#is that not how tinn's conversation with his mom went
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My School President + text posts
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bengiyo · 1 year
Moonlight Chicken Ep 8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
This brings us to the end of finale week, and I couldn't ask for a better show to close us out.
Yesterday, Alan opted to stay with his family instead of compelling Wen to take care of him. Also, Jim and Wen went on a cute date..Jam came to the house to tell Li Ming that she wants to remarry and also wants to be a mother to him now. Li Ming did not want any of this at all because they have never been close, she didn't raise him, and be doesn't want her making decisions for him.
Meanwhile, Jim accidentally outed Li Ming to his mom as Jim struggled with his own fears and insecurities about Li Ming. He and Jam had a not-great conversation about it, and so Jim went to talk to Wen about it. Wen gave Jim some perspective, and Jim gave Wen probably the best sniff kiss we've seen in a very long time.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Hong passed away, and we spent the back half of the episode on her funeral. Khaotung destroyed us with his performances, and the funeral opened up all of the characters to think about where they are. Li Ming and Jim reconciled. Jim cleared things with Alan, who met Gaipa at the funeral. Heart and his family came to the funeral. Jim finally decided to let go of the restaurant and set down his burdens.
We just started and I'm already crying! Jim feels so much lighter now that the restaurant and Li Ming aren't weighing him down. He's also finally acting like a gay uncle. He's helping guide Jam away from Li Ming and assuring her he'll help his nephew.
Chapter 8: The Self-made House and Home
It's such a relief to see Li Ming comfortable around Jim again.
Big fan of the "Person's for Men" hoodie.
I love Wen. I want to be this bold in love.
Fourth has incredible chemistry with Lookwa. I get why they paired them twice. Jam has had a messy romantic history her son has witnessed. I get why she values his approval.
There are so many people like Gaipa, who went on to get degrees that they don't necessarily get to use. I don't think they should be ashamed of the lives they've built.
I like that Wen and Gaipa never turned nasty with each other over Jim.
This party was so sweet. Saleng is being that cousin again. Li Ming taught Heart how to cut chicken. Wen made fuck-me eyes at Jim. Jim basked in the warmth of his little family.
I like how double-speak is a constant character trait of Alan's.
Heart's mom is really trying. I'm glad they told her about the school Heart wants to attend.
Heart and Li Ming are so adorable that it almost hurts. Fourth is all about kissing the homies.
I see Earth and Fourth aren't just gonna give me a break. "When did you know yourself?" is really the question. I don't mind Li Ming not answering, but the way he answers tells me he always knew about his uncle and chose to live with him because he didn't want to figure himself out with anyone else. I'm so glad Jim reiterated that there's nothing wrong with him, even as Li Ming gives the kid answer that getting money is more important.
That hug from behind? I think that was inspired by all of the GMMTV actors hugging Aof that way. Gosh, Fourth is really a special talent.
Big fan of this last minute complication in Wen's promotion.
The "Welcome Back Foam Fest" shirt is foreshadowing Tinn's fantasy in My School President.
First and Khaotung are so powerful. They sailed an entire ship in two scenes.
Kinda like the idea of Jim with a food truck.
Oh, I'm crying because of Mark Pakin again. Leng got the necklace back, and is working well enough that Praew can focus on carrying for their son, Jason.
Jim took Wen to meet his sister's new family and called him boyfriend. Wen is giddy in his seat over it.
I said this earlier, but Lookwa and Fourth work so well together. I like how she immediately tried to use sign to thank Heart. You can see her making the decision to get the money for Li Ming to go with Heart to America.
They really did the thing with Heart and Li Ming. I see why GMMTV greenlit them for Our Skyy 2 even before My School President released.
I really love how Aof's compassion and empathy infuses his characters. Yes, Jam was not a good mother to Li Ming, but she's trying to do right by him now. Life is the future, and she's doing what she can now to help Li Ming the way he wants to be helped.
They saw the shift in demeanor when Li Ming stopped being so angry and knew that Fourth and Gemini could carry a show.
I really love Alan joining their little family at the end here. Of course Saleng is going to tease Gaipa. I also like that Wen is learning sign language as well. What a beautiful final shot.
What a pleasant epilogue. Loved the metaphor about there being nothing wrong with the DVD, and rather it just being the player. You are still capable of love. You just need to try a different player.
