skylinesolutions · 4 years
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Simply, Need A Web designed specifically for your target customers Go To Skyline
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intrepreneurszone · 3 years
Intreprenuer Zone is committed to entreprenuers hoping to use force of web showcasing and develop business on the web.
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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((( #ABSWEALTHBUNDLE ))) 💵💰PRIVATE BANKING 💰💵 #TheABSTribeNetwork Alert ---------------------------------------------------- ✅ A nontraditional way of building wealth ◾ ✅ Learn how to build your own private banking system ◾ ✅ Be shown step by step how to build on your own ◾ ✅ Over 30+ learning modules with instant access ◾ ✅Lifetime access to our private Facebook community 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK IN BIO People ask what #PrivateBankingBlueprint Course, here is the link 🚨🚨COPY & PASTE ➡ https://bit.ly/30K9WTG. 🚨 #privatebankingblueprint Manual ➡ https://bit.ly/3g5Lxyo 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jasonkingbiz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ @brotherkingcam #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #DigitalRealEstate #NetworkABS (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2IbgKjZvQ/?igshid=1vu4bxkstydn
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nakashimak · 6 years
人に言われて、Serial Intreprenuer (連続企業内起業家)という言葉を、使い始めました。確かに代表の中島のキャリアを表す言葉です。
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Meet Ayanna! 
How do you pay your Bills?
[A] I am a Freelance Marketing Consultant. I do contract work with companies and brands. I am currently working with a live entertainment company, which is what currently pays me; however, let’s see what happens in three months. [Giggles] I also take on freelance clients on the side focusing on startups.  
What Kind of Start ups?
[A]  Mainly people who are trying to figure out how to brand themselves in the wellness, fashion, beauty and lifestyle spaces are my main targets. I teach them how to brand themselves by providing brand consultations and audits. So basically I am not apart of their team, but I can give them some advice and guidance. A personal brand coach for lack of a better word.
If it don’t make money or add some type of value to what I am trying to do, then it doesn’t make sense. I just can’t!
[C] All about the coin  
[A] It took me awhile to understand that and know my worth but yes it ultimately comes down to the coin or value.
When did you start learning your worth and demanding it?
[A] Good distinction! I’ve known my worth for years [Giggles] demanding it I would say recently, like the past 3 years. I used to be a fashion stylist, personal shopper, contributer and blogger and people used to take advantage of me because I wasn’t confident about my work and what I could put out there. As I continued to work through Corporate America it was a good lesson to learn because in corporate people will take advantage of you, they will have you do 3 jobs for 1 pay and that had to stop at least in my world.
I learned a huge lesson from the previous fashion company I used to work for, I had to demand the respect that I knew I deserved and pay that went along with what I deserved. It got to the point where they couldn’t match that, they knew my worth but couldn’t match the price tag that came along with me and I had to move on. Once I did it was one of those things where it was like ok girl you are ok. Once that clicked it’s been easier to be like nah, this is what I can produce and if you can’t pay me for this then I am not the right one for you. And that’s ok, but it’s a work in progress for sure. Sometimes I still have issues with it, but I am human.
What clicked for you?
[A] Confidence, learning more about who I am and what I wanted. Knowing what I could produce for people, stand in my power and owning that. It really did just click one day like, girl, you know you poppin stop it! Once that happened, I don’t know it was like anything and everything someone could tell me wasn’t going to work anymore. You telling me no we can’t do this, cool then we need to move on.
You know in life we have all these fears, questions and heavy concerns. We look for people to validate us so much it becomes second nature. When I realized that I needed to give myself that validation it was a wake up call. That’s all I needed!
What Corporate Companies have you worked for?
[A] Omg! I’ve worked for Cadillac, Coty, Wacoal America, Banana Republic, Joe Fresh to name a few.
When did u part with Corporate America?
[A]  August 2017 for the third time. [Giggles] My third time, I tried twice before.
What caused you to try 3 times and is this the final one?
[A] You know, who knows. If there is a great opportunity that comes around that could help push me forward in my career, I wouldn’t turn it down. For me it is really hard for me to work under people. I am a very free soul. I need to do my own thing and I hate corporate structures, they annoy me. I also have been in a lot of environments that don’t cultivate change, growth, allow you to think outside the box or even have a voice. I am just tired of working for companies like that.
