falakxsiddiqui · 3 months
closed for @irzaozer location: poseidon's bistro
To her credit, Falak had arrived precisely at 7pm at the location Irza had relayed to her in the morning and had promptly been shown to the table under his name. It was clear that being mayor had a lot of perks and Falak was interested in knowing just what they all were and how they could help her. Because the longer she spent in Wilmington, the more she'd need to build a proper book of business and befriending the beautiful man she'd met earlier in the morning would no doubt help with that. She'd just been perusing the menu and noting the different wine pairings listed when she noticed the man in question heading to their table. "So is this a regular table for you? Or--did they just reserve one randomly for you?" She asked, curiosity clear in her gaze as she took in his attire glad that she'd dressed in a business casual sort of way.
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nikhilxkohli · 4 months
closed for @irzaozer location: fit and toned gym in midtown
Nik glanced around the space in the gym and given the exceedingly early hour of the day, there were barely any people there which prompted him to feel more at ease. He didn't enjoy big crowds in all spaces and the gym was one such place where he liked it to be quieter. Especially when he was feeling exceedingly warm and decided to take off his shirt. His publicist would have a field day if someone posted pictures of him working out like this without a shirt on but he could only hope that no one did that kind of thing in this little gym.
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He spotted the mayor he'd met a couple days ago at the stargazing party and gave him a wave before walking in his direction. "The Mayor works out at the local gym too? Is this a ploy to get more votes or do you actually work out here?" He asked with a grin as he greeted the other man, deciding from that evening that he quite enjoyed the other's conversation because he wasn't at all like the other politicians Nikhil had the displeasure of meeting back in India.
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kashvisaxena · 2 months
closed for @irzaozer location: seafari park, wrightsville beach
Kashvi had been so worried she'd be late in meeting Irza but luckily the google directions had gotten her there with about a minute or two to spare and much to her delight--the other man showed up right on the dot as well which had her quite pleased. "And here I was almost sure your professional duties would have you cancelling on me. I'm impressed, today is already starting off well," she greeted him with a smile as she approached him eager for this guided tour around Wilmington.
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emberleon · 2 months
closed starter for @irzaozer
this couldn't be happening right now. she was, of course, the last person to leave the office yet again and her care wouldn't start. "come on, don't do this to me." she whined as she, yet again, attempted to turn the key only for the car to make little to no noise. a puff of air escaped her lips and she reached for her phone, making a call to anyone and everyone she could actually think of that would come save her ass. the icing on the cake was the fact that no one answered and so, she shifted to her last resort who did answer and did agree to help her.
his familiar vehicle pulled up within half an hour and she climbed out of her driver's seat, "irza, i know you're busy and all, but i really didn't know who else to call-" ember paused as she saw his outfit, "and you're not exactly dressed to help me with my car," he actually looked really nice, not that she'd say that out loud. "but do you think you could give me a ride home?" she assumed he would, especially since he was already here.
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gwendolynwcde · 3 months
❛ ☾ ◟━ LOCATION: mayor's office
❛ ☾ ◟━ TIME: early evening
❛ ☾ ◟━ STATUS: closed for @irzaozer
With the different festivities coming up, Gwendolyn wanted to be proactive when it came to safeguarding the city during those times. Will she be successful at it? As a realist, she knew it wouldn't be at a hundred percent, but she'd like to think that it's the thought that counts. She's done her due diligence and from there she'll worry about damage control later on. With a quick knock at his door, Gwendolyn entered and greeted him with a bottle of wine and take out from an Italian joint. "Kimberly mentioned you weren't leaving any time soon, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and get dinner over with." Setting the items on the vacant table, she then showcased what she got and said, "Pasta and pizza, with a bottle of red. If you're a picky eater, then too bad...They tossed in some garlic bread if anything." Seeing as she already made herself 'at home', Gwen turned to face Irza and ask, "This wasn't a bad time, right? I could have sworn your assistant booked me in for this."
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pearcecallahan · 2 months
closed starter for @irzaozer
plopping next to his best friend at the bar stool next to him at tric, he flashed the man a small smile. "well, it's been a little while, hasn't it?" as bad as it sounded pearce had been tied up with ariya but he wanted to do whatever he could to make some time for irza too. his friend deserved that much. "you're going to have to catch me up on what you've been up to. i've got a lot to share myself but first, let me order a drink." waving the bartender over, he offered them a smile as he ordered his regular and turned to look over at irza. "so, go on. what've you been up to?"
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sorenrobertson · 3 months
closed starter for @irzaozer
Here's that document you asked for. Do you want to do lunch later, by the way? There's this korean place around the corner that has the best kimchi I've ever tasted.
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kmadrigalsoto · 4 months
❛ ☾ ◟━ LOCATION: carriage falls country club
❛ ☾ ◟━ TIME: before noon
❛ ☾ ◟━ STATUS: closed for @irzaozer
Kimberly was never a fan of country clubs, let alone golfing. However, some of her family members, including her father were religiously involved in it as it was the prime time to socialize. The environment itself was open to a variety of conversations, but the one common denominator was that people TALK and it allowed them to either learn or gain an opportunity.