Final Verdict: 10, Must Watch. This was Aof's best work so far with his best cast. This show managed all of its threads flawlessly without a single missed beat. Everyone is dialed in the entire time to tell a story about the families we build and the love we bring to our communities. In so many ways this feels like Aof in conversation with Boss from I Told Sunset About You. I have such high hopes for the future of queer storytelling out of Thailand after the last week.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
more thoughts on Tinn, his mother, coming out, and Gun
In episode 11, Tinn's mom goes to Gun's mom's cafe to talk to Gun. She's seen her son's caller ID for Gun (Chinzilla Baby <3 and a cute selfie) and has realized there is something going on there she didn't know about. She's here to get to know Gun a bit better, to scope him out, make an effort to get to know him, etc. This is made all the more clear in the next scene, when she and Tinn are walking home and she gives him a pastry from Gun's moms cafe and too casually mentions that she goes there a lot, while very carefully gauging his reactions. She's trying to figure out what Tinn means to Gun and what Gun means to Tinn. However, I don't think she intended to directly question Gun at the cafe until he talked about hearing Tinn sing.
I talked about this in my other post, but when Tinn's mom says no one in her family is very musical or sings, and Gun says Tinn has sung for him several times, she realizes that there's even more about her son she doesn't know. She came into this conversation knowing there was a closeness and romantic element to Tinn's relationship to Gun that she was missing, but now she is realizing there are whole other parts of her son she doesn't know, and that Gun does. Immediately after Gun shares that he has heard Tinn sing, Tinn's mom says "Can I ask you something? It's about Tinn". We don't actually get to hear her question or Gun's answer, because another customer comes and interrupts, but with the tension in the moment and the looks they give each other, it seems that she was about to ask about Gun and Tinn's relationship/Tinn's sexuality (and Gun knows this too). Tinn's mom didn't intend to ask so directly about Tinn and his relationship, but faced with the knowledge that there is so much about his son she is missing, she can't help it. She has to ask. She has to know.
The next scene is all about Tinn's mom trying to get a read on Tinn. They are walking home and she is trying to use the pastry from Gun's mom's store to gauge he son's reactions when Tinn asks if he can go on a beach day trip. And Tinn's mom immediately (but deliberately casually) asks "Who with? Which friend?". She has learned that last time Tinn went on a beach vacation, it was not with the student council as he said but was in fact almost certainly with Gun, and she sees here an opportunity. The pause, they way they look at each other when she says "which friend?"... Tinn's mom is going into this like a bomb defusal expert, just armed with carefully casual curiosity. She knows which friend, and she has a strong suspicion that the "friend" in question is not quite a "friend" at all, but she's going to let Tinn come to her. Tinn says "a friend from music club" (which is the first time he's told her so explicitly that he has friends from music club, that he is on such close terms with them - progress!), and she sighs, because while he was honest, he still wasn't fully honest. It's time for a more direct approach. So she steels herself and asks, "Was it Gun who asked you?". Again, there is a moment of significant eye contact as Tinn registers her very pointed question and thinks about how he has never mentioned Gun as a friend, and Tinn's mom waits to see if he will tell her the truth, or at least part of it. Tinn says yes, it was Gun who asked him, but doesn't offer anything else, just immediately re-asking if he can go. And again, Tinn's mom sighs because while he did tell her another personal detail, she knows there is more he is not saying. And Tinn sighs too, because he knows that he has gotten closer to the truth than ever before but he still didn't tell her.
It is a moment of real progress in their relationship though, maybe not as much as Tinn's mom would have liked, but Tinn has now told her he is friends with the music club and that he is specifically friends with Gun, and she has signaled to him that she doesn't have an interest in controlling his life or stopping him from doing things, she is just curious about what he is up to and what is important to him, while also making it clear that she does not have a problem with him being friends with Gun.
Another note about this scene too - Tinn doesn't know that his mom was specifically digging about Gun and his relationship when she went to the cafe and when they talked on their way home. During the next scene, Gun asks if he is sure his mom was just there to buy food or was it because she suspects anything, and Tinn says she didn't say anything to him, so he thinks it is just a coincidence. I want to point out that Tinn was so sure that if his mom had another reason for going to the cafe and talking to Gun she would have told him because they tell each other everything (though there is a level of "Tinn not picking up on hints" and perhaps willful ignorance playing a role here too). But regardless, Tinn has a good relationship with his mom! He's used to talking to her about everything, so much so that he doesn't think she had any other intention in her actions last night because she would have told him otherwise! And his mom would have said the same thing about Tinn until recently too (e.g., she assumed that if he had another intention behind him helping the music club he would have told her), until she realized how much he wasn't sharing with her, how much she doesn't know about him.
