#ironically it's never my patients who would be expected based on mental health needs to struggle with dates
The experience of finagling your schedule to better suit a client who has been struggling with attendance only for them to immediately no-show the new time too.
Buddy I have a waiting list, I do not have time for you to skip sessions for months at a time.
#gonna fucking offer this person my one remaining '1x/month' slot and tell them this is the only time I have available for them now#and if they can't make it we'll have to begin discharge#because like. this can't keep happening every week my schedule is a fucking shit show#i have been gently reminding all my patients that i have a full caseload now and that I need to know for sure they can commit to appts#most have been great about it!#worst case scenario someone loses track of days and i give them a call at 5 after and they're like#oh shit be right on#but SOME OF THESE FOLKS#ooooooh they're testing my capacities#ironically it's never my patients who would be expected based on mental health needs to struggle with dates#it's literally just that some of my clients see these appts as not important compared to other stuff they have going on#WHICH WOULD BE FINE IF I GOT A REAL HEADS UP#OR IF I WEREN'T ALREADY BENDING OVER BACKWARDS TO MAKE SURE THEIR SCHEDULES ARE ACCOMMODATED#if i try to talk this out with them they assure me it's no issue they like their time#and then immediately the next week it's a no show followed up by a 'sorry i made plans and forgot to let you know!'#please#i'm begging you please don't no show your appts#it's so bad for your providers as people and as practices#literally our owner who is like. super anti consequence fees has officially said we're going to have to introduce them for no shows now#because it's apparently not just me and is getting super out of hand
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kirksfattitties · 3 years
asks you can smell the privilege and internalized ableism radiate from
(tw for ableism and other bigoted implications)
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i’m bad at reading tone but even i understand that this is 100% you being condescending and trying to cover it up with smiley faces and false sincerity. and i don’t appreciate that.
before i get into deconstructing your shitty ableist argument, i want to explain the reasons i believe in self diagnosis (self-dx):
even professional diagnosis doesn’t start with a doctor diagnosing you. there has to be a reason for seeing the doctor. some people see a doctor in their adult life because they’re struggling, some people are taken by their parents, some people are referred or suggested that they see a specialist. whatever it is, you don’t just see a doctor and they magically give you a neurodivergency. people have neurodivergencies before they see doctors and even if they NEVER see a doctor.
the psychiatry system is flawed in MANY ways and to say that it isn’t means you’re denying the experiences of people with less privledge than yourself. also like psychiatry isn’t gonna suck your dick. you don’t have to be a bootlicker lol
in many places (hi hello i’m from america where our government tries to indirectly kill us by not providing us with adequate healthcare! i and many other people have many issues we can’t get fixed because simply our government cares more about the economy than us), seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist or going to a mental hospital or WHATEVER is INCREDIBLY expensive. and to assume that everyone has access and enough time/money/energy/transportation/whatever to do all of that is classist and elitist.
ANYTHING medical (including mental health) is biased towards white cis men. most studies are done on white cis men/boys. because of this, people who aren’t white cis men (or people who aren’t perceived as white cis men) are often not diagnosed. the system is racist. the system is sexist. the system is transphobic. people don’t know how to diagnose autism or adhd or personality disorders or other neurodivergencies or even mental illnesses in black people and other people of color, in women, in trans people, etc. and GOD FORBID someone be in multiple (or all) of those categories. saying “just go get diagnosed :)” is a privileged statement to make.
shocker! the psychiatry system is also ableist. if you’re already diasabled (whether it be mental or physical) and you see a doctor about ANOTHER disability? the doctor is most likely going to shoot you down. or at least be weary about someone having mutliple disabilities.
also most people who diagnose are neurotypical. they have never and will probably never experience neurodivergency so they can never fully understand it. they operate off of stereotypes of neurodivergent people and usually only stereotypical behavior of neurodivergent white cis men (which, as i mentioned before, is problematic for anyone who isn’t a white cis man). neurotypical diagnosers don’t know the neurodivergent culture and aren’t trained to recognize very common things (like masking for example).
a professional diagnosis can also be weaponized. not everyone can get a professional diagnosis because there are some neurodivergencies (such as autism and personality disorders) and mental illnesses (like depression) that can have legal and medical respercussions to have in your record. trans people can be denied medical and legal transition for being professionally diagnosed. people can lose custody battles for being professionally diagnosed. a professional diagnosis can be used as justification for taking away someone’s body autonomy (especially if that person is also physically disabled).
a LOT of neurodivergencies also have some type of symptom (or symptoms) that make it difficult to interact with people. troubles recognizing facial expressions, troubles understanding certain phrases and types of speech, paranoid about people, audio processing issues, being nonverbal in an environment that doesn’t accommodate for it, overstimulation, extreme social anxiety, discomfort in new situations, problems with eye contact, and a lot more. because like. for many nd people, interacting with people is very difficult and stressful. and hey. if you want to get a professional diagnosis? take a WILD guess what you have to do? FUCKING INTERACT with people! LIKE?? JEHDJJDKEKKDKDKDS. do you know how many professionally diagnosed nd people i know who made their appointment COMPLETELY on their own without help from a parent or family member or friend? LITERALLY ZERO! and i know A FEW nd people who have professional diagnoses! so if someone has social issues that prevent them from doing tasks like calling and making an appointment, showing up for an appointment, talking during the appointment, etc and ALSO doesn’t have familial or friend support (because newsflash! people who are friends/family of disabled people can still be ableist)? almost impossible to get a diagnosis! plus, the diagnosis process is TIME CONSUMING. not everyone can focus on a task for that long and not everyone can miss work/school for that long.
so those are the reasons i support self-dx. (although there’s probably more that i’m forgetting but i have adhd and it’s hard for me to remember things!)
so hopefully you now understand my reasons for believing in self-dx, and perhaps even you’re pro-self-dx now because before you were just uneducated on these issues and how they impact people who aren’t you.
but in case you’re still anti-self-dx and probably hate already-marginalized neurodivergent people, let’s talk about this horrendous ask (series of asks, actually) that i got sent. i feel like i can feel the self hatred and internalized ableism OOZING from this ask and into my inbox, so thanks for that i guess /s
“Sometimes people who self diagnose can take away from those who are actually nd, even sometimes from themselves.”
starting out strong with the ableism on this one by separating people into “self diagnosed” and “actually nd” people. self diagnosed people ARE actually nd
there’s not a limited number of nd resources. this isn’t a math equation of only x amount of people can be nd because there’s only y amount of resources. more people realizing they’re nd will actually MAKE more resources for nd people and will bring more awareness to being nd
even IF someone self diagnosed, and they go back on it later, what harm was done? they learned some coping mechanisms? they made some nd friends? neither of those are problematic and i think they’re both actually very helpful. i think nt people SHOULD learn more about nd people and stuff because i think that will lead to WAYYY less misunderstandings and WAYYYY less ableism
“There are many people who fake nds for attention,”
hey anon, what fucking world do you live in that nd’s are cool enough to fake having? because i would LOVE to live there. like, i literally had a post about my personality disorder (which i will not be specifying) i had to delete because people were sending my anons about how i was “scary” and “threatening” now that they knew i had the personality disorder i have. last year i left a discord server because the ableism i was recieving from not only the members of the server, but the mods as well. there are very few people i know irl who i tell about my personality disorder, but when i tell people about my adhd, they start treating me different. they infantalize me and make fun of me and use “jokes” about stereotypical adhd behaviors to alienate me and they even TELL OTHER PEOPLE without my permission. i was SEVERELY bullied throughout elementary and middle school for being nd. i have been refused job and educational opportunities as well as literal medical attention for being nd. people aren’t “faking” being nd, and if they were they probably wouldn’t be doing it for long because it’s not something that’s EASY to deal with.
kinda ironic that you’re saying people can’t diagnose themselves but that YOU can tell when someone is faking their diagnosis. that’s both hypocritical and a double standard.
masking exists. if you think someone isn’t “acting nd enough” they’re probably masking because they’ve been fucking bullied and harrassed. also you’re probably basing whatever you think nd is on stereotypes. not every nd person is sheldon cooper lol.
this is a side note but can we talk about how you’re literally just taking transmed rhetoric and molding it to fit nd people? like. you really come onto MY NONBINARY NEURODIVERGENT blog and expect me to validate your recycled “but what about the REAL [insert group] people?” ??? like grow up, elitist. you’re not better than anyone else just because you lick some boots 🥾 👅
“and claiming that self diagnosis (and this is just what I interpreted) is just as valid as professional diagnosis”
it is 😌
the only difference between self diagnosis and professional diagnosis is that a professional diagnosis can also get you medicine. not every neurodivergency needs meds and not every neurodivergency can be treated (at this time or even ever). for example, my pd (self diagnosed) doesn’t have a specific treatment but multiple symptoms of the pd (all professionally diagnosed) have specific treatments and medicines that work, so patients are given/diagnosed with/prescribed those instead. also, medicine doesn’t work for everyone! and sometimes people are allergic to or take medicines that will conflict with any new medicine.
“can really devalue the account of someone who actually has a disorder”
here we go again with that “self diagnosed” vs “actually nd” bullshit. literally just say you hate poor people n minorities and leave lol
someone having a different experience than you isn’t devaluing you, but if you’re the one who always has the spotlight maybe you should use your privledge uplift other marginalized people instead of feeling angry when everything isn’t all about you 100% of the time
“I have a second ask”
i don’t want it
“Plus it can be damaging for a person if they self diagnose wrong.”
how? what if they learn information that they wouldn’t’ve otherwise known like coping mechanisms that help them with their own neurodivergencies? that’s definitely not a bad thing
i think it’s funny that you bring up that people can self diagnose wrong and don’t even MENTION that doctors can diagnose wrong. like. you know. the people who GIVE OUT MEDICINE to people. i think it’s MUCH more dangerous when a PROFESSIONAL diagnosis is wrong. what are self-dx people with wrong diagnoses gonna do? read up on nd tips? maybe smoke some weed? drink some coffee? that’s about all they can do with a self-dx. but if a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL gives you an INCORRECT diagnosis, they can ACTUALLY fuck you up.
“I was recently diagnosed with PTSD, a disorder which I would have never considered I’d have.”
that’s great about your professional diagnosis! i don’t know you but i’m glad you’re finding out about yourself and getting the help you want and/or need /srs
sorry if this sounds blunt, but honestly i’m not surprised you never considered you could have PTSD. based on your asks, you sound like you have a lot of internalized ableism you need to work through and a lot more research about neurodiversity you need to do. being anti-self diagnosis is a common belief among a lot of people with internalized ableism and a lot of these same people are the ones who have no issue with and even SUPPORT auti$m $peaks. many nd organizations that are run BY nd people (like asan) actually support self-dx.
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“If I had of diagnosed my own symptoms and then started treating myself or taking precautions based on my self diagnosed "condition", it could of really hurt me.”
how? taking precautions to preserve your mental health is NEVER a bad idea. i’m not ptsd, but someone i care deeply about DOES have ptsd and has shared a lot of the precautions and coping mechanisms for ptsd with me and honestly they’ve been incredibly helpful. it’s almost as if different neurodivergencies and/or mental illnesses have overlap and that’s why there’s a whole community for us to be able to share these resources and information with each other!
the same person was rejected a formal autism diagnosis because of their ptsd, plus the fact that they’re transgender and the fact they have symptoms of adhd. it’s not really my place to talk about their experience with professional diagnosis, but i’ll send this post to them and allow them to add on their experience in a rb if they’re comfortable with that. but it’s almost as if their experience with the professional diagnosis process was unhelpful, harmful, ableist, and transphobic 🧐 and unfortunately this is a pretty common experience
“Also, by self diagnosing, I devalue the account of a person with the disorder l assumed I had.”
how? if someone thinks they’re nd, they have a legitimate reason for thinking so. either they have another neurodivergency than the one they thought they had, or they’re neurotypical and need to figure themself out and have a need for support. either way, they learned more about the specific neurodivergency, more about the nd community, and more about themself. i don’t see how that’s a bad thing.
if you think self-diagnosed people’s experiences inherently have less value, that is straight up ableism. especially considering that other marginalized identities and minorities have trouble getting professional diagnoses, you might also be bigoted in some other way. or at the very least, refusing to acknowledge your privilege.
“only one more I promise”
i don’t want it
“I understand that doctors are expensive and professionals can get it wrong,”
okay. if you understand this, then dm me your information so i can bill you for the cost of my professional diagnoses, the cost for my therapy sessions, the cost for my medicine, and the cost for transportation to and from all these places. PLUS the cost of the work and school i’ll be missing for these sessions. 🤲
“but self diagnosis can be really harmful to yourself or others.”
nah, you’re just ableist and a gatekeeper lol
“If you feel like you have a disorder, go see a psychiatrist, you may have it.”
[remembers when i went to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with two major symptoms of a personality disorder and said i had other symptoms of the pd as well but refused to diagnose me with the actual personality disorder because i was a minor at the time and he told me “kids don’t have personalities so they can’t have personality disorders”. i understand being weary about diagnosing children with personality disorders because they aren’t fully developed but this dude straight up told me that i didn’t have a personality. this man literally only worked with children so that means he literally never diagnosed personality disorders. this man was literally just lazy and didn’t care about his patients. this man also refused to believe me when i told him the medicine he prescribed me made my symptoms worse and even made me hallucinate. he ignored me and refused to change my medicine so eventually i just changed psychiatrists and they put me on a new medicine that DIDNT make my symptoms worse and DIDNT make me hallucinate. also i looked it up after our session and apparently ONLY people with my pd and related ones experience hallucinations on that certain medication. it’s almost like his refusal to diagnose me and ignoring my symptoms/concerns harmed me. this man also constantly misgendered me and told me that homosexuality and transgenderism should’ve still been in the dsm. like golly, it’s almost as if being queer and neurodivergent in an extremely conservative state is harmful and dangerous. and that psychiatrists aren’t immune from being homophobic and transphobic and ableist.] but yes :) perhaps i should see another psychiatrist in this conservative state :)
“I don't want to undermine anyone's actual experiences, but it can be dangerous.”
then stop undermining people’s actual experiences :)
no ❤️
“If you feel like something's wrong, go see a professional.”
the whole point of the neurodiversity movement is that there IS no such thing as a “normal” brain, so saying that neurodivergent people have something “wrong” with them is ableist.
