#internship wwf
g3m1n1fa1ry · 8 months
Chapter 1
Soleil Margaux stood before the mirror, a vision of nerves and determination, reapplying lip gloss and ensuring every curl in her updo was perfectly in place. This moment meant everything to her; it was the gateway to a realm where fashion and wrestling collided, and she was determined to not just look the part but to secure the role she coveted.
Freshly graduated from Spelman at the tender age of 18, with a degree in political science, Soleil had defied her parents' expectations by choosing passion over convention. Instead of following in her father's footsteps as a lawyer, she set her sights on the unpredictable world of fashion. It was a decision met with disappointment, but nothing could quell her burning love for design.
Growing up, Soleil's entire world revolved around one passion – fashion. It wasn't just a hobby; it was an obsession, the very essence of her being. For anyone who knew Soleil, conversations with her were an unending stream of fashion anecdotes, thoughts, and sheer excitement. Fashion was not just a career choice; it was her calling, the rhythm that dictated the beats of her heart. When her godfather, the illustrious Vince McMahon, reached out to her father, practically begging for her to intern as the WWF costume designer, she knew this was the moment she had been waiting for. It wasn't just an internship; it was an invitation to step into a world where her heart truly belonged. The conflict of not following in her father's footsteps was overridden by the certainty that this opportunity was her gateway to a lifetime of fulfilling her deepest passion.
Seated behind the wheel of her vibrant 1999 Volkswagen New Beetle, Soleil embraced the nostalgia that came with the quirky charm of her beloved car. Meanwhile, the rumble of a sleek Black Mustang echoed through the air as her older sister, Solar, maneuvered into the driveway of their parents' house. The contrast between the colorful Bug and the powerful Mustang seemed to encapsulate the essence of the sisters' personalities.
A warm smile adorned Soleil's face as Solar parked, the nickname "Sunny" cutting through the air with an endearing familiarity that had spanned their shared history. The bond between the two sisters, forged in the fires of youthful adventures, was evident in the camaraderie that resonated in their interactions.
"Where are you off to, Sunny?" Solar inquired, her tone laced with a teasing affection that mirrored the countless memories encapsulated in that nickname. Soleil, undeterred by the nerves that fluttered within, met her sister's gaze with determination.
"I'm heading to the intern thing Uncle Vinnie set up for me, remember?" Soleil's response carried not just the weight of her present endeavor but also a silent affirmation of her journey, marked by individual choices and a pursuit of passion that set her apart.
Her sister's nod was accompanied by a chuckle that resonated with the disbelief of an inside joke. "I still don’t understand how dad is trusting you to be around all those sweaty men, you’re literally still a baby."
Soleil's eyebrows knitted together in a perplexed frown, a silent protest against the notion of being perceived as an infant. The label of "baby" grated against the very fabric of her accomplishments. Graduating high school at the tender age of 14 and subsequently completing college at 18 were milestones that painted a canvas of maturity far beyond her years.
"A baby?" The word hung in the air, a challenge to the perception that failed to align with the reality of her responsibilities. It offended her sensibilities, prompting a mental inventory of the independent life she had meticulously built. An apartment to call her own, keys to a car she paid for, and the financial reins of her existence firmly held in her capable hands — these were not the trappings of infancy.
"I mean, for goodness sake," she mused with a touch of exasperation, "I graduated high school at 14, college at 18. I've got my own apartment, my own car, handling rent and car payments without a parental safety net. Would a baby do that?" The rhetorical question lingered, challenging the stereotype and demanding recognition for the woman she had become.
"Need I remind you Lala—" Soleil's attempt to assert herself was swiftly intercepted by her sister's preemptive strike. "Yeah, yeah, I own my own car, my own apartment, I graduated at 14 as Valedictorian." Solar's tone dripped with playful mockery, a teasing dance around the achievements that Soleil held dear.
"All I know," Solar continued, her words carrying a mixture of sisterly concern and a hint of theatrics, "is that if one of those nasty, smelly men touches you, I’m going to have to come down there myself and kick some ass. Anyways, have fun Sunny, you’re going to kill this, and tell Uncle Vinnie I said hey." The proclamation was delivered with an air of protective bravado, a sisterly oath woven with genuine care and a touch of theatrical flair.
Soleil blew a playful kiss in her sister's direction before hitting the gas and driving off. As she navigated towards the arena where she was about to meet Uncle Vinnie, nervous jitters danced in her stomach. This was uncharted territory, leagues away from the familiar realm of fashion runways and glamorous designs. Sweaty men in briefs and tights were a far cry from the world she knew, yet she steeled herself with the realization that this was no time to complain.
Paris Fashion Week might be a distant dream at the moment, but the WWF stood as a formidable stage in its own right. The enormity of the opportunity settled on her shoulders, a weight both thrilling and daunting. Soleil expertly maneuvered her 1999 Volkswagen New Beetle into the first available parking spot, excitement and trepidation intertwining.
Stepping out, she grabbed her sketch pad and drawing tools, the echo of her boots clacking against the ground adding to the drumroll of her anticipation. Approaching the front desk, she observed a blonde-haired lady engrossed in a phone call. With a polite gesture, she mouthed to Soleil mouthed for her to wait a moment.
The blonde lady, named Mariah, concluded her call and turned her attention to Soleil. "Oh my God, don’t you look absolutely fabulous. Is there any way I can help you, sweetie?" Mariah's enthusiasm was infectious, momentarily easing Soleil's nerves. The backstage world of the WWF awaited, and with a grateful smile, Soleil embarked on this unexpected chapter of her journey.
"Thank you so much! I'm Soleil Margaux, and I'm here for the Costume Designer Internship," she declared with a bright smile.
"Oh!" Mariah's exclamation held a note of excitement. "Nice to finally put a name to the face. Your Uncle Vinnie raves about you all the time. I'm Mariah, by the way, and I'll buzz you in right now. Just walk to that door on my right."
Soleil's gratitude spilled out. "Thank you so much, Mariah!" As she stepped through the door, a rush of emotions flooded her. At just 18, the prospect of becoming a full-time costume designer for wrestling luminaries was both a blessing and a confirmation of her capabilities. Another accomplishment to add to the list of things that proved she wasn't just a baby.
Inside, her uncle Vince engaged in conversation with a backstage team member, marked by the distinctive headset. Determination sparkled in Soleil's eyes as she crossed the room, finally tapping Vince on the shoulder. He spun around, greeted by Soleil's enthusiastic wave. "Hi Uncle Vinnie!"
“Oh my goodness! Look at my little soul angel!” Vince exclaimed as he enveloped Soleil in a tight hug. "You've grown into such a remarkable young lady. I'm thrilled to have you here!"
Soleil beamed with pride, grateful for her godfather's warm welcome. "Thank you, Uncle Vinnie. I'm so excited to be here and learn from the best," she said.