Back to the original train of thought - this is two times now on the show Tinn has gotten close to telling his mom about the most significant new thing in his life, his relationship with Gun, but not gone through with it. The first time was in their home gym, when Tinn's mom asks him if he likes anyone. We saw Tinn steel himself to tell his mom the truth, but she started talking about possible girls it could be and we saw him lose his nerve when faced with the triple task of 1) telling her he is actually close friends with people in the music club (and in particular Gun), 2) telling her he is seeing some one, and 3) telling her that someone is a boy. The second time is here, where he has finally told her that he is close to people in the music club, especially Gun, bringing him one step closer to the truth: that he is seeing someone, and that someone is a boy. But he couldn't do it. And he's a bit disappointed in himself, but he's not ready yet.
Ep. 11 ends with Gun going to tell his mother about Tinn and Tinn returning from the beach trip to find his mom waiting for him. She says, "Can we talk? It's about Gun." Tinn's mom's words echo what she said to Gun in the cafe ("Can I ask you something? It's about Tinn"). Like in the scene with Gun in the cafe, its clear from her words and delivery that she's cutting to the chase. She is about be direct about this, to get answers to her questions, to get confirmation for her growing suspicions. And just like Gun in the cafe, we know Tinn knows where she is going with this. He tenses up so much as soon as she says Gun.
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The beginning of episode 12 cuts between Gun telling his mother about his relationship with Tinn, and Tinn and his mother facing off. Cut together, it's downright diabolically painful and really drives home the differing relationships the boys have with their mothers. Gun is nervous, but he tells his mother everything and is embraced. Meanwhile, each cut to Tinn shows how SCARED he is - picking at his nails, wringing his hands, looking away - and the tense silence between him and his mom is overwhelming. Tinn's mom notices her son's genuine fear and doesn't follow through. Instead she inquires after Gun's mother's health, and Tinn can relax, though he's still tense. He knows how close that was.
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After Tinn leaves, his dad comes in and asks "You didn't ask him?" and his mom replies "I couldn't. I've never seen our son look so scared." And I mean... god my heart. I've talked before about how much this part of Tinn's story resonates with me. Logically, objectively, Tinn shouldn't fear coming out to his mom. Sure we haven't seen her be openly supportive of gay people, but we haven't seen her be homophobic either, so odds are she would be safe to come out to, right? Right? I know I, and a lot of queer people, can relate to this. We may not have any reason to believe that our coming out won't be met with support, but you can never be sure. There are so many people in this world who might be fine with queer people in general but not with their own kids being queer, or people who have never shown violence or hate towards queer people but aren't necessarily supportive either, and you don't want to learn what category your loved ones fall in when you are coming out. Coming out is the end of something and the beginning of something else - in the best case, it's the end of having to hide and the beginning of freedom and support and being who you truly are. In the worst cases, it's the end of safety and love and the beginning of abuse, abandonment, and homelessness. Watching Tinn stand there in front of his mother, the as-of-yet unspoken but clearly known question hanging there in the room... I felt it. Once it's out there, he can never take it back. It will change their relationship forever (maybe barely, or for the better, but maybe significantly, or for the worst - and he won't know which until after the fact).
For the first 11 eps, MSP doesn't deal a lot with homophobia. Again, and I talked about this in my other post, the main hint we have that this show might not take place in a homophobia-free “bubble” is Tinn’s hesitation around coming out to his mother. This moment at the beginning of ep 12 is the first that slams us unequivocally into the "real world". Tinn is SCARED. Before, we could chalk up his hesitation to tell his mom as him being nervous that she wouldn't like or approve of Gun given her history with the music club, or perhaps even the fact that she knows Tinn in certain contexts and ways and it can be hard to break free of that. But now, it's abundantly clear that there is a queer element to his hesitation. He isn't just scared about coming out as "dating" or as "dating Gun", he is scared to come out as "into boys".
And it's all the sadder because Tinn fell first, he's wanted to be Gun's boyfriend for nearly 3 years at this point, he's the romantic who loves the gestures... and he's the one who tells Gun they have to keep it hidden, that he doesn't know how his family will react.
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weilongfu · 1 year
Ofc how but mention every single of of The Boys. All of your boys at once
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Gun sipped his soda and watched as Tinn fiddled with his poster tube for what was apparently a vital presentation for the both of them. His boyfriend's nerdiness had grown on him, to a near fatal degree, and Gun was wondering if he'd suddenly have a problem getting tutored by Tinn if he wore glasses during their sessions.
(Tinn did not need to know that it was bound to be a problem if Gun's recent search history was any indication.)
"Okay, okay, so we've been invited to a Party," Tinn said at last as he pulled out his rolled up poster. "Not just any party, but a Panitchayasawad Party."
"Yes," Gun said with a nod.