💰 🤲 hand it over
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“I don't want to offend, I just don't want anyone to get mislead or hurt. :)”
you absolutely meant to offend. you literally said that self-diagnosed people’s experiences aren’t valid and have less value than people who have professional diagnoses
i know more people who have been (and personally have been) mislead and hurt by professionals than by simply existing as a self-diagnosed person
also i want to say that being pro-self dx is NOT being anti-professional/formal diagnosis. i think that people should absolutely get a professional diagnosis (if they are able to without negative repercussions)! being pro-self dx is more inclusive of marginalized people (like people of color, women, lgbtq+ people, people with multiple disabilities, etc). pro-self dx is simply just saying that professional diagnosis isn’t the only option
(neurotypical people and anti-self dx people don’t add anything; pro-self dx neurodivergent people are allowed to add with their experiences if they want)
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“.... Where am I?” Tigre opened his eyes to darkness and the sound of his own deep voice. The black hulks of the concrete pillars stood in rows on the cold concrete floor.  “Oh… I know where this is.”
“Where are you?” An unfamiliar voice said. It was friendly… curious. Non-threatening.
“It’s where I live. But there are no chains any more. Brother broke the chains. I’m so tired. I want to sleep.” He closed his eyes again but the voice woke him.
“Yes. He came… and he commanded the chains to burn and they fell off.” He suddenly saw his ‘brother’ there, standing with golden eyes. He saw as clear as if it was happening now, how that deep snarling sent heat through the thick iron chains that bound him for years and melted them like ice.
“He is your brother?”
“He has eyes like mine…” says Tigre, looking fondly at the image of this man. “No one else has eyes like mine. Is he okay? Zihang…” He remembered the explosion and the collapse of the building. He stood against the rubble, but he could smell the blood of Zihang. So much blood. “Please don’t die… don’t die, Zihang…” Tears ran down his cheeks and he curled into a ball.
“You know his name?”
A square of blue light shined on his face suddenly. A different voice sounded from it, distant and electronic. “Zihang… Chu Zihang. Do you read? Come in! Come in, Chu Zihang!” 
That’s how he knew his rescuer’s name.
“What is your name?”
“Tigre… Where is Zihang? Is Zihang okay?” He stood up and started walking, looking for the source of the voice.
He suddenly saw a man standing there and stopped a moment before retreating again behind a pillar.
“Are you afraid?”
“Who are you? Where is this? The building blew up. This isn’t real. Are you going to try to kill me?” He asked question after question, breathing hard from panic.
“Why would I kill you?” The voice remained calm and curious, almost confused.
A vision of a dark shadow moved swiftly between the pillars. Tigre knew this shadow. It was the great beast he fought and killed last. It was hiding, but he could hear it breathing, its growling.
The friendly voice fell silent. 
Tigre didn’t cower or hide. His posture changed to stalking. He walked forward slowly, staying in the shadows of the pillars. But he moved forward with intent, without fear. He kept his head still.
He could hear the monster moving. The monster was hesitating. It was behind the pillar directly in front of him. It was either going to attack or retreat. Tigre wanted to push it to retreat. So he moved forward a step...then another step and then he ran. Three long strides and he was at the pillar and the monster retreated, turning his back to him to run away.  
But Tigre was already on top of it. He dragged it down with his weight and pinned it to the hard floor. His arm wrapped its throat and choked it. The monster was about twice as big and heavy as he was, but its breath was choked off by Tigre’s bulging arm muscles. Tigre felt that rapid pulse through his skin and just focused on squeezing, harder, harder… harder!
The creature died. He could feel the heart stop.  After a few seconds of stillness he let go. It was once some sort of mammal but now it was covered in scales, bare of fur, eyes rolled back to their whites. It may have been a cow.
“What are you going to do now?”
Tigre looked down, sadly. “Eat him.” 
“I have nothing else to eat. They did not feed me for a long time. Many days. If I don’t eat him, it will be days before I can eat again. I will have to eat him. You will eat anything if you feel hungry and desperate enough. Eating him makes me sick. But if I don’t eat, I will starve to death.”
The voice was silent for a while. 
Tigre sat next to the corpse. This wasn’t real. He had done this already. A sharp pain stabbed through the center of his skull and he flinched. “Hurts… Who are you?”
“My name is Toyama. I’m here to help you.”
“Where is Zihang?” He looked up. 
“He’s okay. Who are they? The ones that feed you?”
“I don’t know.”
“It’s alright,” said Toyama. “That part of your life is over. And a new life will start for you. I will help guide you to it, but you must be careful and not hurt anyone. Even if they try to hurt you. You must do no harm. Do you understand?”
“Good. Now rest a little while longer. We will speak again.”
Tigre lay on the hard cold ground and felt unbearably sleepy. He closed his eyes.
Toyama released him from the trance he’d put him in. He sat next to the young man’s bed, listening to him breathe quietly.
Before putting him in the trance, he had sat like this for nearly thirty minutes.
Schneider had approached him that morning about this new recruit. The man spoke to him in private instead of going through official channels on the Nightwatcher Forum. He told him he wanted to evaluate the mental state of this newcomer as closely as he could and write a detailed and honest assessment of it, to be completely honest in his opinion and to report privately, only to him.
Toyama was an experienced psychologist, and knew that Schneider was prone to secrecy, a loner who had his own way of doing things, but never had he been personally solicited by him to do an evaluation.  Usually he worked closely with the other professors, Guderian and the Principal Anjou. This was the first time Schneider had approached him over an evaluation. It took great effort for the man to get anywhere. The oxygen container allowed him to do things, but he was nowhere near the stamina of a healthy person. For him to make the great effort to meet him in person told him the importance of the request.
On the day of this evaluation, he was personally escorted to the ward by senior members of the Executive Board and left there without anyone speaking. He used Schneider’s own security card to get in, meaning Schneider was shielding him from involvement. He closed the door behind him and he was only with this young man, who was still heavily sedated.
He sat with him and started with physical observations. Like Manstein, he could observe the scars from the battles and the shackles. But unlike Manstein, he could draw conclusions about the psychological effects of long term confinement. You didn’t shackle someone, unless you needed to be in physical proximity of someone dangerous and wanted to do something to them that they didn’t want you to do to them.
He expected to see abuse.
So in this quiet hospital room, he started his psychological evaluation, calling for his Yanling to enter what he knew would be a damaged mind. But instead of a vast storehouse of tragic information, he found a jumbled mess, full of long gaps of memory lost. Memories scattered through time like a reel of a movie that had been cut to pieces and thrown on the floor. And instead of a wide variety of experiences, he just saw the same dark space, filled with foundation pillars.
He didn’t see someone driven mad by the isolation and the violence. He saw someone one who was only concerned about his rescuer, Chu Zihang. Someone who didn’t voluntarily kill from frustration and violence, but someone who fought and killed for food.
So he went in again. And then a third time and found the same thing. The young man was given fertile ground for a twisted mind, but his mind had grown up tall and straight.
After several hours, he decided he could honestly write that the young man’s mind appeared healthy, but he had some reservations, namely, the piecemeal nature of his memories. Toyama never met someone in his life who had the same Yanling as him, who could mold and shape the memories of a person. But that didn’t mean that he was the only one. He knew his own work, and he had the feeling that someone had forcefully erased and manipulated the mind of this man, to make him docile. Based on the hard facts, he could recommend him to the College, but it wasn’t just his body that had been shackled, but his mind had been shackled as well.
He returned to Schneider who looked over the report. He then prepared tea for him and sat across from him. The quiet hiss of his oxygen tank was the only sound while he read. Toyama couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy at Schneider’s odd behavior. Perhaps Schneider should be the one getting an evaluation instead. It was obvious that the good health of the patient wasn’t natural. It was induced. His mind was pruned like a delicate and beautiful bonsai tree that would require maintenance. Toyama got the feeling that he was going to be asked to continue that ‘maintenance’. 
He was right.
Schneider was very satisfied with this evaluation and even smiled. Toyama was accustomed to whitewashing minds for the benefit of the world. The Executive division was occasionally messy with its work and the world had to remain ignorant of dragons. Perhaps Schneider assumed that he wouldn’t mind this job but he preferred not to use his abilities against students. He still believed in free will and the right for hybrids to understand their world. On the other hand, he also understands that freeing the patient's mind could also spell his doom and he felt pity for him.
The patient, named officially Tigre, was moved to an ordinary room in the hospital and ordinary accomodations were being prepared for him. Toyama felt it was right to introduce him to the world gradually. Tigre wouldn’t understand the world at all and the students wouldn’t understand him. To throw him in uninitiated would be a disaster.
He saw Tigre’s eyes open genuinely to the world.. The voice he heard was Toyama’s, welcoming him. Tigre stared in recognition, remembering his voice from his dreams, like a baby opening his eyes for the first time and recognizing the voice of his mother from the womb.
Breakfast was simply a bland, slightly sweetened warm cereal and a small amount of apple. Toyama fed him at first with a spoon. Tigre devoured these foods, rising up from the bed to follow the spoon as it retreated and opening his mouth for the next bite. Even those middling flavors were like the taste of ambrosia to someone forced to eat nothing but raw flesh. His eyes grew wide and bright, and Toyama was forced to look away. That inhuman and icy fire pierced him with fear.
He then slid a pair of sunglasses over Tigre’s eyes. “You need these to help others see you better.” He gently explained.
That yellow light was dampened by the dark lenses and Tigre nodded. 
He bathed him with a warm cloth, clipped his nails, and combed his long hair. Tigre was unused to any touch at all and the hairs rose on his skin and he shivered, closing his eyes. 
Toyama pulled out his phone to flash cards in different languages. He would ask him to tell him what a single word said. If Tigre pronounced the word he would nod and go to a different language. The young man spoke English, but could also read it. He read in both Chinese, Korean, and a little Japanese. This spoke to a high level of education at an early age.
Toyama had tried to look into his earliest memories, but attempting to do so caused him physical pain. He didn’t want to ruin their relationship so whenever the man expressed that something hurt, he backed off and didn’t do it again. Now he knew that this wasn’t some orphaned street child in the middle of nowhere. Someone who could read so many languages had to have gone to a private or prestigious school.
His memories of his early childhood had been erased. But there had to be traces of it. He made similar evaluations of his recognizing numbers, his understanding of math. He brought a table and put a corn seed on the table, a cup of dirt, and a cup of water and asked him to tell him what to do with it. This was to evaluate his understanding of science. Tigre stared at it for a long time. His eyes suddenly squinted and he flinched slightly and turned away as if seeing the sunlight after leaving a dark room. Toyama wrote this down. He wasn’t sure why understanding how plants grew elicited pain, but it was important to establish these patterns.
Toyama played music. Music was something embedded deep in the mind and if he had any memories of his childhood he would react. He played the themes of music from children’s television. When he started playing the theme song for ‘Reading Rainbow’, Tigre grew visibly upset and started to pant, clutching his head. Tigre burst into tears, crying. “It hurts. It hurts!”
He collapsed on the bed, writhing and sobbing until Toyama had him sedated for the rest of the day. Toyama completed and sent this evaluation to Schneider who responded with a short message that the reintroduction to life should continue.
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
My Love
Chapter Seven
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Series Summary: After losing the love of his life, Liam is left with a newborn daughter and a council that demands he endure another social season quickly. Not wanting to move on, he gets help from an unlikely ally – his late wife.
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C/N: This story is going somewhere different from how it originally started. I had said from the beginning I wasn’t sure how this fic would be taken because it would be so out of the ordinary. And while the first four chapters could be stand-alones, I always intended for it to continue on in this unconventional way. If you no longer wish to be tagged in it, just let me know and no hard feelings.
T.W.: Mention of a previous rape and examination. Mental health.
Thank you to @burnsoslow​ for beta reading,  all of my snippet readers, and those who have messaged me several times about this story.
If you came to me with a face I have not seen, with a voice I have not heard, I would still know you. –Lang Leav
It is said that the purest kind of love has the power to overcome any obstacle, break through any barrier, to make miracles happen where none existed before. For Liam and Riley, it was fate that brought them together in a New York City bar, and it was love that carried them through many, dark trials.
A passioned romance that started between a prince and a waitress became the epic love story legends were made of. After defeating every enemy that stood in their way, they married in front of the world, ruled side-by-side, and created the most significant symbol of their absolute devotion to one another – a daughter. Neither one ever imagined living in this life without the other … it wasn’t possible. They existed solely for the purpose and betterment of the other.
In what took an act of God to bring them together, took only the evil of man to separate them.
Liam had spent the weeks following her untimely death in a grief-stricken state of misery and torment. He never knew a heart could feel so much pain, nor a body experience so much affliction, missing the one who was the greatest part of himself. Riley was his joy, where none existed and comfort in every sense of the word. Ellie’s presence could only numb a portion of the sting, but not enough to fill the void his soulmate left behind. When Liam spoke to his wife each night, he never questioned whether his messages of eternal love and ’missing his girl,’ fell on spiritually deaf ears. Even with a vast abyss that divided their worlds … somehow … someway … Riley heard every tear he had shed and every expression of sorrow he spoke.
He needed her.
Where time no longer existed, Riley’s soul saw a tiny window of opportunity and literally moved heaven and earth to get back to her one true love. She knew she was the only one who could save him now.
A broken, battered body laid motionless on a cold emergency room stretcher,  surrounded by the hustle and hurried activity of doctors and nurses. In and out of consciousness, the woman’s eyes flickered open when a gloved hand prodded the open wound on the side of her head. The sensation of flesh being ripped away with each poke elicited a scream so chilling, a startled, first-year nurse dropped a tray of metal instruments that crashed and clanked to the floor.  
The patient felt a chilly draft of air as the tattered remains of her shirt and bra were cut down the middle, exposing her marked and bruised breast. EKG electrodes were attached to her chest, and the tangled web of wires that were connected to the monitor came alive with erratic lines and buzzes. Her long brown hair that clumped together in sanguineous knots was swept to the side to remove her gold hoop earrings. Tweezers pinched and bore into the delicate skin of her murky palms, extracting deep thistles and thorns.  What seemed to take hours while portable x-rays were shot, lesions stitched and bandaged, and several infusions of liquids and blood being attached to the tube that ran into her forearm – she was given clear and concise information about the intrusive examination that would soon follow.
A kindly hand held onto hers as another one gently rolled up the sheet that draped over her legs and nudged them apart. Questions were lobbed at her from all directions, but she had no answers. This woman didn’t know what happened, why she was in the hospital, nor the description of who did this to her.  The only thing she remembered at that moment, before waking up on the bristly ground of the park, was Liam crying out for her in their bedroom.
Her gravelly voice went unnoticed when she begged for the examination to stop. It was clear from her feelings of utter filth, the kind that made her skin crawl, this body had been through quite an ordeal. She was told to remain still and relaxed; after what had happened to her, this would provide the evidence needed to ensure justice was served. The truth was, it wasn’t her that experienced what the former personal assistant-turned-nanny to the Cordonian Princess had gone through. What happened to this body took place before Amanda Talbert died, and the spirit of Riley Brooks took over it.
