#is it bigheaded to get nostalgic for your own fic?
not-so-austen · 1 month
Fighting the Fall
Chapter 60
“Congratulations,” Carol said, turning to look at Tara and Denise. “I hear you’re getting married soon.”
“We are!” Tara agreed, digging her spoon into the pie, prying up the sweet pastry on top. “Glenn’s gonna be my man of honour,”
“Have you asked anyone yet, Denise?” Glenn asked.
“Well,” Denise said, shooting Daryl a look. “I was going to ask Daryl.”
Daryl froze, face cycling through a series of emotions. Eventually he reached over and stole the slice of pie off Carol’s plate and, around a mouthful of food asked, “Would I have to wear a suit?”
“No,” Denise smiled. “Be nice if you wore something nice, though.”
“Maybe shower beforehand,” Tara added, and Daryl flicked a chunk of syrupy peach at her face.
Tara slid down in her seat, stretching to kick out at him, boot connecting hard with a shin. 
“Hey!” Glenn yelped. “That was me!”
“Shit, sorry,” said Tara, wincing, and Daryl snorted a laugh.
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