#irika eudial
ykoriana-imperatrix · 2 years
SDC Month - December 2022 - Sunday #2
Today, we're once more looking at a canon House's family tree and any additions/changes made to it in the context of fanon. Can you guess which one will be featuring this time?
House Suth
Yes, this seemed like the next logical option given the family ties to the Imagos, so here we go. As before, here is our visual aid of a copy of the canon tree with some useful numbers added. It does look quite... tiny compared to the Imago one, doesn't it?
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As in the Imago case, any God Emperors added to the side of the tree and any characters who are sufficiently developed in canon (and have canonical given names and birth and/or death dates) are excluded from this numbering. This said:
This Ruling Lord, Sardian's great-grandfather, is named Aventurian (from aventurine) in fanon.
Aventurian's wife is Eudial (named after the Sailor Moon character of that name, and indirectly after eudialyte, seeing as said character is named after this mineral in the first place) and she is from the fanon House Irika. @suth-sardian​ and I have her as being born in -131/21 Qusaqanya and dying in -51/46 Qusata.
Aventurian and Eudial's son/Sardian’s grandfather is Chalcedon (from chalcedony).
Chalcedon's wife Imago Tourmaline we already talked about in last week's post, but just a reminder that in fanon she was born in -93/4 Qusata and not -90/7 Qusata. Again, her date of death did remain unchanged (so she got to live even longer, the lucky lady).
Brin and Fey's mother is named Nettle (from the plant(s) of that name).
Crail's mother is named Thistle (again, from the plant of the same name).
Chalcedon and Tourmaline's son/Sardian's father is named Helian (from heliotrope).
Grane's mother is named Harrow (after the farming tool of the same name). Since she is specifically stated to be have originally been from the household and not the flesh tithe, @suth-sardian​ and I decided that she would be a marumaga half-sister of third lineage lords Berillus and Onyxor (who, yes, are brothers in our fanon, even if their canon family ties are unknown).
Helian and Urquentha's daughter/Sardian's sister is named Ruby (after, well, you can guess).
Spinel's wife/Opalid's mother is named Linarie (from linarite) and is from the fanon House Evitas. She was born in -46/51 Qusata, so yes, in fanon she would still be around by the time the canon series is set. Since her blood-taint is actually the exact same as Urquentha's (if expressed differently), we decided they would be double first cousins: Urquentha's father would be the full brother of Linarie's mother, and Urquentha's mother the full sister of Linarie's father.
Extra notes: Even if this has now been briefly mentioned once in my blog, I thought it was worth adding that in fanon, Urquentha's House of birth is (the fanon) House Emiko. It seemed relevant enough to bring up, just not enough to number her solely due to this one piece of information.
As before, I hope you enjoyed this week's edition of this particular project — was I right about it being a much simpler read than the Imago post?
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suth-sardian · 2 years
no because playing three or monopoly with this gang would be the worst experience ever. literally traumatising
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