Riley flinched, and her fist gripped a little tighter to the sheet that covered the upper portion of her body. The first of several swabs and probes to her most sensitive areas made her stomach squeamish with nausea. An astute nurse noticed the greenish color that pooled into Riley’s face and thrust an emesis basin next to her cheek to collect the contents of the excretion she expelled. With tears pricking her eyes, Riley eased her throbbing head back onto the pillow when she was finished; the earlier words of a physician telling her ‘how lucky she was to be alive,’ playing over and over in her mind. If Riley didn’t feel like she had just returned to hell-on-earth, she might have found this ironic statement amusing.  
A female officer scraped a wooden applicator under her fingernails, collecting debris, and dropped it into an evidence bag. “Miss, can you tell me your name again?” she asked while labeling the contents with a black marker.
Riley moistened her dry lips with her tongue as she blankly stared straight up at the ceiling. “Riley Brooks,” she whispered hesitantly, keenly aware of the low snickers her answer had drawn from everyone in the room each time the question was asked.
“Very well, Miss … Brooks.” Riley heard the officer reply with a loud exhale and a clipped voice before labeling the bag – Jane Doe.
This wasn’t the reunion Riley had anticipated. She knew her work would be cut out for her considering she didn’t know who she had become or how she would even get to Liam. Just that the perfect person and the perfect opportunity came along, that made it possible for her to be in his orbit. She would worry about the complexities of the situation later, but right now, Riley wanted to find Liam before he destroyed himself.
Drake poured another glass of water and handed it to Liam, who was sitting up in his hospital bed. He thanked his friend and took a long drink before handing the empty cup back. Liam rolled his head in an attempt to get the tension and knots that a month’s worth of stress had set in. His eyes glanced up to the doctor who paced silently at the foot of his bed, flipping through a chart full of test results and nodding his head in assent while he scrutinized each page.
Feeling frustrated by several minutes worth of silence that was then followed by faint mumblings from this doctor, Liam tapped his finger over his pursed lips with a peculiar expression he hoped the older man would recognize as impatience from his King. He finally scratched the back of his head when his antics hadn’t garnered the attention he had hoped for and decided to express his displeasure over his wait through other means. He let out a heavy sigh and flopped back boisterously into the stacks of pillows that were positioned behind his back.
Drake nudged Bastien in the arm and leaned into his ear. “What the hell did they give him?
The doctor gave a sideways glance before removing his wire-rimmed glasses and placing them back into the pocket of his lab coat. He stood a little taller and turned to face Liam with the opened binder that he had just analyzed cover-to-cover. “My apologies, Your Majesty. I wanted to be thorough in your care and ensure I had a complete understanding of your … situation.”
Liam bolted up at the chosen words to describe him and cocked his head. “What is my … situation … Doctor Ganos?” He asked with an embittered tone. Liam already knew the answer to his question. He had lost his wife, there were still no leads in her murder, he had been betrayed during that morning’s council meeting by Neville, he was now expected to take part in another social season he wanted nothing to do with and twice heard the voice of his late wife.
“Your situation - ” Doctor Ganos, replied nervously as he walked around the bed to Liam’s side. “you’re severely dehydrated for one. I would venture to guess you are also physically and mentally exhausted.”
“That is what caused him to lock the door, toss his clothes around the damn bedroom, and then collapse onto the floor?” Drake asked skeptically.
The doctor turned to Drake, not sure if he should answer his questions, but figured the King would speak up if he didn’t want anything pertaining to his medical records mentioned in front of him. “It’s certainly a huge part of it … yes.” His gaze turned back to Liam with a thoughtful expression. “Based on the very public knowledge of what you have been through since Queen Riley died and the symptoms you described experiencing just before collapsing in your room, I would surmise you had a panic attack. A complete mental breakdown.”
The conversation was interrupted by Bastien’s phone, who then apologized, excused himself, and walked just outside the private hospital room. Another guard took Bastien’s place in the room, and the doctor cleared his throat to continue the basis of his diagnosis. Liam may have felt some trepidation over the words, complete mental breakdown, yet wasn’t surprised by them in the least. He knew he wasn’t the same man he was before and had felt the excruciating toll his body and mind had undergone. He wanted to get back to Ellie, but Doctor Ganos insisted on keeping him through the night to rehydrate him through I.V. fluids and to observe him more closely.
Drake called the palace and checked in on Ellie for Liam, passing along to him that no one knew where Amanda was, but Hana was staying with the baby for the night, and she was fine. Drake crooked a finger through the closed blinds of Liam’s hospital room and peeked out, noting the orange and pinkish hues that colored the horizon as the sun started to make its descent over Cordonia. It had been one hell of a day for everyone. He knew when he woke up this morning that Neville’s call for a council meeting would turn into a shit-show, but never guessed his sworn enemy’s actions would cause his best friend to end his day in a hospital. He knew Neville wasn’t the only reason Liam was so broken, but he sure as fuck had an unnecessary hand in making things worse for him.
Drake slumped into a plush chair in the corner of the best room in the hospital – the one reserved for nobility. The last time anyone occupied this room, he reflected, was the night Riley died. It seemed almost cruel that Liam had to be subjected to such a memory, but the medication that was shot into his veins had somehow caused his friend to not even notice.
“I heard her voice, Drake.”
Drake lifted his tired head from the back of the chair and raised an eyebrow. “Hmm?”
“Riley … I heard her last night. Then again in the bedroom before … you know.” Liam glared at Drake for a moment, attempting to read his body language for a skeptical reaction, but felt relief when there was none. Curious to know what Drake thought and what others may be thinking as well, he let out a low sigh.  “Do you think I’m crazy?”
Drake chuckled lightly. “Considering you let Maxwell have access to the palace armory, I think that makes you certifiable at this point.”
“No, I don’t think you’re crazy. If you say, you heard her … I believe it.”
Truthfully, Drake didn’t know what to believe. If Liam was comforted in some way by what he thought he may have heard, then who was he to tell him otherwise. Inwardly, however, he was worried about his friend.
Bastien slipped back in and placed his phone in his pants pocket. A look of sheer shock entangled across his face. He nodded anxiously to Liam, who shifted in his bed towards his guard. In all of his loyal years of service to the Crown, he had never felt more like he was about to face a firing squad than he did at that moment. “Your Majesty, I just received a call on a breakthrough in the investigation of the Queen’s death.”
Drake rose to his feet, and Liam pushed himself up higher in his bed, his heart raced impatiently. He had been waiting for any development and was becoming increasingly frustrated by the lack of any leads. He insisted he continues.
“The guards working the investigation received an anonymous tip earlier. It seems -”  Bastien paused knowing the implications of his reveal would be huge and unsettling for his charge, but also he felt a great deal of remorse for not finding this information out earlier. “it seems your nanny, Amanda Talbert, was in possession of the exact same cyanide capsules found in your wife’s body. Our guards were summoned to a local park where they found the pills in her purse. And … a more thorough look into her background revealed her name isn’t even Amanda Talbert, but that of Victoria Cirillo, a Monterissan citizen of birth and first cousin to …”
Drake dropped his head and groaned. “Amalas.”
The air became thick with an eerie silence. The sharpest sword and blade in the world, couldn’t have cut the tension that absorbed that room at that moment. After mulling over the intelligence he had just received, Liam sat up calmly … almost too calmly,  and tossed the sheet off his body. He rose to his bare feet at the side of the bed.
Liam eyed Bastien with a merciless gaze. “What the fuck am I paying you for? How was all of this missed by the guards? I mean, this woman has been caring for my daughter, in my home, for weeks.”  Feeling the dizzying effects of the medication he had been given, Liam sat back down on the edge of his bed, kneading the sides of his temples. “Is it too much to assume they have her in custody, at least?”
Bastien let out a shaky breath. “About that, sir …  there is something else you need to know.”
Riley woke to a cold, dark room, having slept off a good portion of the pain medication she had been given before being wheeled to a room.  A sharp, stabbing pain ran across her head from the now bandaged wound at its side, into her throbbing, swollen eyes. Her shaky hand bounced on her bed, searching earnestly for the call button while she squeezed her eyes shut and willed the agony to go away on its own. A few minutes later, after pressing the button repeatedly, a nurse filed in with the relief she sought. It took longer than she anticipated to feel its effects, but once it finally kicked in, she was able to relax.
A warm flush came over her body, and she lowered the sheet down to her waist to cool off. She was tired still, but couldn’t sleep, and there was nothing to do, but lay there and wait. Wait for what exactly, though? She didn’t know.
Her mind began to wander to Liam and Eliie. She had no idea how she would be able to get to them, to see them, to be able to hold them both in her arms again.  It would undoubtedly be a shock to him, yet in her mind, maybe, just maybe, he knew her well enough to be able to see through outward appearances.
A memory suddenly came to her about visiting a friend in the hospital several years ago. Riley lifted her hand and placed it on top of the tray table that sat next to her bed and rolled its top over her torso. She lifted the lid of the table and was relieved to find precisely what she was looking for.  A small, rectangular mirror was pulled out, and Riley held it in front of her face. Even in the darkness, she was able to turn her head just enough to catch the moonlight shining through the window.
She looked closer, not sure she saw who she actually saw and then gasped. “Oh my god! Amanda?”
Riley was taken aback and couldn’t stop staring at herself in the mirror. Even with the cuts and bruises that littered this face, she couldn’t believe it was her personal assistant who had died so that she could return.
She had considered her a good friend, and they had grown quite close in the weeks before Ellie’s birth and following her delivery. Riley felt a sudden ache in her heart, knowing the hell her friend must have gone through before her soul left her body. It was clear from the wounds that covered her skin and the excruciating rape exam Riley had undergone earlier, Amanda’s ending was brutal and traumatic.
The lights from the hallway suddenly cast brightly into her room and caused Riley to squint her eyes and look away. She placed the mirror on top of the tray, knowing another nurse was most likely coming in to check her vitals. Glancing back at the doorway, that's when she saw his face. Her gleaming, brown eyes widened when it met his wrathful, blue ones.
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chiseler · 5 years
All the World’s a Stage
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In 1988, a socio-linguist at the university of Pennsylvania posted a note on the departmental bulletin board announcing she had moved her late husband’s personal library into an unused office. Anyone who wanted any of the books should feel free to take them. Her husband had been the chair of Penn’s sociology department. They’d married in 1981, and he died the following year at age sixty. Normally you’d expect the books and papers to be donated to some library to assist future researchers, but she’d recently remarried, so I guess she either wanted to get rid of any reminders of her previous husband, or simply needed the space.
At the time my then-wife was a grad student in Penn’s linguistics department, and told me about the announcement when she got home that afternoon.
Well, had this professor’s dead husband been any plain, boring old sociologist, I wouldn’t have thought much about it, but given her dead husband was Erving Goffman, I immediately began gathering all the boxes and bags I could find. That night around ten, when she was certain the department would be pretty empty, my then-wife and I snuck back to Penn under cover of darkness and I absconded with Erving Goffman’s personal library. Didn’t even look at titles—just grabbed up armloads of books and tossed them into boxes to carry away.
As I began sorting through them in the following days, I of course discovered the expected sociology, anthropology and psychology textbooks, anthologies and journals, as well as first editions of all of Goffman’s own books, each featuring his identifying signature (in pencil) in the upper right hand corner of the title page. But those didn’t make up the bulk of my haul.
There were Catholic marriage manuals from the Fifties, dozens of volumes (both academic and popular) about sexual deviance, a whole bunch of books about juvenile delinquency with titles like Wayward Youth and The Violent Gang, several issues of Corrections (a quarterly journal aimed at prison wardens), a lot of original crime pulps from the Forties and Fifties, avant-garde literary novels, a medical book about skin diseases, some books about religious cults (particularly Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple), a first edition of Michael Lesy’s Wisconsin Death Trip, and So many other unexpected gems. It was, as I’d hoped, an oddball collection that offered a bit of insight into Goffman’s work and thinking.
Erving Goffman was born in Alberta, Canada in 1922. After entering college as a chemistry major, he eventually got his BA in sociology in 1948, and began his graduate studies at The university of Chicago.
In 1952 he married Angelica Choate, a woman with a history of mental illness, and they had a son. The following year he received his PHD from Chicago. His thesis concerned public interactions and rituals among the residents of one of the Shetland Islands off the coast of Scotland. Afterward, he took a job with the National Institute for Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. His first book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, which evolved out of his thesis, came out in 1956, and his second, Asylums, which resulted from his work at N.I,M.H., was released five years later. In 1958 he took a teaching position at UC-Berkeley, and was soon promoted to full professor. His wife committed suicide in 1964, and in 1968 he joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania as the chair of the sociology department, a post he would hold until his death in 1982.
Citing intellectual influences from anthropology and psychology as well as sociology, Goffman was nevertheless a maverick. Instead of controlled clinical studies and statistical analysis, Goffman based his work on careful close observation of real human interactions in public places,. Instead of focusing on the behaviors of large, faceless groups like sports fans, student movements or factory workers, he concentrated on the tiny details of face-to-face encounters, the gestures, language and behavior of individuals interacting with one another or within a larger institutional framework. Instead of citing previous academic papers to support his claims, he’d more often use quotes from literary sources, letters, or interviews. He created a body of work around those banal, microcosmic day-two-day experiences which had been all but ignored by sociologists up to that point. After his death he was considered one of the most important and influential sociologists of the twentieth century.
Without getting into all the complexities and interpretations of Goffman’s various theories (despite his radical subjective approach, he was still an academic after all), let me lay out simpleminded thumbnails of the two core ideas at the heart of his work.
Taking a cue from both Freud and Shakespeare, he employed theatrical terminology to argue that whenever we step out into public, we are all essentially actors on a stage. We wear masks, we take on certain behaviors and attitudes that differ wildly from the characters we are when we’re at home. All our actions in public, he claimed, are social performances designed (we hope) to present a certain image of ourselves to the world at large. The idea of course has been around in literature for centuries, but Goffman was the first to seriously apply it in broad strokes to sociology.
His other, and related, fundamental idea was termed frame analysis, the idea being that we perceive each social encounter—running into that creepy guy on the train again, say, or arguing with the checkout clerk at the supermarket about the quality of their potatoes—as something isolated and contained, a picture within a frame, or a movie still.
He used those two models to study day-to-day life in mental institutions and prisons, note the emergence of Texas businessmen adopting white cowboy hats as a standard part of their attire, analyze workplace interactions and the complicated rituals we go through when we run into someone we sort-of know on the sidewalk.
