#interaction: carefreemonk
bxldrsdraumar · 8 months
"Ah. There you are."
He hums as he closes the distance, circling around to the front where the knight stands at his appointed position - a vaunted guard of the scant remaining stores.
"Lord Sigurd." The monk flashes him a guileless smile. Stomach rumbles, but he raises his hands in preemptive defense. "Lest you worry, I am not here to change my mind about forsaking my own ration. Rather..."
He reaches to his side, casually retrieving his staff.
"I'm here to make good on my earlier recommendation, if you'll allow me."
Keranes is here too, looking straight ahead as though lost in thought. (Can't guard precious precious treasure all alone, after all. That's just asking for trouble.)
"You will, won't you? I should like to prove some manner of useful, if possible."
Sigurd was of a mind that the most extenuating circumstances showed the true mettle of a man - when he is tired, or cold, or wounded and uncomfortable, or unhappy.
Or hungry.
Most would like to assume that they were in control of their faculties, that something so base as human urges could be brought to heel with enough willpower. They were wrong - each man was a slave to their body, and more often than one might expect, it was hunger which held the leash.
He sighed, tipping his head back to rest it against the wooden wall where their stores lay, feeling the twinge in his gut, the shivering heat that wrought weakness against all of his limbs. He was a pale imitation of himself, and for the first time since reawakening all those months ago, he felt it. Keranes, when she had seated herself beside him, had glanced over him once, and shook her head in the way that people did when they thought they wouldn't be noticed.
Still, he had the faculties to notice the approach of footsteps, and though Sigurd might have scarce had the strength to stand, his grip tightened around the haft of his lance.
It did not loosen at the sight of the smiling monk, the face lined with hunger as the rest, though…
Sigurd smiled in return, took the other man at his face - he had, after all, expressed a disinterest at the physical world. Perhaps he was a truly holy man, after all.
"You cannot blame me my suspicions, my friend. I - you are too kind, I'm not sure you need to - "
But he felt it. In that moment, in spikes beforehand - during the roundtable, when all eyes weighed heavily on him, not just with expectation but with dread. Dread that such a force among them would fall so early. He felt the shame of it, that predicated failure that he could not allow.
His smile softened, and his grip loosened. "You are a good man, sir monk. It is a relief, to know that our trust in you, at least, can stand unwavering."
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princessmacedon · 3 months
{ OOC: housekeeping!
it's been a while since i did one of these and i have a great big mess to clean up ASDFDSD so! threads below the cut, and if i missed something please let me know!
per suggestion of the newsletter, mun pages ( 🐦 ) ( 🐈‍⬛ ) now have guidelines
both maria and katarina's supports pages have been brought up to date!
threads + thread tracker nonsense below!!
here's my thread tracker! currently, it should contain all of my active threads, excepting those from the ethereal ball and as always, please don't feel as though you need to rush! (especially those of you whose threads i just replied to while fixing my shit AHSDHSDFHSD) this is for my organizational sake HAHA ; i'm glad to continue any and all threads, but if you're not feeling one anymore that's fine too >vo)v
Waiting on me:
something old, something new -- @ventusanimae
spirit of healing -- @ashenprofessor
what my cover shows -- @knighteclipsed
all things precious -- @reddragonprincess
red riding hood's basket -- @justices-blade
wondrous tails -- @carefreemonk
with those who favor fire -- @arcelerity
objects in mirror -- @raikuroji
three lions walk out of a field (BOEL) -- @pirrhyc @sharpscion
paperwork perils -- @magictome
land and heavens near -- @lycianlynx
solace in the abyss -- @justices-blade
Waiting on partner:
an end to the song -- @arcstral
sun's shine -- @lycianlynx
shadows in the moonlight -- @hresvelged
birds chasing cats -- @aubins
not dead yet -- @alliberacio
from winter's close emerging -- @hermidetta
i do believe in fairies! -- @nagaficat
Waiting on me:
seeds of hope -- @arcaeda
a blanket of white, unbroken -- @knighteclipsed
a mystery in monochrome -- @gentlenekomata
the road that we walk -- @unsungblade
a day in (un)kingly shoes -- @arcstral
Waiting on partner:
uprooting wallflowers -- @unsungblade
a fleeting fata morgana -- @nabataprophet
cat cat kitty cat -- @unsungblade
cooking by the book -- @amitieos
sham of a prince -- @hosannan
gallowed halls -- @princepsumbra
a night and day we'll never see -- @ulircursed
the mega bonk technique -- @sharpscion
the name of a villain -- @indevouement
penpal randomizer -- @gauldheri
with @cursedbluebird : i'm planning on tacking on an extra reply and have it fade to black if that's alright? :o marianne is so sweet though, thank you for sending her my way!! <3 <3
with @pirrhyc : while i do love lobbing the hot potato around ASDFSDFSDG i think i'll call it there?! but i really enjoyed their little exchange!! :pleading: :boom:
with @frauleindermorgen : i'm definitely down to make this into a mini thread :] unless i misunderstood aDSDDSFHF
ALL MASKS: maria was mask 22! if you'd like to play out the rest of a masquerade thread, i'm down! ^^)7
as always, if you need to contact me for anything, feel free to do so through here or discord!
