#ipc wreckers
ramuneda5149 · 2 months
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3 physically starved people in a cramped space bc they're too dumb to hug each other
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pulpfest · 5 years
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The Sloane AMAZING STORIES, like most of the other science fiction and fantasy pulps of the day, also became a leading market for “space opera” fiction. According to Mike Ashley in “The AMAZING Story: The Thirties — Escape from Oblivion,” republished at http://www.pulpfest.com on 02/22/16: “During 1930, the magazine not only published “Skylark Three,” E. E. Smith’s sequel to “The Skylark of Space,” but also Edmond Hamilton’s “The Universe Wreckers” and the series by John W. Campbell, Jr., about superscientists Arcot, Wade, and Morey.” The August 1931 issue — featuring cover art by Leo Morey — featured another space opera: E. E. Smith’s “Spacehounds of IPC.” https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CCaDABde1/?igshid=1vmdhj3h65rzi
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