averyrogers83writes · 5 years
Dreaming of a White Christmas
Title: Dreaming of a White Christmas (Part 1) Author: @averyrogers83 Warnings: Angst (more like fluffy angst), fluff Pairings: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 1702 Summary: Every year you hope to go back home and be with your family for Christmas, but every year you find yourself being asked to work.  Will this be the year your Grinch of a boss lets you go home or will you be stuck once again doing his dirty work. A/N: A little something for @interestedbystander #interestedbystander 12 Days of Christmas Challenge
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Each year you make a promise to your family that this will be the one where you will finally make it home for Christmas, and each year you were forced to work instead.  It had been five years since you had been home to see the family and you were dying to get back. You missed everything about this time of year.  From cold “feel it in your bones” weather to the singing of Christmas carols with your friends and family. 
You grew up in the “Windy City” where every year you and your family would go out the day after Thanksgiving and hunt down the biggest Christmas tree you could find and spend the day decorating it. Each year you’d swear you found one bigger than the last.  
During the day you and your brothers would go out and build a snowman or have snowball fights with your friends until your mom invited you in from the cold with a big mug of hot cocoa and marshmallows in front of the fireplace. 
No matter how old you got you always looked forward to those moments. Snowball fights with your brothers seemed to get more intense and competitive, but you didn’t care.  You still stayed out till your mom called you in with a hot mug of cocoa.  
Everything changed though when you decided to move to Los Angeles for work. That’s when you met him, James Buchanan Barnes; sexy, smart, rich, and the biggest ass of a boss you had ever met.  
Since you had started working for him, he had you doing everything from picking up his laundry to making sure the flavor of the week had exited and left nothing behind.  You were miserable, and when Christmas rolled around and you find yourself being forced to work instead of going home.  The thought of going home for Christmas and being with your family and friends was the only thing that got you through the year with the boss from hell. 
For the past five years it was the same.  Mr. Barnes promising you a week off for the holidays only to come back and tell you that he needed you for some special project or that there were important papers that needed to be done before the end of the year or the job would fall through, and each year you’d swear it was your last and that no matter what you were going to go home, but then you’d chicken out and end up staying there to help him.  
Maybe it was the way he’d bring out those big blue puppy dog eyes when he’d ask you to stay.  Or maybe the way he smelled when he got close to you while you worked, or the way his smile made you weak in the knees.  Yeah he was the boss from hell alright.   No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stop thinking about him.  You knew you didn’t have a chance with him and besides he was your boss.  All you wanted was a little time away so you could get over him and move on.  
This year, no matter what it was going to happen.  You had your plane ticket ready and your bags were packed.  You didn’t care if you didn’t have a job to come back to, you were determined to finally go home and be with your family.  
You gathered the files the two of you had been working on for the last month, along with his morning cup of coffee and headed to his office and made up your mind that you were going to give him an ultimatum.  Either he gives you the next two weeks off or you were going to quit.  
Mr. Barnes was staring at his computer when you walked in with a grim look on his face, a look you knew all too well. 
“Mr. Barnes I have the project reports ready for you” you stated as you laid them on his desk. 
James glanced up at you and smiled.  “Thanks Y/N, what would I do without you.” 
“Oh I’m sure you’d manage just fine.” 
“No, no I wouldn’t.  Without you I’d be lost.” 
You managed a smile and could feel the dread building up inside.  You knew what was coming next and you could feel your will falter.  No! Not this year.  This year you were going home. 
“Mr. Barnes ...tomorrow is Christmas Eve and…” 
“Oh is it?” was Bucky’s response as he continued to stare at his computer. 
“Yes sir, and I was going to ask to leave early so that I could make my flight home.” 
“You know I can’t do that. This is the busiest time and I need you here.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.  You knew if you looked at him you wouldn’t find the strength to do what you needed. 
“Then I quit” you couldn’t believe the words had left your lips, and as much as you didn’t want to you had to.  This was the last straw.  
“You can’t quit. I need you.” 
“And I need to go home. I need to be with my family who I haven’t seen since I started working for you. I’m sorry, but I can’t keep doing this.” You didn’t give him a chance to say another word before turning around and walking out.  You didn’t know what you were going to do, but right now all you cared about was going home. 
