#is so right and he loves theo so much like it's bethany
h-awke-a · 6 months
varric's 'you people have done enough to him' is sooo..
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multifandom-worlds · 5 months
You're More Than Your Marks
Word count:2.9k
Warnings: Violence, derogatory language, feelings of worthlessness, implied self-harm
Pairing: Mattheo x Kaida(OC)
Authors note: This started as one thing and ended up being very different. It features @slytherins-heir's OC, Bethany. I love my girl, if you don't, that's okay.
Remember that your content consumption is on you
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Kaida sat in the back of the library, textbooks from multiple courses strewn about the table in front of her. The chairs, once occupied by her fellow housemates, now sit vacant. They had what they needed—help with Muggle Studies. As soon as their assignments were complete, they left, leaving her with a mountain of parchment and feeling used. She quickly rubbed her eyes beneath her glasses before pushing her feelings down. She was disappointed - not in them but in herself for actually believing they would hold up their end of the agreement. 
“Hey, Kaids.” The all-too-familiar voice of her best friend interrupts her concentration. “Where’s your friends? I thought you guys were going to be studying together for your N.E.W.T.s? Did you scare them all away with that resting bitch face of yours?” He teases, plopping down into one of the empty chairs across from her
“Fuck off, Nott. I’m not in the mood for your shit today.” Kaida responds, not looking up from her parchment where she was taking notes. Her anxiety and stress were high, too high to deal with her best friend's quips - things that would typically just roll off her back. Her hostility towards him and calling him by his last name was a major red flag to Theo. 
He pulled away the parchment just as she was going to write, causing ink to spray everywhere. “Kai, you need a break. You’re stressed out about this, and it’s not a good look on you. Let’s see Matt; he’s in detention as usual. We can tease him through the door like we always do.”
Kaida looks up at Theo, glaring daggers at him before taking her parchment back. “I distinctly remember telling you to fuck off, Theo. I can’t waste time like you; I need to study; just because you and Matt don’t give a rat's ass about the N.E.W.T.s doesn’t mean I do. Now get out of my sight before I put your ass in the hospital wing.” 
Theo throws his hands up in mock surrender. “Damn, mio amico, no need to be like that; I was just trying to get your mind off studying. I know how much enjoyment you get out of teasing him when he’s in detention.” 
She sighs, takes her glasses off, and puts them on the table. “I’m sorry, Teddy; I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I need to live up to my house, and with how many classes I’m next to failing in, even with Tom’s help, I’m going to be the laughingstock of Ravenclaw. Have you ever met a stupid Ravenclaw? You have now.”
Theo sighs before rising from his chair and walking around the table. He bends down, wrapping his arms around her shoulders before resting his chin on the top of her head. She almost instinctively relaxes against his embrace. “Kaida, you’re a lot smarter than you realize,” He says before kissing the top of her head. “I hate seeing you so stressed and hearing you speak so negatively about my best friend. I’ll leave you alone, but if I come by after my class in several hours and you’re still here, I’m sending Matt to deal with you. I’m not losing my best friend because she has this stupid idea in her head.” 
Theo lets go of her before walking out of the library to go to class, leaving Kaida alone once again. She brushed her bangs out of her face, not paying any attention to Thoe’s half-threat of sending her boyfriend. Theo knew they weren’t public with their relationship; he wouldn’t do that to her…right?
Before Theo could answer, he heard a couple of Ravenclaw students talking. He usually wouldn’t pay much attention to them, but what caught his attention was the fact that they were talking about his beloved Kaida. 
Theo walked down the corridors, hands shoved in his pockets, heading to his last class of the day. He met up with Mattheo, who had just gotten out of detention with McGonagall. The two of them walked to class, talking amongst themselves.
“Have you seen Kaida yet today, Theo? She hasn’t texted me all day and wasn’t in Divination with me, which is weird for her because she loves Divination. I walked by the library and couldn’t see her,” Mattheo says as they walk into Potions together. He has been on edge all day because he has not heard from her.
“The fact Kaida actually believed we’d stay and help her study, I knew she was a freak, always hanging out with those Slytherin fucks, but I didn’t think she was stupid too.” One boy said
“I bet the only reason they keep her around is because she’s a good lay. At this point, she’s probably slept with the entire Slytherin house.” A second boy added.
Mattheo was seeing red - no one disrespected his Ravenclaw and got away with it. “Matt, don’t. It’s not worth it. They don’t know her like we do, and you don’t want to give it away.” Theo says, resting a hand on his friend's shoulder and leading him to their table with Draco, Tom and Bethany. 
“What’s gotten into you, loverboy?” Bethany teases before seeing Mattheo's expression. His fist clenches so tight that his knuckles start turning white; he glares at the Ravenclaw boys, his jaw tight. “Theo, care to explain?” Bethany asks, turning her attention to the Italian sitting beside him.
“He overheard those two Ravenclaws insulting Kaida. Basically, she was supposed to study with them, but they used her to finish their assignments and left her alone to struggle. Then they called her a freak and stupid,” Theo explains.
“They also called her a whore, Theo. A fucking whore. They assumed she was sleeping with the entirety of Slytherin. What the fuck. How are you not angry about this? Why are you so calm about this, Theo? I’m going to rip their fucking tongues out and shove it down their throats.” Mattheo says through gritted teeth, still watching them as Snape begins class.
“Mr. Riddle, might I ask what you are doing other than preparing your potion?” Snape's voice cut through Mattheo’s fantasizing about the ending of those two Ravenclaw boys. He opened his mouth to reply, but Tom cut him off.
“Forgive my brother, Professor.” Tom began. “I’ll make sure he completes his potion by the end of class, sir.” 
“Very well,” Snape said before walking away to monitor the rest of the class. 
“You finish this damned potion, and I won’t turn you over for fighting those two students,” Tom says before turning back to Bethany and their potion. “Don’t make me regret this; if those two are not in the hospital wing or St. Mungo’s, I will put you in the hospital wing.”
Mattheo finally turns his attention back to the cauldron, momentarily satiated by Tom's comment. Being the brother of the Slytherin prefect did come with its advantages—but also the fact that his brother’s girlfriend, Bethany, was one of Kaida’s best friends.
Three hours and an almost perfect potion later, Mattheo was free to seek his vengeance against those who dared slight his girlfriend. Finding them was easy enough; they were walking towards the Ravenclaw dorms when Mattheo unleashed all his pent-up rage. 
He grabbed the second boy by the collar and slammed him face-first into the wall before throwing him to the floor. He grabs the back of the first boy's shirt as he tries to flee and throws him to the floor as well. Soon, it became a full-on 2 v 1 fight. The crowd gathered quickly, watching the bloodshed; anyone who tried to intervene on behalf of the Ravenclaw students was quickly put back in their place by Theo.
McGonagall comes sweeping through the corridors. “What is the meaning of this!?” She asks, seeing the gathering; upon further investigation, she sees the two Ravenclaws lying bloodied and unconscious on the floor, Mattheo standing over them, him bloodied and breathing heavily. “Merlin! Alert Madam Pomfry, somebody.” 