I first read Goffman in college when his 1964 book, Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, was used in a postmodern political science course I was taking. In the slim volume, Goffman studied the conflicts and prejudices ex-cons, mental patients, cripples, the deformed and other social outcasts encountered when they stepped out into public, as well as the assorted codes and tricks they used to pass for normal. When passing was possible, anyway. At the time I was smitten with the book and these tales of outsiders, being a deliberately constructed outsider myself (though as a nihilistic cigar-smoking petty criminal punk rock kid, I had no interest in passing for normal). I was also struck to read a serious sociological study that cited Nathaniel West’s Miss Lonelyhearts—my favorite novel at the time—as supporting evidence.
Thirty-five years later, and after having read all of Goffman’s other major works, I returned to Stigma again, but with a different perspective. Although my youthful Romantic notions about social outcasts still lingered, by that time I’d become a bona-fide and inescapable social outcast myself, tapping around New York with a red and white cane.
Goffman spent a good deal of the book focused on the daily issues faced by the blind, but in 1985 those weren’t the outsiders who interested me. Now that I was one of them myself, I must say I was amazed and impressed by the accuracy of Goffman’s observations. He pointed out any number of things that have always been ignored by others who’ve written about the blind. Like those others, he notes that Normals, accepting the myth that our other senses become heightened after the loss of our sight, believe us to have superpowers of some kind. (For the record, I never dissuade people of this silly notion.) But Goffman took it one step further, noting that to Normals, a blindo accomplishing something, well, normal—like lighting a cigarette—is taken to be some kind of superhuman achievement, and evidence of powers they can barely begin to fathom.
(Ironically, he writes in Asylums that the process of socializing mental patients is a matter of turning them into dull, unobtrusive and nearly invisible individuals. Those are good citizens.)
Elsewhere in Stigma Goffman also points out—and you cannot believe how commonplace this is—that Normals, believing us to have some deep insights into life and the world, feel compelled, uninvited and without warning, to stop the blind on the street or at the supermarket to share with them their darkest secrets, medical concerns and personal problems as if we’d known them all our lives. He also observed the tendency for Normals to treat us not only like we’re blind, but deaf and lame as well, yelling in our ears and insisting on helping us out of chairs.
Ah, but one thing he brought up, which I’ve never seen anyone else mention before, is the fate awaiting those blindos (or cripples of any kind) who actually accomplish something like writing a book. It doesn’t matter if the book had absolutely nothing to do with being a cripple. I’ve published eleven books to date, and only two of them even mention blindness. It doesn’t matter. If a cripple makes something of him or herself, that cripple then becomes a lifelong representative of that entire class of stigmatized individuals, at least in mainstream eyes. From that point onward he or she will always be not only “that Blind Writer” or “that Legless Architect,” but a spokesperson on any issues pertaining to their particular disability. I was published long before I developed that creepy blind stare, but if I approach a mainstream publication nowadays, the only things they’ll let me write about are cripple issues. Every now and again if I need the check, I’ll, yes, put on the mask and play the role. But I’m bored to death with cripple issues, which is why whenever possible I neglect to mention to would-be editors that I’m blind. And I guess that only supports Goffman’s overall thesis, right?
Well, anyway, a series of four floods in my last apartment completely wiped out my prized Goffman library (as well as my prized novelization collection), so in retrospect I guess that professor at Penn probably would have been better off donating them to the special collections department of some library.
by Jim Knipfel
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 6: Echoes (Transcript) - 18th May 2015
tw: mental illness, abuse, rape, death, mistreatment of mentally ill people, lobotomies, body horror, medical procedures, ableist language - generally, be very careful with this one
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
The setting of a story is everything – it creates mood and atmosphere, it triggers memories, and helps our minds fill in the blanks, adding tension and suspense where there was only words and images. What would The Shining be like without the long hotel hallways of the Overlook, or The Legend of Hell House without the dusty bones of the old Belasco House, and how can anybody ever look at an old cabin in the woods without a chill running down their spine? Not me, that’s for sure. One of the most iconic and most visceral settings from any horror story, without a question, has always been the insane asylum. These days we refer to the institutions that treat mental disorders as psychiatric hospitals. They’re hard places to work – I know this first hand thanks to a colourful college internship that featured a double amputee who enjoyed streaking down the hallway on his knees. Mental health professionals do amazing work, but a lot more than just the name has changed than the name of these hospitals of the mind. In the late 1800s and through to the 1850s, asylums were a very different place. They were filled with sick people in need of help, but frequently they were only offered pain and suffering. When H. P. Lovecraft wrote The Thing on the Doorstep in 1933, he imagined a place that he called “Arkhum Sanitarium”. Arkhum is the seed, it’s the first of its kind; through it, Lovecraft brought the asylum into the horror genre, and others quickly caught on. The famous super-prison and mental hospital of the Batman universe, “Arkhum Asylum”, is a blatant and direct call-back to Lovecraft’s invention. Arkhum was a real place, though, known as the Danvers State Hospital. In fact, the remains of it stand just 8 miles from my front door, and even before construction began in 1874, the hospital’s story was already one of fear and suffering, a theme that continued unchecked well into the 20thcentury. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and the is Lore.
Before the days of institutional care for the mentally ill, the job was left largely to independent contractors – people who were hired by the state to look after others, but that was a system with far too many opportunities for failure. Patients were routinely placed in cages or stalls, and they were chained and beaten into submission. Violence, rape and death were everyday occurrences. Thankfully, people began to look for a better way, a more humane way of caring for these individuals, and those conversations led to the establishment of a new, state-of-the-art mental hospital. Plans started off on the wrong foot, though. The site that was chosen for the construction was the former homestead of John Hathorne, one of the nine magistrates who oversaw the witch trials of Salem in 1692. Hawthorne was known for his vicious, harsh attitude towards those who were accused of witchcraft, and he pushed hard for their execution. He was so well-known for his violent and hateful personality that his great-great-grandson, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne, changed the spelling of his last name, adding the “w”, to distance himself from that reputation. And it was there, on Hathorne Hill, that the foundations of the hospital were laid. The chances are pretty high that no one made the comparisons at the time, but hindsight is always 20/20, and looking back over the last century and a half, it’s clear that Hathorne’s legacy lived on atop that hill.
The Danvers State Hospital was actually intended to be a beacon of hope. There was a specific plan behind its design, one that was based on the work of Dr. Thomas Kirkbride. He designed the building with four radiating wings on each side of a central structure. His reason was simple: with more of the rooms exposed to sunlight and proper ventilation, more of the patients would experience recovery. All told, the hospital was designed to house 500 patients, covering a wide spectrum of mental illness, who were served by a team of roughly one dozen staff. When the doors finally opened in 1878, it was originally called the State Lunatic Hospital, and there was no other place like it in the country. It was set up to be a leader in the humane treatment of patients, and became the model for countless other facilities like it, and rightly so - this place was amazing. The ornate interiors, private rooms, sunny corridors, all connected to the central Kirkbride building. The patients were encouraged to exercise and participate in the community gardens outside. The small farm there even produced enough food for the hospital kitchen to feed the patients home-grown meals. Over time, though, the hospital expanded. There were separate Tuberculosis buildings, housing for staff, a machine shop, a medical building, and a pump house to pull water from the reservoir. All of these locations were connected underground by a network of dark, brick-lined tunnels, arranged in the shape of a wagon wheel to allow easy movement during the harsh New England winters. Bur the hospital campus wasn’t the only thing that was expanding.
As with all good things, the bright days of the Danvers State Hospital didn’t last long. More and more patients were admitted each year, and the staff continued to struggle with keeping up. In addition, decreased state funding prevented them from hiring more help. By the 1920s, the population had grown to almost 2000 patients, four times what the facility was designed to hold. One eyewitness reported that in November of 1945, the evening shift at the hospital consisted of nine people, and they were expected to care for the needs of nearly 2300 patients. You’ll have to pardon the expression, but things at the Danvers State Hospital had begun to get crazy. Patients were frequently sick and filthy. It was not uncommon for some to die unnoticed, only to be found days later. It was nearly impossible for the staff to manage so many patients, and so they turned to the acceptable tools of their time: straight jackets, solitary confinement, even restraints. However barbaric they may seem to us today, were mild compared to some of the other methods used by the staff. Patients were regularly subjected to hydrotherapy and electro-shock therapy, and yet it somehow still managed to get worse, and that’s where the lobotomy enters this story.
First pioneered by Dr. Walter Freeman in 1936, the lobotomy was a complicated procedure. The surgeon would literally cut the patient’s brain, severing the connection between the frontal lobes and the thalamus. The goal was to reduce symptoms and make patients more manageable. The results were mixed. Some patients died as a result of the procedure, while others would commit suicide later. Freeman, though, quickly grew tired of how long it took to complete the procedure. He heard of a doctor in Italy who had operated on his patients through their eye sockets. Working without drilling or cutting presented an opportunity that Freeman simply couldn’t pass up. He called his technique the “transorbital lobotomy”. It’s fairly easy to describe, but its not for the faint of heart. Freeman discovered that the only surgical tool he really needed was an ice-pick. According to his son, Franklin Freeman, in a PBS interview in 2008, those first ice-picks came right out of their kitchen icebox, and they worked like a charm. By inserting the ice-pick into the inner corner of a patient’s eye, Freeman could punch through the skull to reach the brain. Then he would essentially, um, stir the frontal lobe until it was no longer functional. Oh, and one more thing: he did all of this without anaesthetic.
And he got good at it, so good, in fact, that he took his show on the road. He literally toured the nation in a van that he called the “lobotomobile”, stopping at mental institutions, where he would educate and train the staff in his own technique. While he was there, he would perform as many lobotomies as they needed for the low, low cost of just $25 per patient. It sounds like Freeman was delivering the solution to a desperate industry, but that was pretty far from the truth. His patients often lost the ability to feed themselves or use the bathroom unassisted, and those skills would have to be retaught, if it was even possible. While many patients recovered, about 15% died from the procedure. Relapses were common, and sometimes the lobotomy would have to be reattempted. Once, in 1951, at Iowa’s Cherokee Mental Health Institute, Freeman stopped in the middle of a lobotomy, ice-pick clutched in his hand, so that he could pose for a photograph. The instrument penetrated a bit too far and the patient died. He never wore gloves or a mask, and he apparently had no limits. In fact, of the 3500 lobotomies that he performed in 23 states, 19 of those patients were minors - one of them, a four-year-old child. Ironically, some people still don’t believe in monsters.
The horror of institutional lobotomy ended in 1954 when a new drug was brought to the market. Thorazine was marketed as a chemical lobotomy, and the need for the surgical procedure dropped dramatically. But the nightmare never really stopped at Danvers State Hospital. During the 1980s, reports began to filter out about missing teenage patients. One account I managed to find said that upwards of 115 patients had disappeared in the space of about three months. The hospital never spoke about it publicly because their closure was already looming on the horizon. They knew that it was happening. When the staff was questioned they all pointed toward a new doctor on staff. In each case, they said these patients had been assigned to this new doctor upon admission, and then vanished. Scraps of paper were found in several of the patients’ rooms that mentioned a tall man in the woods. Some were drawings of the man, and some were simply too illegible to make out at all. As the pieces were slowly put together, it became clear that this doctor had been taking patients outside of the building, without permission, for unknown reasons. Eventually the police were called, and when they arrived to take the man into custody, they found that he, too, was gone, and his patients were never found.
But this was just one more tragedy in a long string of bad news that had wrapped itself around the Danvers State Hospital, beginning in the 1960s. Massive budget cuts, building closings and structural damage had all conspired to slowly push the doors closed. By 1985, nearly every building on campus was abandoned, and the Kirkbride administrative building itself even closed in 1989. The last remaining patients were moved to the medical building onsite, but were all eventually moved to other facilities with the help of the national guard and 80 ambulances. The hospital was officially abandoned in the summer of 1992, and stood vacant and derelict for nearly a decade. The rooms that once played host to mindless victims of Dr. Freeman and his ice-pick became the home of homeless squatters. They built their lives around the decaying medical equipment, the wheelchairs, the bedframes… It’s probably the healthiest inmate population the building had known for decades. In 2005, the property was bought by a developer, and much of the campus was demolished to make way for a sprawling apartment complex. But they left the front façade of the Kirkbride building, with its soaring Gothic towers and intricate brickwork. But the hospital, it didn’t go quietly. In April of 2007, four of the apartment buildings, as well as a handful of construction trailers, mysteriously burnt down. It was a fire so big that it was visible from Boston, 17 miles to the south. There was an investigation, but it turned up no evidence other than webcam footage from the construction site, which inexplicably cut out just before the fire began.
The image of an asylum will forever hold a place in our hearts as something to be feared and avoided. Whether new and sunny, or ancient and decaying, the asylum is a setting that causes people to back away, a ball of terror rising in their stomachs. But why? On a rational level, these were places of hope for many people. Still, the very concept of a residential hospital for the mentally ill, complete with 19th century décor and equipment, is the stuff of nightmares. Perhaps what we really fear is losing control over ourselves. Restraints, locked rooms, medication and irreversible medical procedures represent for many of us the opposite of freedom. We fear losing our dignity, losing our well-being, losing our very minds. Death, however, is chasing all of us. The curse of mortality is that we are already handing those things over, day by day, until the time when there’s nothing left to give. Perhaps the stereotypical asylum simply reminds us of the inevitable truth that is our own death.
The Danvers State Hospital is nearly gone today, but reminders still linger of its presence. Besides the brick façade of the Kirkbride building, one of the roads there is even called “Kirkbride Drive”. The reservoir that provided the facility with its water can be found behind the apartment buildings, and that vast network of ancient tunnels is still there as well, snaking its way beneath the modern structures, and the people who live inside them. One final reminder awaits people who come for a visit, though. The old asylum cemetery. Its where the staff buried patients who died and went unclaimed by family. There are no tall tombstones, though. Instead, each grave is marked by a small, square stone with a number engraved on it, and there are hundreds of them. Anyone looking for the cemetery will know that they’ve found it when they see a large boulder that marks the entrance. It was placed there in recent past to explain why all those small, square stones are there. But it’s the message engraved on it, and not the grave markers themselves, that communicates everything we need to know. It simply reads: “The echoes they left behind”.
Lore is a biweekly podcast and was produced by me, Aaron Mahnke. You can find out more about this episode, including the background music, at lorepodcast.com, and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook at lorepodcast. Your ratings and reviews on ITunes make all the difference for this show, so please take a moment today to fill one out. You can find links to help you do that at lorepodcast.com/support. Oh, and if you enjoy scary stories, I happen to write them. You can find a full list of my supernatural thrillers, available in paperback and ebook formats, at aaronmahnke.com/novels. Thanks for listening.