Vince turned to the person he was speaking with before and introduced Soleil. "This is my talented niece, Soleil Margaux. She's going to be interning as our costume designer."
The person extended a hand, "Nice to meet you, Soleil. I'm Mark, part of the backstage crew. We're looking forward to having your creative touch around here."
Soleil shook Mark's hand, feeling a surge of confidence. As her godfather guided her through the backstage area, she couldn't help but marvel at the bustling energy and larger-than-life personalities.
Her uncle led her to a private meeting room so they could discuss further what she would be doing. "Soleil, my dear, I've got something special for you today," Vince exclaimed. Soleil's curiosity piqued, and her heart raced with anticipation.
Vince leaned in with a twinkle in his eye. "I've been thinking, and I believe it's time for you to take on a significant project. How would you feel about designing a new look for a tag team that has enormous potential? They're known as the Hardy Boyz."
Soleil's response lacked the enthusiasm her uncle anticipated. She hesitated for a moment before replying, "Well, Uncle Vinnie, I appreciate the opportunity, but I'm not sure how much impact my designs can have for a team that's, you know, not exactly in the spotlight."
Vince chuckled at her candidness. "Soleil, my dear, sometimes it's the unknown gems that shine the brightest. The Hardy Boyz might be under the radar now, but I have a feeling they're on the cusp of something big. Your designs could be the spark that ignites their rise."
Soleil nodded, still uncertain but willing to trust her uncle's instincts. "I'll do my best, Uncle Vinnie. Just let me know what they're looking for, and I'll see what I can come up with."
As the day progressed, Soleil reluctantly delved into the world of the Hardy Boyz. She studied their matches, observed their interactions, and tried to grasp the essence of their characters. Despite her initial reservations, she found a sense of determination to create something unique for them.
After the grand reveal of the Hardy Boyz in Soleil's designed costumes, the initial interaction between Soleil and the tag team was far from seamless. Vince, always the optimist, introduced Soleil to Matt and Jeff with enthusiasm, hoping for a harmonious collaboration.
"Soleil, meet Matt and Jeff Hardy – the brilliant minds behind the Hardy Boyz. I'm sure you'll all make magic together," Vince announced, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Matt and Jeff exchanged glances, giving Soleil a once-over that felt more critical than appreciative. The Hardy Boyz, known for their rebellious and individualistic personas, seemed uncertain about welcoming a fashion-focused outsider into their creative process.
"Hey there, Soleil," Matt greeted with a forced smile, extending a hand for a polite shake.
Soleil reciprocated with a genuine smile, but the atmosphere remained tense. "I'm excited to be working with you both. I really tried to capture the essence of your personas in the designs."
Jeff, known for his eccentricity, eyed Soleil's polished appearance with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, well, we're not exactly fashionistas. We're wrestlers. What do you know about what we need?"
Soleil, caught off guard, took a moment before responding, "I understand that you're wrestlers, and my goal is to enhance your on-stage presence. The right costumes can elevate your characters and make a lasting impression on the audience."
The Hardy Boyz exchanged skeptical glances. "Look, we've been doing this for a long time. We know what works for us," Matt asserted, his tone carrying a hint of resistance.
Soleil, feeling a bit cornered, nodded diplomatically. "Of course, I respect your experience. Let's find a middle ground where my designs complement your vision for the Hardy Boyz."
Despite her efforts to remain composed, a subtle sting of hurt lingered beneath her exterior. Insulted by the skepticism thrown her way, she couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. How dare these relative unknowns question her talent and demean her work? She made up her mind – she would make them swallow their doubts and regret ever underestimating her. They were about to witness the undeniable prowess of Soleil Margaux.
As Soleil faced the skepticism and resistance from the Hardy Boyz, she decided to respond with a hint of sarcasm and a touch of biting humor.
When Matt Hardy questioned her knowledge, she shot back with a sly grin, "Well, Matt, it's a good thing I've been studying fashion instead of the 'Wrestling for Dummies' manual. I might not know a powerbomb from a power suit, but I know how to make an impact."
Jeff's skeptical glance at her polished appearance prompted Soleil to retort, "Don't worry, Jeff, I left my wrestling singlet at home. I figured it wouldn't match the runway look we're going for. Fashion-forward, right?"
Jeff’s POV
“Who does this girl think she is?” Jeff exclaimed out loud as he watched Soleil saunter away back towards the meeting room. He couldn't deny her sharp wit and the audacity with which she challenged their wrestling-centric perspectives. Jeff exchanged a glance with Matt, both silently questioning the newcomer's place in their world.
He couldn’t help but feel a mixture of irritation and curiosity. "Fashionista meets wrestling – never thought I'd see the day," he mused internally. As the gears of frustration turned within him, he declared aloud, “You know something, I’m going to give Vince a piece of my mind and tell him that her being our costume designer is not going to work out.”
“Are you crazy?” Matt exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. “That is Vince’s niece. We’re almost getting our big break, and I refuse to have you mess that up by saying something to him about her.”
Jeff shook his head, a scowl forming as he absorbed his brother's caution. “Where have your balls gone, man? You’re selling out for some random disrespectful chick just because she’s his niece?”
Matt scoffed, dismissing his younger brother's concern, and walked off, leaving the tension lingering in the air. The clash of priorities within the Hardy Boyz set the stage for an intriguing dynamic that could either make or break the collaboration with the unorthodox fashionista.
The clash of worlds in the WWF was nothing new, but Soleil brought a level of unexpected disruption. The idea of a fashion-forward designer infiltrating their wrestling domain was hard to swallow.
As Jeff contemplated his next move, he couldn't shake the feeling that this collision of worlds might lead to something either spectacular or disastrous. Wrestling was all about unpredictability, and with Soleil in the mix, the arena had become an uncharted territory where fashion and wrestling collided. The question lingered in Jeff's mind: Could this clash birth something entirely new and innovative, or would it crumble under the weight of two worlds trying to coexist? Only time would tell as the backstage drama unfolded in the world of WWF.
Soleil’s Updo and Outfit:
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Pamphlet Research
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One Planet Living
“Catalog cover for a WWF project on creating sustainable neighbourhoods in Switzerland. In collaboration with Demian Conrad during an internship in his studio” M. D. Gilbert 
This WWF project is a pre-exsiting concept like that I invision when brainstorming how line movement and type work together to create a journey narrative. It concepts pieces of the story like how the lines connect text. The way the bold ‘squiggle’ guides the eye over the pages would be a strong tool to use in a pamphlet to assist the readers ability to follow the content. Something I would change in this design or in a more pamphlet version of this design would be to shift the body text with the lines. I think that is a missed opportunity because it continues this idea of flow which is halted by the very obvious text boxes / collum. 
