#is on the same or similar level as cis ppl playing trans chars when it just absolutely is not.
matoitech · 1 year
i feel like it has to be predominantly cis gays who think gay characters need to be played by gay actors like to me it just feels like it crops up every now and again bcuz they see trans ppl talking abt it being bad when trans chars r played by cis actors and they don’t understand what we’re talking about and why that doesn’t translate to (assumably) straight ppl playing gay/bi characters, like, at all. its irritating bcuz it shifts focus from legitimate issues of transphobia by constantly ignoring sutff that is ACTUALLY an issue of transphobia to try and apply it on2 them when it Does Not Work the same at all, and also is irritating when ppl just broadly say like ‘lgbt chars dont need to be played by lgbt actors’ when they mean Gay and they should just say gay, bcuz like VERY different issue when it comes 2 trans characters, theyre not even remotely on the same level
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