For Kimberly, she got neither as she was simply doing her job. Currently attending a golf event with the city council members, she'd been by Irza's side doing admin work on her phone and was then looped onto a call with a local tv news network that was interested in booking an interview with the mayor. "Right...of course....Mhm...Got it, I understand..." Flashing Irza a knowing look, she's been trying to get his attention and figuring out whether he wanted to even do the gig or not. "One moment please." She then put herself on mute and asked, "Are we going to continue to tease them or are we finally going to confirm a date because they sound SUPER desperate right now. Like this is the fifth time they've called this past week and I've been delaying a response for your sake."
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feyzaxergin · 6 days
LOCATION: Midtown TIME: Thursday afternoon FOR: @irzaozer
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She spotted Irza across the street. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should approach him. It’s not like they were besties. "Oh, what the heck," she muttered to herself, smoothing down her blouse. With a deep breath, she strode towards him, plastering on her brightest smile. "Irza! Fancy running into you here," she called out.
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arynjareau · 3 months
TO: @irzaozer
"Wow --" Aryn mused as she walked into the large office of Mayor Irza Özer, "Quite impressive in here. You'd also think the place built for a president." She looked around the office, taking in the scenery with a pleased expression on her face. Then leading upon the Mayor himself, "You're a hard man to get a hold. But your secretary has informed me you got a few minutes, and I got a few questions for you regarding the current kidnapping of Former Mayor Todd's daughter, Amelia."
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sarayoonc · 4 months
SETTING: carlos and minhyuk's place ; lunch time AVALABILITY: closed starter for irza ozer | ( @irzaozer )
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Sara had always been an excellent multi-tasker, so, while she watched as Hanbin ran around his grandparents backyard playing with a hose with a friend, she turned the marinated beef on the grill. Papa had made sure to wash the grill properly so it would be clean enough for Irza's halal meat. "These are good enough to eat." The petite brunette smiled as she placed some well-done meat on a plate close enough to Irza. "I'd eat it while it's still hot. Bulgogi is good while hot." She told him. "Besides, there won't be much left once Hanbin sits to eat."
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falakxsiddiqui · 4 months
closed for @irzaozer
While Falak had grown up inside a gorgeous two story home in Masonboro, post her moving away--her parents had decided to change their residence to Carriage Falls. That was where her mother still resided and Falak had just stepped out of the home after her daily visit, knowing that most people probably expected her to stay at their place while she was back but that wasn't going to happen. She may have come to Wilmington to be with her mother but that didn't mean she was willing to fall back into all their old habits of letting the older woman try to control her. She had noticed the country club on her drive in and had headed there to grab a quick bite to eat. She may not technically live in Carriage Falls but she could still use her mother's membership to get a quick bite--right?
"What do you mean I need to be a member? I'm willing to pay for a meal and not cause a scene which is precisely what you're doing by trying to stop me right now." Falak was speaking in measured tones with the staff member who was trying to refuse her entry which had her flashing her business card along with her black elite credit card for the cost. "I don't see you being all that busy right now either. So really--what's the issue?" That's when she noticed one of the staff members glancing up at someone who had just entered the gates and Falak turned as well to see who it was and decide whether or not she'd be able to use them to help her case at all or not.
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nikhilxkohli · 15 days
closed for @irzaozer
Nik had decided to seek Irza out after the entire blackout incident, feeling like the other might have needed a friend to talk to—someone who wasn’t going to be making speculations about what had happened and how law enforcement was making strides or not. He was currently waiting at the reserved booth at TRIC, waiting for the other man to show while he ordered a round of drinks for the table, and a nice basket of extremely spicy wings as well. 
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lilyxjohnson · 2 months
WITH: @irzaozer LOCATION: his office
She wasn’t all that worried about his safety. Where unlike some of the others, presumably their current Mayor still had his own security protocol. And hopefully, given the string of tragedies surrounding those who held this office as of late, that security protocol was on high alert. So her purpose for seeing him was different. Rapping on the treated glass of the door, she opened it after being invited in. She had never had to interact with Mayor Ozer in the past. She’d seen him give speeches about what he hoped to achieve for the town and knew that her salary was dependent on his view of cops. “Do you prefer a salute or a curtsy,” she asked with a straight face, her dry humor hardly the best way to start off what was meant to be a serious conversation.
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emberleon · 3 months
closed starter for @irzaozer
ember wasn't exactly stoked to be working with the mayor of all people and that was for a number of reasons. one, the two were rivals all though stanford and two, he beat her out of mayor. she still wasn't sure why the people of wilmington chose him over her, especially since she was a native but the election was over and now, she was trying her best to tolerate him in order to get things done in the parks department. she was sitting outside of tasty treats on her laptop waiting for the other to show. when he sat down, she didn't break her concentration, "you're late, you know? we were supposed to meet ten minutes ago." she pointed out.
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pearcecallahan · 1 month
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➡️ a little look at pearce’s instagram ft. @ariyacl @rylexcallahan @irzaozer
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