 You were standing outside the home you grew up in, unable to believe that you had finally made it there. The moment you walked into the house you could smell the familiar scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate. Your dad was sitting in front of the t.v., your mom in the kitchen doing her holiday baking, and Max their Alaskan Husky lay by the fire.  
“Merry Christmas” you called from the doorway startling your parents.  
Your mother rushed from the kitchen covered in flour and wrapped her arms around you, while your dad crushed you in a big bear hug til you had to beg him to stop so you could breath.  You had missed this.
“I can’t believe your home.” your mom smiled with tears in her eyes. 
“I know, I would have called, but I wanted to surprise you.” 
“That you did.” 
“Harold take her bags upstairs and let her get some rest before everyone gets here” she demanded. 
You followed him upstairs to your old room, where your mom insisted on keeping everything just as you had left them. 
“Get some rest, pumpkin. Everyone will be here around six for dinner.” Your dad looked at you again and smiled, still unable to believe that his little girl was home. 
When you came down for dinner you were greeted by your brothers Ben and Jake, their wives, and each of their four kids.  It was no surprise that your nieces and nephews barely recognized you, you hadn’t seen them since the day they were born. 
Just as you were about to sit down to dinner you heard a knock at the door. 
“I’ll get it!” you called.  
When you opened it you couldn’t believe who standing there on your parent’s porch. 
“What are you doing here?”                                                                                           
“Y/N, I’m sorry I…” Bucky stammered, he was clearly not used to cold weather. 
“Who’s at the door?” your mother called as she rounded the corner.  
“It’s my boss, Mr. Barnes.” you managed, still shocked at seeing him there. 
“Well let the poor man in before he freezes to death.” Your mom shot daggers at you as she spoke.
“I kind of wish he would.” you mumbled as you stepped aside allowing for Bucky to come out of the cold, where he immediately beelined for the fireplace to warm himself.  
“What are you doing here Mr. Barnes.” 
Bucky warmed his hands and shifted through his thoughts to find the right words. “Look I’m sorry..I was an ass. I shouldn’t have fired you.” 
“You didn’t fire me. I. Quit. remember” you replied through clenched teeth.  
“Alright fine, but you can’t quit. I need you.”  Bucky gave you that million dollar smile that you could never resist. 
“No, I’m serious I quit. I can’t work for you anymore.” 
“Y/N please reconsider. We can renegotiate your contract.”  This was the first time you ever saw Bucky plead with you this way and you kind of liked it. 
You closed your eyes and out a heavy sigh “Fine, but we’ll discuss this after the new year. Now if you’ll excuse me.” 
Your mom seemed to have impeccable timing.  “So is your friend staying for dinner?” 
“No!” you blurted. There was no way you wanted your smart, sexy, pain in the ass boss near your family. 
“Sure, I’d love to stay.” Bucky smirked as he followed your mom to the dining room.  
“What lord, why me?” you cursed under your breath.  
Somewhere between the passing of the dinner rolls and getting dessert your mom had convinced Bucky to stay in the spare bedroom for the night.  
 After the kitchen was clean you headed up to get the spare room situated for Bucky.  You didn’t say a word to him when he came into the room. All you could hope was by morning he would be gone and you would be able to enjoy your Christmas. 
The next morning you woke up and looked outside your window to find that it had snowed overnight.  Everywhere you looked was covered in white.  Still in your flannel pj’s you jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, throwing on your snow boots and coat as you rushed outside into the snow.  
You dove into the snow and began making a snow angel.  You had forgotten how much you missed snow until now.  It was like you were a kid again and you just found out school was closed for a snow day. 
You had forgotten all about Bucky showing up out of the blue, until you opened your eyes to find him staring down at you with those blue/grey eyes and that million dollar smile.  
