kingcenred · 8 months
@kingcenred meme link.
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❝ ——— 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐃 to the side while gazing up at him curiously, gulping down the emotions that threatened to overpower her. ❝ Now that Tudor is on the throne, I do not think either of us have much say in who loses what. The betrothal my uncle wanted between us shall ... ❞ Likely never go ahead, was what Mary wanted to say but couldn't.
❝ England's new King will likely send for me soon. I'll be married off to some fat European King or a Lancastrian Earl who will use me like a cow to make pretty royal babies. ❞
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Swallowing down his fury, he reached across and took Mary's small hand in his own - a gesture full of tenderness at odds with the tension in his jaw. "I will not allow that to happen," he insisted. Indeed, in the weeks they had spent in each other's company, a genuine fondness - if not, more - had formed between them.
"You cannot be married off if you are already wed," he mused, his head tilting to one side. "Marry me, Mary."
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hearkenedsouls · 7 months
@iomamuise gets human Esme for Carlisle
"Dr Cullen?" her eyes widened in astonishment, and a bright smile tugged her lips upwards. He looked exactly as she remembered, from all those years ago; the same golden hair and strange amber eyes. How was it that he seemed to not have aged a moment? All at once, she was transported back to being that teenager with the broken leg and an unhealthy obsession with her kind doctor. She had never expected to see him again, and particularly not in this situation.
"You treated me once before, when I fell from a tree," she explained, with mild amusement, as her smile grew. She did not expect him to remember how - how many patients must he treat each day?
"You always have been clumsy, haven't you darling?" her husband quickly commented, and Esme's smile faded. "She broke a glass while washing up," he offered an explanation for the deep cut to her palm, the reason they had come to the hospital today. That didn't, however, explain the purplish bruise to her face which Esme hadn't quite managed to cover with her make up. Or the finger-shaped marks on her wrists.
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apurekindness · 9 months
@iomamuise gets another starter for Aramis
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Soundlessly, she climbed out of the ground floor window - grasping her stolen books close to her chest. As her feet touched the grass outside, she allowed herself a brief smile of success: this was the third month she had been able to 'borrow' the medical students' work.
Just as she was about to make her swift escape, a throat cleared behind her. Eyes widening with guilt and fear, she slowly turned around.
"Oh! Aramis, you scared me," she murmured, with a sheepish smile, relieved to see her dear friend. Aramis was one of the few people she had divulged about her secret ambition to become a doctor...although, she had not admitted her tactics
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draconigena440 · 1 month
Continued from here:
"Mary my little dove," Vladimir said with a loving smile considering the two were alone after the queen's coronation. "Remember who you are talking to." The Sarmatian/Celt went over to his granddaughter and gently held her face in his scarred hands before kissing her temple since she was still wearing her mother's crown. "The blood of this island flows in your veins and you most of all have not only studied at the feet of your parents but also mine and Artur's."
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theirmadness · 2 months
❛  you  make  the  prettiest  sounds .  ❜ // to sansa, from susan, idk how the crossover would work but gimme !!
meme status: accepting. meme source: uknown.
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it was impossible for sansa to stay quiet, as the other's hands roamed over her body, stimulating every sensitive part of her. the things she was feeling, she wasn't aware she could feel. why had she wasted her time, only taking male lovers, when women were the ones who truly knew their bodies? it was a simple, but rather important truth about herself, that she was slowly coming to terms with in this moment.
a breathless laugh escaped her kiss swollen lips, her tongue wetting them so she could taste susan again. propping herself up onto her elbows on the bed as she looked down at the brunette between her legs. the sight alone set her loins ablaze. gods, she loves women. if she had known that intimate moments could feel this good, she would've sought this out long ago. but she was glad that it was now. and oh, she was glad that it was with susan. she smiled at the other, one hand reaching out to stroke her fingers through her dark hair.
❝ i am extremely pleased to hear you enjoy them... the things you do to me make me wish to be... loud... come here... kiss me again... ❞ grabbing a fistful of dark hair, she brings susan back on top of her, her lips finding the brunette's once more, in a passionate kiss, her arms wrapping around her shoulders, holding her close.