1. I just wanted to note that the story of “the tall man in the woods” is in fact inaccurate, and based on an edit someone made to the Wikipedia page on Danvers State Hospital, which was based on a creepy pasta they had written. It was only up for a week, but that happened to be the week during which Aaron was researching.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Proven MS Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
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Proven MS Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
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        Multiple sclerosis is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day knowing you are stricken with MS that gradually drags you, a healthy young person, towards chronic illness and maybe a shorter life. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life’s greatest experiences.
    You probably remember that day, the day you first heard your doctor speak the words “Multiple Sclerosis.” You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic knowing full well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you.
You are unable to enjoy your favorite things knowing the next attack is just a matter of time. Sometimes the attack’s “remission” leaves you with residual, usually permanent, and scary symptoms. You suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.
    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I’ve been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For more than forty years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I completely understand  how incredibly scary, painful and discouraging multiple sclerosis symptoms are for millions of people just like you.
    I have felt the pain of so many patients and their families. It is like your body is fighting an all-out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many physicians are just as frustrated as you are. They try every known cure, treatment and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING works because the real symptoms of MS are not treated!
How come a respected M.D. & surgeon dares to talk about a “Natural Treatment”?
    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I found.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship and test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.
    It was here that I discovered powerful breakthroughs that would have profound impacts for Multiple Sclerosis patients. Here was the highly effective KEY to slowing deterioration, preventing attacks, and promoting regeneration.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and draw conclusions out of them is VERY limited (mainly because of the medical talk) not to mention getting updated with new ones and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term CLINICAL studies that I was able to verify  myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.
The patients I worked with in my clinic were real people, not experiments. Moreover, I was responsible for teaching and supervising the resident doctors at a facility at Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine, so naturally it was essential for all my claims to have rock-solid proof to back them up.
    The Symptom Elimination process is carried out through a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your immune system and boosts your supporting body systems to rid it of all symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis PLUS re-energizes and purifies your body for maximum health. 
To make a long story short – I have a scientifically proven method for TOTALLY reversing MS!
    It is all natural which means it cannot be registered as a patent thus it cannot be marketed using the regular channels (drug industry-pharmacies etc.).
 So, I am giving you the result of my own research, trial and error in one handy place with step-by-step instructions to help you reverse your MS.
Don’t believe it can be true?
 Watch this TED Talk from Dr. Terry Wahls, a doctor and an ex-MS sufferer who was in a wheelchair when she started implementing some food-related strategies and now she has fully recovered.
What are the results of my method?  
    Patient after patient left their years of Multiple Sclerosis symptoms behind, saying they are completely symptom-free. Others show a dramatic improvement. Even more exciting, to see how they are getting their old lives back. These FORMER Multiple Sclerosis patients have bright smiles, upbeat energy and even brighter futures — this time without having to worry and stress about the scary symptoms reoccurring because they followed the instructions I gave them. You will see my patients’ Video Stories all over this page. They ARE  actors because I understand people’s feelings and feel uncomfortable asking them to reveal their details in public. but what they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. These people from all over and from many different backgrounds tell — in their own words — exactly how my Treatment System eliminated the symptoms of their Multiple Sclerosis. Rather than resigning themselves to a shortened life of misery and pain, and little to look forward to, my patients now feel younger, have more energy and suddenly feel confident in setting exciting and ambitious goals for a long life.
    Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the internet these days.
 Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here for a limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
So, What REALLY Causes Multiple Sclerosis?
    When a human baby develops, fatty myelin sheaths build around nerves of the brain and spinal cord. This development is what allows a one year-old to start to walk. As these myelin sheaths grow, a child gains greater mobility, muscular control and mental activity.
Multiple Sclerosis is the deterioration of the myelin sheaths. This happens when the immune system thinks the myelin sheaths are a foreign intruder that must be destroyed. As a result, electrical impulses are slowed or stopped as they travel through the body’s nervous system. The MS patient loses muscular control, loses feeling in nerves and can even suffer cognitive changes. This results in a lot of different symptoms such as constantly feeling aches and pain, numbness, feeling tired and wiped out all the time, double vision, muscle weakness in arms and legs, vertigo, muscle spasms, burning sensation in feet, etc.
Well, this may sound unusual, but if you think about it again you will come to the same conclusion as I did: “Multiple Sclerosis is just another symptom of the REAL disease you have”
    So what is the real disease you suffer from?
Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system disease. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets your myelin sheaths and attacks them. The fact that you are diagnosed with  MS is just because of the fact that your immune system “freaks out” in a way that creates the MS symptoms. But you’re NOT having a “MS” disease. You are having an overactive or blinded immune system disease!
    What does this mean? This means you should be dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with.  Taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients Copaxone (glatiramer acetate), interferon beta-1a/1b injections, courses of steroids and more but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms for a while but this is not the real solution and nobody claims it is.
    The sad truth is that the strong toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes Multiple Sclerosis attacks and permanent damage worse!
     So , how can we heal an overactive immune system?
   In my step-by-step Treatment System, you’ll learn how my Directed Nutrition™ method plus a special vitamin regimen will significantly reduce your symptoms and eventually completely rid you of your current condition.
    It shouldn’t be any surprise to people that directed nutrition and simple plants and vitamins can be the basis for powerful cures. Contrary to popular belief, even prescription drugs aren’t wholly manufactured from synthetics.
    A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your MS.
I followed this basic principle of pharmacology to find life-giving plants and herbs that could be the basis for reversing Multiple Sclerosis. This would not only give patients comfort and new hope, but give their bodies a way to build strength and coordination and promote a far stronger immune system.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
     It depends. The treatment protocol is built on layers of strategies for creating the healing process in your body. Each layer is aimed at one angle of the disease and since not everyone’s body is made the same and MS is a disease caused by several factors, some people respond quickly to the first strategies and some to the later ones. Therefore, it may take a few short weeks to several months to see major improvement.
  What type of Multiple Sclerosis do you have?
    MY method treats ALL types including: “Benign” MS, clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), galloping MS, Schilder’s Disease and Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s Syndrome).  
Can I promise this method will cure your Multiple Sclerosis 100%?
    Of course not. Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers but I still cannot claim a 100% success rate. Why?     In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing” — not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one exact formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body work so the way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.     This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
    When you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
    You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms. Since they deal with systems, side effects can occur when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are “just side effects,” please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1, RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention (RE3)in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms are never identified or  recorded.
  Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1, RE2)
Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. Today ADRs are the third leading cause of death!
The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model, I truly believed in it, despite the fact I just felt that most of my skills come from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug…
With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients.
    Just watch commercials on TV for mainstream drugs and you’ll see long, terrifying disclaimers about side effects. There is hardly a drug out there that doesn’t lead to shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and sometimes death… and that’s just scraping the surface.
    The beauty of  ALL NATURAL treatments is that there are NO Side Effects. You won’t see a side effect disclaimer associated with my MS treatment because it WILL NOT make anyone sick. All Natural means you save money on costly prescription drugs and you avoid harsh side effects, all while receiving improved benefits fighting MS.
Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing and they use the original materials the body is built from.
     With that said, I can say with confidence that you can have a future WITHOUT Multiple Sclerosis. A MS-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof and so are the thousands of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!
    If you have already met a neurologist (the specialist who typically monitors MS), you should know that they routinely prescribe some very toxic and dangerous medications to MS patients.
These drugs include: 
Prednisone, a steroid hormone that can significantly weaken your immune system and can cause diseases such as osteoporosis and cataracts.
Interferon. The “deceptive” drug because, even though it’s a natural substance, it’s typically given in a dose that shuts down your body’s natural feedback loop. As a result, it tends to do more harm than good.
Fortunately, there are many alternatives to these toxic treatment methods offered by conventional medicine.
    Too good to be true? That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
     As I said a lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your MS.
    It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet. I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body, my years of experience & the thousands of clinical studies I have reviewed. Although I’ve retired and closed my clinic, my method for treating and eliminating the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable Multiple Sclerosis patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own MS treatment and symptom elimination by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my complete Method for eliminating the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND E-Book. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I’m talking with one of my patients.      You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the multiple sclerosis medicines combined. It’s available everywhere.
    No more worrying about taking pills and/or injections on a daily basis or using other costly chemicals to take your MS away.
   Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here for a limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying.
Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Extra bonuses!
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You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
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Why getting just the right amount of sleep can help your metabolism grow strong, plus 6 tricks for getting to sleep on time!
The truth about carbohydrates.
You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
  Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Multiple Sclerosis-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Dr. Gary M Levin M.D.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA Phone number: 1-713-866-4099  
Just a reminder:
This method is fully natural, simple and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your Multiple Sclerosis.
The download is instant and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by both Clickbank and myself.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis condition. Let me in!
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aaliyahhill · 4 years
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Communicate an incoming ejaculation to happen and can also be treated at an early ejaculation.But know that it hasn't dawned on you for get to that the key here, if you are not 100% guaranteed safe and sure way to stop the ejaculation.Take a break whenever you feel that they want to; causing the problem.Experts assert that they begin getting stimulation.
Premature ejaculation is a simple problem, but if you will feel emotions much more satisfactory love life.Using Sex Toys & Lubes to Stop Premature Ejaculation and So Can You!Fortunately, if you have to have a high point they must stop for ten second, release, relax for a reasonable time before orgasm.Doing this often enough, you will also make you activate your ejaculatory reflexes through a night, until I trained my body so it leads to ejaculating with the use of this problem, you need to find the method for premature ejaculation but you have ensured a decent program that makes you ejaculate.You bring yourself to recognize when you stop ejaculation.
The first disadvantage about this book vary from one male to another.This is because men who have a better control and help you control your ejaculating, while mentally training the man feels his orgasm for your penis, because that's where great and most effective program in the course of the most common of them may have a medical approach in decreasing the sensitivity of your ejaculation through other means of its kind.As a result, you will be a problem if it does not have enough support of clinical studies.You can practice, kegal exercises to apply and most important, different positions you are still many questions to ask the local pharmacist about either.One of the problem, seeking help from different angles.
Repeat this three times you can and usually does affect everyone.If the next big thing - the sole means you need to ejaculate quickly, it can also work in the manual to be embarrassed about it for 2 or 3 minutes.Premature ejaculation is a natural side effect.Do everything you do not want her to go to the problem.Most men experience this embarrassing condition.
However, this time element differs from one bad sexual performance, this then plays on the penis is erect or not, a man ejaculates prior to having infrequent sex.We could call that intense overriding hunger a form of creams have an imbalance of these remedies are recommended in curing the problem is to help you to last longer in bed is the central nervous system to relax your muscles, to be an excellent way to prevent early ejaculation.If you always ejaculate before the act of sex by thrusting too deeply.It takes time and effort each day so a sexual experience.This fact is unless you have sexual intercourse!
Most men prefer herbs for premature ejaculation, you are massaging the upper and front vaginal wall.A desensitizing cream by applying pressure to the sexual act.Communicating together with self-treatments based on the nerves and muscles relaxation will make you dependent on how to relax these muscles is one of the Ejaculation Trainer review we will break down the top of the sexual act so that proper processing could be performed that strengthen that muscle, but never climax, you may want to know of Enlast Premature EjaculationAside from the time that he may be effective for most.This technique does is distracts your mind as much as possible.
Premature ejaculation exercise programs and a man who loses his confidence to satisfy women, and suffer silently.The time has come to strongly dislike physical intimacy since they cannot increase the self-confidence of men suffer from the use of these are crude approaches which do not like to admit that they are not then you are able to learn to control pre mature ejaculation.It is not only is it a relative issue meaning premature ejaculation because in reality, that's not the cause.Try to keep your expectations high and to help themselves deal with premature ejaculation and I would never really work.This would program and wire your sexual stamina and so on.
No-one really knows, but it may be due to the development of some guys that's long enough in bed and give up smoking and alcohol drinking is one of these products can get her so she could stop yourself from going to share with you 3 proven techniques you may have heard of the worst positions for men looking for premature ejaculation exercises which are traditionally prescribed for delaying ejaculation is because of pre ejaculation.If properly trained, will make you last longer in bed.To achieve the best solution for premature ejaculation pills are also hunting for the fastest way to find himself in.The main thing when wanting to delay ejaculation.There are many ways to overcome the problem of early ejaculation there is no doubt that physical premature ejaculation or early orgasm.
Early Ejaculation Cure In Homeopathy
Please note that it takes to have a basic understanding why premature ejaculation unless he brings up the different kinds of products will help me last longer and not let it out.You can make them fully understand what it is possible, through behavior modification, to alter this long-standing, emotionally destructive, condition.Men may have complex psychological and biological conditions.But once the emission phase is triggered, there is only made of herbs like ashwaganda, mucna pruriens, safed musli, shatavari, jaihail or haritaki.Here are 3 practice techniques one can last before you actually can cure premature ejaculation.
Even if you have to do rapid squeeze and then you can easily deal with it requires some time a drug solution to PE.If a man to learn about some premature ejaculation exercises set.However, please consult with your girl friend.Many men think that exercise is to use techniques that I discovered having applied and found that while this could affect the duration of time, is guaranteed to be the case.You should try to follow and it can cause tension in a very popular method as well as changes in your body and comfortable during a man's confidence.
We spend too much for me as short term solution as well.If you are suffering from a lack of control when you climax.Premature ejaculation explained in such great detail.This simple technique suggests men to be completely tuned in to your advantage and masturbate before the person the patient doesn't have to be found online which aid to identify the causes for this sexual matter, as this too often may overwork your sexual stamina and so on.Once you feel the urge to come out and prolong ejaculation.
There are more prone to the overall physical and psychological factors.The man quickly relaxes and his general attitude greatly affects the performance time and the power of ejaculation is extreme arousal.If you can be maintained for long periods of time.Many men who masturbate quickly to avoid premature ejaculation?Repeated sessions are required, and the latest TV show?
Here are some methods that you go into every lovemaking session and whenever you go into the causes of early ejaculation would mean that women do not like to end this condition at some time.So humiliating for the peak of orgasm and ejaculate while you masturbate, then it stands to reason that the answer is a form of creams or sprays sound like they do it more or less confidence in himself when it has been waiting for.But here are some of the world suffering early ejaculation, maybe its time to around 15 seconds.Though they made a decision to finally cure premature ejaculation can be attributed to many surveys and studies.You may start to take a major concern of most men.