If I found a corporate company that didn’t give me all of those negatives, I’d be there. Unfortunately,  that is not the way that 80% of companies work, especially companies that are not in the tech space; which is what we are dealing with. The last time I left, I had a really great corporate job on paper. The pay was good, my title was good but I was so miserable. I’ve essentially been miserable at some point or another at all of my corporate jobs, but this was the worst time ever. It was just one of those things, where I knew I had all the tools so the question remained “why can’t I do something I want to do?”
That’s when I told myself that I needed to create the life that I wanted and I took a leap of faith for the third time. I have no issue saying it was a leap of faith I just want to put that out there. This time was a little different because I was no longer 22 in my mom’s house right? I am in my early 30s, I live with a partner I have shit to focus on, that I can’t just put off on parents and stuff. But I wanted to prove to myself that I can create the life I want especially since I had a clearer direction this time around. So I took a big leap of faith. I wanted to prove to myself I can do this.
What have you been doing since the leap? What did you land on?
[A] The reason why I really wanted to leave is because I started this brand Non Corporate Girls which is a podcast / creative agency. We’re all about not conforming to what society says you should conform too. We’re all about the C’s.
 Creativity, Cultivation, Change, Collaboration.
My business partner and I have worked with a lot of companies that don’t do that, have that or foster that. We wanted to create a platform for people to do just that. It started with a podcast of us literally just venting about our friggin corporate jobs. That just turned into OMG! We’re entrepreneurs, we have done all this stuff why not put it in a platform for people to hear and really turn this into more .
Then I also have a platform called Meet Me Series which is a networking platform for women. At the time I left corporate for the third time, Meet Me Series was already a year in. I felt like I wanted to put more into this and it was really really hard doing this at my full time job that just drains me and doesn’t help me grow. Why not see what I can do outside of this? Those were the reasons why I took the leap of faith.
What I am doing now in this leap of faith is creating the life I want. The life I want is to live a flexible life where no 2 days are the same. I can go to a meeting for my brand here, I can work on other people’s brands there, I can travel, I can do this here. I can create what I want this day to look like and so far I have been able to do that for the most part. I have been taking on contract gigs for brands and I am working as a marketing consultant which is what my expertise is and I am able to have that freelance flexible schedule, maintain a check and still focus on my two brands and help them grow.
[C] Wow, well that sounds like a lot
[A] It’s a lot and it is not easy, but I can’t even express how happy I am for me. To provide some context or clarity here, my brand Non-Corporate Girls isn’t against Corporate America. We believe that Corporate America is needed to help you grow because there are things that you need to learn in your environment, industry, within yourself and from others that corporate structures have a way of pulling out. I’ve had a lot of exposure, successes and major challenges within a corporate structure which is why I know for the most part they don’t work for me.  
I’ve started from the bottom and worked my way up to managerial roles, you know what I am saying? I have a MBA, I have done a lot in the corporate world with the corporate structure and it just doesn’t fuel my soul. It doesn’t do anything for me and I wanted to have the opportunity to create the life I want right now. Giving myself the freedom to move things around to see what works, what fits and doesn’t fit into my box, not the one people are telling me I need to be fit into.
[C] How realistic do you think the advice of just fuck it do the leap of faith to aspiring entrepreneurs and what would you advise someone who is in their 20’s in Corporate America being told just do the leap but they are staring at their student loans like how? Where?
[A] Take the leap is an interesting thing because everyone is different right? No 2 situations are the same and that is how we are supposed to look at everything. First of all, people who are entrepreneurs are crazy, they are crazy people. No one really goes “yea I want to put myself through the hardships that come with being an entrepreneur” like that’s not realistic. Being realistic is having a plan. I feel like a lot of panels and talks mean to say this or want to say this but they probably neglect to say this but taking a leap of faith is only part of it. Some people scared to not move, but being stagnant isn’t the answer either, you just need to plan. For young professionals I will say this, being in your 20’s you need to do a lot of things to test the waters. Everyone doesn’t come out of college like “yeah I want to be an entrepreneur.” If you do great! You are ahead of most of us who are in this space.