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ikmalfahmirasmi · 4 years
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SEEKING STUDENT FOR INTERNSHIP ⚠️ Join us now at WWF-Malaysia for your internship. We are looking for university/college students aged 18 years and older who are interested to join us in conserving the green turtles of Terengganu from February to November 2021. We welcome any passionate, curious-minded people and are able to work smart and independently in the team. Please note that you may have to work beyond normal working hours and during weekends. . Internship students would assist WWF-Malaysia’s Terengganu Turtle Conservation team in: ▪️Night patrolling to monitor the turtle nesting at key nesting beaches ▪️Nest excavation and hatchery management ▪️Community engagement and education activities ▪️Research work ▪️Data entry and report writing ▪️Develop creative multimedia content . Submit your Curriculum Vitae to [email protected] if you're interested. Thank you. #internship #turtleconservation #greenturtle #terengganu #wwfmalaysia #wwf #cv #curriculumvitae #malaysia @wwfmy (at Kuala Terengganu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLT-gWYhGWg/?igshid=19exrysg9a828
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barnesandco · 4 years
Attending a webinar on ecopreunership as part of an internship with the WWF and the lecturer is a climate activist who also happens to be annoyingly cute
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shurisneakers · 3 years
Dude that Zoom crush situation happened to me during one of the lectures I was attending for a WWF Eco Internship and I'm still mad bc mans was gORGEOUS and I wish I could've seen him in person in short I hate COVID for many things and not being able to ogle pretty guys in person is one of them
i am SO sorry that the universe is testing you this way
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lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO!Reader x Intern!Shawn
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My heels clicked loudly onto the white marble tiles of my company’s building as I made my way down the hall, towards my office that overlooked the city. The volume of the chatter from my subordinates decreased as their eyes followed my body, silencing their words. The whole floor would quiet down unintentionally out of pure intimidation whenever they sensed my presence. I’m really not as scary as they think I am, but I have a reputation to obtain. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to be their boss.
My assistant, Arlene, spotted my iconic high ponytail above the walls of the many cubicles on the office floor, taking that as her cue to stand up with my schedule in her hand, walking with me to my office as she read it out loud. She understood how I wanted everything to be organized and fastpaced. She was to read my schedule aloud every morning as soon as I walked through the door, not a single second late. As a CEO, I have a lot of things to do, so I don’t appreciate an assistant that isn’t quick on their feet for everything and anything. Which is probably why I went through dozens of assistants before I found Arlene. We quickly grew a bond and she was one of the few employees that I could actually bear in this company. I even consider her a close friend since we know each other like the back of our hands. This was not the case for the rest of my employees, who probably have never seen me shown any emotion besides irritated.
“We have a staff meeting at 9am, lunch with the representative of WFF at 1pm, videochat interview with Vogue magazine at 9pm, then we need you to read and sign these forms by 12pm tonight,” Arlene said all in one breath as quickly as she could.
“Oh! And our new intern, Shawn, starts today!” She said excitedly as she ushered him into my office. I looked up from the pile of papers on my desk to see Shawn walk in nervously, a tightlipped smile etched on his face. My brows raised in surprise. I was expecting some lanky, nerdy kid as the new intern but Shawn was quite the opposite. He was 6 foot and 2 inches of sculpted muscle. My eyes travelled up and down his glorious body like a predator stalking its prey.
“Hello, its a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N,” he said. As soon as I heard his deep voice,I knew he was done for. I wanted so badly to just wreck him, taking him right then and there. I didn’t even know why I was thinking of this, I’ve never been truly attracted to a coworker in all my years of working, but here I was. There was just something about his pink blush that complimented his pale skintone, his big calloused hands, his perfectly wavy hair and...wait, what? I have to snap out of this haze, he’s just an intern. An incredibly cute intern, but still just an intern.
I shook my head to vacate all the inappropriate thoughts from my head. “Hi Shawn,” I replied, sticking a hand out for him to shake. His large hand flew up to firmly grip my small one, which ignited tiny little sparks in my hand that created a blush on my face.
I quickly pulled my hand back and diverted the focus from his hand to my work to avoid the awkwardness. Arlene took the hint as she saw my eyes shift back to the paper work, so she ushered Shawn out of my office to let me be. I decided to begin my work day by reading over some forms to sign but my mind kept thinking back to how his hand felt wrapped around mine. Why was my mind so occupied on this one guy? Fuck, maybe I just have to get laid. I never get this weak for one guy.
I huffed in frustration before getting up and making my way to the office kitchen/break room in desperate need of coffee. Usually I’d just ask Arlene to do it but today, I felt the need to get out of my office and clear my head for a bit. As I rounded the corner and walked into the break room, I spotted Shawn’s muscular back turned towards me as he was fixing himself a cup of coffee. It amazed me how someone can look so good in a pair of trousers and regular old sweater. I rolled my eyes at my own out of character thoughts. Treat him like every other employee. He’s no different.
His head turned toward me as he heard the clicking sounds of my heels. “Mrs. Y/L/N! Arlene said I should make you a coffee before the staff meeting, so uh, here you go,” Shawn stuttered out nervously. I eyed the cup of coffee that looked rather small in comparison to his huge hand, before taking it away from his grasp and taking a sip. My face scrunched up in horror at the taste, “Shawn, have you ever made a coffee before in your life?”
His eyes widened in fear, which made me smile at his innocence, but I was quick to cover it by turning away from him and towards the coffee maker. Or so I thought, but little did I know that Shawn most definitely caught the sight of the tiny smile that graced your lips, which eased some of his worried nerves.
“I like my coffee iced if its before 3pm with 2 sugars and some creamer,” I said as I made my coffee in front of him to demonstrate, “If its after 3pm, just make me some caffinated tea. Please tell me you know how to do that, at least.” He nodded frantically.
“I’d study this if I were you, you’re gonna be making a lot of these throughout the next few months,” I said with a bit of harshness in my tone before closing the lid on my coffee cup and strutting out of the room with a sway in my hips, not once looking at him as I finished my sentence.
He watched as my legs carried me away from him, his eyes trained on that perky ass of mine as he felt his pants tightened against his bulge. As soon as I left the room, he let out a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding. His new boss scared the shit out of him, but he had to admit, he was kind of into it. And the fact that she was hot as hell didn’t help his innappropriate infatuation with her. He snapped out of his thoughts as he remembered that he was supposed to be at the staff meeting and quickly made his way to the office.
I was sat on the end of the big rectangular desk with Arlene to my left and Shawn to my right. The rest of the main employees were sat all around the desk as they took turns updating me with how their department was holding up, and if there was anything we needed to do to fix it. As Dwayne from finances was talking about our budget for the month, you noticed that Shawn’s occasional nod had stopped, and he was now staring off into the distance lifelessly. I took my heel clad foot and gently tapped his calf to gain his attention, raising my brow at him in a disapproving way. He jumped up slightly at the sudden realization that he had zoned off, resulting in him leaning forward, trying to seem more intrigued in the insanely boring meeting. I smirked at how obvious it was that this poor guy was intimidated by me before ending the meeting after everyone had a chance to talk.