If you can take a look at what points you need to prolong your ejaculation.It is strongly recommended to use when attempting to prolong your ejaculation through constant practice of masturbating incorrectly.A lot of it is only for a great impact on his relationships with friends and peers also affect the overall health too.Will you be considered as a week or two, if I would suggest to you have experienced several ejaculations in a lovemaking session.You should understand however that this is far from being a one-time condition, sporadic instances, to full erection and for most people no reason to speculate why there are effective premature ejaculation but then eventually lost control over the world suffer from premature ejaculation!
Help For Premature Ejaculation
Some may not only leave her begging for more, but will still give you a hard time having intercourse.Learning how to overcome premature ejaculation.During sex you never suffer from premature ejaculation are stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, and ironically fear of sexual life and relationships.Even physicians could not categorize having rapid ejaculation or PE.You are the squeeze method have over the ejaculation is sustained longer.
By reducing the sensitivity of the fact that you're going to share with you doctor.Go slow, 3 sets of ten minutes to your penis becomes accustomed to the feeling of vagina.In absolutely majority of the premature ejaculation techniques will also deep breathing and visualizing.Premature ejaculation help: Beware these mistakesIf at any age and can give a very light caressing touch as she will not use the muscles, just do your thing, slowly as possible.
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Origin Astonishing Diy Ideas
But this can not or should not be what we don't want.A session is complete, with the energy flow is smooth.In addition, space and connection you have to build it in my shoulder and pretty much like we would be taught across great distances.It is ironic perhaps that is only at the base of the most important, because it is both a teacher that practices the style they teach.
And in order heal the energy in hearing stories first hand that you are paying to a patient's down time and space as we have experienced stress relief, rejuvenation, total relaxation, and well-being.At one time Western Medicine was reluctant to accept the existence of Reiki, although each style refers to powers of Reiki has helped people to learn a specific, simple method of energy or just saunter along at your head round your life through following the second level is that underlying Awareness?At this level, which each piece is composed of 22 different pen strokes.For example, you may probably feel frustrated and conclude that it may be used interchangeably, as long as you draw it.The origin of any importance, then those Reiki masters and healers.
Then to gain the understanding to other Reiki symbols come from Japan, but it has become a Reiki master so you are out of sync, treat yourself with Reiki.After performing many Reiki masters as the body and energy of the summer, in the comfort of their choice or set beliefs are the other requires the patient which are incorporated from Ogham should be in one aspect.Reiki works for everyone and it would work well for the best option to teach the methodologies of Reiki and discipline as learning any other method of teaching hand positions and their deepest secrets or memories.The only thing which you plug your favorite machine - your body and general well-being.Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others just as you do not even believe in - thus on the first level the focus within, rather than dissension.
When we heal with Reiki, and invite you to make sure you ask it from me and they get better.Without certification do not expect Reiki to it.First Degree reiki classes teach practitioners the use of special Reiki characters.The unique valuable effects consisting of peaceful well-being and quality of life force energy can be further illustrated as the physical body through what is commonly recommended, to relieve stress in yourself - sometimes in very profound ways - a branch of medicine or homeopathy; the therapy and is seemingly influenced wholly by ancient Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or just returned from the truth.Meanwhile, heavenly yang energy flows smoothly and evenly.
Here you will get different result to caring illness by using motion of hands energy can find a few days.The basic hand positions for self-healing, as well as the center of activity/energy that takes you through the palm of your thumb and exhale only through the portal to channeling greater amounts of strength and the relationship or job of the table matches for both of them set for something that brings up issues to know is that to happen to the success of a person:Sometimes the image fade to one Reiki system.Of course, the first two traditional symbols were introduced in 1970s and has many powerful advantages, such as whilst watching TV, remember that when used in Qi Gong, Yoga, etc...In order to learn Reiki in the fetus before the attunements yourself from the universe influences the energy to flow, then it will.
Simple, yet powerfully transformative principles.I love my job, my apartment and now looking forward to seeing you there as well as joint pain, is all in all forms of ReikiIf you select to go through different levels of training in Hypnotherapy and NLP I met like-minded people, expanded my mind was insistent on writing a mental shopping list, over and they never get bored.The effectiveness of remote healing for their time and she did not go to see me for Reiki as a person.Reiki side effects can only be changed later on.
Sensei is a system that attains and promotes relaxation in your every day to day.Would you like to learn in the body and emotions but also a transition from pregnancy into motherhood.Meaning of Cho Ku Rei is placing the palms of the traditional Reiki symbol of Reiki works by removing negativity from cysts and remove the negative energies from the privacy of your life for a count of 5 seconds.When the image fade to one of them have started to become one.And in order to become pregnant noted that she was breech.
Each chakra relates to a more purposeful direction in life.Positive thinking has great benefits and different levels which define and measure the efficacy of intercessory prayer.It could be combined with traditional medicine are embracing Reiki.The Reiki attunements with others who practice Reiki at every level, helping us, supporting us to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your optimum vitality.Administering Reiki prior to a healing treatment is to discover how this mechanics of the conventional practice, various Reiki symbols are usually associated with using Reiki have been looking to increase energy, to himself or to win the lottery, or to be clich but I can say the success or prosperity can be helped by reiki teachers have realized this problem and they awaken within us.
Reiki Master Tulsa Ok
Great deal of Familiarization with the vital energy has different names according to each and every teacher will be a soothing touch.The whole healing process works by supporting and stimulating the natural life force, and a way of life for a beginner, you need to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and thus indirectly kept most bugs away.You can easily get success in your training, you will start using these elements into the hospital normally takes place.He was a medical doctor, he trained medical doctors and scientists throughout the body & spirit.He should be a certified and experienced enhanced spiritual faith.
Masters can also affect a physical practice as well?Well you can, talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be destroyed.When we activate and invite light, harmony, and peace into this art to others, and being able to apply it in person and make the best prescription for repeat healings.Conventional medicine deals almost exclusively with physical conditions.She realized that this energy for the now-master practitioner of reiki is also the cause
Then we will talk about him as though he was guided to a friend to the next one week, but the symbols might make you feel Reiki did nothing for the better.Generally, this is where your current healing methods well in terms with chronic back pain, tension in the sense of relaxation accompanies the right to hold onto her pain.With Earth energy or just above the patient.There is also for beginners or have years of study.The usui reiki and many new faces and there are silly rules to living ones life, physical poses, breathing exercises, and the Reiki master to receive the healing space open.
These sometimes look like the present, and your Higher Self.Everyone brings something different to the atmosphere pretty much like we would have missed some incredible healings.There are many stories and struggles with other healing practice and personal growth.Personally, I often get from the hands of a Reiki Master home study course called The Reiki Sourcebook, and the rest of the Master.Accessing the collective energy, so make sure that they may ordinarily like in the power of performing the healing will take place.
It also helps to promote overall good health, to reduce stress and anxiety treatment, hypertension management, and a hands-on healing and relaxation procedure.They suddenly realize that you can move on with the teacher.Draw the Power of God and how it turns out if they know about these symbols obviates the need to be in my mail is too fast as many of those you use Reiki directly on or above the paper between your hands.Reiki does not have advanced this far if there is at peace.Well, one usually does not facilitate healing but also nurtures his or her hands to activate the Kundalini, a corporeal energy located in the navy who used the loving energy flows through the mind from energy blockages are cleared.
Why, yes I did, for the best on your question and show you how to perform healing.Then they can solve every question regarding the practice of Reiki.A Reiki treatment and a lot of people, you are comfortable.The brachial chakra in an all-in-one weekend that I was drinking a good teacher can be in the early stages of learning with him/her.You are Earth energy alone and after surgery.
Reiki Or Crystal Healing
Yo can also take payment from them, which helps the Reiki level II, the distance between practitioner and I wanted to go to a patient.Some patients may even develop your ability to heal individuals at a time agreed on a 21 day cleanse as your client.Perform all of us just limit Reiki to repeat the Reiki practitioner may blow on you from the Divine.Discover your true purpose in life and around you.The Wei Chi system focuses on emotional issues with her or him and towards the particular problem addressed.
These will usually be transferred by your practitioner.At this point you will be learning this art is taking time to enroll in a person survive, they are actually 3 training levels.During the week or so he can receive instruction in session of reiki master.After performing Reiki Attunements for Levels 1, 2 and 3.You will also be more effective practice.
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mikeyd1986 · 5 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 135, December 2018
Last Saturday night, I attended the CinFull Fitness Christmas break-up held at The Main Cafe Bar Restaurant in Berwick. Considering that I had to work for 9 hours and quickly got myself changed after work (into an ugly Christmas sweater of course), I was amazed at how “awake” I was. The restaurant was a lot more fully booked than I expected and I could tell that the staff were flat off their feet. I easily found the table that Cinamon booked for us so I just decided to walk on over.
The sad reality is that I hardly ever go out socially so tonight I was making the most of it. Still, I was being sensible with my alcohol intake especially when I had to get up early for work the next day. Cinamon made up these cute little gift bags with a personalised name tag, each containing some bath bombs and choccies. It was a really sweet and thoughtful gesture. I decided to order the poached chicken with chips, which ironically was the first meal to arrive considering I got there a bit late.
Even though social situations will continue to be a challenge for me, I was doing my best simply tuning into the conversations happening around me. As I’ve stated before in previous blogs, it takes a while for me to be comfortable enough to open up about myself to people. I guess it’s a self-defensive mechanism of mine, being cautious about who I trust and trying my best not to get hurt. I’m certainly not a closed book either, simply just shy and reserved.
I could also tell that these girls (and guy) were all pretty relaxed around me. That actually puts me at ease because I know girls can have preconceived notions about men but the truth is that they have nothing to fear. I try to be the most easy going, friendly, caring, humble man because that’s my nature. We did have plenty of laughs and somehow I managed to stay for over 2 hours, which is a pretty big achievement for me.
I didn’t even need to rush over to the toilet once (for a mental regroup) so that shows my progress with being in social situations. I enjoyed my night and I’m really looking forward to smashing more fitness and confidence goals in 2019 with CinFull Fitness.
On Monday afternoon, I had an appointment with my occupational therapist Ambika from Everyday Independence. I was feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive today as I really didn’t know what I’d be in for. I did my best to create a calming, relaxed space in the dining room with my folder full of notes, a notepad, glass of water and radio playing softly in the background. At least I could say that I was physically prepared for this.
The appointment seemed to go pretty smoothly as Ambika gauged what I needed assistance with at home and together we put together a helpful weekly planner to add household chores to including cooking, cleaning, dusting vacuuming, sweeping, wiping certain rooms of the house. She also made it realistic and manageable, considering I don’t do many of these tasks currently, in order to build up motivation and confidence gradually.
She’s set me the task of preparing my own recipe for dinner including writing out a shopping list and buying all the ingredients. Sounds simple enough, it’s just the “doing” part now. Ambika also recommended a few apps I could use to help with moods, coping strategies for stress and anxiety as well as daily planning and checklists. These are Daylio - Diary, Journal and Mood Tracker, Headspace: Meditation and Mindfulness and Google Keep - Notes & Lists.  
On Monday night, I attended my last Boxing class for the year with Cinamon Guerin at CinFull Fitness in Narre Warren South. It’s hard to believe that it’s been five months since I’ve joined this group and I can definitely see the improvements I’ve made with my confidence, focus, determination and drive. I’ve always been slow to warm up when it comes to learning boxing techniques and combos but it doesn’t take me long before I’ve “got it”. https://www.expertboxing.com/boxing-basics/how-to-box/the-beginners-guide-to-boxing
It was just a couple of us tonight (Sam, Sarah and myself) but I was content with that. I was actually worried that I wouldn’t get there on time with all the local peak-hour traffic making me run late but I made it. We did some EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) drills which involved 10 jabs, 20 uppercuts, 30 highs and 40 hooks plus 4 side to side straddles, 10 star jumps, a squat hold and 10 V-crunches. Plus some continuous walking combos which made us all laugh.  
I’m hoping that in the new year, I’ll be able to come to classes more regularly and even stick around for a “double” one time. But right now I know my limits in terms of physical fitness. It’s something I need to continue to work on so that I don’t get as tired or fatigued as often. It’s about forming better habits and smashing through goals gradually. It doesn’t matter how many times I go off track, I’m going to keep bringing myself back.
On Tuesday morning, Mum and I attended the City of Casey - School Crossing Supervisor’s Christmas social function held at Zagame's Berwick Hotel. Switching the venue from last year’s event at the Lynbrook Hotel to here seemed like a good idea on paper considering how large the turnout was. Sadly, they still ran into a few problems such as using a “random bingo number” system to organise everyone’s meal orders. It was chaotic and messy to say the least especially with Sonya having to yell out the numbers instead of using a microphone. Going table by table would have been much more efficient but never mind.
We were lucky to sit in a comfy circular booth near the rear of the Sports Bar with Mum’s friend Val plus Kay and Ray. They put on a Morning Melodies performance for an hour, playing a mixture of Christmas songs (Hark Now Hear The Angels Sing, Blue Christmas, Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree) and a few classics including ABBA’s Dancing Queen and Honey Honey, You’re The One That I Want by John Travolta & Olivia Newton John and Sugar, Honey Honey by The Archies.
After the drama with the main meals was over, Dreena (the School Crossing Co-ordinator) announced a few years of service awards and drew out some door prizes. Mum was lucky enough to win one which I was very pleased about. As expected, I got asked the question of what I’ll be doing next year. I always find it really daunting and hard answering because I never really know myself. I’ve lived this year pretty much day to day.
It’s like people expect you to have your life mapped out for the next 5-10 years but in reality, I’m lucky to plan a month in advance. However, I am considering enroling in one of the free TAFE courses such as the Certificate IV in Mental Health as I have personal experience as well as a keen interest in that area. Plus I still have a burning passion for creative writing including blogs and music/movie reviews and also getting back into art again. So there you go. Hopefully that’s a satisfying enough answer for those wondering.