"Because some how, through crazy random happenstance, you have family connected to the Panitchayasawads."
"Which means we'll be exposed to a host of characters."
"Well, P'Can says they're all pretty cool..."
Tinn narrowed his eyes and Gun put on his most innocent face. "Regardless, we're being thrown into the tiger's den and I think we should both be prepared for all the potential conversations we might have."
"You're over-thinking it," Gun said as he held out his soda cup for Tinn to take a sip. "They said to just relax and have a good time."
"Mother would never forgive me if I ruined her reputation or father's at the party, Gun."
"Who's gonna tell her? Do any of them even know your mother?"
Tinn's eyes took on a surprisingly manic glint and Gun wondered just how far a simple party invitation from a friend of a cousin had driven him. "Oh just wait." Tinn unfurled his poster and Gun's eyes immediately lost focus. "To help us today, I made a non-exhaustive map to chart how all the guests know each other..."
"Tinn... Tinn..." Gun walked over and shook his boyfriend. "This looks like a conspiracy map."
"Well I'd contemplated doing the pinboard thing with yarn and pictures for you but that would have gotten too big and bulky."
Gun blinked. "Oh."
"Anyway..." Tinn stuck the poster up and retrieved a pointer. "We start right here in the middle, with you and me."
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Gun couldn't help his smile at Tinn's antics and pressed a small kiss to Tinn's cheek, making Tinn's cheeks turn pink. "Go on."
"Uhh..." Tinn blinked for a second before shaking himself. "Right, and from us, you have your cousins Ayan and Can."
"P'Can is from mom's side, P'Ayan is from dad's."
"And your cousin and my cousin are... dating."
"Who knew tackling an authoritatively oppressive and traditional private school would start a romance?"
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"P'Can is dating P'Tin, no relation, and P'Tin is from the Medthanan family."
"Yeah, but P'Can doesn't like it when P'Tin uses his money. Says he's too wasteful."
"P'Tin is friends with P'Pete Pitchaya and also goes to school with P'Kluen, Dao, Mork, Pi, and Ae."
"P'Tin always says P'Pete forces him to talk to the others, but I don't buy that."
"P'Can says he smiles when he says it these days."
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Tinn rolled his eyes. "P'Pete and P'Pi are cousins. P'Dao has an older half-brother named P'Fah who will also be attending with his boyfriend P'Prince who actually... is in the family of northern royals."
"Seven degrees of separation is real," Gun said as he traced the lines with a smile. "I'm within seven degrees of an actual Thai prince family line."
Tinn's expression went soft again and Gun pinched his cheek. "Keep going, na?"
"Ahem, right. P'Pete is actually a twin and his twin's name is P'Tutor. P'Tutor goes to school with the people in this box here..." Tinn said as he pointed to the next part of his chart.
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"Look, you drew a boot around these people."
"It's not a boot... okay it looks like a boot, but that's P'Bohn's gang of friends who are in the same year as P'Fighter who is dating P'Tutor..."
"Got it, got it, got it. Friends, friends, friends."
"Not only just friends, P'Fighter and P'Bohn's families occasionally do business."
"Tinn, so many of these have families that do business... Just P'Tin's family alone does business with most of them. It's like... half of your chart."
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"Regardless, don't forget to not mention webnovels around P'Zon, P'Pete and P'Tutor are identical twins that were separated at birth so be alert, P'Frong will love talking about flowers, P'Thara will love talking about his lizard-"
"Is that a euphemism?"
"No." Tinn frowned. "Where did you learn the word euphemism?"
"From you."
"Oh..." Tinn's expression turned dopey again and Gun flicked his forehead. "Um right. P'Ram likes dogs, P'King's been working on his dog phobia-"
"Did dating P'Ram help with that?"
"...I'm too scared to ask."
"Hmm... valid."
"You can definitely talk music with several of these seniors," Tinn pointed out. "P'Saifah and P'Boss are big ones in this part here. P'Sarawat up here is also good at music."
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"But P'Sarawat just goes to the same school. Why is he invited?"
"P'Pete and P'Yo apparently helped P'Tine with something once and P'Sarawat owes someone in there a favor so he keeps playing music for the parties. P'Kongpob says he probably likes to do it so he doesn't have to talk to anyone."
"Why are P'Pat and P'Pran invited?"
Tinn rubbed his eyes. "P'Kongpob invited them. Something about keeping an eye on P'Pat and potentially making him head hazer one day. Also P'Pat's dad and P'Kongpob's dad were in negotiations for some kind of business deal. Maybe that went through?"
"I think P'Ayan invited P'Pran because of art lessons."
"Since when does P'Ayan draw?"