“Professor, I will ensure my brother receives an adequate punishment for this transgression,” Tom said, stepping protectively in front of his brother. “I absolutely do not condone fighting within the halls or grounds of Hogwarts.”
After everything was sorted and the two students were in Madam Pomfry's care, Mattheo had gotten away with the fight thanks to Tom, so he and Theo began walking towards the library. “Are you sure you don't want to go clean up before seeing if she's there? You know how she gets when you get hurt?” Theo asked, taking in his friend's bloody nose, busted lip, and damaged knuckles.
“No, I need to know if she's okay. You said you were worried about her; I'm not going to leave her alone. I don't know what sort of damage she's done to herself because of her stress.” Mattheo says, worry slowly infiltrating his voice.
They made it to the library quickly, given how other students cleared the halls as they walked by. They scan the surroundings in search of her. Much to their dismay, there she is, repeatedly hitting the back of her head against the wall she is sitting against, her hands clawing at her thighs, eyes closed, and tears silently rolling down her cheeks.
“I thought I told you to fuck off, Teddy,” Kaida says as they approach, hearing footsteps. “I'm not leaving until I know everything. I already told you I need to live up to the Ravenclaw name and prove to my family that I’m not stupid. If that means I have to spend all night in the library, I will. Now, go be a pain in the ass to someone else, I’m busy.”
“It’s not just Theo, mon coeur.” Mattheo whispers, placing his hand between her head and the wall. Immediately, Kaida’s eyes shoot open and land on him. She must have been silently crying for hours, given how red and bloodshot her eyes were. “You haven’t come to a single class all day; you’re not answering any of my messages, and you’ve told Theo to fuck off twice. That’s not like you, mon coeur, talk to me.”
“I’ve been here studying, something you two should be doing,” she says, picking up her quill again and going back to her notes. You shouldn’t be here, Riddle, not with me, not looking like that.” She says softer, not wanting to make eye contact. “You’re going to be kicked out for bleeding all over everything.” 
“What the fuck, Kaida?” Mattheo shouts, startling Kaida. She looks up at him, eyes sparkling with fresh tears. She looks around to see if anyone heard him or saw them together. She saw Madam Pince walking over to the 3 of them, a look of contempt on her face. 
“The 2 of you, out!” She orders, pointing at Kaida and Mattheo. Kaida bites her lip to keep from crying more as she starts to pack her stuff up.
“You two go; I'll bring your stuff back,” Theo says, stopping her. He begins to gather her belongings as Kaida runs from the library. Theo frowns, watching his best friend go. He turns to Mattheo. “Way to go, Riddle. Yell at your already stressed-out girlfriend; what damage can that possibly do?” he says sarcastically.
“Oh fuck off, Nott,” Mattheo sighed, running after her, leaving Theo to collect the rest of Kaida’s textbooks and notes. Mattheo runs through the corridors, listening for any signs of her, ignoring all the looks he receives. He was scared. He was afraid of losing his girlfriend, his happiness, and his safe space. The longer it took him to find her, the more anxious and frightened he got. 
He finds her just as she gets into the courtyard, surrounded by other students. “Kaida!” he calls, grabbing her hand and pulling her back into his chest. He was acutely aware of all the eyes on them, but at that moment, he did not care. “Kaida, Mon Coeur,” he says softly, resting his chin on the top of her head. She can hear his heart beating frantically. 
“Matty….not here…the others…” Kaida says hesitantly, pulling away. She craved nothing more than his comfort, but she was scared of what people would say. 
“I don't care. Fuck all of them. I need my girl. I need to make sure she's okay.” He whispers, wrapping his arms tighter around her. He wasn't going to let her leave, not in the state she was in. “Kaida, I need you. Don't you understand that?”
All her stress and anxiety finally reached a breaking point. She clutched into his uniform so tightly, crying into his chest. He held her close and gently rubbed her back. “C-can we go p-please? Anywhere else but here..”
Mattheo nodded, kissing the top of her head before carefully pulling away. He cupped her cheeks gently, wiping her tears with his calloused thumbs. “Let's go, Mon Coeur. Theo's going to meet us in our dorm,” he said. 
He kisses her nose before wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her tight to his side. She kept her eyes downcast as they walked to the Slytherin dorms. She felt somehow…safer with Mattheo by her side, like she was immune to any attacks, verbal or physical when Mattheo was by her side. 
They descend the stairs, Mattheo's hand never leaving her waist. He glared at anyone who dared cast a suspicious glance their way, leaving hushed conversations in their wake. 
“Was that Mattheo Riddle? Why's he with that Ravenclaw?”
“What’s a Ravenclaw doing in our dorms?”
“I bet he won a fight, and she's his prize.”
“Did you hear he went 2v1 on some Ravenclaw boys? They’re being transferred to St. Mungo’s.”
“Well, I heard Tom Riddle was even there!”
“What did those students say to cause that much violence?”
“Was that you? Did you send those two boys to the hospital?” Kaida asks as soon as they are alone in his dorm. She grabs his blanket and immediately wraps it around her shoulders. She looks at him, fully understanding the scope of his injuries. 
He nods, keeping some distance between them. “Yes. They were speaking so negatively about you so openly. I was having none of it. You’re not stupid, Kaids. Far, far from it. I know you told Theo you were, but you really aren’t. Grades aren’t everything.” 
Kaida looks at Mattheo. “Thank you, Matty, for coming to find me…I’m so scared of failing; I don’t want to be one of those Ravenclaws that becomes renowned for being a fucking idiot. I need to get my grades up, but nothing makes sense! I can’t make it make sense, and I feel like an idiot. Why isn’t it making sense? Why can’t I do it?”
Mattheo goes to sit beside her, wrapping her in his arms. “You’re so much more than just your grades, mon coeur. Rowena Ravenclaw didn’t just value book smarts; she valued wisdom and wit as well as intelligence. She valued curiosity, something you have in abundance. You’re always asking questions and wanting to know how things work. Just because you can’t pick up potions or herbology doesn’t make you stupid. You are gifted in divination and history. Professor Trelawney said herself she has never seen a student as gifted in smoke reading….what’s that called again?” 
“Capnomancy…but there’s always libanomancy, which is incense smoke...” Kaida says, resting her head on his shoulder and fiddling with the rings on his fingers. 
“Right, I can never remember. But also, in The History of Magic, you know more than Hermione does. She may be the “brightest witch of her age,” but they have never met you. You are wise; you have seen things you should never have seen and experienced things you should never experience. You embody everything that makes up Ravenclaws. I don’t want you to lose your spark, your inquisitive and curious nature, simply because of some stupid tests that tell you what jobs you could do when you graduate.” 
Kaida really wanted to believe him, but she found it so tricky, too. “But why? Why would that be a bad thing? Why would losing my spark, as you put it, be a bad thing? I’m a freak, Matty. Everyone says it. I don’t even know why you’re with me. I doubt I’m even going to get a career after I graduate; I’m not smart enough for anything.”