As a young person, you could go work for a couple of companies, build up your portfolio, and learn what you need to learn. Be a sponge, soak everything up. There are so many things that people are doing that you do not know of that could help you in your future. The other part is understanding your worth. The other thing, is that their are going to be people in our environments that are older than us, and especially in the digital landscape it constantly changing. They won’t always know what we know and vice versa. So you need to understand what your value is for that company. You could teach people things and it does not necessarily mean they will take advantage of you. Sometimes people get to be intreprenuers in their role which is essentially entrepreneurs within their companies. We need to blossom that to make the world a more evolved place.
That is the key to the leap, you need to have a plan. Student loans they are going to be there. I have an MBA and I am 100 G’s in the hole. At the end of the day that is not going to stop me from pursuing my dreams you have to have a plan, how are you going to pay this? These are things you have to figure out. And if you are going to leave, leave with a cushion, if possible. Obviously it would be helpful if mommy and daddy could support you for a little while too.
Have a plan and understand that any job that is not your own is a place for you to figure out your passion, grow, learn and you know figure it out. You can learn so much in a short amount of time whether you are in a job for 1 year or 10 years. I think the issue a lot of people have, especially young people, is that they are not utilizing their resources. If you are in a position you need to know every single thing about your position, your boss position and her boss position. When you leave you can bump yourself up because you already know everything you need to know. People need to work smarter not harder.
People don’t know Cat they don’t know.
[C] They don’t wanna hear it though
[A] They don’t [Giggles]  
What’s the Box that people are trying to fit you in?
[A] What Box DON’T they try to fit me in?
You already know as a Minority, that’s already a box. You are a token someone to someone for some crazy reason.
Two, I am Black and I am latina and that’s a whole next thing.
Then I’m Bisexual so that’s another layer.
Then, I am also a very fashionable gal. Everything I do is bold and out there and I’m not coming into work in your typical basic work look especially not in corporate environments. This is how I’m walking into corporate meetings, this is how I am presenting myself.  
And the biggest thing out of all of that is my hair.
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[C] [Grinning] Let’s touch on the hair.
[A] I’ve had every single hair color you could possibly imagine. I have walked into CEO meetings with bright green hair and I have had this comment said to me lots of times where white men who are in high positions will look at me and say:
“ You know had it been someone else with your hair color I would probably hate it, but somehow you make it look acceptable.”
One, What does that even mean? Really what does that mean?
Two,  My confusion allows stems from “why does my hair color represent me as a person?” Hair color is just that a hair color and it really boils down to how you present it aka wear it. As long as it is presentable so what I just have green hair, it is just a different hair color. Why is it that when I walk into a room that is the first thing that you see, the first thing that you identify me by and automatically assume something? These are boxes that I have been put in aside from being a creative in environments that don’t foster creativity at all.
When did you start experimenting with color hair?  
[A] I would say 2012. Up until 2012 I used to have permed hair, long permed Black-Brown 1B Whatever. Whack ass hair. I used to get told your hair doesn’t match your personality and I felt that way. I didn’t know what to do with it. You know growing up I did the typical permed it, wrapped it and that was it.  
In 2010 my cousin who is my hair stylist said let’s do something different. I put in my first weave, I had never had one before. I tried a black weave and it was cool, which opened up Pandora’s box for me. I saw how my hair could match my personality. It was fun! I was like well, what else can we do? That took on its own thing!
Now I have done wigs, weaves, all types of colors. I had the pink undertone cut, the peekaboo, blue, purple, oranges. All my wigs have names like Pumpkin Spice, Purple Rain, Little Mermaid. They’re fun! They represent me. All colors always represent me because I own it.
For me, it’s really important, I have been in and out of corporate and I do know what it is like to be at a table with all white People and you feel uncomfortable. Because they are looking at you like does she not know? Why Would She come in here with Green Hair? And I’m sitting there looking at them like, Why WOULDN’T I? Ya know?
I try to be intentional with my hair colors. I love color, but I work it in a subtle way to keep in mind the environment I work in, but a color that still pops. In light they look really really bright, but in  low lighting the color doesn’t look as bright, like in a conference room. People are intimidated by color, afros, and curly hair. People are intimidated. So I try to ease into it with the color. Maybe some red then maybe brighten the red a little bit. Then go into that peacock, pink, green, blue.
What was your favorite color?
