#ironically childe himself can handle cold weather perfectly so he's fine in the winter
got caught up thinking about how the few bits of armour-free skin on legacy's body probably feels like lizard skin like a Komodo dragon and now i cant stop thinking about legacy with lizard behaviours. legacy who takes naps in the sunlight and licks things to figure out whAT THEY ARE LMAO poor boy has bad eyesight😔 that big ol eye ain't doing him any favours
Foul Legacy: the perfect blend of lizard and cat behaviors
he NEEDS his daily sunlight dose, or at least to be bundled up beneath several blankets to decrease lethargy, although the time where he is either basking or napping he's still very sleepy. you find him snoozing in a sunny patch of grass and gently nudge him, receiving a drowsy trill and a lick to the hand before he bumps his head against your palm. no matter how content and cozy he is, Legacy is very careful not to jab you with his horns even when he's nuzzling against your hand, letting out sleepy purrs and eventually pulling you down onto the grass with him for snuggles. fair warning, he will probably end up with his head in your lap, rumbling from the extra warmth and happily fluttering his wings
it takes Legacy a couple of weeks to be able to identify you from sight alone, since his is admittedly not great, so for a while he results to curiously licking and nibbling your outstretched hand. now it's just a habit for him to give you a soft munch in greeting, lightly gnawing your shoulder when he sneaks up behind you before purring, bumping his forehead against you. it's also a perfect opportunity for Legacy to drape his arms over you, his cheek squished into your hair as he cheerfully soaks in your warmth and slowly leans his weight against you until you have no choice but to sit down on the floor, a very smug and happy Legacy immediately curling up around you and effectively trapping you in an impromptu cuddle session <3
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crazylittlenobody · 7 years
War Was Coming.
War was coming that much was clear, there was no avoiding it it was coming and it was going to hit them hard, they’d lose hundreds maybe thousands of men, they could fall or they could succeed. It was one or the other. The war was inevitable. 
But Daenerys didn’t want to just rely on her two remaining dragons, she wanted to fight, she wanted to put her fury into something, she’d been suppressing her grief for Viserion and she knew part of it was becoming anger towards the man who took her child from her. She wanted to fight. She wanted to kill the Night King, take the iron throne and finally have what was rightfully hers, she’d have stopped the threat among them all with Jon at her side, fighting alongside her. She was still shocked he’d finally bent the knee for her, he’d refused to do so for so long. She’d dismissed her men from her side when she reached Jon’s chambers in Winterfell, Jon’s home was nothing compared to Dragonstone but she knew Jon thought dearly of the place so she didn’t complain. Daenerys knocked on chambers door, the slightly rusted hinges as black as night, Daenerys straightened when the door opened with an eery creak, Daenerys ocean blue eyes falling on a pair of brown ones but not ones that belonged to Jon.
“Oh.” The young Stark let out, she clearly hadn’t been expecting to see Dany at Jon’s door. But Daenerys hadn’t been expecting Arya either, they both gave each other awkward exchanges, the small girl giving a slight nod of her head. “Your grace.”
“Lady Stark.” Daenerys responded back, an expression scrawled across the feisty girls face at the name and she placed her hand on her small sword, making Daenerys glance down at it, wondering what she was going to do.
“Call my Arya, my sister is Lady Stark,” Was all she said to her before she saw Daenerys eyes drifted to someone over her shoulder and Arya looked back to her brother, “We can continue this later, I’m glad you’re alright Jon. Maybe when you’re well enough I’ll show you just how much I’ve learned in my training.”
Jon gave a soft laugh that made a microscopic smile cross Dany’s lips, she’d only heard him laugh once but the sound was calming. “I’ll see you at the dinner tonight,” With that Arya was gone, she’d swerved around Daenerys with no problem at all, it made sense, they were both quite small though Daenerys was taller but moving swiftly was a perk of being small. Once Arya was gone Jon had gestured Daenerys inside, the woman glancing around his chambers in curiosity. “Your grace, what brings you over here?”
“I just wanted to check up on how you’ve been, are you healing well?” Dany asked, eyes sweeping him up and down, he wasn’t in his usual thick outfit just a simple white vest and ash black trousers, she knew he’d been restricted to bed since he’d gotten back. Though she knew that he’d been out and about, Jon wouldn’t just stay in bed just because someone ordered him too. Jon took a deep inhale.
“I’m healing...I seem to heal faster than regular men. How about you? How are you?” Daenerys knew what he meant by that, he wanted to know how she was dealing with the loss of one of her children. Rheagal and Drogon had came with them to Winterfell, settling themselves on top of the towers just like they had in Dragonstone although she’d asked Jon to instruct his men to not taunt or bother her children, they tended not to have the patience with humans except the ones that their mother approved of.
Daenerys twiddled her thumbs beneath the fur cover, but she held herself together and answered with an emotionless face. “I’m fine,” She told him, she watched Jon study her, she knew he wanted to pry on but he didn’t, he gestured for her to sit on his bed beside him. 
“You seem to be taking the weather well for someone who grew up in the south.” He pointed out, he’d seen her soldiers shivering in their armour, grumbling about the weather but he knew they’d endure it just to protect their queen. Missandei hadn’t liked the snow much either, she’d admitted it to Dany when she plaited her hair this morning.
“I am the unburnt, I hardly get cold but I guess the clothes that are made for me help, their layered thick with a fabric meant for winter, leather among it.” Daenerys ran a hand over the leather of her dress, she liked the winter wear, it was rare that she ever wore it seem as the weather in Dragonstone was rather hot. Jon smirked.