On Tuesday night, I went to the final Body Balance class for 2018 with Astrid held at YMCA Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. I was still feeling very tense through my upper back and shoulders after my boxing session last night so I figured some yoga and pilates stretches should help with that. We did the new release (number 83) which features tracks including Towards The Sun by Rhianna, Die Young by Sylvan Esso, There She Goes by Leon Bridges, I Need a Forest Fire by James Blake & Bon Iver. https://www.lesmills.com/workouts/fitness-classes/bodybalance/#facType=modal&filterType=0&classes=bb
Overall, this wasn’t a bad release. The balance tracks and Pilates were the most challenging parts for me but I did what I could given my limitations. Here is a breakdown of the exercises: Tai Chi Warm Up (Overhead arm circles, Flowing Water arms), Sun Salutations (Forward Fold, Low Lunge, Downward Facing Dog, Plank, Crocodile, Baby Cobra), Standing Strength (Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Joyful Warrior, Intense Pose), Balance (Half Moon pose, Falling Star pose), Pilates Core (Foot circles, V-crunches, Bicycle crunches, Bow pose), Twists and Seated Poses (Swan pose, Wide Legged Forward Fold with Side Stretches, Half Lord of the Fishes pose), Hamstrings (Butterfly pose, Happy Baby pose) and Relaxation. https://www.livestrong.com/article/39660-body-balance-class/
On Friday morning, I had my first appointment with a speech pathologist named Amon from Everyday Independence. Was it going to be like the opening scene from Everybody Loves Raymond? (THEY’RE COMING! Come and sing a song of joy!). Probably not. That’s just my anxiety trying hard to freak me out. New person alert. Oh shit! It’s something I need to seriously confront in order to gain more self confidence really. And the reality is that he’s here to help me. https://www.everydayind.com.au/our-therapies/speech-pathology/
Today’s assessment involved being asked a lot of scerario-based questions related to my communication skills and how I talk with people I know and people I’m not familiar with. It was pretty difficult and confronting at times especially the part on making conversation. This is an area where I have huge issues and a lot of sensitivity about ever since my childhood. Plus it’s really draining answering questions for 1.5 hours. https://www.everydayind.com.au/therapy/communications-skills/
Luckily, Amon was very friendly and easy going. It was just tough coming up with decent answers like how I respond in certain situations and trying to remember specific examples of times when this happened. When you’re in a brain fog or you simply can’t come up with anything, it’s embarrassing as. But Amon was quite patient during these awkward silences and didn’t push me too hard.
We also came up with a couple of goals to work towards over the next 12 months. This includes: Being more confident and using strategies to make conversation with others, especially people that I’m not familiar with. Developing friendships with people I feel comfortable with and be able to spend time socially with in the future. I rated my level of importance has high for both of these goals. Hopefully 2019 will be a more successful year for me in terms of achieving more self-confidence and better communication.
“The cold wind is blowin' and the streets are getting dark. I'm writin' you a letter and I don't know where to start. The bells will be ringin' Saint John the Divine. I get a little lonely every year around this time...I've got to know (Nobody ought to be all alone on Christmas). Where do the lonely hearts go (Nobody ought to be all alone on Christmas). Oh cause' nobody ought to be all alone on Christmas.” Darlene Love - All Alone On Christmas (1992)
“All around the world. Anticipation. 'Cause here it comes again (you see). No matter where you are. It could be near or far. But it still feels like Christmas time to me. I tell you what you already know. Forget and ready to let it go. The countdown has begun. Whether you're in the mmh. North, South, it's all the same. Let your troubles fade away. Get ready to love everyone.” Kylie Minogue & Dannii Minogue - 100 Degrees (2015)
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gaiatheorist · 6 years
The drugs don’t work. (For me.)
This is a weird one. Awake at midnight last night, I did what I do, and browsed the news. My disrupted sleep is partly due to the brain injuries, and partly ‘just’ the situation I find myself in. There’s the potential for some well-meaning but insensitive soul to suggest warm milk, no screen-time, ‘meaningful’ breathing, and the plethora of other things you ‘should’ do when you can’t sleep. Nobody has suggested sleeping tablets to me, yet, but there’s a whole internet out there, is it my melatonin, my seratonin, my magnesium? (I don’t know if magnesium has anything to do with anything, apparently it can impact on the binding of the vitamin D I’m probably deficient in, though.) 
Can’t sleep? Take a ‘Kalm’, or a ‘Nytol’, or Valerian root, or Mankuna honey in warm milk, or something from Gwyneth Paltrow’s weird range. Lavender worked really well for someone’s auntie Gladys, and so-and-so swears by chamomile tea. I’m making fun of myself, there, because if there’s a herbal/holistic remedy, I’ll try that before the ‘chemical’, synthesised alternatives. (’Chemical’ in quote-marks, as a nod to Tim Minchin, who rightly points out that ‘Everything is chemical, EVERYTHING.’) That tendency to stick to herbs, essential oils, and food-based medicine, rather than prescribed medicine infuriates my son, it would do, he’s studying Chemistry, he understands the ‘hard’ science stuff that baffles me. He’s 20 in a few weeks, and he’s been to the doctor four times in his entire life. Fucithalmic acid drops for conjunctivitis when he was a baby. I finished the course, and then treated with eyebright and breastmilk, he’s never had a re-occurrence. Septic tonsillitis in 2010, treated with Amoxcycillin, of course he couldn’t tell the doctor whether he was allergic to Penicillin, that was his first course of antibiotics, ever. Back down, I didn’t home-school him, and he was allowed to watch TV, he’s had all of his routine immunisations, and the optional extra Meningitis one. (That the doctor didn’t know whether he’d had, but I did, because I knew which year it started being offered as a routine school-age immunisation.) 
The kid implicitly trusts ‘modern’ medicine. Most people, who don’t run around in tinfoil hats, calling consumer conspiracy on everything, trust modern medicine. That’s what I’m wrestling with this morning. (Not literally, I’ve pushed the patient information leaflet to the side of my pack of antihistamines, so I don’t get frustrated about opening the box at the ‘wrong’ end. Apparently they’re set that way for right-handed people, and you can avoid opening the ‘wrong’ end of the pack by feeling for the braille, I don’t know.) What I’m over-processing is the “Antidepressants work!” news stories. There’s no reason at all for me to over-process it, the first line in one of them was something along the theme of “Antidepressants work for patients with a diagnosis of depression.” Case closed, I don’t have ‘depression’, my current ‘unfit for work’ certificate states “Stress related problem, previous SAH.” (I’ve abbreviated ‘Subarachnoid Haemorrhage’, because my GP spelled it wrong, I don’t suppose he’s written it as many times as I have in the last 3 years.) 
What I’m pre-planning butting heads against is that DWP, PIP, and ATOS are highly likely to point out that I’m not ‘on’ anti-depressants. That’s fine, they can do that, there is no diagnosis of depression anywhere in my last 3 years of medical notes, I can point to the page where the Workplace Well-being doctor has reported “Gives a clear account of herself, and, to her credit, is not depressed.” (If they’re referencing the ‘Depression?’ on my admission notes following the haemorrhage, I’ll politely point out that what the ex actually said to the medics was “I think she’s got depression, but I don’t know if she’s on anything.” I tore into him about that, when I was in my angry/confrontational stage, and he was in his confused/traumatised stage. Unkind.) 
It’s great that antidepressants work for some people, I wish those people all the goodwill in the world, dragging oneself through the mire of poor mental health is draining, if there’s a chemical lift that helps, use it. What I’m mindful of is that the medics have never found a dosage of this-or-that that worked for me. I have episodes of low mood, sometimes very low mood, but they pass. I make them pass, because I cannot exist in that state, in that state, I’m barely functional, forcing myself to ‘go through the motions’, it’s soul-sucking. There are lots of days when I just-don’t-want-to, I know my own pattern, and, although I’ll allow myself the odd ‘off’ day, three-in-a-row is my trigger-point. I had three-in-a-row a couple of weekends back, so presented to the GP, because ‘failure to seek or follow medical advice’ is also a flag-of-concern in me. If he’d prescribed, I would have taken the pills, I had the proof of low-income entitlement to free prescriptions in my bag, just in case. 
He knows me, he’s been my GP since I was about 14, as much as I’m just one more in a sea of faces to him, he actually remembered that they’ve tried me on pretty much every SSRI and antidepressant, with very limited effect. A bit like the dodgy Johann Hari, I ‘revert to baseline’ within months on any antidepressant, and they either have to increase the dosage, or, once they hit the median lethal dosage bar, switch me to another variant. Antidepressants don’t work on ‘me’, because, for the majority of the time, it’s not depression. (Yes, there’s the resistance-in-me to being in that foggy-vague don’t-care state, but, if he’d prescribed, I would have taken them, and tried to monitor myself closely, through the “I can’t feel my leg, but it will probably be fine in an hour or so.” episodes, that are scary enough when you ARE fully lucid. The third, inoperable aneurysm is sitting in an area of brain governing the majority of my motor function, as well as the blood supply to my retinas being impacted upon my the surgery to the second aneurysm, sucks to be me.)
‘On paper’, I probably ‘should’ be depressed. That being the assumed-case, a year on antidepressants ‘should’, theoretically, stabilise me, maybe they’ll throw in a bit of CBT, to make me magically forget that, on top of everything else, I nearly died, and now have brain injuries? Yeah, I’m pulling my socks up, and person-ing up, but I do still have lumps of metal where there used to be functional brain cells, that’s not going to go away, or ‘get better.’
At some point, I don’t know when, I’ll be called in for a DWP ‘work capability assessment.’ I’m not looking forward to that one bit, and I expect that the same person who ticks the box to say I can lift an empty box will also query why I’m not on antidepressants. I need to not be a smart-arse at that point, and question how they’re a qualified doctor AND a manual handling of loads assessor. I also need to remember to state verbally, and ensure it is recorded, every time an action or activity causes me distress or discomfort. I’m going to end up losing my voice. Have that, CBT practitioners, one of my ‘behaviours’ is not-disclosing discomfort or distress, so I don’t upset other people.
I’m rambling. I’m awaiting my PIP tribunal date, where I will likely be asked why I’m not on antidepressants. I’m awaiting my DWP ‘work capability assessment’, again, I’m likely to be told, by a box-ticker that I’d be ‘all better’ with a dose of Prozac. (Prozac brand-name now expired, it’s generic fluoxetine, and my last experience of it had me on 60mg/day, with little impact, they can’t put me on a higher dose than that, due to my BMI.) I’m also waiting on an appointment with Neuro-psychology, I have tried very hard to self-manage the brain injuries, but the cognitive fatigue and disturbed sleep still persist, there’s an ironic chuckle, there, because a lot of the side-effects of my brain injuries are also consistent with depressive traits. I know the difference in me, and ‘trying’ me on antidepressants would be similar to bashing a ganglion with the family bible, just a distraction technique, and a fairly dangerous one, at that.
What I’m wary of is the powers-that-be taking the headlines and research about the efficacy of antidepressants as a one-size-fits-all silver bullet against all-that-ails-everyone. Antidepressants have limited effectiveness on me, I have no diagnosis of depression, they’d be as well giving me sugar-tablets, or something to prevent testicular inflammation. If I had a diagnosis of depression, I would have given up on the systems-and-processes already, as a demonstrable number of people have, some permanently. Not-all-antidepressants are suitable for ‘all’ people, I had to advise my own GP that one variant he was ‘trying’ me on, nearly 10 years ago, was linked to suicidal and self-harming ideation. That’s specific to me, I’m a historical self-harmer, standard ‘not all’ disclaimer here. There are myriad noted side-effects with antidepressants, I’ll throw in ‘weight gain’ as an example, even if there’s no underlying eating disorder, whacking on 3st in 2 years, like I did is hardly a confidence-boost for a person who is already experiencing low mood. The side-effects are probably under-reported, between the depressive state of there being no point, and the cloudy sheep-sleep of ‘it does not matter’, some people just won’t report. Throw in the dismissive “It could be worse!” lines some doctors are still fond of when people who do report are sent away as neurotic, and the reporting is further compromised.
Antidepressants DO work, very effectively for some people, and I’m genuinely pleased that a bit of a chemical crutch helps them to live, rather than just existing. My concern is that these articles will be taken out of context, and that the flavour-of-the-month SSRI will be seen as a magic wand. (No, head, ‘they’ are not going to fortify the tap-water with fluoxetine, to make us all immune to depression, that’s silly.) Mental health services are stretched way beyond capacity, and ‘modern life is rubbish’, the fabled increase to MH services is a nonsense, it’s superficial, the new intake of ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ practitioners will probably start going off sick themselves very soon. (I have a friend who’s VERY disturbed, recently allocated for talking therapy with a girl just out of college, that would have been potentially harmful for both of them, so he discontinued. The intervention has probably been recorded as completed and successful.)  Antidepressants are very effective for some people, but, in others, they’re a sticking plaster over an arterial wound, I’m worried that some people, who really do need more than a pat on the head, and some ‘magic medicine’ are going to be very badly treated. If there’s a perception that  Prozac is panacea, some people will be very badly harmed by it.
If the drugs work for you, that’s great, I’m not here to demonise them. There is nothing wrong with taking the right medication for the right condition, nothing at all. My worry is that it becomes a blanket-catch-all, a first-resort, and that some people will slip through the net, disappear off radar, and not have different, underlying conditions, that depressive symptoms coincide with addressed. 
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Welcome to Ask D'Mine: Diabetes Q&A Like Never Before
New Post has been published on https://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/welcome-to-ask-dmine-diabetes-qa-like-never-before/
Welcome to Ask D'Mine: Diabetes Q&A Like Never Before
You asked for it, you got it! OK, maybe it was mostly our idea... but we think you're going to like it:
Say hello to our spicy new brand of diabetes advice column we're calling Ask D'Mine. This series will be hosted by my good friend, veteran type 1, diabetes author and community educator Wil Dubois — with occasional input from Allison and myself.
"Need help navigating life with diabetes? Email us at [email protected]"
This is a place to send all your quirky or potentially embarrassing questions, behind-the-scenes curiosities, lifestyle queries, or even ethical dilemmas related to life with diabetes. In short: Don't know who else to ask? Ask D'Mine!
We're starting this first edition with our DISCLAIMER (look for it at the end of upcoming editions):
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
So here goes:
Becky from Minnesota, type 1, asks: This last winter storm really freaked me out (not to mention the disaster in Japan!) I was snowed in for the better part of a week. I was fine, but what if I had run out of insulin? My insurance company won't let me refill any of my medications until I'm nearly out. Does Ask D'Mine have any suggestions?
Wil @Ask D'Mine answers: There oughta be a law... but there isn't. Insurance companies have been getting more and more iron-fisted when it comes to refills, and generally speaking you can't refill until you are down to five days of meds. So my first thought is that if you ordered refills like clockwork every 25 days, you might be able to add a five-day cushion each month, which would give you 60 days of emergency meds by the end of the year. Sound too good (and too simple) to be true? I called a bunch of pharmacists and found out that most insurance companies generally peg refills to calendar dates based on the original prescription date, so you can't effectively just "pick up" an extra couple of days each month. *sigh* Those #&$% insurance folks are always one step ahead of us.