I walked back to my office side by side with Arlene, Shawn trailing closely behind, as she gave me any updates or any new information that you needed to know. “The representative for WWF just called saying he can’t make it to lunch today, should I reschedule?”
I rolled my eyes at their unprofessionalism and lack of punctuality. ”No, that won’t be necessary. Remind me to never waste my time on them again,” I said with irritation. My annoyance only grew as my stomach grumbled and my hunger grew.
“I’m still hungry, though. Would you like to accompany me to Le Petit Bistro?” I smiled at Arlene hopefully.
She shook her head no, “I’m sorry babe, I got a bunch of deadlines coming up today, I don’t have the time.” I pouted slightly in disappointment until I spotted Shawn, who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes scanned all over the office that was still new to him.
“You. Shawn. Would you like to go to lunch with me?” I asked in a straight forward fashion. His eyebrows raised and eyes widened as he realized that you were talking to him. He glanced between you and Arlene, unsure of what to say. Arlene gave him an encouraging nod, mouthing something along the words “Say yes!” Shawn swallowed the lump in his throat before nodding, “Y-yeah, I’d love to.”
I grinned and turned in my heels, making a beeline to the office elevators. As I got in, I noticed that Shawn was still stood exactly where I left him, “You coming?”
He rushed to meet me in the elevator before it closed. His heart was racing, feeling anxious about being alone with the CEO of this medium sized company.
“So, where are you from, Shawn?” I said in an attempt to make small talk. “Oh, uhm, I’m from Pickering, Canada.”
My brows lifted in surprise, “Wow, really? When did you move to San Francisco?”
“About a month ago, I moved as soon as I found out that I got the internship.”
My heart dropped as soon as I heard this. Suddenly, I felt pretty bad about not treating him a little more kind. This guy was completely new to this city, and a scary boss wasn’t going to help him get settled in. I weighed the pros and cons before making the final decision, “How about we do some sight seeing today? Have you seen the Golden Gate bridge yet?”
Shawn’s eyes widened for what seemed like the hundredth time today, “No, I’ve been meaning to, but wait don’t you hav-“
“No buts! We’re going!” I cut him off, earning a small chuckle from him. We walked out of the elevator and made our way to my car, where I replaced my black stilettos with sneakers that are more appropriate for walking around all day.
“Alright. First stop: Pier 39!” I screamed with excitement as he watched my childlike outburst from the passenger seat. Truthfully, I’ve been living in SF my whole life so I couldn’t care less about the tourist attractions, but this was the first time in a long while that I did something spontaneous. I have to admit that I’m a workaholic, and I love to stick to strict schedules and routines. But I was loving the thrill of finally doing something out of the blue.
After a pain in the ass time looking for parking, we finally made our way to the pier. We spent the hour walking in to all the cute little shops, enjoying the live entertainment, taking a ride on the carousel, and stopping for some clam chowder.
To end the day’s adventure, we took a boat ride that allowed us to get a good view of Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate bridge. The soaring wind made me a bit chilly, making me wrap my arms around yourself, clinging onto my thin dress shirt to find some kind of warmth. Shawn noticed my actions before taking off his jacket and handing it over to me.
I smiled up at him at the kind gesture before slotting my arms through and shrugging on the oversized jacket, ”Thank you.”
“No problem, honey,” he said, swinging an arm over your shoulder to keep the both of you warm. Hm. Honey. I replayed the way he said the word honey over and over in my head, thinking about how perfect it sounded rolling off his tongue.
As we made our way off the boat and back into my car to head back to the office, I couldn’t stop thinking about the way his body felt against mine. What seemed like just a harmless, relaxing getaway from my intense work load was now having me rethink everything about my love life. I haven’t dated anyone in the longest time, I’ve always been way too occupied with work to even think about men. But there was just something about Shawn. Like the way his soft voice makes me feel all warm and relaxing inside, or the way his smile was so goddamn contagious.
No. You’re just in love with the idea of him, the idea of someone being able to take you away from the stress of your demanding job, I thought. This is just a temporary crush that spawned from the fact that we were both out of the office doing fun things, it’ll die down as soon as we get settled back in the office, working.
We rode the elevator in silence and when we got to our floor, I noticed that no one else was in the office. I glanced at the clock, which read 8:30pm.
“Oh shit, its already 8:30?” I said in shock. ”I’m so sorry, I must’ve lost track of time. You can go ahead and head home now, Shawn. Our office usually closes at 6, but I still have some work to do.”
“Oh, uh, actually Arlene wanted me to finish organizing some of the files in your office before I leave for today,” Shawn lied. I mean, Arlene did tell him he could do that to start his first day doing something easy, but she never set a deadline for him. He just wanted to spend a little extra time with you.
“That’s fine, you can do that while I do my videochat interview in a bit,” I replied, unlocking my office door for the both of us to step in. Shawn nodded and headed for the file cabinets in my room while I set up my computer.
Within a few minutes, I heard the blaring skype ringtone. I quickly fixed my hair before accepting the call.
“Hi there! My name is Jess, I’m a journalist from Vogue magazine,” a woman with dark brown hair said. After we exchanged greetings, she explained how the interview would work and began asking typical questions like when I began my business and what it feels like to be a young female CEO in the city.
I answered all these questions with ease since people ask me them all the time, it was as if I was running on auto pilot. Some time during the interview, my eyes shifted from my computer screen to Shawn, who was currently sorting through some papers quickly with his massive hands. Fuck, those hands were beautiful. Watching his fingers fly through the papers made my mind wander off, thinking about how those fingers would feel on me.
“Mrs. Y/L/N?” Jess called out.
I quickly diverted my eyes back to the computer screen, “Yes, uh, what was the question again?”
Jess chuckled slightly, “Well, as a young female boss, where do you find the time to date? Are there any special men in your life at the moment?”
Shawn’s head snapped towards me once he heard the question clearly, curious to my answer. My mind blanked out as I processed the question. I never really got personal questions, but since this was Vogue that was interviewing me, I should’ve expected that.
I laughed nervously, “I’ve mostly been focusing on my work actually, so there hasn’t been any special men in my life for awhile.” Shawn’s eyebrows flew up a bit at your response before he turned his head and got back to his work. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly in confusion about his reaction. It looked as if he were questioning the legitimacy of your answer. For the most part, it was true. I’ve only been on a handful of dates here and there since the start of my career 2 years ago, but none of them really connected with me. Not until today... with Shawn.
After a few more questions, we said our goodbyes and ended the skype call.
Remembering how Shawn’s eyebrow lifted at me in a questioning way, I decided to stand up from my spot by my desk and walk over to him to confront him about it. “Why’d you look at me like that? When she asked about my ‘special men?’” I asked, using hand quotes mockingly for the words special men.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He smirked without glancing up at me at all. That fucker knew exactly what I was talking about, it was evident in that cheeky smile he was wearing.