“My perfect Kaida…” Mattheo says softly, hooking his finger under her chin to force her to look at him. “You would make a fantastic Unspeakable. You love to learn things; you’re always trying to figure things out; you want to know how things work. Or you could be a historian. There are jobs out there for you, mon coeur. There are good, respectable jobs that could greatly benefit from an individual like you. Or you could go into something with divination. Kaida, there is a job for you out there; we’ll find it, even if that means we leave the magical world and live as muggles; I don’t care. If you lose your spark, I lose my girlfriend. I would lose everything that made me fall in love with you; you would be a shell of your otherwise vibrant self. There is no me without you, Kaida; I need you to understand that.”
Kaida tries to look away, but Mattheo isn’t having that. “Look at me, K. Look me in the eye when I tell you that I am lost without you. You are the best thing to happen to me and Theo. We can’t lose you, K. Please, we need you to ease up on studying. Come to us, we will help you; please don’t do this alone.” 
Kaida nods, tears once again welling in her eyes. “Thank you...Matthew Riddle. Meeting you has changed my life for the better.”
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akindofmagictoo · 2 years
manuscript search tag game
i return! with a tag from @isherwoodj :D
my words are sunshine, doubt, betray, reach, warning
sunshine sun (Hurricane draft 3) (tw romance - featuring local sunshine pirate girl and the boy she definitely doesn’t have a crush on...)
She pulled the stitch tight and poked the needle back into the cloth, glancing up at him. The sun was rising higher now, lighting Theo up from behind and turning the edges of his light brown hair to gold. It was a little ruffled still, but she didn’t think it looked so bad, particularly in the sun. Not that anyone had asked, but…
“Ow!” She freed her left hand from the cloth and sucked at her punctured thumb. 
doubt (Dragonsong draft 1)
“Isadora?” It wasn’t Robin speaking this time. The mystery archer threw their hood back, revealing curly brown hair and a freckled face Isi knew as well as her own.
Still, she frowned, wanting to make sure of what she was seeing. “Sierra?”
“Dora! It is you!” said the mystery archer, erasing any doubt from Isi’s mind. Even as a small child, Sierra had called her older sister ‘Dora’. Even as a slightly less small child, Isi hadn’t loved the nickname.
betray + doubt (Dragonsong draft 1)
“Once I’m properly recovered, I’d rather like to have a word with the king. The former king.”
Henry’s smile faded. “Jasper…” As he turned towards his husband, Isi noticed once again the thin scar running down his cheek, and a shiver went up her spine. A part of her wondered whether there was something more to it than the routine of knighthood.
Even with the king removed from power, many still carried the marks of his reign.
Jasper shrugged; though his face betrayed no humour, his tone was light. “Just to talk.”
Like Henry, Isi somehow doubted that.
reach (Hurricane draft 3) (Charly and Nina my beloveds)
Emmy wandered over to the bow. “Is that Charly? She looks unhappy.”
“Back already?” said Marisa.
Charly fluttered onto the railing. “Kaputt, kaputt!”
“Es funktioniert nicht mehr,” said Emmy automatically. “What’s up, Charly?”
“Kaputt!” insisted Charly.
“Kaputt!” cried Nina as well. Marisa winced at the volume right beside her ear.
Theo said, “What?”
“Emmy said ‘it doesn’t work anymore’,” said Marisa. “German. Goes with kaputt.” She reached up and put a hand around Nina’s beak. “Don’t you say it again.”
Nina looked distinctly sulky.
“Both our parrots are German,” said Emmy. “Don’t ask us why.”
Charly, unencumbered by Marisa, turned towards the horizon and said, “Kaputt!”
warning (Dragonsong draft 1) (mmmm ominous Jasper time)
Isi nodded slowly. “If I could come up with a plan… would you help me?”
“Perhaps.” Jasper wrapped the bandage around her waist, pulled it firm, tied it off. “Where’d you get this?”
“We were imprisoned, and Bethany wanted to know where Enya was. I didn’t know. This was a warning, I believe. To encourage me to talk.”
Jasper said nothing for a moment. “So you understand, then, that if your plan does not succeed, there will be much more than a warning.” He packed up his medical supplies. “I will be downstairs if you need me.” Without another word, he left.
tagging @zmwrites @sleepyowlwrites @diphthongsfordays and anyone else who wants to play! your words are beautiful, vision, child, raise
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tammyisobsessedwith · 2 years
Let’s talk about the Dylan 😒
Must we?, you may ask. Unfortunately, because I have a lot of thoughts and this urge to share them.
So I’m not gonna lie, the first time I started the game this season and there’s the intro and that panel with almost all the characters that we would meet this season, I immediately clocked in on his face in the lower right and thought, “who is that??” Yes, I’m that basic bitch. Mind you, I didn’t know anything about him then or any of the other characters really, I was coming in fresh faced and unspoiled. So I get the design appeal and why he was chosen to be this character.
Now I’m not bothered that he was a sleaze per see, but more so to how this was executed. I’m now a fan of the TV show and we all know that no one goes into the Villa to antagonize people if they want to play this to win, as he claims. If you go in and stir shit up you know the public is gonna hate you and there’s no way you’re winning in the end. At the very least you’ll antagonize the Islander you know the public hates the most if you have any kind of strategy at all (think Bethany in Season 1 or Theo in Season 3). Or you just don’t care about winning and you’re doing it for the clout.
Dylan was already such a walking red flag (even without any spoilers) that we’re immediately onto his shit. The game itself points it out to us even if we were oblivious to it and defeats the purpose of the conflict it could’ve created, if we had genuinely liked him and were torn between him and the other LIs. Imagine if after the whole thing we get to the end and find out Oliver had actually been playing us this whole time? That’s what the Dylan route should’ve been and it would’ve felt like a slap in the face but in a way it would’ve been sooo much more satisfying than what we got now.
(MAJOR SEASON 2 SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED ALL ROUTES YET: For those of us who have played the cheating with Returning!Lurik/Elisa routes of Season 2 - and didn’t sleep with Noah right before the finale - you’ll know what I mean. That reveal in the afterparty that they had been playing us the whole time and were just trying to win the game? I stood in shock for a good five minutes just gaping at my screen, feeling like I had been literally slapped in the face. But it was so well executed that I never saw it coming and I had to admit I loved it.)
I also think FuseBox is falling victim to trying to compete with other choose-your-answer type of story apps like Choices or Romance and their narratives that clearly have a hero and an antagonist and Love Island doesn’t need to be like that. The format of the irl reality TV dating show already makes sure there will be drama and you don’t need a specific villain to stir shit up. You do that by adding other players, challenges, Casa Amor, showing clips of things that happened that not all Islanders would know and watching the repercussions spin out, without the need of this good-vs-bad thing. Everybody is (supposedly) looking for love and it’s already enough drama in and of itself, with voting for people to stay or to go and recouplings and how fast things can change. Love Island The Game should stay what it is (a “what would you do if you were one of the sexy singles in the Villa” game) instead of trying to be something else.
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miragesbian · 3 years
ILY prompts! 13 for whoever you like 💖
13. author's note, this is platonic. Theo Hawke and his brothers and sister. A short one, tying it to this one.
When this is all over, the letter reads, let's get back together. Meet up in Kirkwall. It'll be grand.
