#is my feed just bleghhhhh?
tails-is-cool · 11 months
just realized i havent seen COWBOY MIKEY art yet COWBOY MIKEY also riding a horse COWBOY MIKEY swinging around a LASSO he literally LASSOS stuff in canon COWBOY MIKEY that would be so cute. tiny feral cowboy let loose on local buffalo herd 1 dead 75 injured
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 061.
Is there a rail line near your house? If so, is it noisy and bothersome? there are a few. Not at all bothersome and not noisy.
What's your favourite flavour of potato chip? hmmmm i do love lays bbq
Do you know anyone born on the 29th of February? not anyone close
What's the tastiest thing inside your refrigerator right now? I’m not home so I dont know exactly
Do you have a name that can also be used for the opposite sex? no. It would not be suitable
What model of car do you drive? lexus
Have you ever dated someone you work with? yes my boss actually
Who was the last person to call you? it looks like my bro
Do you have a lock number or pattern for your phone? number
Is your pantry messy at the moment? its impeccable. We actually deep cleaned it the day I left
Do you post on the Bzoink forums? If not, you should seriously consider it. the what
List all of your siblings' middle names. ---------- n/a, marie, mitchell. 
How are you feeling today? I hope you're doing well. thank you. I’m sad. I’ll survive one day at a time, but I am sad.
What's your favourite type of juice? apple.
Do you ever let your phone go completely flat before charging it again? lol my phones always wanna die.
When was the last time you left the house? Where'd you go? today. I went shopping
Are you in any sort of physical pain right now, even if very mild? Yes but no need to be excessive
What was one of your favourite movies as a small child? father of the bride
Do you know the middle name of the last person you texted? noooooooooo
What was the last thing you bought from a liquor store? liquor
Have you had pins and needles today? once.
Do you have any food intolerances or allergies? I’m lactose intolerant and I can’t do gluten
What did you dress up as last Halloween? I don’t think anything
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? my toothbrush
Is there any cereal in your house? What kind? im sure there is but I’m not home
What's the most number of people you've ever lived with? 8 or 9 people. 
Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? not usually. I do love corned beef and cabbage. I’m not irish at all though. Once in a while I’ve gone to see them dye the chicago river green.
Are there any cool keychains on your keys? yes a couple
Do your favourite shoes have laces? If so, what colour are they? no. 
What brand and type of milk do you usually buy? uhhh just store brand vitamin d
Does it bother you when bands you like change/experiment with genres? sometimes it really irritates me when its like face makeup or something. but other than that not too terribly bothered.
What is in the drawers beside your bed? unmentionables lol, sewing projects, makeup, hair stuff
Do you own a tablet device? I do.
Does small-talk bother you a lot? It does. I would much rather not talk at all
What's the time right at this minute? 9:32 pm
Do you have any pets? How long have you had them? Yep, 2 cats. Lottie we just adopted from my sister like a year and a half ago. Benny I’ve had about 4 years.
When was the last time your stomach grumbled? Did you feed it? maybe last week. No.
Does your building have an elevator? my home has two flights of stairs. no elevator
Have you brushed your teeth today? 2x so far
What's your favourite kind of cheese? uhhh mozzarella currently.
Do you know anyone named Amity? No. 
Who is the last person you kissed? bleghhhhh
What was the last favour you did for someone? I helped someone with an errand
Do you prefer sleeping with it's hot or cold? it needs to be ice cold for me to sleep really well.  Anything you need to say? I need more communicationnnnn. more posts. more stories. more anything. i feel empty without it.
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