I rolled my eyes at him, placing both my hands on my hips and giving him my signature bitch face that I was known for around the office. He finally looked up at me, acknowledging the stance I was in before laughing lightly. Thats weird. No one ever laughed at me when I did my bitch face. They’d usually start apologizing or pissing their pants by now.
“Okay, okay,” he said as he placed his papers down, “I just find it hard to believe that someone as beautiful as you doesn’t have any ‘special men’ in your life.”
His words left me with my lips slightly parted, mouth opening and closing again while I tried to find the right words to say, but I was left speechless. A blush started to creep its way up my cheeks. Goddamn this intern and his ability to make me blush so hard. I made an effort to cover up the blush immediately by turning around to the stack of forms I still had to sign. I sat on the edge of my desk with my legs dangling off and papers placed on my lap.
“Well, it is true. I have so much work to do, and men are just a pain in the ass. I need to relax, and men make me do the complete opposite of that,” I said while rubbing my temples at the mere thought of being in a relationship at the moment.
He didn’t know what took over him. Maybe it was the wine that you two downed on the boat. Or maybe if was the way your perfectly tight high ponytail was now messy with baby hairs flying out of your head. Or maybe it was the way your skirt rode up your thighs when you took a seat on top of your desk. He didn’t know why at all, but the words just slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them, “I can help you relax.”
And before he knew it, his legs travelled the short distance from his spot by the file cabinets to right in between my legs that were slightly parted. One of my eyebrows quirked up in a curious way while my pupils dilated to watch his every move, still confused as to what was going on. The shy, nervous fresh faced intern that started the day off by being scared shitless of you was now bolder than ever.
At the lack of my response, Shawn leaned over to close the small gap between us and planted his lips on mine. It was like I was completely out of control around him because although it was against all the red flags in my head, I wrapped my arms around his neck and curled my fingers into his soft curls. His hands were on my waist as his lips meshed together with mine. In a swift power move, I gave a good tug on his hair which resulted in him letting out a small gasp. I took advantage of this by slipping my tongue through and adventuring into his pretty mouth.
The fact that we were all alone in this big office, doing exactly what we aren’t supposed to do made it so much hotter for us. The feeling of his skin on mine, his lips brushing against mine, ignited a once dead spark inside me. I craved the touch of a man that I was deprived of for so long, but more specifically, I craved him.
I took the initiative, moving my hand from behind his neck to the front, grasping his throat between my fingertips lightly before trailing them down his toned chest. Shawn whimpered almost inaudibly at the feeling of my hand around his neck, nails digging in just the right amount. If the office wasn’t completely vacant at the time, I would’ve missed how the tiny whimper escaped his swollen pink lips. I smirked into the kiss. Of course he’d be into that. God, I’m going to wreck him.
My hand travelled down to where he needed me the most, cupping his member with my palm right when the phone rang. We jumped at the sound of the ringtone, scrambling off of each other as I hopped off the desk and made my way over to the phone. Its like the phone’s ringtone was like a wakeup call, bringing us back to reality.
I’m his boss and he’s just an intern, we’re not supposed to be doing this. But fuck, that just made it feel better. I flattened my clothes out, smoothing over the creases before picking up the phone.
Arlene was on the other end of the line, reminding me of the deadlines for the paperwork that needed to be scanned and sent off and notifying me of a sponsor’s interest in our company. I thanked her and wrote down the notes in my planner before hanging up. I turned around to face Shawn, but instead I was met with my usual empty office. What used to be comforting to me, was now cold and lonely. The sadness creeped in as I took in my surroundings and saw how there was not another sign of life in this building.
He left. And you were alone, as usual.
a/n: there will be a part 2 to this!! im thinking about making this a whole ass series/fanfic so stay tuned and pls leave feedback heheh
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magurazimbrilor · 6 years
Echipa Taskforce II este gata de acțiune!
Măgură Zimbrilor este din nou plină de energia pozitivă a noilor interni care timp de patru luni vor învață lucruri noi și savura specificul zonei prin intermediul programului de internship WWF-Internațional.
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Misiunea lor este de a colecta informații despre zimbrii eliberați în sălbăticie și habitatul acestora și de a sprijini în dezvoltarea unui nou sistem de moniorizare bazat pe Inteligență Artificială (AI – Artificial Intelligence) care va aduce mari îmbunătățiri eforturilor de conservare.  
Membrii noii echipe au ajuns în Armeniș din Italia, Olanda, Belgia, Suedia, Țara Galilor și alte zone din România.  
După ce s-au stabilit în căsuțele lor rustice din Sat Bătrân, aventura a început cu un curs de identificare a urmelor ghidat de CyberTracker Italia și cu o vizită de recunoaștere a zonei și multe informații primite de la ghizi și rangeri.
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“Este de necrezut cât de multă informție despre comportamentul animalelor poți obține din niște urme. Am învățat că trebuie să îți formeti un ochi pentru a vedea detalii precum păr de zimbru și urme de noroi pe plante, pe unde trecuse zimbrul. Acest loc este cu adevărat plin de viață, trebuie doar să știi unde să o cauți – în noroi!” mărturisește încântată Ariane, membră a echipei care are ca prioritate studierea și medierea conflictelor dintre om și natură.
Astarte, specialistă în analiza impactului pe care îl au zimbrii în consumul scoarței și noilor copăcei și probelor fecale, a fost impresionată de tradițiile locale și de felul în care se prelucrează fructele în Armenis pentru a deveni rachie.  
“Mă simt foarte bine aici în Măgură Zimbrilor!”, ne spune Tristian care se ocupă cu studiul comportamentului zimbrilor și cu monitorizarea lor utilizând diferite protocoale și tehnologii. Tristian este pasionat de conservare și are un blog dedicate pentru asta, puteți să îi urmăriți aventurile din România și pretutindeni aici: https://ourwildhope.wordpress.com/
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Momentul cheie al primei săptămâni a fost întâlnirea cu 4 femele zimbru în sălbăticie.  
Echipa din anul precedent a avut în vedere  medierea conflictelor dintre om și natură în Măgură Zimbrilor și a construit un puternic fundament pentru noii interni care fac parte din proiectul WildAI [eye] condus de WWF împreună cu parteneri din zona de cercerate și noi technologii din Europa.  
Acesta este doar începutul, vor urma numeroase drumeții, workshop-uri și legende ale zonei de descoperit.  
Urmăriți întregul proiect pe canalele WWF România.  
 For English go here -> http://blog.bisonhillock.ro/post/176836971596/welcome-to-our-ambitious-and-excited-team
Text: Mara Minculescu, Bianca Ştefănuț
Foto: Astarte Cîrstea, Bianca Ştefănuț 
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marianavtheworld · 4 years
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Before I start with my internship journey with WWF, I’d like to explain why I first posted a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke. To me, my experience did not begin during my on-boarding day, but rather, when I Googled ‘design internships manila 2020′. Lo and behold, there were a lot of sites hosting job offerings. The internet truly is your friend in this time and age. Job hunting, I realized, was similar to online dating. You swipe until you find one that you think is a good match for you, and you just hope that it is. I let everything happen to me during my search, the beauty and the terror, and I’m so glad that I was able to go around and experience what the creative industry has to offer.