Or you all can come to Starkhaven, it continues, in a fine and careful script; gentle and deliberate, the way Theo was. Had been. Would never be again.
Sebastian is dying to see you all, too, it goes on, and so maybe we'll make it an event. But we'll set aside some time, just the four of us. Just because we're grown doesn't mean we part here, right?
The letter sits in his hand. Leo can't stop reading it, rereading it, again and again. He can stop himself from clutching the paper because the force he holds it with, he might rip it in half, and he can't - he can't have that.
Bethany is upstairs somewhere, wailing out her grief. Carver gave up on standing and sits staring out of the tall window at the falling rain that may as well be all of their collective grief. Carver was never big on crying, but Leo can see how heavy the grief is.
I can't wait to see you all again, the letter goes on, I love you all so much.
Your brother,
Theodore Hawke.
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countrymusiclover · 3 years
Ch 10 - Bunker Law
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Ch 11
47 days after death wave.
The council of grounders and Skaikru disagree like always. We've been forced to go on half rations. Rory sits across from Jaha's boy, Ethan Halter. His actual father I sent to die. Dad sits next to me and mom doesn't sit with us. My braid falls over my right shoulder as I watch rory talk a little with Ethan.
Ethan taps Jaha's shoulder "uncle Theo, may I have seconds please - for Bethany too?" My smile drops from my face. I grip the chancellor's pin still on my jacket. Dad starts to slide his rations forward, but I grab his wrist "Dad - we can't" he ignores me and tries again only for Jaha to join in. "No. Thank you. Now uncle Marcus and aunt Kristin, have to eat too."
Rory glanced at Ethan, who mutters a 'sorry Beth'. She eats the last bit of her food, sighing. "I guess we'll have to get used to this, huh." Resting a hand on her shoulder, I give her a weak smile.
Our people knocked me and dad out, restrained us with mom and rory. Rory spins a string ring on her ring finger of her right hand. Leaning near her "is that a gift from Ethan?" She slowly nods her head yes, twirling a piece of her hair loose from her braid. Ethan and her have become close friends - talking and laughing about simple things. Giving her a gift reminds me so much of Bellamy. This morning I snuck into the main office, just acted like he could actually hear my messages. Mom hasn't spoken to me for a whole month, she keeps taking pain pills and I'm afraid she might become addicted to them.
Hours have passed and rory leaves against me fast asleep. Mom snapped quite "you took away my choice. Marcus, Kristin!"
Dad says "we're not gonna apologize for saying your life, Abby."
I shifted a bit to face her directly "We made the right choice. You're my mom, a doctor and Rory's grandma."
Dad chimed with "I would've made the same choice, even if I didn't love you."
Mom barks "really, then why were you willing to float me on the ark?" I look at my dad with my mouth hung open - he's never mentioned that. He barely made eye contact with me.
Dad puts a hand on her arm, saying "Kristin and I couldn't bare to lose you. We'd just got you back. The world was ending before our very eyes and I thought I could weather any storm as long as you were by our side..."
I let tears slip, grabbing her other arm, making her look me in eyes "Mom, how could you ever think. Dad and I would be able to carry you outside and shut the door...I - I'm not that strong- I killed 364 of our people out to die....mom...I couldn't...lose you." Tears appear in her eyes but they don't fall.
Dad voices sniffing some tears out along with me. "Abby, I'm sorry, but I'm not that strong either. I would do the same thing a thousand times. "
They lean in about to kiss, but a loud thud starts making Rory bolt awake. They're trying to round out the grounders- like that will work.
I hear Octavia slash her sword and yelling 'you are Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose!' O what are you doing!
Octavia runs, unlocking our chains. Blood of grounders is what she's covered in. Rory whimpers into me, scared a bit of her aunt o. I can't blame her. All of us run to find jaha, dying. Rory gets on her knees with me and mom. Dad stands with Octavia.
Jaha shutters "Octavia- Kristin. Promise me you'll both take care of Ethan." Taking his hand in mine I vow "of course." Octavia finishes "you have my word."
Jaha slurs in tired breath. "Mar - Marcus - take me home..."
Dad sniffs, taking my shacky hand in his we say the oath of the Ark. "In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you reach the next. Safe passage on your travels...until our final journey to the ground. - may we meet again." All of us say that last line. Rory wraps her arms around herself as I bawl into my dad's shirt. Mom cries on his shoulder.
Octavia and I now stand above our people again. Blood remains on her and I have a few cuts on me. I grip the chancellor's pin with one hand and the railing with my other. I breath out "there are too many people in this bunker..." Octavia takes over as I struggle to stand. Traitors kneel on the ground as our people fight and say that Skaikru should be punished. Ethan holds Rory in his side, comforting her thr best he can. "There is no Skaikru. There is only Wonkru and the enemies of Wonkru." Octavia creates the fighting pits - like the gladiators.
'Conclave rules. Win the fight - save your life.' That's our world now.
Bethany's POV
It's been 3 years since aunt O created the fight pits. Mom stepped down from being a leader at her side. Grandpa kane thinks I've been scarred like Ethan, he's half right. Ethan is 2 years old than me. I'm 10 - making him 12. He has wavy blonde locks, wears a Arkadia guard jacket- it was mine but mom gave it to him. Now I wear one of my dad's old ones. A dark blue shirt, gray pants and ankle length boots. My hair is in a loose mess over my shoulders. I still wears mom's necklace from grandma Abby. My boots bang against the metal of the bunker floor. Laying my chin on my arms crossed on the metal railing I sigh, looking down at the blood stained floor.
Grandpa kane and mom have tried to make this bunker sound like a princess castle - like how the Ark appeared for her a long time ago. I believed their fairy tales for about 3 years. Footsteps approached and I wipe my head around to see Ethan. He's an inch taller than me, his green eyes lock with mine. Striding up to me, he kisses my cheek causing me to blush. I know I'm way early to be feeling things for boys but I can't help. He's charming, protective like my dad and looks nice in that guard jacket. We've been friends for years- but he's been getting the courage to tell my mom about our relationship. He says when he's 15, he'll ask me to be his girlfriend at 13 - plus give me my first kiss. I can't wait till then.
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a bright smile, showing off his perfect teeth "Now what are you doing out here alone, Beth. Without your escort no less."
I snort, lightly poking him in the chest "Haha Ethan. I can take care of myself - my mom doesn't need to know everything" he takes my hands in his, Spinning me into his chest as he hums a old toon from the Ark.
We dance around the platform above the fighting pits. He acts like he's one of aunt O's followers but really it's just an act. We don't think it's right - mom came home crying from a meeting one night. Clutching grandpa kane, who cried alone with her.
She had sobbed 'Octavia has lost her mind - this isn't how we should be living...I can't be chancellor with her anymore.'
Ethan twirls me and my jacket flies up a little- I imagine I'm wearing a real princess gown of gold or ocean blue maybe. I'd give anything to see Ethan rock a tux.
Ethan wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest. My hands hold onto the guard jacket- inhaling his scent. Mom had to send his father to die, she's never really ever got over that. I tilt my head up to his, to see him looking down at me. Our noses touch and we can feel the others breath.
