#is hj a misogynist or does he just think everyone is below him hrmmmmm
berryunho · 8 months
Tbh, the other day I finished reading all of Answer so far within a few hours (gotta take breaks and interruptions are inevitable).
If you told me that Answer!Yeosang doesn’t really know most of what’s actually going on, that he just somehow became a bigwig after being complicit (because he has a job he’s happy with and friends and people leave him alone) and not actually understanding the codes or anything that’s underlying, I would believe you. If you told me everyone was guilty and has done something wrong >except for Yeosang, I would believe it. He could absolutely blend into the crowd without getting into trouble and outsiders could think him a member of the insiders team without him actually understanding what they have been doing.
I just imagine him having pretended to read the dumb book and just ‘yes and’-ing his way to the top and no one would think anything of him otherwise, because “Look, mom! I can use my degree for something! I have a stable job and a place to live! I’m a farmer! And there’s a community! And yeah we do some weird things and I don’t understand them but don’t all cultures have some stuff people can’t really explain? It’s all in good fun and as long as no one gets hurt we’re all good!”
With how little we know of him, I am almost convinced he has done nothing wrong and honestly, I genuinely hope it’s the case and he’s just totally oblivious. That would be such a good plot point 😂
Otherwise at this point, as the mc I would just abandon everyone to escape and proceed with the police, because if best friend isn’t being best friend, then we’ve lost the purpose of being around and goodbye. Maybe that’s harsh but I’m still upset about Haseul and Mingi HELPING DETAIN HER
Also I’ve been hoping more and more happens with Seonghwa tbh… Turns out leader isn’t too upset about the idea of mc and Seonghwa getting together that much and if he won’t cause physical harm if they do the do because he cares about them most then there’s no actual issue with it! Like the leader didn’t do anything to him when he believed they had already done it, he just interrogated him about it. He didn’t seem to mind it in the end, though I do not get wanting to watch. But if it causes rifts between the two boys then that could be a very good thing for the rebellion!
Anyways, I hope they can cut out all this black magic seance bull and detain the false prophet, but I have a hard time believing that anyone can come out from this unscathed mentally. Except maybe Yeosang if my hope of a theory is correct 😂
Sorry for ranting at you! This is just to say that I’ve been thinking about Answer and the Pinterest boards ever since I finished binging the whole thing.
I hope not all will be lost for our favorites (NOT HONGJOONG and maybe not Jongho if he is truly irredeemable) (they can go have a nice chat for forever with the police tbh, I just hope they’re not corrupt too. I would not be able to handle it.)
^ Me fighting back the misogyny from HJ and his drones bc I have sO many clapbacks I am ready to unLEASH at them for their insults at mc
LKAJSFLKJSAD i hope your eyes were okay after reading so many words so quickly LOL
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pls i love your analysis of the rest of this too lol you're so real dw dw for sending a long ask i love it sm and tysm for liking the story so much that you binged it !!!! that's seriously so so meaningful to me hehe
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