#intelite 01
cabaretconnoisseur · 2 years
@intelite liked for a starter //
He likes fast cars and curry. Well, to be more accurate he enjoys classic cars. And this thing was on the far end of the opposite side of the spectrum. But he could still appreciate it. In the absence of one, there was the presence of the other, and he had to hand it to whoever drove this aerodynamic thing- it was pretty sick.
He'd spotted the vehicle now and again whenever he checked his mailbox, which was always empty. That made sense. Who was writing him in some city full of strangers? But never had he run into the neighbor. It wasn't always parked in the same spot, so surely someone drove that great hunk of metal. Whoever it is, they probably someone who pulls massive babes. Lucky bastard.
Or maybe an unlucky bastard? While he was busy shuffling through his nonexistent stack of mail, he spotted an air valves lying on the asphalt, no doubt slowly leaking air out of the tire. Since he was such a good samaritan, he may as well screw it back on. It was simple enough, though he felt a little bit bad about touching something that wasn't his. But all in the name of good intention, right?
"Ah. The only problem is, how do I tell whoever drives you to check the tire pressure?"
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daxned · 2 years
She’s heard of NO-EC through this device in which people called...cellphone. According to some of the people, it was short for a cellular device. Strange. Regardless, that’s how she ends up at the building. It’s overwhelming, just like the rest of Isola. She isn’t exactly sure what she’s looking for, but maybe learning more about this place will be a start. 
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She slowly comes to a stop. She nearly just walks right by this giant robotic being thinking that it was a strange statue. When the robot moves, she looks up at them. 
The Sapling seems relatively curious about this giant....WHAT is it?
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sxnburst · 2 years
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He’s seen a lot of vehicles. Even ones that looked super fancy, but this? Sun hasn’t seen ANYTHING like this before. He’s never sensed anything strange from any of those moving cars before either. Sun is curious, but he’s hesitant as he approaches with caution. A hand is placed on the sleek blueish vehicle. 
“!!” Eyes widens and his tail curls around as the Monkey man scurries back, knuckles back onto concrete as golden eyes are locked on the unmoving vehicle. 
“What....are you?” 
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tremorstep · 4 years
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Well, this was an absolute mistake.  Toph had been curious to check out whatever noisy festival event had apparently been going on in the ward she was living in, only to find it was...just about what she expected.  Noisy, and with LOTS of people in it too.  She couldn’t pick anyone specific out of the crowd from this distance, largely because the giant boxes in the corners blasted out music that sent vibrations through the ground strong enough to muddle everything up for her.
“It’s too loud!  How is anyone supposed to see in here?!” Toph mused aloud through gritted teeth, hands placed firmly over her sensitive ears.  She just decided to wade her way through the place to see what may be on the other side, only to grip her elbow in pain as she bumped into someone else.  “Sorry, I-...”  She stopped.  From the feeling and the clanging noise...that wasn’t a person at all.  “Am talking to a hunk of metal...”  A large, relatively person-shaped, complex hunk of metal, from what she could tell from the impact, but still just the same to her.  It wasn’t anything to be concerned about, she thought as she started to walk away.
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sterrenlied · 4 years
✧*:・゚| A dance, long legs elegant, not touching the surface of the surface of the rink and yet, he creates a string of lights which trail behind like a comet's tail. And with the darkness that contrasted with the rink's lights, it comes across as little surprise that he's so engaged in the colours themselves. A BRILLIANCE that overwhelms the starlight in his own pale eyes. He skates -- one, two, three loops around, eloquent in his mannerisms as much as his speech. And then comes to a halt in front of a machine - or man? certainly looks more CAPABLE than a simple robot. He bows lightly, bouncing back with a smile upon his lips and a wave of the hand. ❝Do you want to try?❞
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eternalrecurrxnce · 2 years
“-- I suppose I was staring. I apologize. Though, if you don’t mind my saying..”
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“This island has opened my eyes to things I’ve not once ever been able to imagine, yet I’ve still never seen anything like you before.” And though his life was still incredibly short-lived compared to other half-elves, Richter had seen quite a few unusual things while on Aselia-- especially in the last two years. Demons, Summon Spirits, Centurions-- beings he once spoke of only in theory with Aster at the academy, pouring over books in the middle of the night that told of their legends and histories. And while his world bore technology that seemed advanced compared to some of the things here, what stood before him truly was unlike anything he ever thought possible; towering over him as he strained his neck upwards to meet his eyes. 
“Were you made for a specific purpose..? Or do other beings exist such as yourself?”
                                                                         –   ☼☽;   ( @intelite​​​ )    
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splicermisraaks · 2 years
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The long stare is likely obvious to anyone, even with his face covered, although he cannot help it. Eliksni have been around machinery for all their lives. Misraaks finds himself fascinated by the current target of focus. Where did it come from? Can it speak? If so, what languages does it know? The Kell moves closer to inspect the being better. “You are a unique kind, one I have never seen before. That must mean you come from another world, yes?” His head tilts, carefully considering how to continue. “There is no reason to assume you are incapable of understanding. Many machines I’ve met are of high intelligence, I believe you are also. I am Misraaks.” One hand raises in greeting to avoid offending. “Perhaps an alliance would be suitable, should you wish for it.”