Day 1!
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March 2 was my onboarding day! My daily commute was really easy because we have a UV terminal near the house that goes straight to SM North Edsa. From there, I walk to work. I start my day with a sweet iced black coffee from McDo. 
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I was really early for work for my first day, so I had to wait for Ana (my supervisor) to arrive. She arrived at about 9AM, which was a bit of a norm around the office. Pam, the Comms head, introduced me to everyone, and Ana gave me my first assignment! March 3 was World Wildlife Day, so we had to make a pub for it. I decided to illustrate 3 of the animals that WWF highlights.
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My on-boarding day was also Frances’ last day. She was the Visual Media Intern before me. Surprisingly, I had a lot of fun with them, despite it being my first day. It really felt like I belonged. 
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Day 2!
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I was the first one in the office today! I did some of my schoolwork before the rest of my officemates came in. We had a comms team meeting at 9:00AM for the program revising. We ordered in breakfast from McDonalds as well. 
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Ana and I spent the rest of the day revising the Media Invites for the Earth Hour Media Launch for the following week, and she made me work on the website lightbox for Earth Hour. 
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We ended our day with another meeting to plan our tasks for the rest of the week. Tomorrow will be a content-heavy day for my laptop :( 
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Day 3!
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Today I made three pocket videos for the following: Plastic, Food, and Waters! Got the videos from Ana and Alo, and I spent almost the entire day working on these. 
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Ana had to help me out with one of the pocket videos, so I forwarded the royalty free background tracks I’ve downloaded. For some reason, I was feeling a little down at the end of the workday. 
Ana and I rode the jeepney to SM North on the way home. 
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Day 4!
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Today I worked on the Media Launch floorplan. I fixed how the the entire setup will be situated in the hotel space. 
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I also worked on the additional text that will be included in the pocket videos. Today was a very easy day for me. 
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My first week with WWF went by so fast. I really enjoy working with everyone! It also helps that everyone in the Comms team are in the same age-range, so I really don’t have to adjust to anything. 
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development360 · 5 years
Seven Internship Opportunities at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Seven Internship Opportunities at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
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Listed here are Seven Internship Opportunities at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Click on each opportunity for details and to apply. (more…)
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ikmalfahmirasmi · 4 years
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Interested to do your internship here at WWF-Malaysia? We are looking for university students who are interested to join us in conserving the hawksbill turtles of Melaka from January to December 2021. Only passionate, curious-minded people and able to work smart and independently need to apply. Be warned: you may have to work beyond working hours and during weekends. . Interns would assist WWF-MY Melaka team in: 🔹Night patrolling to monitor the turtle nesting at key beaches (April - October) 🔹Community engagement and education programme 🔹Nest excavation and hatchery management (June - November) 🔹Data analysis and report writing 🔹Develop creative multimedia content . If interested, you can submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to [email protected]. #internship #wwfmalaysia #wwf #malaysia #university #college (at WWF-Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGVKHsBrDG/?igshid=1e3md1ib11ykg
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cindy-iu-blog · 7 years
awwww giờ mới bắt đầu thấy buồn buồn viết xong chắc khóc thiệt quá :(( 
bắt đầu từ cách em trở thành intern của anh ha, em nghĩ tụi mình thiệt có duyên khi có cơ hội học hỏi từ một người mà ai ai cũng ngưỡng mộ. có một điều em chưa kể anh là kể từ khi em với anh gặp nhau lần đầu ở Audiophile á, từ lúc lái xe về đến tháng đầu đi làm lúc nào em cũng thấp thỏm trong người là liệu anh có thấy em tệ quá mà kêu em nghỉ hong... lúc đó em chỉ thấy là mỗi ngày gặp anh đều vô cùng insecure, em sẽ phải push bản thân mình nhiều hơn và làm mọi thứ em chưa bao giờ thử. 
rồi dần dần em cũng quen và bớt ngu ngơ với mọi thứ. em nghĩ anh biết em không giỏi từ tuần đầu rồi mà tại anh kiên nhẫn nên mới hướng dẫn em tới giờ. 
2 tháng trôi cái vèo, em học được từ anh nhiều lắm cả về nghề và cuộc sống. nhưng điều làm em biết ơn anh nhất chính là những việc sau. 
1. Anh kiên nhẫn với em. 
Em biết anh vô cùng bận, em là intern đáng lẽ phải phụ anh nhiều hơn mà không ít lần gây ảnh hưởng đến anh nữa. Cái này nói xin lỗi bao nhiêu cũng hong đủ. Anh chưa bao giờ lớn tiếng với em, chỉ nhắc nhở thôi. Anh nhắc để em hiểu chuyện và làm tốt hơn chứ hong phải mỉa mỉa nên em quý lắm. Lại còn hết sức hết sức hết sức kiên nhẫn với những câu hỏi vu vơ lãng xẹt của em nữa. Nhiều lúc em nghĩ nếu em là anh em chắc không đủ sức giải thích những điều căn bản của ngành cho em đâu. 
2. Anh tin tưởng em. 
Thật tình mà nói anh là một trong số những người hiếm hoi đặt lòng tin vào em. Em thấy anh còn tin em hơn em tin bản thân mình nữa! Anh có tố chất của một người leader điển hình, luôn biết động viên người khác bằng lời khuyên thực tế chứ hong cho họ ảo tưởng xa vời. 
3. Anh quan tâm đến cảm xúc của em. 
Đây là điều mà lần đầu tiên có ai đó làm cho em. Có những lúc tâm trạng em không tốt em khó chịu em chọt anh mà anh lúc nào cũng siêu nhẹ nhàng với em. Lúc anh nói “Sợ em buồn em không thi được", lúc đó em mém khóc. Dù anh với em chỉ biết nhau vài ba tháng và cũng chỉ là mentor và intern thôi mà anh đối xử quá tốt với em luôn đó :(( nghĩ lại thấy có lỗi ghê huhu i should have been way nicer to you :(( 
4. Anh chiều em. 
Kể từ khi em nói em không thích làm WWF và đọc Blankets thì trước khi giao task gì anh cũng hỏi em thích không. Chời ơi intern đâu có quyền đòi hỏi đâu mà anh còn cho em nói lên suy nghĩ của mình nữa chứ. Từ đó anh toàn giao cho em mấy task cool cool như Lív, modern dating với Đa Kao nè hehe. 
5. You change my life for the better. 
This internship is the most life-changing experience I have had so far. 
