mrslittletall · 1 year
i am sure very observant </3 hope you're doing well overall though.
as for the asks: 9, 7, 22 for Death Stranding or Soulsborne.
I chose violence... I don't know if I am fine.. I haven't been fine since December. I hang in there though. I will answer for Death Stranding ^^ 9. worst part of canon That I can't shoot Amelie at the ending tbh. Bitch, you put Sam and everyone else through all of this and then we HAVE to forgive you?! Why? WHY?! Let me have my revenge, goddamnnit! 7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? None of them actually. I think all the characters are really good. It is more the opposite, I really started to like Heartman more because of the fandom. Death Stranding fandom is surprisingly wholesome, at least here on tumblr. 22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores The MULES, oh my god, guys, they may be the generic enemies, but they are so super duper interesting! They have enough lucidity left to never kill anyone and they simply steal your parcels because they remember that delivering parcels gives you a kick, but they forgot how to deliver actually. Even though there is a tiny bit of canon information that sometimes MULES still deliver a parcel sometimes. God, I love them. They are just parcel zombies and I love taunting them when I want to steal their materials. I once had this fanfic idea where a porter gets fascinated with MULEs and interfiltrates a camp but then turns into a MULE herself, but that never got anywhere... maybe one day.
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