“Well I think winter matches you, the snowy white hair, icy blue eyes...you look like you belong.” Jon admired, his eyes falling on her dress, it clung perfectly to her petite figure just like every other outfit he’d seen her in, whoever made her outfits did a perfect job. She looked beautiful every time. Dany glanced up at him, a small smile on her lips at his words.
“Well I will have to pay a visit more often then when we end this war.”
They stayed in comfortable silence for a few moments, the atmosphere relaxing and the muffled sounds of the men and women working out in the courtyard drifted to the room, little giggles and voices of children playing; all so innocent. Daenerys felt sick when she thought about what would happen to the children if they didn’t win this war.
“May I ask you a question?”
Jon’s heart thumped in his chest, he knew what happened on the boat had probably taken them both by surprise but if she was about to ask if what he said was true, that he wanted her to be his queen, to be by her side as long as he lived. Then it was, he’d been with women before, not many but a few but none of them like Daenerys, none of them could fight nor talk how she did, she was powerful and she didn’t treat him as though he was some kind of god, she was just different and he was damn sure that there was no other women on the entire planet that was as gorgeous as her, the long slick silvery white hair like no others. She held his heart and she didn’t even know it.
“Aye of course, Dany.”
The corner of Daenerys’s lips quirked up at the name, she liked the way it sounded when he said it even though she’d loathed the name after her brother had called her it.
“I want you to teach me how to use a sword.” 
She let it hand in the air for a moment, watching Jon with serious intense eyes, she wanted him to know that she was genuine about this, she wanted to learn how to defend herself and her dragons if it came to it. Jon could see that, he knew she never joked, it was all part of her seriousness, joking hardly ever amused the queen.
“You want to learn how to fight?” Jon said it with a smile, she hadn’t been expecting him to approve of what she wanted but here he was, his tone light and overjoyed and a broad smile across his lips as though she’d told him she’d marry him. Daenerys simply nodded.
“If you are well enough of course, then I’d like you to teach me.”
“I’d be honoured, my queen. Knowing you can defend yourself will ease my worry when we’re out in the fight.” Jon grinned, instinctively placing a hand on her knee then realising what he was doing and pulling his hand away like he’d put it above a flame. Dany felt heat creep up her neck at his touch, she craved it and she knew it but she held herself back knowing she didn’t have time for it and neither did Jon.
“Well I will begin whenever you like.” The queen replied, she rarely asked people for anything nowadays, the last lesson she’d had to have was Missandei’s Dothraki lesson. Jon smiled, heaving himself to his feet, his hand holding his stomach as though his organs would fall out but he strolled to the other side of his room and pulled a gleaming silver sword from a sheathe heading back towards Dany who remained on the bed, watching Jon’s every movement just in case he needed help at some point.
“Then I think we should start now, the earlier the better.” Jon twirled the sword skillfully in his hand until the handle was facing Dany and he extended his arm, holding it out to her. “I would start you on a wooden sword but something tells me you won’t need one.”
Daenerys smiled at his last words, curling her fingers around the handle of the sword a grin now playing on her face as she got to her feet. “I’m a fast learner.”
“I gathered so.” Jon said as he held out a hand to her, waiting patiently when she hesitated to take it but soon slipped her hand in his. Once again his first thought was how small they were, how soft and smooth. Not even a scratch. Jon led her to the center of his room where there was the most space. “We will begin on how you should hold it.”
He released her hand, moving smoothly to come around behind her; Dany remained where she was, sword held limply in hand until she felt Jon gently lift  her elbow slightly to a certain angle. Daenerys’s breath hitched when she felt Jon’s brush her neck, he was almost flush against her but she knew he was exactly trying to be that way, it was just how he needed to teach her. His hand moved from her elbow to her forearm, causing him to lean in even closer to her.
“You have to raise your arm mid height - not to high, not to low - otherwise whoever you’re battling will be able to take you out in one swing,” Jon distanced himself as he moved back to stand before her, ducking his head as he held her hand to change her hold on the sword. “You have to hold the handle in the centre too otherwise it will feel uneven in your hold.”
All Dany could do was nod, she’d never been this thrown off by the feeling of someone’s breath on her neck before, her mind was running and her heart was racing. Jon didn’t notice so he continued, returning to stand behind her his foot hooking around her right leg to push it backwards slightly, angling the way she stood and giving her a more secure stance.
“This gives you more access to move.”
Once more Dany simply nodded, body tensing as Jon gently took a hold of her forearm once more moving it swiftly in all directions, left, right, up, down and horizontal.
“That’s the stance and if you can remember that then you’re halfway to being an expert.” Jon told her, his mouth dangerously close to her ear, this time he noticed the way Dany had frozen, how she gulped as his breath brushed the rim of her ear sending a shiver down her spine. It seemed only Jon was able to do this to her, none of her past lovers had made her feel completely at their will. She was always the one that had them wrapped around her finger, she was always the one in control but this time she wasn’t in control of herself. “We can continue your lessons day, we must get ready for your welcoming dinner.”
When Jon stepped away it felt as though she’d fallen out of a trance, knocking her back to reality and automatically missing their close proximity. But as much as her body screamed for her to reach out and yank him into a kiss, desire and lust wanting to take over her body she forced it down and nodded in agreement, clearing her throat.
“Yes, I almost forgot. Thank you for...just now, I shall see you at dinner tonight.” It was all Daenerys managed to get out without dismissing her words and letting her body take control. She left the room so fast it was as though she’d never been there.
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