[A] Ah that’s so hard! Purple Rain! It was a purple mix, fuschia like mixed with Barney. And Peacock Blue Green, similar to yours but the green was darker those have to be my favorite.  For me I’m playing around with wigs, so they are long, curly, short, whatever.
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Do you ever think that your hair was the reason you did not obtain an opportunity or someone did not take you seriously ?
[A] Held me back from opportunities I don’t know of. But taking me seriously, yes. I have had incidents where people hesitate if I should be included in something and if it’s a suitable thing. I am fortunate that I am a very well put together professional individual and I know how to make my appearance really shine. And I’m not trying to amp myself up I just know how to come into a room and still be taken seriously even if my hair color is green. I will say that has taken a lot of work because when I first started doing hair colors I would love it, but when I walked into work I wouldn’t be as comfortable with it.
I’m sure you can relate and attest to this, the thing about hair colors and same goes for outfits you have to be comfortable and confident. If you walk in comfortable and confident they take you seriously and that’s kind of what happened. I just walked in like I own this. Also what worked for me is not being afraid to have the conversations.
I’ve had my VP come over to me and she was like [changes voice tone]
“So your hair is green today?”
And I am like Yes it is!
“Do you feel some type of way about that? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?”
I’m like Why Should I? It’s just hair it’s just color. I can dye it back I can change it up I can do whatever I want it does not defy who I am you know what I mean? It’s presentable.
I asked do you see something wrong is a strand hanging out? No it looks great! Then we’re great, you know? There is nothing left we need to talk about here. As long as I’ve been comfortable everyone else has been comfortable.
Did you ever have a conversation with your boss prior to doing the drastic hair changes?
[A] Oh God No. Girl, girl. First of all I change my hair up every 3 months. Literally my coworkers are waiting to see what I come in with, waiting. I usually do it over a weekend too so they have no clue. No I do not have a conversation with anyone. I will say that with all of the jobs that I have had I do look through the HR Manual to see if they have any policies against hair color and most of them do not because no one thinks about this, because no one is coming in with a bright hair color. It is just not what people do, but I am doing it. At one point when I left one of the jobs I made a joke like so yall are probably going to change that policy about the hair huh? My VP responded like I do not think we are, you probably are going to be the only one to do this.
[C] Just leaving a Lasting impression
[A] Yup, Yup.  People are always going to remember my hair color. What happened to the girl with the colored hair? I do look in manuals though that is my thing
[C] Yeah I didn’t even think to consider that, but like you said no one is developing a manual and going oh yeah and no turquoise hair!
[A] It is usually never there, I promise you that. And it is so interesting to me. Putting my hair in different colors has become so natural to me that it is my everyday life. Just like if you were a redhead, your hair is red why can’t my hair be green? I would say well her hair is red, and they would respond “Well that’s her natural hair” [Whispers] “Well this is my natural hair too”
[Both Crack Up]
What is Your Drink of Choice ?
[A] Old-fashioned. I’m a Bourbon Whiskey Girl #BrightHairDarkLiquor
What do you define as your Passion? What gives you the Courage day in and day out?
[A] People understanding their power and understanding they can create the life that they want.
I’ve spent so much of my life trying to find myself and figure out what my niche is and what I’m good at. Without realizing that me as a whole and what I bring to the table is good enough and I can be good at a lot of different things and whatever my focus is that’s what I choose to create. That’s why things like Non Corporate Girls is so important to me because we don’t have platforms where people celebrate who they are. In whatever avenue or station in life that they are, be it corporate, non corporate, entrepreneur, intrepreneur.  I really believe wholeheartedly everyone gets to design the life they want, everyone. Until they know it, they will continue to be stuck in a box. Everything in life is a choice, we keep talking about how we are stuck in this box, so choose not to be. It’s your choice and I am choosing everyday to live the life that I want and not be in a box.
Drops Mic.
[C] Exit Stage Left.