His right hand cues my cheek while te other stays resting on my tiny back. His voice choked "Bethany, can I kiss you?" Blush rises to our cheeks.
I give him a little smirk "We'd be breaking another one of the rules. My mom or aunt O could throw us in the pit" I can't hold back my laugh as he does laugh at my response.
He straightened his back, puffing out his chest acting like a true knight "I'll always protect you - forever and always." Those words leaving his lips made tears come to my eyes. I wipe my eyes seeing him drop his smile.
Those words were the last words my dad said to me. Mom still has hope that he'll come down from space in 2 more years.
I put a smile back on my face, pulling his lips closer to mine. In a low whisper I tell him. "I truly believe you. Now kiss me Ethan Halter." He hesitated for a moment before I felt his lips onto mine. It was quick but I crashed mine back onto his, savoring their flavor, how soft they are.
Mom said she'd always describe her first kiss with dad as - magical. I described mine as - fireworks.
I slowly opened my eyes staring up at the ceiling of this bunker. Resting in my bunk with my arms behind my head. Mom and dad rest in their bunks across from mine and rory's. They've finally made up - yet mom still takes the pills. Last week she stole some from medical. My hair is still wet and a little curly from the shower this morning. Rolling on my side I picked up a radio.
'Bellamy if you can hear me. If you're alive it's been exactly three years since the death wave - 2 more to go.' I paused glancing towards the door, clipping the radio to me belt I get up heading out the door wearing.
Everyone is asleep thankfully so they can't hear me basically talking to myself. Octavia and I have had our fights - about how we should be leading in this bunker. Yet a few weeks ago I'd had enough. The fighting pits just got worse and worse. Everytime rory has to watch she hides her face in my jacket. 'Rory has a friend bell. His name's Ethan Halter - one of Skaikru's people -' I hear laughter and stop on the other side of the railing. Squinting I see Ethan and rory kissing. Placing the radio back to my lips, i corrected myself 'scratch that bell - her boyfriend.'
Running over to them I ca out in a low whisper "Bethany Rory Blake!" Ethan and her separated blushing mad. Rory stuttered "Mom hi - ah this isn't what you think." Crossing my arms over my chest I glare at her.
Ethan slowly starts "chancellor Kristin Blake. I - um - I'm dating your daughter"
Crosding my eyebrows I rest the tips of my fingers against it, letting out a low sigh "you're lucky I'm not your father Rory....or you'd be forbidden to see him. Now let's start over. Hi I'm Kristin Blake, Bethany's mother and you are?"
Sticking a hand out to Ethan, he shacked my hand "I'm Ethan Halter, Mrs. Blake. I'd like permission to date your daughter."
Rory glanced up at me with puppy dogs eyes. When she does that she looks so much like her father. Nodding my head I agree "you have it"
Ethan mouths "thank you" before picking her up by the waist and spinning her around with laughs.
3 more years later.
Well time down here has only got darker. We had to become canaballs. Food wasn't growing fast enough. The people who died in the fighting pits were our food. The first time we started dad and I weren't gonna do it, but Octavia held a sword up to my throat- threatening me. Ethan and Rory did as they were told, holding each other's hand under the table as they gagged it down.
Ethan's lived up to his promise to keep her happy and safe. Now she's 13 and he's 15. I see them always with one another unless he's training with Octavia. This morning rory stands next to me, watching the fights. Ethan roars and gia scolds him. Octavia sends in the next round and I gasped, gripping the bars. Down in the fighting pits is my father.
Mom got caught stealing pills- those stupid pills. Dad must be taking the crime for her. They truly love one another but this is madness. Bending down to rory I order her as she tries to wipe away her tears "Go to Ethan - no matter what happens to us. Don't follow me!" She bolts to Ethan l, gripping him hard in a hug. At first he's surprised but grips het back tightly. Racing up to Octavia I beg her on my knees 'Octavia please - you can't do this."
She looks down at me, pointing a hand down to me "Kristin you know the rules...you win the fight and you get to live. Marcus Kane is an enemy of Wonkru unless he wins."
Tears fall down my face as I plead with her, making my voice crack "Octavia put me in instead- let me fight....I can't let my father die." She glances to the guards who throw ke into the pits. Blood gets spattered on my face as dad helps me to my feet "Kristin, are you insane!"
Taking his hands in mine I breath out "Dad years ago I promised you that I wouldn't let you die to save my life." Wonkru starts cheering as we fight.
Octavia gets on the ground about to behead my father but I grab a sword off the floor. Racing in front of him I block her blow.
Rory screams "Mom. No!" Ethan lowers them to the ground as she sobs thinking it's my end. A rumbling comes above us and a giant hole opened, letting light in. Everyone freezes- not used to seeing the sunlight. Strange people come down as O pulls her sword away from me and dad.
I get a lump in my throat as I see a familiar someone coming down. He unhooked himself, before turning around to lock eyes with me. I flicked my gaze to my sister to see her wearing a cameo styled outfit with short to her shoulder hair, red dye in some places. Her focus goes around the bloody fighting pit bunker for a slight shift but she raced to me engulfed me in a tight hug. "Kristin!"
"Clarke!" I bear hugged her back letting tears slip in the very relief that she's alive, this reminds of the time of Mount weather when she entered Arkadia's gates all bloody and bruised but still fully alive.
My ponytail braid is a rock, tarred clothing. Blood on me with a bloodied sword in my hands. She pulls away with a bright smile as I wipe away happy tears. "When the radio died - and I didn't get to say goodbye. . . I feared the worst but-" She tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, reassuring me. "I became a nightblood and survived. Also you're an aunt now too." I gasped sharply before eyeing my husband from the corner of my eye.
Bellamy stands stunned in front of me, he has a bread now. His hairs longer and his clothes are a little dirty but otherwise better then mine.
Cracking out like a frog, I drop the sword raising forward to him. "Bellamy- you're alive...you're really here!"
He wrapped his strong arms around me, crying "Yes Kristin. It's me. I'm home." His familiar arms gently hold me like they always did, making being in his embrace my home. I pulled slightly back to wrap my arms around his neck drawing him in for a long awaited kiss. His hands run up my sides and hold my face in them seeping the already passionate kiss.
Bethany's POV
Grandpa Kane is in the ring. Mom begged aunt o to stop, yet she ends up in the pit herself. My hands are clutching Ethan in a death grip. Tears consumed me as he holds me in his muscular arms, trying to calm me down. Yet I can't my mom and grandpa are about to die by my aunt o's sword. I scream and drop lower to the ground before a huge hole is blown above us. Strangers drool down with ropes. A blondie with a black curly haired guy come down too. Mom drops the sword in her hands, racing and jumping into the curly haired boys arms. She cries out in happiness.
'Bellamy - you're alive...you're really here!' My eyes go big and I force myself out of Ethan's grip to run hearing his protest as he cashes me "Beth -Bethany - wait!" But I can't he's home.