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sxltedgxn · 7 months
"Normal's not normal if you're not normal." // from sam.
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⚝ ❝ i hate how that made perfect sense, when it really shouldn't have. ❞
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youllthinktwice · 8 months
‘ just a warning, i hog the covers. ’ to ellie / from jack. !! @iomamuise
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"Thanks for the heads up," she replied, lips curled up in the slightest of smirks - which she almost immediately tried to hide. The situation wasn't ideal, but Ellie wouldn't list sharing the bed with a covers hog like him as even making her top 10 list. Maybe top 15, if he snored.
With a soft sigh, she kicked off her boots after giving up with the laces (how long since she'd bought new laces? new anything? the things were so frayed they knotted any time Ellie glanced at them). Standing up from the seat with a stretch, she took a step towards him the bed, and with a playful smile remarked, "I'm stronger than I look, you know. You know how many muscles I build, digging things up in the desert? I gotta say, you might give me a run for my money. But don't count me out yet."
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Whether his words were true or not, Ellie didn't particularly care. Covers or no covers, she was sure the bed would be... relaxing and comfortable enough. The only thing that gave her slight pause about being up close and personal with action man over there was the opportunity it presented him to see her scars. Nothing like Alan's or Malcolm's, sure. But she'd taken a tumble and fall, and a claw to the back, too. ...Well, a life without scars was perhaps a really dull life.
"It's been a long day. Maybe you'll be too tired to steal the covers."
only one bed prompts !! accepting
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hearkenedsouls · 7 months
@iomamuise - send 💐 for a starter with our muses in an arranged marriage. / anne x edmund
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Out of all the lands she could have been sent to, Narnia was both the most fascinating and terrifying. It was like no other place she had ever visited. Not least because of the ruling sibling monarchs, but also the talking beasts. She had only been in Cair Paravel for a couple of days, but she wondered if she would ever get used to it.
There was a knock to the door of her chambers, and her lips parted in surprise as her betrothed stood in the doorway. They'd not had a moment alone since her arrival, what with the many important people she had to meet and all the wedding preparations, and she fell into a deep bow.
"Your Majesty," she smiled, rather shyly.
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kingcenred · 9 months
@iomamuise gets a starter for Mary
It had been a long time since Cenred had last visited the Cullens, but Carlisle was someone he considered a friend - or at least, as close to a friend as the nomadic vampire had - and he made his way across the country upon his call for help. Did he want to fight the Volturi? Not particularly. He was not silly enough to believe they could actually win in a fight, and he enjoyed his life too much to sacrifice himself for the Cullens.
As soon as he approached the house, an immediate sense of regret descended upon him. There were far too many people here for his liking. Perhaps he could disappear unnoticed and return in a couple of days, when the Volturi were about to appear? Just as he was about to turn, the door of the house began to open.
Dammit, he'd missed his chance.
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apurekindness · 10 months
@iomamuise for Aithusa
Kiara had found Aithusa as an egg, just a few hours after her own home had been destroyed by the Camelot knights. Alone and scared, she had protected Aithusa with her life - from the moment she took her first steps to the first hesitant flaps of her wings. Now, almost fully grown, Aithusa would often fly above her as she foraged for her dinner or herbs for her remedies - out of sight, but always nearby.
Kiara was pleased with a large crop of witch-hazel she had stumbled upon; she was distracted by her find, and didn't realise she was no longer alone until a twig snapped underfoot. Spinning around, she saw two men dressed all in black with their swords drawn. Bandits.
"All alone, sweetheart? It's dangerous for a woman out here..." one of them drawled, with a menacing smirk as he continued his slow advance towards her.
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kingcenred · 7 months
@iomamuise gets a pregnant Cenra for Mark
"I cannot believe women choose to put themselves through this," the Queen complained, wincing at a particularly hard kick from her swollen belly. Despite her general disdain for children, she knew - for the sake of her kingdom - it was an inevitable burden that she would have to carry. Figuratively, and literally. But she had not quite expected it to happen so shortly after her marriage to Mark.