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steemitblog · 7 years
via Steem - recent/
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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((( #ABSWEALTHBUNDLE ))) 💵💰PRIVATE BANKING 💰💵 ---------------------------------------------------- ✅ A nontraditional way of building wealth ◾ ✅ Learn how to build your own private banking system ◾ ✅ Be shown step by step how to build on your own ◾ ✅ Over 30+ learning modules with instant access ◾ ✅Lifetime access to our private Facebook community 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK IN BIO People ask what #PrivateBankingBlueprint Course, here is the link 🚨🚨COPY & PASTE ➡ https://bit.ly/30K9WTG. 🚨 #privatebankingblueprint Manual ➡ https://bit.ly/3g5Lxyo 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jasonkingbiz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ @brotherkingcam #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #DigitalRealEstate #NetworkABS (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDsS2GojKii/?igshid=8t9itc0tzjxz
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeExperience Alert via @brotherbenx "Peace, Family Tonight is gonna be deep & personal. I'm sharing a part of my struggle I've never shared with you before. We will also be doing live business coaching tonight. If you are a TRIBE Member It's FREE. (if not become a member right now to access all the Tribe benefits)" Tune In at 7:00pm cst/8:00pm est The ABS TRIBE Experience click the link ?? www.theabstribe.com #TheABStribeNetwork (([DIGITAL REAL ESTATE])) ✅How to Build Digital Properties & Assets Online for Passive Impact & Income plus!! 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK BELOW People ask what #DigitalRealEstate is, here is the link 🚨🚨((( www.ABSTRIBE.COM )))🚨 NEED A PAYMENT PLAN➡ https://bit.ly/3jIx25E 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jasonkingbiz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ @brotherkingcam #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #NetworkABS #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #digitalrealestate (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkKi7ljWvT/?igshid=m7t2d8je6eay
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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FREE giveaways NOW on @jaketaylerjacobs IG LIVE WITH @brotherbenx #TheABStribeNetwork (([ PURPOSE TO PROFIT ])) ✅Learn how to turn your purpose and passion into a Successful Business. ◾ ✅PURPOSE DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅People/Team Development ◾ ✅PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅Facebook Ad Development & Website Design ◾ ✅PROCESS DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO BUILD A PURPOSE FILLED MULTIPLE SIX FIGURE BUSINESS... 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK in bio JOIN THE ABS TRIBE, here is the link 🚨🚨((( P2profits.COM )))🚨 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ @brotherkingcam #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #DigitalRealEstate #PurposetoProfit #NetworkABS (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZ0uZzD_Wb/?igshid=25d81ie9lom8
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork (([DIGITAL REAL ESTATE])) ✅How to Build Digital Properties & Assets Online for Passive Impact & Income ◾ ✅An Exclusive Community ◾ ✅On Demand Video Courses ◾ ✅Your life can be changed, if you are open to it. It's time to learn the ways of the new world. ◾ ✅Everything we thought we knew about the business landscape has changed, & the internet has truly become the great EQUALIZER ◾ ✅It's time to learn how we & others have made thousands & millions of dollars on the internet, with Digital Real Estate. 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK BELOW People ask what #DigitalRealEstate is, here is the link 🚨🚨((( www.ABSTRIBE.COM )))🚨 NEED A PAYMENT PLAN➡ https://bit.ly/3jIx25E 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #NetworkABS #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #digitalrealestate (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZh0apDm5P/?igshid=2tnhjezl7t6t
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork Alert from @brotherbenx @tanakatava •• Digital Real Estate student only 21 years young IN COLLEGE producing results from Digital Real Estate — JOIN @brotherbenx IG LIVE (www.digital4real.com) (([ THE ABS TRIBE ])) ✅ ONE OF THE FASTEST WAY TO GAIN PERSONAL & FINANCIAL GROWTH ◼ ✅The ABS Tribe is your ticket to access experts in the online digital industry. ◼ ✅High-level accountability from the tribe community ◼ ✅Weekly coaching twice a week 2-4 hours ◼ ✅SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS & EDUCATORS WEEKLY ◼ 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK in bio JOIN THE ABS TRIBE, here is the link 🚨🚨((( TheABSTRIBE.COM )))🚨 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ @brotherkingcam #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #DigitalRealEstate (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWo90fDZOf/?igshid=qcr42niwauq2
