#is okay. it has not been a great week to be an elsey but i am doing my best
elsecrytt · 2 years
if you ever, and i mean EVER, in your entire time on this site, at ANY POINT, see me make a mistake, no you didnt
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rexinferorum · 5 years
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( thomas doherty, unknown, he/him )  welcome to  san francisco, VURAS.  rumor has it they are a DEMON / KING OF HELL, but only they could tell you the truth! when i close my eyes, i think of them and imagine RED EYES AND SHARP TEETH, A KING ON HIS THRONE, AND A HEART WITH BARBED WIRE WRAPPED AROUND IT.
vuras ( or v as he prefers ) is a v v v old crossroads demon  therefore  he has RED demon eyes instead of black ones.  he’s been above  ground before various times over the last few centuries but this is probably the longest he’s stayed in awhile.
vuras is not currently in his ~true~ vessel and is possessing the body of a fairy named ever elsey.  ever originally lived in avalon but decided he wanted to live in the outside world.  honestly bad choice given, y’know, he’s currently possessed by a demon.  but it DOES mean that v has his demon powers and his new fairy abilities bc of the vessel.  he also has their weaknesses too which pisses him off.  
ever  elsey  was  the  prince,  son  of  king  evander  and  queen  elsa.  when  he  left  avalon  it  was  a  huge  scandal  and  his  parents  basically  said  he  was  on  his  own.  when  v  took  over,  he  murdered  the  elsey’s  --  so  idk  who  is  royalty   in  avalon  now  bc  they’re  fucking  dead.  
v currently lives with aidy  silvermist’s  brother, who is also a fairy. ever and this  character left avalon together and v has assumed his identity to live among humans in secret.  he has a running bet with another  demon  on whether or not he can keep the charade up without being discovered.  so far he’s doing okay. all things considered.
as a crossroads demon, he can be summoned or station himself somewhere to essentially give people what they desire most in exchange for their soul.  he also has a hellhound that is always with him, though mostly invisible.  its name is simply z.   he basically works his demon duties like a 9-5 job and the brother thinks he’s a janitor or something else mundane.  blood on his shirt? must have worked in a hospital that day.  washes his hands as soon as he gets home? a germaphobe.   y e a h.
 v is two people.  he’s v around other demons, or people who won’t ever trace back to the  brother.  he’s cruel, vindictive, and enjoys the misery of others.   he’s ever around the brother,  or anyone who might be in his vicinity.  he’s kinder,  more patient, and apparently the most boring person in the world.  if anything, when v’s done with this vessel and disposed of it,  ever can thank him for livening up his life.  
update march/april 2020
over  the  months  he  spent  in  san  francisco,  trapped  by  the  barrier,  v  has  been  living  his  best  life.  he’s  been  making  deals,  keeping  up  his  ‘  employee  of  the  month ’  aesthetic  by  bringing  in  as  many  souls  and  deals  as  he  can.   he has  goals  you  see  and  he’s  working  towards  them.  move  over,  current  king  of  hell.  v’s  coming  for  your  throat  and  your  throne.
over  the  months  they  lived  together  in  the  city,  v  became  booboo  the  fool  and  actually  started  developing  feelings  for  the  brother.  this  all  came  to  a  head  when  someone  he’d  sent  his  hounds  after  (  who  had  run  out  the  clock  on  their  deal  )  survived  thanks  to  an  annoyed  god.  the  would  be  victim  made  an  arrangement  with  one  of  his  enemies  that  led  to  the  procurement  of  the  demon  killing  knife.  the  man  broke  into  v’s  house  and  stabbed  him  with  it.   he  would  have  died  had  the  brother  not  killed  the  victim  and  saved  his  life.   the  wounds  healed  and  their  bond  was  cemented  for  good.  now  they’re  your  regular  psychotic  sid  and  nancy  and  everything’s  great.  
i  bet  you’re  wondering  —  hey,  how  can  things  be  great  when  ever’s  still  kicking  around  in  v’s  head?   good  question.   so  after  the  brother  accepted  v  for  who  he  was,  who  he  really  was,  he  sort  of  ...   decided  he’d  Had  Enough.   he  started  fighting  for  control,  trying  to  end  his  life  so  his  suffering  would  stop.  v  always  managed  to  stop  him  but  it  was  starting  to  get  old.   in  the  end  ever  did  get  his  wish  and  he  was  murdered  by  father  silvermist.   yes,  the  brother’s  father.  v  had  told  him  once  that  he  was  a  demon,  that  he  was  corrupting  his  son  and  together  with  him,  and  that  he  was  telling  him  the  truth  because  he  knew  no  one  would  believe  it.   when  a  blanket  of  sinly  feelings  fell  over  the  city,  papa  silvermist  gave  into  his  wrath  and  murdered  ever.   v  yeeted  to  let  him  do  it,  finding  it  funny,  and  while  he’s  annoyed  about  using  a  dead  vessel  he  was  able  to  fix  it  and  go  back  to  his  regularly  scheduled  plans.   does  he  miss  ever?  fuck  no.  
given  he  didn’t  need  to  pretend  to  be  ever  anymore,  v  acclimated  to  being  himself.  he  bought  a  huge  house  with  a  swimming  pool  and  the  sportscars  to  match  and  started  living  the  life  he  wanted.  he  used  a  real  estate  scam  to  convince  hundreds  of  humans  to  sell  their  souls  in  a  matter  of  weeks.  you  tell  a  GEN-Z  they  can  have  the  house  of  their  dreams  with  no  down-payment  and  you’d  be  surprised  how  willing  they  are  to  part  with  their  souls.  it  was  almost  too  easy.  
v  also  started  getting  his  affairs  in  order.  he  called  in  old  favors,  called  on  people  he  trusted,  and  started  putting  pieces  in  motion.   he  staged  a  coup  for  hell’s  throne,  taking  it  for  himself  and  killing  the  existing  king  of  hell.   maybe  he  should  be  worried  about  sam  winchester,  who  once  vowed  there’d  never  be  another  king  of  hell,  but  as  far  as  he’s  concerned?  bring  it.   he  won’t  hide  in  hell  like  the  former  king.   he’s  still�� hanging  out  in  san  francisco  with  an  entrance to  hell  in  the  basement  of  harlow’s  club.   he  has  his  own  little  throne  room,  as  a  king  does,  and  his  guillotine  is  on  full  display  —  AS  IT  DESERVES.   no  more  gathering  dust  in  storage  containers.  (  MAKE  BEHEADING  GREAT  AGAIN.  )
TLDR?  v  is  the  new  king  of  hell,  he  made  aidy  and  harlow  his  knights  of  hell,  and  he  is  honestly  thriving  and  loving  his  new  life.   he  moved  on  from  the  brother.   maybe  he  left,  maybe  he’s  dead,  maybe  he  couldn’t  take  not  being  the  center  of  v’s  world  anymore.  whatever  the  reason,  he’s  gone  and  v’s  fine.   he  didn’t  need  love  anyway,  not  when  he’s  got  power.  they  say  you  can’t  have  your  cake  and  eat  it  too  but  he’d  have  to  disagree.
- someone who owes him a life debt and now he’s come to collect.  they’d be his errand boy, someone he uses to spy on people he thinks might be a threat to his throne. - co-conspirators that helped him in his plot to overthrow the previous king of hell. - the wanted connection for his enemy.  another demon who he believes destroyed his old vessel (one he’d been using for 200 years) although they didn’t actually do it. - knights of hell (2/4) harlow valentine & aidy silvermist. - chaotic book club, bc of course he would be in a book club filled with true crime junkies
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