#is it one of my favorite lenses for character analysis due to being comprised of distinct and easy to apply personality tropes?
discocleric ยท 2 years
Thesis: Steve Harrington is a Virgo
๐Ÿ• This would put Steve's Birthday at an appropriate place in the timeline.
I feel like I remember production notes or something saying Steve was 17 in Season 1, when he was a Junior at Hawkins High. If this is true, it would make sense for his birthday to be early in the school year, like mid-September.
Also: kids with birthdays early in the school year tend to be more successful in sports and athletics than their peers who have birthdays later in the school year. Sounds to me like Swim Team Captain and Basketball Star Steve Harrington.
โ™“๏ธ Robin is probably a Pisces, and them being sister signs explains why they are basically (Platonic, with a capital "P") soulmates.
The most canonical birth date we have for Robin is from "Rebel Robin" where she says she's "15 and a half" in early September, 1983. Which would put her birthday in early March.
"Robin's personality in S4 is so different from S3!" That's masking and a mutable water sign for you, babe. My girl is super creative, knows a lot of random information about subjects that have nothing to do with each other, and thinks outside the box. She doesn't do well with social cues, but she does read Steve like a book in her own fantastical, abstract way ("We should combine" "What?").
Also she's the only one Steve opens up to emotionally, while he also brings her down to earth ("Tammy Thompson is a total dud").
This may be the point in the essay where you say "Steve Harrington is not intellectual/analytical/perfectionist enough to be a Virgo!" Let me present evidence about why yes he is.
๐Ÿ” Steve is one of the only characters to use reason and attention to detail for almost every decision / problem.
He doesn't argue that he doesn't feel guilty about what happened to Barb or that her parents don't deserve to know, only that they are contractually obligated not to talk about it after they were forced to by very scary people for very good/dangerous reasons.
He always makes sure there is a plan and they stick to it. ("We stay on the bench and wait for the A Team to do their job")
He notices little things other people tend to miss (e.g. the background noise on the Russia tape)
He uses logic whenever he wants to convince someone ('I was swim team captain and a lifeguard, therefore logically I should do the underwater mission', "You know who pauses Fast Times at 53 minutes and 5 seconds?")
Traditionally neat and likes to project a polished image (exactly how many sprays of Farrah Fawcet hairspray??)
Reigning champion of common sense ("Eddie's still a wanted man, we're not gonna go for a hike through the woods.")
Designated Advice Giver / Mom Friend.
Let's talk again about how in-depth he went into analyzing the Vickie thing (the Fast Times tape couldn't have been her boyfriend's doing because he was away at college when she rented it, it doesn't make sense, Robin)
Anyway these are just a few of the examples that led me to believe Steve Harrington is a Virgo.
Thank you for your time.
In my next essay I will discuss why I think Eddie is a-
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