I climb the railing, jumping down hitting the floor on my feet. Tears come to my eyes as I notice the blonde right away - aunt C. Crying in a run I threw myself into her arms. "Aunt Clarke!" She stumbles a bit before hugging me tight. Her hair is cut really short and she has some red dye in it. Wearing a wicked cool outfit. Mom breaks away from dad, cupping his face in her hands she crashes her lips onto his just as Ethan reaches me, a little out of breath. Finally dad wrapped an arm around mom our of breath. He takes in a sharp breath noticing me.
A huge smile plastered on both our faces as I race to his arms. Mom steps back as he spins me around in the air, when I grip tightly to his jacket. Mom had told me stories of how he wasn't always the good guy but he'd do anything for his family. He took in a sharp exhale gripping me "Oh my god princess Rory - you have no idea how much I've missed you."
I squeal as he sets me on my feet, taking in my appearance. "Almost as much as me and mom have missed you dad!" His chocolate eyes look me over. Seeing me wear a black jacket like he used too when the 100 were on the ground. A dark blue tea shirt, dark gray pants and gray dusty boots. Mom's necklace hanging around my neck. Pigtail braids hang over my shoulders with a Skaikru designed headband around my forehead holding back the rest of my free flowing hair.
Ethan coughs behind me, making me spin to see him shifting from foot to foot. Sticking a hand out for him, I pull him forward and he gets even more nervous blushing and shaking as my dad raises an eyebrow to my mom.
"Who's this, Kristin?," Mom rest a gentle hand on his shoulder "Bellamy this is Ethan Halter - our daughter's boyfriend." Dad locks gazes with Ethan, who hasn't taken a breath in a few minutes. Nudging him in the side he takes a sharp breath. Earning a chuckle from ne at his nervous.
Copying my smirk dad voices "boyfriend ah - princess." I wrap an arm around ethan's shoulders answering "yes daddy. Ethan is the best!"
My whole family is finally home.
Y/n pov
Nights here again as I lay my head in Bell's lap allowing him to play with my hair. Clarke sits across from us, watching us with a smile. Rory lays down on the ground next to Ethan who has his arms crossed behind his head, she giggles at something he says. He points up at the sky and they both laugh with smile on their faces. Looking at how they are I realize that Bellamy kept me safe as I did for him. Rory and Ethan are like us, just a stiff bit innocent - not having to kill to survive.
"What's brought a smirk to your face, Kristin?" Bellamy asks, helping me fully sit up to face him. I know this is crazy but I want to do it with him again- we've been separated for six years.
Leaning up I kiss him deeply, thankful that Clarke isn't around. Bellamy kisses me back wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me further into his lap. At some point of this heated make out we break for air.
"Bell I want you again- I've missed you and I want to make up for it." He nods his head slowly, glancing over my shoulder to see 'Bethan' as I call them in my head. Bellamy's hot breaths meets my ear, sending a shiver down my spine "all we have to do Is act normal, tell Ethan to watch rory then we can slip away to my tent.:
Getting to our feet bell and I walk over to the pair. Ethan broke away from Kissing her at our presence. Getting on one knee I whispered in his ear as rory looks at dad with a bright smile - loving that he's back in our lives. "Ethan watch rory for us. We have to go check on something." He nods, revealing his gun to us as a sign of protection.
Once inside the tent Bellamy and I take the others clothes off and well you can figure out the rest. My joy breath is against his bare chest as I run a hand through his hair while he draws patterns on my arm. Big smiles on both our faces, his bread tickled at first but now I'm used to it. For in this moment I'm happy - I feel like we have a normal life. No grounders, no wars. Just me and Bellamy alone together.
Bethany's POV
Ethan and I sit our packs on the ground. He said that our first official date would be showing me the stars. Laying on my back he lays with his arms behind his head, looking up at the stars. I barely remember ever looking at them before life in the bunker, I remember seeing the glowing butterfly's with my mom and dad. Ethan's wavy locks fall in his eyes and he tries to blow them out his face but falls. Resting on one of my elbows I reach over helping him "you should consider trimming your bangs - you wouldn't have this problem." He chuckled at my statement, pulling me down so my head rests on his chest.
A few seconds passed before he's pointing out the Ark in the sky. "See Beth it's right there." I put my head up to his finger where he points squinting with a giggle "Ethan, that's a star - not the Ark."
He runs a hand through his hair fighting "nah, the Ark only looks like a star from here - but the brightest star up there is the Ark." Facing him i quipped "what about the sun then Ethan miksmartie pants Haltet. Huh?"
He glares at me before a grin appears. He cups my face and kisses me. I throw my arms around his neck and pull us down so he's hovering over me. The stars dance almost above his as I grin up at him. Ethan is attractive to me and he's not even 17 yet. His green eyes pour into mine with such hope for a better life. Like my grandpa Kane's used too.
Ethan forces himself up to his feet, a hand outstretched to me. Raising an eyebrow to him "what is it, Ethan?" He pulls me closer to his side, riffle slung over his shoulder. We head only a few feet from our campsite. He uses a knife to carve a x in the tree. Way back when mom said she'd learned gun training from dad, so I grin at Ethan's face.
"You're mom said to protect you so - I thought you should learn how to shoot" he comes behind me as I hold his rifle in my hands, looking through the scope I stand "my mom only let me hold a handgun and she yelled at me for nearly using it to save my dad...although I was only 7 at the time." Ethan chuckles before wrapping his arms around mine, positing me.
"Here, a little higher. I only put three bullets in it." He let's go of ne as I take a breath slowly pulling the trigger. The gunshot sound surprises me at first but the next two shots give me an exciting feeling.
"Oh my gosh...that felt awesome!" I turned to him with a smirk. He removes the gun from my hands. With a smirk playing on his lips he kisses me deeply, catching me off guard. I slowly kiss him back liking the feeling of his lips hungry on mine. We start backing up till I hit a tree. I gasp causing Ethan to break apart noticing our hairs are messed up. My heartbeats fast as he runs his fingers through his locks, in a panic.
"Bethany I - I'm sorry. I got carried away." He explained.
Stepping up to him, I rest a hand on his cheek letting him lean into my palm "it's okay Ethan. I want to go further in the future....just give me time." He leans forward kissing my forehead "I understand. I promise I'll control myself from here on, Beth."
This is one of the reasons I love Ethan. Because he's respectful of my decisions.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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abalonetea · 6 years
Hello. I'm sorry if writing wasn't super fun today (hoping it's gotten better since I saw that it wasnt though). For fun, would you like to tell me some of your favorite random facts about some of your OCs? For whatever project you want, of course...Or several. Or many. Because I'm a nasty enabler, but at least I'm fun. Really it's up to you, I just enjoy fun facts, and I feel like it might help lift your spirits should they need lifting.
sdfgnsufignvf you’re such a sweetheart even as you enable me to stray into the Zone of Many Projects which is dangerous for everyone around! 
(it’s gotten a touch better, though i didn’t quite get all three chapters done and have realized that there are Plans For Tomorrow that could cause the same; but at least i found a way past my block!)
okay so i’m gonna put this under a cut probably because you’ve given me too much power and i’m absolutely going to ramble at you about some oc’s from several of my projects, oops
i know that you want it so here how about we start off with A Life Out Of Order?