@interestedbystanderwrites​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @shield-agent78​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @chuuulip​ @ellaprime68​ @i-love-marvel3000​ @bloodiedskirtts​ @mychemicalimagines​ @drakelover78​ 
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averyrogers83writes · 4 years
Crushed at Christmas
Title: Crushed at Christmas Author: @averyrogers83 Warnings: Angst (more like fluffy angst), fluff Pairings: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader Word Count: 855 Summary: You were home for the holidays and have been invited by your best friend Wanda to her Christmas party.  You were reluctant to go, but with a little bit of convincing and a unexpected guest, you decided to go. A/N: Drabble for @interestedbystander #interested bystander 12 Days of Christmas Challenge **Yes I know it’s after Christmas, but things happen and I wasn’t able to post these prior.**
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You still couldn’t believe that Bucky had just kissed you.  You tried to stay calm, but inside you were jumping for joy and doing somersaults.  The feel of his soft lips on yours was just as you had imagined, and for the rest of the night you were in a daze.  
The kids had opened a few presents and you were sitting around the living room drinking hot chocolate and reminiscing when you received a text message from one of your best friends, Wanda.  
You had known Wanda Maximoff since college.  You, Wanda and your other best friend Natasha were inseparable.  Where one was, you were sure to find the other two, and every year since college Wanda threw a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. You never missed one of her parties, that is until five years ago.  
At that point other than missing out on being with your friends you didn’t care about missing the party.  In fact missing out on her Christmas parties was the only thing you didn’t care about when you couldn’t make it home.  
You had been so distraught after the last one you had attended that when you got the call that you would be working for Mr. Barnes in California you jumped at the chance to leave everything behind.  Especially him. 
Bucky saw the disappointed look on your face when you read your message and wondered what was going on to make you look so sad all of a sudden.  Tears threatened to roll down your cheeks, but when you looked up and saw the worried look in Bucky’s eyes you forgot all about what happened in the past. 
“So how would you feel about going to a party tonight?” 
Bucky hesitated, taking a moment. 
“We don’t have to go if you’d rather stay here.” Either way you’d be ok with whatever he wanted.  If you were being honest, you really didn’t want to go for fear you might run into him again.
Bucky smiled, “no, I would love to go.” 
“Great. It’s totally casual. You’ll be able to meet my best friends Natasha and Wanda.” 
“As long as I’m with you, doll.” 
You couldn’t help but blush when he called you doll, and to think you used to think he was such an ass when you first met him. 
The two of you got ready for the party, said goodnight to your family, then headed to Wanda’s for a night of “spirited” Christmas cheer.  You were excited to see your Wanda and the rest of your friends.  
Wanda and Nat were so excited to see you, but weren’t sure if they liked Bucky yet, mainly because you always blamed him for not being there the previous years.  You couldn’t tell them the real reason why you didn’t want to be there.  The two of you had made your rounds, introducing Bucky to all your friends and were surprised to find out that he knew Sam and that they had known each other since high school. 
You had gone to grab Bucky and you something to drink when you saw him.  
The whole reason why you left for L.A. and hadn’t been back for five years. Steve “everyone adores me” Rogers.  You rolled your eyes when you thought him.  That man could make you wet in seconds flat and yet was the biggest ass, bigger than Barnes.  The hurt you felt back then was long gone, you felt relieved to know that he no longer had a power over you.  
“So who’s the guy?” Bucky had come to find you when you hadn't returned. 
"Wha..? What makes you think that?" 
"I don't know. I've seen that far off look before."
"Sorry, it's a long story."
"I'm not going anywhere." 
He wasn't going to let up so you told him.  You had been in love with Steve since your second year, but he was either too blind to see it or unwilling to see you as anything other than a friend who would always help him with his school work.  At the time you didn’t care, you would have done anything for him just to be near him.  
That was until he decided he would rather go out with Sharon instead of you.  You were so upset.  He told you over and over he wasn’t interested in dating, what he meant was he wasn’t interested in dating you.  After that you decided it was time to move on, even if it meant moving thousands of miles away. 
When you were finished, Bucky looked at you and smiled.  
"Sounds like this Steve guy is an idiot." 
“Yeah, well.” You just shrugged it off. 
You didn’t want to dwell on the past so you decided that you’d focus your attention on the man before you.  You were lucky that he showed up when he did.  It made things so much better knowing he was there with you.  Especially when Steve finally had the balls to approach you just before the party ended, looking like a sad lost puppy.  Guess it didn’t help when Bucky introduced himself as your boyfriend.  
@shield-agent78​ @i-love-marvel3000​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @bloodiedskirtts​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @chuuulip​ @ellaprime68​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @drakelover78​ @caramell0w​ @loricameback
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