#is so thin in the 39C you can easily mess with history. I think that's the other thing that captures me about the series.
iamthepulta · 3 months
I decided to reread the 39 clues out of boredom and I saw a couple of your posts in the 39 clues tag and I agree with a lot of what you said. That series had such a hold on me when I was younger and it’s actually been fun to revisit it(even if it’s more chaotic than I remember lol). I also find myself being a lot more interested in the OG founders of the Cahills(Luke, Katherine, etc), because I feel like there’s so much potential for their stories xD
Sorry for taking forever to respond to this! I'm so glad you're loving them during your reread! And YES. The founders have had a death grip on me since forever! I still occasionally wonder about Thomas' must've-been-batshit-insane trip to Japan. Or Katherine in Egypt. And phew. Luke and Jane just live in my head rent free. There's so much to unpack with those two. So much to unpack.
I still think the Interim book between the original series and Vespers is one of my favorite books because we got those snippets of Olivia, Luke's, and Madeleine's characterization.
I'm suddenly wondering if the 39 Clues filled my initial hunger for fucked up family dynamics too, lol. Amy and Dan and the rest of the distant Cahills are fucked up family dynamics on lite mode: Amy and Dan? Tragic. Ian and Natalie? They're neat. The Holts? Supreme fuckery. The Starlings? God, I underappreciated the Starlings. Genius teenage triplets in a power-hungry world-domination clue hunt? That's SO good. I'm not even sure the limit of shit you can unpack with Alistair and Irina's Cold War dead-family baggage. But the OG Cahills? You can't top it. Four genius kids with unique talents who turn on each other after their parent(s) die in a tragic accident they think one of them set? My brain is on fire.
I would reread mine! I had pretty much the full set, but ended up giving my collection away to a friend's daughter. (Absolutely not hoping to make more 39C fans out of a new generation...)
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