#is it obvious that That scene in jfo is among my favourite in the entirety of both star wars and gaming?
hungryandtiredgay · 9 months
Episode 5 of Ahsoka reminded me so much of the moment in Jedi: Fallen Order where Cal too confronts a vision of his master who died long before.
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Both padawans had their training cut short. Both masters have one last lesson to teach them about forgiveness and moving forward. Or maybe they're just visions their padawans are imagining to deal with their grief, ptsd and guilt (in Ahsoka's case for abandoning Anakin and not preventing his fall, in Cal's case because Jaro Tapal died to protect him). Maybe this lesson comes from the Force itself.
Both protagonists are at a moment in their journey in which these negative emotions and immense pain are pushing them dangerously close to the dark side, both outside of their visions (Ahsoka threw Shin like a ragdoll in a fit of anger, Cal grew resentful towards Cere) and inside of them (Ahsoka got Sith eyes when she briefly considered slaying Anakin, Cal destroyed his lightsaber). Both masters turn against their students, but the solution is not to kill them, rather to forgive them (and forgive themselves).
The main difference is of course that, where Cal needed to learn to pick his battles and truly think about the consequences of his fight and fighting for fighting's sake, Ahsoka needed to be reminded why she was fighting, what her end goal was and why it was important for her to keep going. Cal learns to live with his powerless young self and Ahsoka learns to live with the powerhouse that is Vader.
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