#irrelevant. you need to understand my vision of the big three singing dancing queen on a boat
farawaysoph-ie · 5 years
The Bone Witch Incoherent Whatever
I started these books mainly because I can't read French very well, but this is a story for another list. I started them and finished them, and I didn't know I had needed such a story. This. Bad. So I guess a super long and super spoiler-y list was in order (while I cry again because they are too much T.T)
Rin Chupeco was immediatly added to my list of favourite human beings: the dedications were a mood and the acknowledgments, gosh wonderful
Tea of the Embers, love of my life, is amazing, I don't care about anything I loved her from her first words until the very end
Somehow we always knew where this was gonna end, but i didn't feel prepared at all, my heart breaking and mending at every chapter
"My only claim of strangeness was that I read fiercely, learned thirstly"
"We asha are always expected to be on our most proper behavior, to never have so much as a hair out of turn. Asha do not cry or scream or make threats. When people cut us, we are expected to do only two things: smile and bleed.”
The world building, the power system, the politics, Tea's commanding of the Dark
The deal with Mykaela heartglass broke my heart, I have ex that I regret and the idea that I could remain stuck like that, loving someone and slowly dying because of that terrifies me (HOW COULD YOU KILL HER WHEN THEY WERE SO CLOSE)
I repeat THE AZI
Tea looked at a giant three-headed undefeated dragon, went around in its head, saw it just wanted to be left alone (which same) and said I'm gonna keep it (which again SAME)
What do I have to do to befriend a dragon? (TELL ME)
Zoya turning out to be a magnificent and fierce warrior with a major case of ChildhoodFriendCrush, and not irrelevent mean girl
Also her and Shadi are just so cute, the way the first is always embarassed and everything and the other just loves and teases her more
"Unfortunately, the oracle had something very different in mind with me" takes on a WHOLE new meaning when you finish the trilogy
I hated how people started getting more and more scared of Tea, when in the end it was all a plot, a lot of prejudices were to blame, and they seemed to forget how kind my girl always was
I have to say I liked Aneah and all the words she whispered, give me a twisted dark lady and you have my attention
"A little corruption is good for the soul, Tea." To which yes, let a girl get revenge
I'm looking at you filthy oracle, I can understand the "I have to sacrifice something to win this fight" way to go, but you were just a pathetic crazy liar, how dare you corrupt Althecia
I can't get over that, I didn't see it coming
The elders made me sick, those horrible hags tested my patience, go die of old age Hestia or whatever
The end of The Bone Witch will always have my heart because Chupec dropped the ship bomb on me with a "Let's go, Kalen"
After going on with "a boy who died for me" and "I made a note to strangle Kalen as soon as I saw him again", AND THEN THAT
I was rooting for them, so I think I screamed or something: you say enemy to lovers, you have my attention
Those two invented love, it took them two books to get around, but was it worth it. They were so devoted to each other, like Kalen stayed with her against Everything and Everyone, like literally. We stan one loving boy
Whats more the oracle had predicted the next bone witch was gonna bring about the dead of her lover, and he was going around "get away from the prince!", then she went, brought down the freacking azi, trapped a Faceless one using her dead horse, and he was like "I guess I'm doomed"
gosh Fox
It all started with "Let me be clear: I never intended to raise my brother from his grave, though he may claim otherwise. If there’s anything I’ve learned from him in the years since, it’s that the dead hide truths as well as the living."
He is exactly how a big brother should be, you can feel him come back to life in every sense, slowly, until he falls in love. I could feel all his love for a sister he kept understanding less and less despite being in her head, and how this held him back from a life he wanted, but knew he shouldn't have had in the first place
Beautifully done, I felt and understood Fox, despite him not being the narrator, despite being angry at how the situation with Daisy was hurting Tea, the two of them were power siblings
“We need someone in our heads to tell us whenever we’re being idiotic. It’s the Pahlavi way.”