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viridescent-lance · 2 years
does it really suit you? (azama & forsyth)
A traveling wedding boutique has arrived in town! They offer customized wedding dress and suit fittings. Find that perfect dress and get it tailor made to fit your body… and maybe bring a loved one with you while you’re at it! [Grants Faith +1] starter for @carefreemonk
The atmosphere in the streets is downright festive, new shops and fancy outlets opening up and drawing specialized clientele from the city and outlying towns alike. Mila would be proud, and Forsyth wonders if some vestige of her still exists and has lent Fodlan her blessing.
Sadly, the attention such a scene gets is not all savory. Thieves and swindlers roam, looking to relieve customers and passersby of hard-earned coin. Thus Forsyth’s duties as a knight lead him to a patrol across the most traveled footpaths, watching as people eat, survey, and take part in the delights of festive street stalls.
He’d been warned not to get too involved, as business tends to flounder when faced with an abundance of enforcement, but he’s not one to allow greedy individuals to fleece freely!
Forsyth finds himself surveying the stock of Wendell’s Wondrous Wedding Wear--a popular boutique, offering more eclectic options for wedding dresses and suits. Saturated colors and busy patterns dominate its stock, though there are a few options that lean traditional while keeping the unique flare. A lovely dark green velvet suit captures his attention for longer than is responsible, his childhood dreams of a grand bonding ceremony with his beloved traitorously surfacing.
“You know I’m not really the marrying type.”
Forsyth shakes his head. He’s got duties to attend to, and while marriage does hold a certain level of charm for him, it is far from a necessity.
“You look marvelous, sir! Simply marvelous!” A loud, shrill voice directly to the left of the display catches Forsyth’s attention. Its owner, a plump man with a monocle and graying purple hair (Wendell?), is fussing over an individual wearing what Forsyth assumes is a wedding suit. It is an eye-searing shade of blue, gold floral trim layered on it that does little to muffle it in any way, accompanied by aqua pants accented with royal purple diamonds. It is...certainly an outfit.
True to the guarantee of the shop, though, it fits the person perfectly. They have a similar build to Python, lanky and soaring in height, so that’s a miracle in and of itself--though something about them feels familiar, especially that fluffy brown hair...
Wait a second.
The person turns around and Forsyth is struck with recognition--he’s not only seen this person before, but even dressed as a groom!
“Azama?” Before he can stop himself, Forsyth’s said his name. Now his fate is sealed; he will admit, he would rather not engage in conversation with the man unless necessary or relevant, but he is not so rude a person that he would abandon an interaction he began. “Fancy seeing you here!”
“A-hah!” Wendell is suddenly very close to Forsyth, inspecting him up and down. It’s quite similar to when he and Celica went to get fitted for their ball outfits, except why is this happening. “Perfect, if I do say so myself.”
“Thank you, sir...?” The bell chimes for six o’ clock. Forsyth is officially off patrol duty and can no longer utilize that escape method.
“I’ve decided! Sir Knight, you simply must model for me! Oh, I promise, you’ll be well-rewarded for your efforts. See, you would make a lovely pair with Sir Azama here, exactly what I need for my vision!” This must be a nightmare. There’s little other explanation. And in this nightmare, Forsyth hopes very, very hard that Python is slacking off and not exploring the streets. “Don’t you agree, Sir Azama?”
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