arziaisfrench · 1 year
▪︎ IPKKND Ep 64 : Arnav throws Khushi out of his house then brings her back !
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"I don't want to see this girl's face. Sometimes she gives her resignation, sometimes she sells her sweets in a party, how many excuses she makes to come here and today, you brought her here?"
Arnav is losing control because he feels like she's toying with him. It's humiliating to him. He doesn't think clearly because of the intensity of the despair he feels at this moment and of course because he doesn't trust her yet.
After all, they barely know each other. Love and passion entered them without giving them the time to get to know each other and learn to trust each other. It's a very delicate and dangerous way to fall in love.
> I find a song  (Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes) that describes in my opinion, so well Arnav thought process when it comes to his own way to protect himself from love and therefore from Khushi (at least this part of the song) : "I'm never gonna let you close to me Even though you mean the most to me 'Cause every time I open up, it hurts So, I'm never gonna get too close to you Even when I mean the most to you In case you go and leave me in the dirt"
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"The girl who insulted me, who dares to talk over me, who has argued with me is standing infront of me in MY house!" Just when Arnav was shocked and hurt hearing Khushi summarizing how he misunderstood her just after he risked her life, Khushi has the same reaction here when she hears him recalling everything she said to him.
"With her talks and with her innocent face, she might have won your hearts but not mine. I already saw her real face. She's the type of girl who can do anything for money." Gosh I really could feel how Khushi felt so humiliated, so denigrated and so belittled by his words. 😭 Imagine hearing the man you fell in love with telling this to you ?! And she can't even defend herself, she'll let him disrespect her cause she needs money to help her family ! 😥
"No matter how much you try, I won't let you succeed in your plan. I won't let you make space for yourself in this house. Now stop it. It's enough."
He accuses her now very obviously again to try to seduce him for his money, IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY. This is a huge evidence of the fact that his panic attack here is very much a thing, he has always made sure in the past that his family doesn't know how involved Khushi might be in his life or at least his intimate life.
"I won't let you access to my heart that easily ! Who do you think you are?! I'm not your toy! I'm not that weak." He's suspecting her again. Arnav doesn't believe in coincidences. And therefore, the thought of not being able to stop his feelings for her, even while doubting or knowing she might have bad intentions scares him so much ! He feels so helpless. Just like her ! He wants to take control again. So as he always does, it takes actions.
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Seeing her leave just as he asked, but in tears breaks his heart. Because her tears hold a sincerity he can't deny. He realizes how randomly and deeply he just hurt her. Her tears don't lie.
His impulsivity fades away immediately after understanding how far he went, after realizing he made her cry. He doesn't doubt her tears (for now 👀) and he hates seing her turning her back at him. It hurts him very much. He doesn't regret asking her to leave. But he can't stop himself from feeling sad seing her leave.
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Then, Asr wanting to follow the plan of action he made in his mind (to maintain a distance with Khushi cause he's sure at this moment she is having secret motive to stay in his life while pretending to not care about him), orders Anjali to let Khushi go away. But she refuses, he then reminds her that it's HIS house.
Anjali is shocked and angry. She didn't expect him to be willing to hurt her over something (in her eyes) not that deep (Khushi's presence in their house). I understand Anjali's anger here. She blackmailed Khushi to save her family from separation. She knew she was doing something wrong, she felt guilty but still did it for the sake of Arnav. And she expected him to do the same for her, to try to ignore (what she thinks is his) hate toward Khushi to save their family. She doesn't know that Khushi is actually the woman he loves.
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"this is MY house !"
It's very VERY rare for Arnav to talk the way he did to Anjali. He was furious and definitely rude to her. This is how his feelings for Khushi makes him lose control of everything in a dangerous way. No one is spared, not even Anjali, the most important person of his life (for now). And I think he inherited this way of loving from his mother !! 👀 (I'll explain futher in the futures recaps, you guys are not ready for my new theory haha !!)
Arnav realizing how much he hurt Anjali, immediately tries to correct his fault. Fearing Anjali will be too furious and disappointed at him, he goes to Khushi's house to "ask" her to come back.
And he's deliberately showing off money to hurt her pride but also to make sure to be convincible enough without having to apologize to her (his trashy behavior of course is driven by his misunderstanding of her motive toward his "money" and "power").
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Poor Khushi, she has been so disrespected by Arnav but she can't refuse his money. She needs to help her parents. She once again feels so helpless and humiliated.
She will burry her feelings and tolerate as much as she can. She doesn't have a choice anymore.
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But he then realizes why she accepted Anjali's offer : she needs to help her father. He realizes he misunderstood her motives yet again.
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He's trying to pretend what he just heard didn't affect him, Asr makes sure Arnav's real emotions aren't showing too much !
Notice how the director focusses on Khushi closing the doors, I think it's the clue that tell us she's now closing her heart to any kind of doubt she used to have about their mutual attraction.
This whole scene is in a way the last proof she needed to secure her thought of him being a bad man (for now).
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(Sanaya Irani's acting in this scene was incredible ! You could really feel how heavy that new humiliation weighted on Khushi's heart !)
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