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork (([ PURPOSE TO PROFIT ])) ✅Learn how to turn your purpose and passion into a Successful Business. ◾ ✅PURPOSE DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅People/Team Development ◾ ✅PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅Facebook Ad Development & Website Design ◾ ✅PROCESS DEVELOPMENT ◾ ✅THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO BUILD A PURPOSE FILLED MULTIPLE SIX FIGURE BUSINESS... 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK in bio JOIN THE ABS TRIBE, here is the link 🚨🚨((( TheABSTRIBE.COM )))🚨 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #DigitalRealEstate #PurposetoProfit (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNg623jUS1/?igshid=g7gbcv68sh16
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork 💎(([ THE ABS TRIBE ])) LINK IN BIO💎 ✅ ONE OF THE FASTEST WAY TO GAIN PERSONAL & FINANCIAL GROWTH ◼ ✅The ABS Tribe is your ticket to access experts in the online digital industry. ◼ ✅High-level accountability from the tribe community ◼ ✅Weekly coaching twice a week 2-4 hours ◼ ✅SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS & EDUCATORS WEEKLY ◼ 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ JOIN THE ABS TRIBE 🚨🚨((( https://bit.ly/3hyzKJe )))🚨 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k #DigitalRealEstate (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJy8B8jOIb/?igshid=1uqfo4xsg07wk
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork (([ PRIVATE BANKING BLUEPRINT ])) ✅ A nontraditional way of building wealth ◾ ✅ Learn how to build your own private banking system ◾ ✅ Be shown step by step how to build on your own ◾ ✅ Over 30+ learning modules with instant access ◾ ✅Lifetime access to our private Facebook community 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK BELOW People ask what #PrivateBankingBlueprint Course, here is the link 🚨🚨((( https://bit.ly/30K9WTG )))🚨 #privatebankingblueprint Manual ➡ https://bit.ly/3g5Lxyo 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDIXg4ijqm1/?igshid=1adxqt69pj4ze
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork Alert from @lifewithlaj Never mind the numbers on the chart. Let’s look at the narrative of the banks and lending companies. • • Unfortunately many of the people we know including ourselves fall into this trap and waste our entire lives paying back debt and the interest it comes with. • • The banks have normalized living in debt your entire life like it’s cool or something! • • If we are going to be borrowing money, we need to borrow money within OUR community, stimulating OUR economy. • • At @assetsbeforesplurging we are educating families across the globe to break this debt CURSE by building their own private family banking system. • • Click the link in my bio. Watch the Free overview explaining the banking system we teach. Then if interested, click the tab that says to enroll into our online institute titled “private banking blueprint” • @blackwealthmvmnt @blackenterprise @blackhustlersclub @blackwealthrenaissance @blackmillionaires_ 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK BELOW People ask what #DigitalRealEstate is, here is the link 🚨🚨((( https://bit.ly/2ZWZ5qe )))🚨 NEED A PAYMENT PLAN➡ https://bit.ly/3jIx25E 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHeghTj4OU/?igshid=kzd5up9gq4lf
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slatestonemusic · 4 years
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#TheABStribeNetwork (([DIGITAL REAL ESTATE])) ✅How to Build Digital Properties & Assets Online for Passive Impact & Income ◾ ✅An Exclusive Community ◾ ✅On Demand Video Courses ◾ ✅Your life can be changed, if you are open to it. It's time to learn the ways of the new world. ◾ ✅Everything we thought we knew about the business landscape has changed, & the internet has truly become the great EQUALIZER ◾ ✅It's time to learn how we & others have made thousands & millions of dollars on the internet, with Digital Real Estate. 🌍 Assets Before Splurging 💎 Follow hear, build, and learn from @brotherbenx @jaketaylerjacobs @assetsbeforesplurging ‼️ LINK BELOW People ask what #DigitalRealEstate is, here is the link 🚨🚨((( https://bit.ly/2ZWZ5qe )))🚨 NEED A PAYMENT PLAN➡ https://bit.ly/3jIx25E 📚share if you like! 🔌📡#1000Network ▶ *1000 Network 📱💻♻🌍 @jason.king.biz @diirtdadreamsaver @digitalrealestate_ #privatebankingblueprint #assetsbeforesplurging #mrbethebank #jaketaylerjacobs #iamthebank #iamthelender #TheABStribeExperience #ABSclassAlert #ABSTRIBE #ABSTRIBE1K #Marketing #Wealth #affiliatemarketing #DGSS1K #businessmodel #1000Network #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheWealthStandard #TheBlackStandard #businesstips #businessowner #Ownership #Intreprenuer #Intreprenuer1k (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHP7gpDj3V/?igshid=1cquaztjw5b6l
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