*cracks knuckles* 
*Skittles is only 16-17 when he first joins the band it’s a Big Deal that No One knows how to deal with*he’s in his early 20′s by the time that the whole thing falls apart*loves crop tops so much and, yes, it is partially because he likes showing off his naval piercing*has Other Piercings too and not just on his face*Skittles twin is named Asher and they have a Complicated Relationship*was kicked out of his house right before meeting Tony*lives with a friend-of-a-friend that is Not Good before Tony and the rest of the band pitch together to get Skittles his own place*has undiagnosed BPD and raging depression*struggles with drugs as a combination of the culture during that time and Tony’s bad influence*has a very twang-y voice when he’s not singing and Marcello picks on him about it relentlessly
and then just some rambling facts because? not sure if i’ve ever mentioned Marcello before but he’s actually important! in fact, Marcello is a main player in the sequel series!
basically, he’s been playing at being a guitarist in his own right for years now. has been in over 50 bands and hated them all. Marcello is the first “fan” of Vipers N Honey after Skittles joins up, bar hopping across Florida with them. 
Skittles absolutely befriends him and maybe kind of crushes on him for a while, but Marcello isn’t looking for a committed relationship. after the band breaks up, Skittles takes off and goes on a massive bender, and it’s actually Marcello’s house that he shows up at, looking for some help to get clean and back on his feet.
(also Marcello introduces Skittles to William, who is also in the sequel series but not as prevalent in this one)
and a note that just might be fun? Asher and Skittles are twins, both from a small town out in New Jersey. they grew up going to the same parties and doing the same things, but Skittles looks just like the guy that their mother had an affair with, and it basically was the First Difference between how family acted around them.
when he’s kicked out of the house, Skittles goes from one negligent and mildly abusive situation into another one, which eventually Tony and Snazzy help him get out of.
after leaving home, it’s literally almost fifteen years before Skittles and Asher see each other again in person!
my other set of band babe’s are actually in a death metal band. it follows the lead singer, who’s name is literally always changing because i can never find anything that Fits For Him and the guitarist that they kicked out a few years ago, Magnus. everyone calls him Maggie, even though he hates it.
the idea is that their music actually was channeling legitimate spirits and demons, and Maggie happened to be a very receptive host. combine that with his EPD and OCD, and it would frequently send Maggie into violent fits of rage. after a particularly nasty fight with the Lead Singer, he gets kicked out of the band.
flash forward nearly two years later, the metal band is locally famous in their state, and their music is Making Things Worse for Maggie who has not had an easy go of it. a thought gets in his head about getting revenge on the band (it’s fueled by a nasty demon trying to possess him) and he goes off to try and enact just that - only to have things Not Go His Way when he falls in awkward half-love with Lead Singer and also grows horns oopsie he’s half demon.
Bound for Providence is amazing and while the two main characters are great, maybe have some facts for Crosshair instead?
*no one knows her actual name but the captain; it’s Bethany and she’s better than that, thanks*the best shot on the whole crew. generally gets up in the masts for raids on other ships and knocks their enemies out that way*gets to be very good friends with Lucas and hates that they aren’t telling the truth*will always be loyal to Whiplash, though. he saved her life when they were little, and she considers him a brother*doesn’t understand the fascination that Lucas has with dragons. she’s seen them take out whole ships, but she’s also seen them fall into the ocean and drown. they’re just another type of animal to her.*intervenes when some of the other crew members gets too rowdy*can out drink everyone else on the ship*suffers from chronic muscle aches
she’s a strong willed character that doesn’t care what anyone thinks, with the exception of her captain. they’re like brothers - it doesn’t matter what Whiplash asks of her, Crosshair will always do it.
tons of tattoo’s on her arms, including arrows, and bright red hair. she’s got a gap toothed smile and doesn’t mind listening to Lucas talk about dragons, even if she doesn’t understand their appeal. fishes him out of the water more than a few times.
hahaha i could ramble and talk and share facts about my characters forever, tbh, and almost talked about shane or theo or tony, but i’m going to make myself stop here because i don’t want to get too wordy on you!
for real though, this was so amazing and just super sweet of you, thank you!
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jinsoulsscalp · 5 years
if ur not indy ( @parallelwcrlds​ ) ignore this (or dont idc but youll b confused)
gen 1 of our hp au, set in 6th year. probably set sometime between 2010-present day. the blood status war bullshit died down a little after hp-era, but there’s been a recent resurgence in it. 5 years ago, a big dickhead graduated from hogwarts and probably went into politics and is super magic-equivalent-of-alt-right and is popularizing being an asshole and is lowkey starting the third war to kill all muggleborns and take over and popularize dark magic (donald trump ass motherfucker smh) and “finish what voldemort started” (bitch sounds like kylo ren the fuck erhiufbneri).
the not-asshole members of this year reformed the dumbledore’s army as a protest and to pay homage to the heroes of the past war, and lowkey dont do antyhing yet but hangout, but probably someday will reform the order of the phoenix outside of hogwarts when shit starts to really get bad. also onyx is on the brink of bringing muggle tech to the magic world, so there’s that too.
