lady of Light, steps quietly from the shadows between two buildings. She takes many a nightly walk in many a strange and unusual place for one such as she, and yet she moves with fear of nothing—not even the curious creature currently trailing her steps.
She has sensed his like before in a crowd, though never been confronted by one of them. Most know a devastating power when it stands before them, and are wise enough not to trifle with it. Others, perhaps, might take her very presence as a sort of challenge. She does not know what this one has in mind, but she stops, head tilting to the side as he does the same, then turns.
"You'd do well to keep your fangs sheathed this night, young Northman," Sigyn says, smiling almost pleasantly. "Unless you mean to break them on less supple flesh than they were made to pierce."
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heartsdefine · 1 year
starter call — accepting! ↳ @luminescenc1e (eric northman)
Sigyn knows upon entering the establishment that she will stick out like a lit candle in a dark room. Dirty jeans, a ratty t-shirt and a torn jacket are all hardly normal fashion for a place like Fangtasia, where humans and vampires come together and socialize. Since the great coming-out-of-the-coffin, she's spent as little time among humans as ever herself. It just seems dangerous to her. But there is one recent development that has definitely caught her interest.
And she cannot bring herself to enter a human store to ask for what she needs.
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"How, um—" Sigyn pauses, clearing her throat. "How much for a bottle of Tru Blood?" She produces a few crumpled bills from her pocket, dotted with conspicuous brown stains. A woman standing next to her at the bar tosses her long, dark hair, and Sigyn gets a whiff of something delightfully human—feels the pulse of the living heart beside her in her bones—and the burning in her throat grows that much worse. She turns hastily back to the man behind the bar. "If this isn't enough, I can wash dishes."
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