alucardrakul · 5 months
@ormir location: Nornwatch Keep notes: cuttin' up bodies and kissin' under the meat tree. Idk man but this is during week 2.
Another had turned in the night, in a cell the ghoul rampaged against the confines of the bars. Ravenous and unruly; after what had to be every square inch of the cell had been scratched, the ghoul paced the circumference and settled on its haunches in the corner. Alucard had been told that the corrupted man had once been a smith of Yggdrasildal, noble, bright, and skilled. Now he was this monster with eyes that glinted from refracted light through the dark.
"I have a request." Alucard stood with a red gaze that watched every detail in the dark, the dim light of the candles was unnecessary, the dhampir saw the detailed horror of the creature's visage with perfect clarity. "This sickness will only continue to spread, we legionnaires are immune, but your people will succumb one by one." The blunt truth was that this was only the beginning. More graves. More pyres. That would be the end of these Iskarans if they did not move quickly. "Iskrates might be able to make use of these bodies, fresh and numerous as they are."
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