Em luôn thấy tuổi 20 của mình thật đặc biệt. Em có được bạn bè tốt, làm việc mình thích, học được vô vàn điều hay và quan trọng nhất là gặp được anh. Hồi chiều em định nói được intern với anh là cột mốc đáng nhớ nhất tuổi 20 của em mà em thấy ngại quá nên giờ mới nói hehe. Mỗi ngày gặp anh là em lại được mở mang tầm mắt và sống vui hơn rất nhiều. 
Mọi người đều nói em may mắn vì em sinh ra trong gia đình có điều kiện, ba mẹ học vấn tốt và luôn đầu tư mọi mặt. Em cũng thấy mình may mắn thật vì cuộc sống em đang có là giấc mơ của rất nhiều người. Nhưng bên cạnh đó là những áp lực mà em luôn gánh vác và không thể thổ lộ cùng ai. Vì cả đại gia đình em đều là người kinh doanh nên ai cũng rất nhanh nhạy và thông minh, chỉ có em là khù khờ nhất nhà thôi. Từ nhỏ, em đã được nuôi dạy theo hướng sau này phải trở nên thành công, phải xuất sắc vượt bậc và quan trọng nhất là không được thua ai. 
Hồi nhỏ em thích vẽ lắm, thật ra là em thích chơi với màu sắc. Thấy cái gì nhiều màu là em lại chạy lại nghịch. Sau này lớn hơn chút thì em nhận ra mình không có năng khiếu bằng các bạn nên em dần thu mình lại. Mẹ em lúc đó thì chỉ gửi em đi học thêm toán, tiếng anh và tỉ tỉ các thể loại khác. Trong suốt 12 năm học thì em luôn phải giữ danh hiệu học sinh giỏi và thuộc top 5 của lớp, nếu không sẽ làm mẹ em thất vọng. Dần dần, em quên mất bản thân mình là ai, mình thật sự muốn gì vì em nghĩ dù em có biết thì cũng chẳng thể làm được gì. Hà cớ gì phải nuôi mộng để thêm buồn chứ. Đỉnh điểm nhất là là mấy tháng cuối năm 12, lúc đó em xác định là sẽ học RMIT rồi nên cũng không đăng kí thi đh, ba em cũng đồng ý. Chỉ có mẹ em mực mực bắt em thi để lấy le với bạn bè của mẹ. Mà em đậu thật, năm đó em thi đc 24,5, mẹ em gặp ai cũng khoe, còn em thì thấy mình chẳng khác gì con rối của mẹ. 
Em luôn nhìn anh Toàn với cặp mắt ngưỡng mộ vì ảnh có sự tự tin, tự do và sáng tạo mà em hằng ao ước. Ảnh cũng như em, đều ngán ngẩm với trường lớp, đều thấy tấm bằng đh là vô nghĩa, chẳng thiết tha gì. Vậy mà ảnh lại khác em, ảnh nghỉ học từ năm hai, dồn toàn bộ tâm trí vào AIESEC và TeamX. Ảnh đã dẫn dắt mấy chục người, cùng họ làm nên những cái work đáng tự hào. Còn em thì vẫn luẩn quẩn trong vòng xoay không lối thoát, mãi đến khi gặp anh. 
Em nghĩ thứ anh cho em nhiều nhất là a sense of purpose. Nhờ có anh, em biết dù mình xuất phát điểm của mình thua người khác nhưng chỉ cần em cố gắng thì một ngày sẽ có thể đồng hành cùng họ. Anh đã đánh thức sự sáng tạo ngủ sâu trong em suốt bao năm tháng. 
Trước khi gặp anh, em vẫn vô định về tư��ng lai. Em đã nghĩ chỉ cần học xong bằng master đưa cho ba mẹ là hoàn thành nhiệm vụ. Em sẽ được sống cuộc đời của riêng mình như em vẫn mong. Mà em sai rồi, sẽ chẳng có sự tự do nào nếu em không tranh đấu. Em chỉ đơn giản là trốn tránh hiện thực mà thôi. Dù em có tốt nghiệp master đi nữa, đi làm đi nữa nhưng sâu thẳm trong em sẽ vẫn là một đứa trẻ mất phương hướng, không biết mình là ai và mục tiêu cuộc đời là gì. 
Sau hai tháng intern cùng anh, em vẫn chưa hết vô định về tương lai nhưng em đã bắt đầu có chút hình dung về con đường mà mình muốn đi. 
Có thể nói quyết định sáng suốt nhất cuộc đời em là từ chối offer từ trường đại học hàng đầu nước Úc. Anh có thể tưởng tượng lúc đó mẹ em đã nổi giận thế nào không :)) riêng em thì rất thanh thản, đó là quyết định đầu đời em đưa ra vì em - nhờ có anh. 
Em sẽ hoãn việc du học. Em của hiện tại vẫn muốn thử sức với vai trò copywriter. Em đã đặt cho mình khoảng thời gian một năm, em tin chắc với những gì em đã học từ anh và ngày ngày học thêm nữa thì thời điểm này năm sau em sẽ rõ mình muốn làm gì và trở thành ai. Cám ơn anh đã cứu lấy cuộc đời lạc lối của em, nếu không nhờ anh chìa tay ra giúp đỡ thì chắc mấy tháng sau thân em ở Úc mà hồn thì bay tận đâu rồi haha. 
Nói câu nghiêm túc là, 
You not only water the seed of creativity within me but also save the life of a clueless soul. Without you, I wouldn't know what I want to pursue for the next few years or maybe the rest of my life. No ‘thank you’ would be enough for everything you've done and given me. You're truly a great man, a talented creative and a mentor anyone is lucky to have. 
You’ve got a good heart, please keep it forever intact ❤️
There ain’t a goodbye since I will meet you many times soon. In the next LHTT heheheheh. 
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Professional practice and CV construction
During the first week we met Eileen, who gave me and Giuliana a private tutorial about what this module it is going to be about. She asked a few questions about our interests, to understand better what kind of future we see coming for us. I told her about my interest for art therapy and how I believe photography helped me to recover myself from panic attacks and how great was this journey. I told her I would like to explore a lot more this area and find a job there (an internship would be brilliant) and understand better what dynamics surround these kind of projects. I told her also about the desire to exhibit my work in a gallery space, so she suggested me to look for galleries that are interested about students' works or have days assigned for portfolio reviews. This could help me to build networking relationships and understand better how my work can fit in a gallery space. It would also be a great idea to work as an intern to understand how a gallery works and see how the selection of artists and projects is done. Another idea I told her about is teaching, which is something I would love to do (if it would be connected to art therapy it would be brilliant) and I told her that I knew already some institution like the Idea Store Library that organize courses about how to teach, leaving an official certificate. I will do more researches about it. She suggested me to submit my CV to Elishba, Adele or Abigail for a review, to be able to start applying some jobs. This is how it looks like at the moment:                                     
                                             CECILIA TAORMINA
16 West Court London HA03QH Mobile: +447476435196 Email: [email protected] Profile: I am a reliable, full of enthusiasm and hard-working individual. I am very versatile and flexible as I can work well in a team –with the aim to achieve common goals– or alone to manage to organize and plan my work to meet close deadlines. In situations where I have to make decisions on my own I can be efficient and quick, being calm and down-to-earth even under pressure. I am looking for a full time job where I can improve my photography skills and my former educational and working experience, having the chance to be involved in a fun, professional and busy environment where I can engage with people –providing great customers service to the clients –and learn new techniques of fashion photography according to the variety of different shooting contexts.