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homunculusrune · 4 years
➳ I Hope Nobody Thinks I Just Killed This Dude
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His first impression of this place is it’s kind of huge. The Island was vast, certainly, but when self-sealing gates aspire to make the labyrinthine far more straightforwards- all of those branches ended up taking him to the same final destination.
All things said, it’s really starting to stress him out- this colorful crowd of people, none of them infected- he’s flinchy every time a new shape moves in the corner of his eye. It’s driven him further and further from occupied streets, into shady, run-down parts of town that probably tell him he should really turn back- but at the same time, this is at least something he knows how to handle.
He pauses, backtracks, looks at something that is... definitely a body. Not merely passed out, but decisively dead, and fairly fresh. Scanning for any sort of assailant proves futile, and this motivates him to cautious approach, before shifting his attention to the body in question.
Middle-aged. Little bit of stubble. Whatever’d gotten him- ranged weapon, Prisoner was guessing- it’d done its work fast. Touching the body, his skin is cold.
...Guess not everybody can be lucky, even in a place like this, huh?
As it happens, though, it doesn’t look like whoever killed him went through his pockets. No purse or wallet, discernibly- had he heard something about ‘digital’ currency?- but a small keyring, that was interesting- a rough-scribbled note...
Just as he was unfolding it to read its contents, a shadow fell across the alley.
A shadow belonging to some kind of metallic being nearly the size of the Hand of the King.
Prisoner scrambled to his feet, a hand going to a useless piece of wood that wasn’t going to do any good.
Walls on three sides-
Only way to go was up.
Straight up the wall, that was.
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errantkatana · 4 years
This is a frustrating situation. Something, some sort of metal robot thing, keeps speeding past him. Roller skates were one thing (he’s not even sure why he’s trying this.) and finding the right song on his walkman was another. (It needs to suit the setting, damnit!!) It took him longer than he wanted to get used to the rollerskates. Now he’s almost getting run over by what may just be an intentional obstacle on this road. 
Taking a moment to put away his earbuds, he scowls, waiting for it to pass again. Gaining momentum with merciless eyes, he eventually turns around with the speed taking him backwards. 
Steady and focused, when he sees it coming he draws his wooden sword and attempts to strike it as it passes again. 
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abyssalhowl · 4 years
Running with @intelite​
Sif had found something... interesting. Definitely not something she had encountered in the old world. When she had first approached it, she thought that maybe it was someone wearing a suit of armor, like one of the Silver Knights that guarded Anor Londo, but she couldn’t smell anything organic inside.
Her second guess was a statue. On two legs, it stood as tall as she did on four, so it was about the right height and shape to be one... But that wasn’t quite right either. While it did largely contain the scent of metals, she could smell other components as well, ones that were fairly new to her. In fact, it had a similar aroma to one of the metal creatures that traveled on the black roads of the city and harassed her with their loud cries.
Just when she moved closer still to give it a more thorough sniffing, it moved.
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After giving a very undignified yelp, she leapt backwards. Keeping her distance, she let out a few alarmed barks at whatever it was, more shocked than anything else.
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aid-lombard · 4 years
For the most part, Saint-Germain preferred not to get involved with “scenes.” Much of the time, they were simply petty interpersonal squabbles between two people who knew each other--at others, she knew her presence would only make things far, far worse. As much as she held justice strongly in her heart, she knew that for a very long time, she had played the role of a villain. Others could take her place, and she wouldn’t mind. She could atone for her sins in one way or another, surely.
However, it seemed as if more often than not, this city was full of suspicious and dangerous things happening without any sort of “official” response. She didn’t even know if there was a government, quite frankly, and while that was something to worry about later, there were more important things to worry about in the now. As she watched an older man beg for help and get no response, she sighed, and decided to take the step herself.
“Are you alright, sir?”
“My bag--some punk kids stole my bag! It has--”
“Please, just tell me what they look like, and I will assist you.”
One description of shady teenagers later, and Saint-Germain set off, looking for anyone who fit the profile. It didn’t take long to realize that there were, in fact, two teenagers darting down the streets, causing all sorts of ruckus, a bag that clearly didn’t belong to them flailing about in one hand. She sighed, flourished her hand, and lifting off the ground, burst forward after them.
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aurelsabre · 2 years
starter - @intelite​
As Narberal was just returned in this place for not bothering to count how many times, she was dwelling around until a living machine might have wanting her attention. Normally hostile to humans, she will let this one go since he is a talking machine.
From where she was, Archimedes at Savior’s Respite that is not too close at the guild den. Adventurer habits? Obviously.
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“If you are asking me to join that one over there, you’re mistaken.” Her allegiance is always at Ainz Ooal Gown and nothing else.
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