Mistress Parmina with her love for money, always stood behind Tea, despite her way of doing things and I wished that Councilor Ludvig was my granpa, I mean he was this kind, smart politician who taught Tea a lot and helped them mantain peace
Ah the well meaning Inessa, I liked her, but felt like I haven't seen enough of her
But the joke of how there were no rulers to get accidentally engaged to killed me, that's awareness
Polaire T.T
The infatuation for Kance stayed that way and I'm glad, and most of the last books I was like, don't hurt my girl
The Heartforger was a rollercoaster ship-wise: Tea insults Kalen, he is standing behind her; Kalen tries to be nice to Tea, Tea is very confused; pretend they are a thing in front of family; Tea compels Kalen hoping to save his life, Kalen is not pleased at all; unsuccessful apologies; realization, "compel me too", you gotta destroy this two dudes who were rude to you, so I can go "that's my Tea"; you don't just stab the Deathseeker while the bone witch is watching; very public kiss; taking each other back from Faceless influence
All the time they spent with a Heartshare rune between them
"We danced for a few minutes without saying anything. A Daanorian woman worked up the nerve to approach us but backed away when I glared at her. “Angry about something?” “You do know there are women itching to kill me right now, right?” His grip tightened. “Did someone compel the people in the palace? The wards are still in place.” I sighed. “That’s not what I meant. Never mind.”"
“Nobody’s more of a fighter than you. You’re the bravest, strongest, most amazing man I’ve ever…”
"I mean you are alright"
When Tea jumped off the tower and the azi caught her !!! (yes I screamed, because I love one queen)
"He was the only place I could rest my head and dream without nightmares plaguing me, as they had for the last three months."
Rahim and Ches were very precious
And don't get me started on Likh
Lady Likh can very much kick your ass on her own, but try to hurt her and you'll have to speak with my punches
Khalad agrees with me (the guys in this family don't know how to get the hint)
But in the end, he was helping Tea so Likh could wake (tears, tears everywhere)
The induced madness and the Blight stuff were sick
From when Tea almost jumped off the window, with Kalen terrified poor boy, to killing Daisy (her own free and light sister T.T), to not remembering a second suicide attempt
Black heartglasses being associated with violence, and Tea's one turning because of what other people did to her
Tea' simple "I want to live", can't a girl have peace? Be free like the azi? Have daughters with her eyes and her singing voice?
"I felt the hatred you were capable of like it was my own. And in that instant, I loved the darkest part of you, because I understood, better than Fox or Mykaela could. I’ve known you at your worst." If this isn't love I don't know what is
Drunk Tea was a sight to be hold, and perfect: take off every filter from the dangerous Dark asha and what she has to tell you is how much she loves Kalen
“I don’t care. I’ll bring us back from the grave if I have to, silver heartsglass or not.” “And I will kill anyone standing between us,” he promised, before his lips closed over mine, “even if I have to crawl out of my grave to do so.”
And you know what? THEY DID.
Tea taking her trials, which after the last chapters were nothing worse than her nightmares: her home burning, her own execution could not compete with Daisy's death and Fox rejection
But Kalen was not a price she could ever think of paying
"You can’t break the rules simply because you want to. More often than not, the rules wind up breaking you."
“The world is a much bigger place than the space I occupy, and with even greater consequences.” “There will be no world if you aren’t here with me, Kalen.”
Yadoshans warm my heart
"That is the nature of tyranny, young Tea. Maintaining power is their sole intention. Why worry about retaliation and revolution when they have always intended to wield the sword?"
The whole part in which they killed Kalen and the azi, ripped my heart out
The song she must have sung for hours, and the azi waited until the end to say goodbye
Thank the Creator for the visions she got, or she would have really drown herself T.T
“Sons and daughters,” she echoed, “sons with my fire, daughters with my eyes. Mayhap one day, they will. A life worth dying for is a life worth living after all.” She laid a hand on her companion’s shoulder, squeezing. “Let’s go, my love.”
Even after this long list I feel like I didn't do justice to this trilogy or to how much I loved it. Tea's fierce and kind strenght, even when every one but Kalen was suspicious of her, even when she was going mad because of poison, even when she was trying to outsmart a ruthless enemy, did something to me.
I spent three books knowing that she didn't care if she survived, if she could save her friends then her wish to live was not important. She didn't want much, she just wanted to live. But she let go of that for everyone else. Yes I'm going to cry again.
About the ending I like to think that for finally healing the world she was rewarded, so she got the quiet life with Kalen she'd always deserved. I like to think that she and Kalen remember, that after they'd done enough they finally found their peace and freedom.
They were together, they got to be someone else and had all the time in the world.
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