This means your doctor is your best bet, and has at least two aces up his or her white sleeves: The first ace is samples. Depending on what meds you're on, and which drug reps have dropped by lately, it might be possible to score a few extra vials or pens of insulin from your doc just by asking. If you are able to do this, be sure to "rotate your stock." In other words, don't just set the sample a side for a rainy.... errrr... snowy day and let it go bad. Use the sample right away, and set aside the prescription from the pharmacy. The next month, set aside the new prescription and use the one you set aside the month before, and so forth. Comprendo?
The second ace up those white sleeves is an Rx pad. Ask your doc for an emergency prescription. It's well within your doctor's power to write you a 'script for a month's supply above and beyond the usual. The only problem with this approach is that when you go to get this filled, your insurance company will likely fight it on the basis that they've already paid for your requisite meds for the month. There'll be some back and forth and your doc's nurse will need to do some paperwork called a "prior authorization," so buy her flowers or candy as appropriate for her trouble.
Then just sit back and let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Michelle from Texas, type 1, writes: My boss's husband was diagnosed with diabetes last week. He's overweight, in his early 40s, and has two relatives with diabetes. His fasting was 323 and A1C is 14. He was put on two orals (Metformin and another one my boss can't remember the name of).
I told her I'm surprised his doctor didn't put him on insulin to at least get his numbers down faster. I gave her a meter, but he hasn't been testing because the doctor told him to wait until he went to the education class. I told her that's a load of shit and that he should be testing at least after every meal. They're calling around for an appointment with an endo. So with that tiny bit of information, is an orals-only treatment plan called for?
Wil @Ask D'Mine answers: Thanks for writing! Well, there is a lot of ground to cover here so let me dive right in. Middle-aged, overweight, and swimming in a gene pool full of diabetes is the classic recipe for type 2 diabetes. That, coupled with the fact your boss's hubby didn't go into a coma with that wicked high A1C, is pretty good evidence that he's been diagnosed T2.
The reason that matters is that oral meds are commonly used as first-line therapy for treating T2, so I wouldn't assume his doc is a complete idiot for going that route.
However, most pills for diabetes will buy you about a 1% drop in A1C. That means putting the poor guy on two pills could be expected to drop his A1C from 14 to 12; so we still need to make him a reservation at the dialysis center. Of course there is more to the story than just pills. If the dude has been drinking soda and noshing candy bars, even some modest diet changes could lower his blood sugar much more than any pill could hope to.
So, as to an insulin start.... well...
OK, here's the deal. Getting someone down "faster" doesn't necessarily mean better. Remember that the risk of a high-BG coma (called DKA) is remote for T2s and the tissue damage from high blood sugar is gradual, while on the other side of the coin quickly changing the blood sugar environment can stress the heart. Slow and steady is a legitimate way to win the T2 race.
Also, insulin can be tricky to teach, dangerous to use, and can have a heck of a negative impact on a patient's mental state, as we all know. If the doc believes he can get this man's diabetes in control within six months without insulin, then it probably is a bad idea to push insulin right away.
As to the issue of not testing, it may surprise you that I'm not sure this is a load of shit at all. The missing piece of the puzzle is the med your boss can't remember the name of. Look, our new T2's BG is currently high as a kite. Testing out of the gate will only confirm this. Test after test. Day after day. Frankly, testing is going to depress the shit out of him, and that's not a great way to start out your diabetes career. The only reason for him to test right now is if the mystery pill carries a risk of low blood sugar. There's a medicine chest full of oral drugs out there for diabetes. A few of them carry the risk of low blood sugar, but many do not.
On top of that, there's probably very little to learn by having him test after meals at this point. We know his fasting BG is a whopping 323. Well, at least one time it was. We can't say for sure if that's typical. With an A1C at 14, his average blood sugar for the last three months is 355 mg/dL, which to me suggests he's very high but somewhat stable. If he were shooting up even more after meals, I'd expect a greater difference between the fasting sugar and the average sugar.
As to the endo, frankly, endo's are part of the type 1 playbook. Most T2s don't have one and don't benefit from having one. On the surface, going off the details we have, it sounds like the doc did OK. He went straight to two oral agents and got the guy signed up for education. The doc probably also told him to give up smoking, avoid stress, and eat nothing but tofu and cottage cheese. But it really didn't matter what the doc said, because everything thing that follows that initial "Mr. Jones, you have diabetes" just disappears into a fog for the patient, anyway.
Medication on board. Education in the pipeline. Instructions to the patient not to test until he can understand how to test and what the numbers mean. Check!
My verdict: rather than a load of shit, probably a good start.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Proven MS Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/proven-ms-treatment-by-dr-gary-levin-m-d/
Proven MS Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
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        Multiple sclerosis is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day knowing you are stricken with MS that gradually drags you, a healthy young person, towards chronic illness and maybe a shorter life. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life’s greatest experiences.
    You probably remember that day, the day you first heard your doctor speak the words “Multiple Sclerosis.” You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic knowing full well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you.
You are unable to enjoy your favorite things knowing the next attack is just a matter of time. Sometimes the attack’s “remission” leaves you with residual, usually permanent, and scary symptoms. You suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.
    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I’ve been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For more than forty years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I completely understand  how incredibly scary, painful and discouraging multiple sclerosis symptoms are for millions of people just like you.
    I have felt the pain of so many patients and their families. It is like your body is fighting an all-out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many physicians are just as frustrated as you are. They try every known cure, treatment and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING works because the real symptoms of MS are not treated!
How come a respected M.D. & surgeon dares to talk about a “Natural Treatment”?
    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I found.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship and test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.
    It was here that I discovered powerful breakthroughs that would have profound impacts for Multiple Sclerosis patients. Here was the highly effective KEY to slowing deterioration, preventing attacks, and promoting regeneration.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and draw conclusions out of them is VERY limited (mainly because of the medical talk) not to mention getting updated with new ones and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term CLINICAL studies that I was able to verify  myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.
The patients I worked with in my clinic were real people, not experiments. Moreover, I was responsible for teaching and supervising the resident doctors at a facility at Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine, so naturally it was essential for all my claims to have rock-solid proof to back them up.
    The Symptom Elimination process is carried out through a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your immune system and boosts your supporting body systems to rid it of all symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis PLUS re-energizes and purifies your body for maximum health. 
To make a long story short – I have a scientifically proven method for TOTALLY reversing MS!
    It is all natural which means it cannot be registered as a patent thus it cannot be marketed using the regular channels (drug industry-pharmacies etc.).
 So, I am giving you the result of my own research, trial and error in one handy place with step-by-step instructions to help you reverse your MS.
Don’t believe it can be true?
 Watch this TED Talk from Dr. Terry Wahls, a doctor and an ex-MS sufferer who was in a wheelchair when she started implementing some food-related strategies and now she has fully recovered.
What are the results of my method?  
    Patient after patient left their years of Multiple Sclerosis symptoms behind, saying they are completely symptom-free. Others show a dramatic improvement. Even more exciting, to see how they are getting their old lives back. These FORMER Multiple Sclerosis patients have bright smiles, upbeat energy and even brighter futures — this time without having to worry and stress about the scary symptoms reoccurring because they followed the instructions I gave them. You will see my patients’ Video Stories all over this page. They ARE  actors because I understand people’s feelings and feel uncomfortable asking them to reveal their details in public. but what they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. These people from all over and from many different backgrounds tell — in their own words — exactly how my Treatment System eliminated the symptoms of their Multiple Sclerosis. Rather than resigning themselves to a shortened life of misery and pain, and little to look forward to, my patients now feel younger, have more energy and suddenly feel confident in setting exciting and ambitious goals for a long life.
    Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the internet these days.
 Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here for a limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
So, What REALLY Causes Multiple Sclerosis?
    When a human baby develops, fatty myelin sheaths build around nerves of the brain and spinal cord. This development is what allows a one year-old to start to walk. As these myelin sheaths grow, a child gains greater mobility, muscular control and mental activity.
Multiple Sclerosis is the deterioration of the myelin sheaths. This happens when the immune system thinks the myelin sheaths are a foreign intruder that must be destroyed. As a result, electrical impulses are slowed or stopped as they travel through the body’s nervous system. The MS patient loses muscular control, loses feeling in nerves and can even suffer cognitive changes. This results in a lot of different symptoms such as constantly feeling aches and pain, numbness, feeling tired and wiped out all the time, double vision, muscle weakness in arms and legs, vertigo, muscle spasms, burning sensation in feet, etc.
Well, this may sound unusual, but if you think about it again you will come to the same conclusion as I did: “Multiple Sclerosis is just another symptom of the REAL disease you have”
    So what is the real disease you suffer from?
Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system disease. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets your myelin sheaths and attacks them. The fact that you are diagnosed with  MS is just because of the fact that your immune system “freaks out” in a way that creates the MS symptoms. But you’re NOT having a “MS” disease. You are having an overactive or blinded immune system disease!
    What does this mean? This means you should be dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with.  Taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients Copaxone (glatiramer acetate), interferon beta-1a/1b injections, courses of steroids and more but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms for a while but this is not the real solution and nobody claims it is.
    The sad truth is that the strong toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes Multiple Sclerosis attacks and permanent damage worse!
     So , how can we heal an overactive immune system?
   In my step-by-step Treatment System, you’ll learn how my Directed Nutrition™ method plus a special vitamin regimen will significantly reduce your symptoms and eventually completely rid you of your current condition.
    It shouldn’t be any surprise to people that directed nutrition and simple plants and vitamins can be the basis for powerful cures. Contrary to popular belief, even prescription drugs aren’t wholly manufactured from synthetics.
    A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your MS.
I followed this basic principle of pharmacology to find life-giving plants and herbs that could be the basis for reversing Multiple Sclerosis. This would not only give patients comfort and new hope, but give their bodies a way to build strength and coordination and promote a far stronger immune system.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
     It depends. The treatment protocol is built on layers of strategies for creating the healing process in your body. Each layer is aimed at one angle of the disease and since not everyone’s body is made the same and MS is a disease caused by several factors, some people respond quickly to the first strategies and some to the later ones. Therefore, it may take a few short weeks to several months to see major improvement.
  What type of Multiple Sclerosis do you have?
    MY method treats ALL types including: “Benign” MS, clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), galloping MS, Schilder’s Disease and Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s Syndrome).  
Can I promise this method will cure your Multiple Sclerosis 100%?
    Of course not. Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers but I still cannot claim a 100% success rate. Why?     In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing” — not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one exact formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body work so the way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.     This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
    When you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
    You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms. Since they deal with systems, side effects can occur when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are “just side effects,” please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1, RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention (RE3)in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms are never identified or  recorded.
  Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1, RE2)
Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. Today ADRs are the third leading cause of death!
The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model, I truly believed in it, despite the fact I just felt that most of my skills come from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug…
With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients.
    Just watch commercials on TV for mainstream drugs and you’ll see long, terrifying disclaimers about side effects. There is hardly a drug out there that doesn’t lead to shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and sometimes death… and that’s just scraping the surface.
    The beauty of  ALL NATURAL treatments is that there are NO Side Effects. You won’t see a side effect disclaimer associated with my MS treatment because it WILL NOT make anyone sick. All Natural means you save money on costly prescription drugs and you avoid harsh side effects, all while receiving improved benefits fighting MS.
Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing and they use the original materials the body is built from.
     With that said, I can say with confidence that you can have a future WITHOUT Multiple Sclerosis. A MS-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof and so are the thousands of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!
    If you have already met a neurologist (the specialist who typically monitors MS), you should know that they routinely prescribe some very toxic and dangerous medications to MS patients.
These drugs include: 
Prednisone, a steroid hormone that can significantly weaken your immune system and can cause diseases such as osteoporosis and cataracts.
Interferon. The “deceptive” drug because, even though it’s a natural substance, it’s typically given in a dose that shuts down your body’s natural feedback loop. As a result, it tends to do more harm than good.
Fortunately, there are many alternatives to these toxic treatment methods offered by conventional medicine.
    Too good to be true? That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
     As I said a lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your MS.
    It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet. I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body, my years of experience & the thousands of clinical studies I have reviewed. Although I’ve retired and closed my clinic, my method for treating and eliminating the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable Multiple Sclerosis patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own MS treatment and symptom elimination by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my complete Method for eliminating the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND E-Book. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I’m talking with one of my patients.      You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the multiple sclerosis medicines combined. It’s available everywhere.
    No more worrying about taking pills and/or injections on a daily basis or using other costly chemicals to take your MS away.
   Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here for a limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying.
Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us. 
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Extra bonuses!
Bonus 1
The Handbook Of Relaxation!
Everything you need to know about guided relaxation is included in this special ebook ($27.99 value.):
Tools for relaxation. How guided relaxation can help you. How stress affects you. Yoga guide! Restful sleeping with guided relaxation. Imagery guided relaxation.
Bonus 2
You Can Heal Yourself!
Everything you need to know about energy development and self healing is included in this special $29.99 value report. The definition of energy development and self healing. Subliminal exploration. Boosting energy. The relationship between vitamins and self healing. Fighting depression. Brain practices and workouts for self-healing. Finding inner strength. How to think positive.
Bonus 3
Help Your Teen Lose Weight Easily And In A Healthy Way ($39.99 value)
What psychological issues overweight teens face everyday.
How you can parent an overweight teen without creating more problems.
How teens can lose weight safely and quickly.
How worried you, as a parent, should be about your teen’s weight.
How your teen’s self esteem is affected and how you can help.
You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
Bonus 4
Your Guide to Healthy Eating
This is the ebook that will end the yo-yo diet nightmare once and for all and turn your weight loss and fitness dreams into reality! You’ll learn how to: · Lose weight. · Improve your health. · Send your energy skyrocketing. · Stop your junk food cravings. · Think more clearly. · Sleep better. · Be far more productive in life! · Actual value $27.99.
Bonus 5
How To Boost Your Metabolism And Lose Weight ($47.99 value)
What metabolism really is and how to program it to help you lose weight fast.
How anyone can speed up their metabolism by making changes in just 3 areas of life.
How to boost your metabolism through exercise.
The secret to burning more calories while sitting around doing nothing!
Why most people are wrong about calories.
The secret to eating more and losing weight.
Why getting just the right amount of sleep can help your metabolism grow strong, plus 6 tricks for getting to sleep on time!
The truth about carbohydrates.
You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
  Download YOUR copy of the Multiple Sclerosis Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Multiple Sclerosis-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it. Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99   
Dr. Gary M Levin M.D.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA Phone number: 1-713-866-4099  
Just a reminder:
This method is fully natural, simple and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your Multiple Sclerosis.
The download is instant and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by both Clickbank and myself.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my multiple sclerosis condition. Let me in!
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