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name: benjamin jo age: 17 height: 5′8 house: slytherin sexuality: gay fc: b-bomb bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: falmouth, west country, england about:     -nasti boi on the blood supremist train     -he & river are the evil slytherin gay power couple     -uses naomi to keep tabs on antonia     -favorite class is defense against the dark arts, though he thinks the name is stupid     -stuck up and vindictive     -lives on a beach lot with his family, far away from muggle settlements in his town     -father is a wizengamont grand juror, mother is a socialite
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name: joshua eom age: 17 height: 6′1 house: ravenclaw sexuality: bi fc: zico bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch beater, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: london, england about:     -v sarcastic and seething but means well     -doesn’t try to hard, but is real smart and has an eidetic memory, so he gets by pretty easily     -doesn’t take any shit     -more or less good natured     -both parents are magic, however his father is muggleborn     -lowkey loves divination but if you tell anyone he’ll fight you
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name: naomi woo age: 16 height: 5′5 house: gryffindor sexuality: straight fc: chorong bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: kenmare, kerry, ireland about:     -was a good kid when she started at hogwarts, hence getting into gryffindor, but as she grew up, she and her family started falling in blood supremacy holes, so realistically she doesn’t belong there anymore     -wicked and stuck up     -a spoiled brat     -lowkey would do anything to get people like river and ben to be on her side     -honestly is just insecure and wants to belong and is trying to do that by appealing to the nasties of the world     -two-faced and manipulative and will cry to get out of things     -loves charms class uwu
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name: bethany jung age: 16 height: 5′2 house: hufflepuff sexuality: lesbian fc: chuu bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: prefect, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: ilkley, yorkshire, england about:     -both parents are muggleborn     -grew up in a waterfront cottage     -very loving family     -so energetic and desperate to please     -in love w casey thats her girl     -looks up to antonia so freaking much     -classic hermione granger-- has a giant ass classload     -loves ancient runes class
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name: antonia park age: 17 height: 5′6 house: gryffindor sexuality: lesbian fc: cl bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: prefect (ambitions to be head girl), quidditch captain & chaser, founder and leader of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: tinworth, west country, england about:     -lowkey descended from death eaters but we don’t talk about that     -classic hero trope, shes a badass and takes no shit but is inherently good     -kind of an overachiever too-- shes always pushing herself to be better and do more     -wanted to grow up to be an auror, but with the ministry getting more and more corrupt, she instead wants to reform the order of the phoenix and become a bounty hunter vigilante     -natural enemy to river and ben lbr     -hates defense against the dark arts class bc its lowkey turning into what it was when umbridge ran it     -digs transfiguration tho that shits cool
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name: kurtis ahn age: 17 height: 5′10 house: gryffindor sexuality: pan fc: daesung bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: kilkenny, leinster, ireland about:     -big goofy boi     -class clown 2 the max     -went through an emo phase years 2-4 but we dont talk about that     -raised by his dad, who is a wizard. muggle mother left when she found out bc it was too much for her aND ALL THE LIES MAN     -mood maker-- brightens everyone’s day     -sunshine personified     -loves care of magical creatures
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name: tristan lee age: 16 height: 5′7 house: slytherin sexuality: bi fc: hwiyoung bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: prefect, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: manchester, england about:     -kind of shy and keeps to himself for necessity (you would too if you were a muggleborn who shared a bedroom with river and ben)     -loves learning about magic so much     -pissed a lot of people (racist blood supremicists lol) off when he was made prefect, but hes really proud of that position     -he likes muggle studies class bc its an easy a and he likes laughing at everything they mess up
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name: stephanie kim age: 16 height: 5′5 house: slytherin sexuality: bi fc: hyuna bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: bangor, wales about:     -spoiled brat, but not like naomi? like shes spoiled and self centered but not mean     -that being said, super self absorbed     -doesn’t do anything that doesn’t have something in it for her     -party girl     -a metamorphmagus but mostly just uses her powers to change her hair without commitment     -mother passed away during childbirth and she never knew her dad, raised by her eccentric wizard grandmother who literally just throws money at her bc they have so much and her grandmother doesnt really know how to take care of teenagers
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name: maryse young age: 16 height: 6′0 house: hufflepuff sexuality: pan fc: jeonghwa bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch seeker, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: cork, ireland about:     -youngest of 5, only girl and the shortest (wow i know wild)     -surprisingly coordinated for being so tall tbh     -her best friends in the world are the hufflepuff quidditch team-- especially the ones in her year. that team is so tight they’re her people     -lowkey braeden got them all into the dumbledore’s army, but like??? why would she not join???? shes protecting her friends like braeden who need her support??? its a no brainer???     -shes very happy and giggly and so so supportive of her friends     -shes also like 1/4 giant
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name: minhyuk byun age: 17 height: 5′10 house: ravenclaw sexuality: gay fc: key bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: prefect hometown: jeju, south korea about:     -hogwarts equivalent of an exchange student     -muggleborn with very potent magical energy very young, so hogwarts snatched him up before any other schools could     -there was originally a big ol language barrier, and its still there but he’s learned a lot     -he wants to be a healer when he graduates
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name: onyx moon age: 16 height: 5′4 house: ravenclaw sexuality: bi fc: le bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: london, england about:     -her parents are both muggles, but her mother’s sister is a witch and would tell her stories about magic when she was a kid. she thought they were all fake until she got her hogwarts letter     -as soon as she went to hogwarts, she brought as much muggle tech as she could with her so she could figure out how to integrate it with magic and make it work.     -she’s made things that play music work, but anything more complicated or online is still up in the air (she’s really close to cracking it though)     -she’s absolutely brilliant, but she’s so focused on her passion project that a lot of time her grades suffer.     -she likes arithmancy bc its basically complicated magic math, and she can respect that
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name: theodore nam age: 17 height: 6′2 house: gryffindor sexuality: straight fc: mino bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: n/a hometown: glasgow, scotland about:     -resident hogwarts bad boy hugiuerjdgnj     -big time slacker and troublemaker     -a little bit of an asshole but he means well     -probably has broken a lot of hearts hes the classic bad boy trope tbh      -just some of his ex-girlfriends include naomi (one of his biggest mistakes he regrets that one), bethany (that was in year 4 before she knew she was gay af), steph, brynn, arcadia, faye, among others (those are just the fellow 6th years)
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name: rhys do age: 16 height: 5′2 house: ravenclaw sexuality: pan fc: minzy bloodstatus: pureblood extra affiliations: quidditch chaser hometown: godric’s hollow, west country, england about:     -okay so u kno how there are parents who push their kids to do stuff and live vicariously through them? that was rhys’ parents with quidditch     -like that’s her life it’s all she knows     -she’s traveled all over the world to see the world cup every single year     -wishes quidditch class wasn’t just for first years     -if she doesn’t go pro someday she will combust
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name: brynn kang age: 16 height: 5′4 house: slytherin sexuality: bi fc: soyeon bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch beater, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: hogsmeade, scotland about:     -kind of a bit of a delinquent     -she cuts class and sneaks into the forbidden forest, but that’s because she’s curious and adventurous and doesn’t learn very well in conventional settings anyway     -born and raised in hogsmeade, so you don’t know how many times a year she straight up just sneaks out of hogwarts to go home and hang out with her dog      -strong sense of morality     -if antonia is true good, brynn is chaotic good. she’s just as much of a freedom fighter, but less into structure and establishment     -shes 1/8 veela on her dad’s side but she hasn’t really grown into that yet and is just a mess
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name: gabriel lim age: 16 height: 5′10 house: hufflepuff sexuality: pan fc: v bloodstatus: halfblood extra affiliations: quidditch chaser, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: holyhead, wales about:     -yo magic exists, there is 100% a magical way for two women to conceive a child aka gabe has two moms     -one of his moms is the captain of the holyhead harpies, and the other is an investigative journalist for the daily prophet (among other publications)     -hes so loyal and good      -his quidditch team, but braeden especially, are his best friends and he’d do anything for them.     -he’s so good natured and kind he cannot fathom people like river and ben existing
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name: braeden hamilton age: 16 height: 5′8 house: hufflepuff sexuality: bi fc: vernon bloodstatus: muggleborn extra affiliations: quidditch captain and keeper, member of the new dumbledore’s army hometown: brighton, england about:     -very sporty as a smaller kid-- was really into soccer especially, and was an a+ goalie     -he was a huge outcast his first year and didnt have a ton of friends. he lowkey was close to just saying fuck you to this magic shit and going home to be normal     -finding quidditch once he went to hogwarts was his saving grace-- he finally found something he understood and could relate to     -and, as it turns out, reflexes are reflexes, so he ended up being a really talented keeper     -he started making friends too, as he was embraced by his team, and now he doesn’t know what he’d do without them     -this year he was named captain of the team and dude he honestly cried when he found that out he was so honored and it felt like things were coming full circle finally     -he was one of the first hufflepuffs to join the new dumbledore’s army, because people like ben and river were part of why he’d been so close to just leaving the magic world behind when he was 12, and he wanted to be a role model
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