Education and Qualification: 2016-Today BA Photography at Westminster University, London 2015 IELTS B2 2009- 2014 University of Languages of Genoa, Italy (English, Spanish and Arabic) 2004 -2009 Pedagogical High School (Camillo Finocchiaro Aprile, Palermo, Italy)
Working Experience:
May 2015- today Barista at Starbucks Company, London, Uk August 2014- May 2015 Host at “kamps” , London, UK July 2013- June 2014 Leader at “Real Marketing S.R.L.” as foundraiser by events or direct marketing face to face for relife organizations like WWF, Save the Children, Unicef. Genoa, Italy
September 2012- May 2013 Gas, Power and Telecommunications advisor at“Isi Spoken Languages: Italian: (mother tongue) English: fluent Spanish: basic level Arabic: basic level
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bisonhillock · 8 years
Internship adventures during summer ‘16
From June till October I have been doing my internship at the ‘Bison Hillock’ project in the south-western part of Romania. This internship was a part of my Master study Biology at the Wageningen University in The Netherlands, where one my teachers got me in contact with Rewilding Europe. They suggested to me to check out their rewilding project in the Southern Carpathians and connected me to the WWF Romania team that is working there. Soon it became clear that this project could really use an intern student, as there were special events about to happen, so I went for it!
In the beginning of June 2016 I arrived in a small and rural Romanian village called Fenes. Here, most people work on their lands in the surrounding hills, and with only one primary school, a few shops and a small monastery, many people spend their free time by sitting outside in front of their houses, watching as the day goes by. At first sight, it seems like nothing special is happing there, but there is! Fenes is home to the research station of the WWF Romania’s team members of the Bison Hillock project. The project is aimed to bring back the European bison (Bison bonasus) to the Romanian wilderness. As part of a bigger plan, these bison will be free to roam the largest European mountain range and hopefully connect with other reintroduced bison herds from several Eastern European countries to restore a viable and healthy bison population in Europe.
The rewilding takes place in stages, where bison are released into an enclosure with a so-called ‘acclimatization zone’ and ‘rewilding zone’, before being released into the wild. Just a few days after my arrival, the first 20 bison that were brought to this enclosure over the last years, were set free. This was great news and a big step forward in the project! Shortly afterwards a new group of 10 bison arrived from Belgium and Germany to rewild during the following months. Television crews from CNN, Belgium and Romania joined this event, as did the involved partners and locals. It was great to see that many people are interested and involved in this project!
With the first group of bison enjoying their freedom I was able to start my research. Because little is known about the bison behaviour in the wild, it was important to find out which places and habitats these bison preferred, described in terms of their habitat use. Would they move to the higher elevated mountainous forests and grasslands? Or maybe stick around the local farms and pastures? Collected data would not only provide information that can be used for adaptive management for example to prevent future human-bison conflicts, but also for the search of alternative reintroduction sites along the Carpathians to support the establishment of a healthy bison population. So, I used the available methods to collect data on where the bison were hanging around. I analysed GPS data from a collared bison, videos from camera traps in the study area, and coordinates from indirect bison observations by performing transects and other hikes. These indirect observations included the tracks and faeces of the bison, but also the damage to the bark of trees, as the bison like to nibble on the bark of young beech (Fagus sylvatica) and fir (Abies alba) saplings.
Every time I went up into the mountains to do my fieldwork research I felt privileged to be working in such a beautiful and wild place. Each week I hiked several tens of kilometres through the area to cover as much ground as possible to track the wild bison and conduct my research. Of course the bison are not the only wildlife that can be found there, as the camera traps have captured species of deer, wild boar, wolf, brown bear, and even the illusive Eurasian lynx! One time I even had a close encounter with a large mammal, hiding just 20 meters away in a dense beech-seedling patch. Although I couldn’t see what was running away from me, I found very fresh bear scats just a hundred meters away! But besides the fact that this was quite exciting it was actually very useful, as I was able to collect samples for another study on genetic diversity on the brown bear in the Southern Carpathians!
After collecting all my data I analysed it with statistical and GIS-software and I found several ‘hotspots’ where bison-activity was very high! Interestingly, some bison that were found often in these hotspots preferred pasture habitats and spend more than 70% of their time in this habitat type. Remarkably, these findings differ from studies on habitat use of the free bison in Poland, where they spent most of their time in forest habitats. But not all the bison were found in pastures, as many tracks were found in other (open) forest areas, indicating that another part of the group is expanding the home range and exploring the area. This is promising news and hopefully the bison will keep exploring to find their way across the mountains in the next years!
Besides doing research on the bison, the Bison Hillock project is also focussing on other aspects like involvement and development of local enterprises, raising awareness for nature conservation, and the establishment of nature-friendly tourism. During my time in Romania I’ve helped to set up a weekly movie-night for the local youth, where we mixed educative nature related documentaries with Disney movies to keep the kids involved and familiar with the project. Also the visitor centre in the neighbouring Armeniș village has been opened with state of the art installations where science is displayed to anyone interested. It even hosts Europe biggest hologram-projection, where you can see the bison moving around!
The Bison Hillock project has proven to me to be special and unique, a place you must visit if you are interested in the European wilderness! The project enables people to stand at the frontline of nature conservation and learn about its beauty and challenges. Personally, I have learnt a lot and I was happy to be able to teach other people who are involved in the project too! I am sure that more special events will take place in the upcoming years, so I would recommend everybody to support and visit this magnificent place in the green heart of Europe! I thank WWF Romania and Rewilding Europe once again for giving me the opportunity to join their work to make Europe a wilder place!
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chachacorner · 4 years
WWF South Africa Environmental Leaders 2021 Graduate Internship Programme
WWF South Africa Environmental Leaders 2021 Graduate Internship Programme
WWF South Africa Environmental Leaders 2021 Graduate Internship Programme.
Are you a graduate who wants to gain valuable workplace experience, network in professional communities of practice and participate in meaningful work for the environment?
If you have graduated in the natural, legal, engineering, business, social sciences or arts, we invite you to apply for the WWF South Africa…
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The Robin Hood Army. A group of people who collect uneaten food and spread it to the poor people
To Volunteer : http://robinhoodarmy.com/join/
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nattabeest · 8 years
I have finally got a internship... going to work for the WWF Rhino Project for a year!
Which means I have to trek across the country again
...and struggle to find pet friendly accommodation fml
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