At least she was not alone, and the worst days of her pregnancy seemed to be behind her. The weeks where she could keep nothing down, and had in fact begun to lose weight rather than gain it, had been worrying for them all. Now, the Queen looked altogether healthier. Often grumpy and irritable about the constraints of her condition - what did the physician mean when he advised her against riding?! - but healthy.
With a faint sigh, she reached for Mark's hand and pressed his palm against her bump. "Do you feel that?"
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kingcenred · 7 months
@iomamuise gets Princess Cenra for Arthur
It was inevitable, she supposed, that Cenred would marry her off at some point - it was really her purpose, as the spare royal. But to King Arthur of Camelot? Their kingdoms had been at war since as long as she could remember, and although things had improved since Arthur's coronation, he was hardly her first choice of partner.
At least he was young, attractive and a King. There were definitely less beneficial matches.
"Good morning, Arthur," she greeted him, with a faint sigh, as she arrived in her new home the day before the wedding. "I do not appreciate being bought and sold," she informed him, stiffly.
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kingcenred · 7 months
@iomamuise gets a pregnant Queen Cenra for Arthur!
It wasn't supposed to be like this; Arthur was visiting Essetir for peace talks, for purely political reasons. And yet, despite the historical conflict between their conflicts, there was immediately a deep attraction between them. It began as purely physical, of course, but soon it became something greater.
For the last few months, Cenra and Arthur had been travelling frequently between their kingdoms - she genuinely enjoyed his company. At some point, however, she had forgotten to take her vial and that landed her in her, current difficulty predicement.
"Arthur? Can I speak with you?" she was unnaturally subdued.
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kingcenred · 8 months
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@iomamuise ❝ ——— 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 attempt to hide the grin that pulled at her mouth. ❝ I don't think that's quite true. I think you don't like most humans ... bit confused as to why Bella Swan's friend who was almost vampire food as you entered Forks seems to be the exception. ❞ Mary's blue eyes scrutinised the stupidly handsome malebefore she crossed her arms over her chest. ❝ Is the grumpy yet sexy vampire wanting me or my blood? ❞
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"Well, it would have been an awful waste of that pretty face of yours if I'd made you my dinner," he mused, his signature smirk tugging one corner of his mouth upwards, and his red eyes glinted with mirth.
He reached out, carefully, to cup her face with one of his cold hand. "I don't want your blood," he assured her, with faint amusement. "But you knew that, already." Indeed, he barely even noticed the scent of her blood: he wanted her.
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kingcenred · 8 months
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Pressing a hand to the wound on his stomach, he tried to make the few faltering steps to his desk. Why did he take his mobile out of his jacket? But he's already lost a lot of blood and the effort is too much for him; his vision blurred, and he collapsed just a step from his goal.
"Security..." he tried to yell, but his voice barely rose about a whisper. This couldn't possibly be how the great King Cenred met his demise - at the hands of his violent girlfriend, just a few metres away from his inept guards.
Drifting in and out of consciousness, he heard footsteps approach and he fought against the heaviness of his eyelids to see the newcomer. His saviour, or Morgause returned to finish him off?
"Mary," he breathed in relief, as he managed to focus his gaze enough to identify the face. "Help me."
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hearkenedsouls · 8 months
@iomamuise gets Princess Anne
It had been several years since Aramis first joined the palace staff as a royal guard, and Anne had always enjoyed his company. Her gaze would linger on his handsome features longer than strictly necessary, and a soft, fond smile would involuntarily tug the corners of her lips upwards whenever she saw him. In recent months, the Princess had become bolder; she sought out more excuses to touch him - it was always his hand she reached for, as she stepped out the carriage, and his arms on her waist as she turned to him for assistance while mounting her horse.
When the head of her personal guard offered his resignation, Anne was quick to suggest to her father that Aramis would make a wonderful replacement. Readily, the King agreed: Aramis was loyal to the crown and a fearless warrior. No-one would protect Anne more ardently.
The Princess greeted him with a bright smile, as he reported for his first day in his new position.
"It seems you and I will be spending quite some time together, Aramis. I do hope you won't tire too quickly of my company," she teased, reaching out for his hands and giving them an affectionate squeeze.
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