"Since he felt like it. Something about art therapy."
Tinn nodded and scanned the chart for the next section to discuss. "Oh, I forgot to mention P'Solo and P'Kao Ashira. They're also really good at music. Talk to them. P'Kao is known for being able to play any instrument at his school."
"Huh... I think you're missing lines here," Gun said as he traced lines from Tin to Win. "I could have sworn P'Can said P'Dean and P'Win are friends with P'Pete."
"No one tells me anything," Tinn grumbled as he scribbled down a note in his notebook.
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"It's still a really good chart, Tinn."
"But now it's missing connections."
"Which you couldn't have known about because..." Gun scratched his head. "Hey, actually how did you get all this information?"
Tinn sighed. "They've all had a lot of stuff publicly posted on social media. And then I asked P'Akk and P'Kongpob to help fill in some gaps."
"You determined most of this from just social media?! Are you sure you want to do engineering at uni and not... data mining?"
"Engineering pays better," Tinn said with a shrug. "Even if it's an oversaturated field at this rate." Tinn then picked up his pointer again and continued. "So that's the gang at that school... Over here we have P'Prapai, Sky, Payu, and Rain. I'd say I should warn you about P'Prapai, but apparently P'Sky has him on lock. P'Tin also invited P'Payu as a favor to P'Pran since P'Payu works at a really big architecture firm."
"So this is how people get all those cool, high profile connections, huh?"
"Do you see now why I was nervous?"
"Okay, okay, you were right." Gun rubbed Tinn's back. "I'm sorry. Now keep going, you still have a whole half of the chart left."
"Uhh... let's do this easy part next." Tinn pointed down to a small section on the bottom. "Here's P'Kao Phanuwat, my tutor, and his boyfriend, P'Pete Phubodin. They go to school with P'Akk Itsara and P'Theo. P'Theo's mom also does business with P'Fighter, but don't bring it up too much since P'Theo's parents got a divorce. He almost moved to France with his mother actually."
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"Didn't you say you talk to a P'Theo about books sometimes too?"
"Yep, that's this P'Theo. He's a Lit major."
"So I have to thank him for all the English vocab you've tried to teach me lately?"
"More than you can imagine." Tinn took another sip of Gun's soda and pointed to the last section. "And now the last part over here. The Wild Doctors Gang. P'Pha, Kit, and Beam have been friends since childhood and they all decided to go to the same uni and become doctors. P'Pha and P'Yo have been chasing each other since high school... P'Ming has apparently liked P'Kit since high school... P'Lom and P'Pha are cousins..."
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"What's this over here?" Gun pointed at an orange line from Yo to Khai. "Mortal enemies?"
"Oh that... P'Yo says P'Khai broke his One Piece DVDs once and laughed about it. P'Yo has never forgiven him since and P'Third, P'Khai's boyfriend, is perpetually apologetic whenever they end up meeting up. Realistically, the line between P'Yo and P'Khai should be a green one since their dads do business occasionally, but uh... this is the more relevant connection."
"So if I'm reading this chart right... We both could have gotten invited to P'Yo's party several ways?"
Tinn rubbed his eyes again. "Yes."
"And we've only just gotten an invite now because?"
"Your cousins got invited and then you had to tell them we were graduating soon and now their friends want us to pick one of their schools to go to and so P'Yo decided to invite us so we could talk to them about their schools." Tinn pointed at Khai and Third again. "P'Yo says if we ever want to be invited again, we do not pick P'Khai's school."
"Do... do we want to be invited again?"
"Ask me after the party," Tinn said with a sigh as he finally slumped into a chair.
"Thank you for all your hard work," Gun said as he sat next to Tinn and ruffled his hair. "You are truly kind and considerate."
Tinn smiled. "It does feel nice to have you say that."
"I'd have said it more often if you just told me you were trying to help..."
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petrichoraline · 1 year
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thanks to @pondphuwin @tinybangtanx and @chinzhillababy for indulging me and in such an incredible way too 😭🥰💖
okay, so *cracks knuckles* this is my big episode 11 prediction theory (and how it came to be) these are my predictions based on these beautiful cryptic resumes showed above. i should post a full ep11 script later, i just really want to get these out in the open before i go offline
at first the oishii pp part made me think in this direction: "those bottle scenes are always a bit spicy so maybe tinngun were doing another round of will-they-won't-they and looking at each others eyes while seductively gulping down pp juice when someone, maybe tinn's mom? walked in on them (and this was the last proof she needed to go off on tinn?)"
but then i was gobsmacked with "only drink from drinks you know about" which is giving "bar safety for girlies 101"? and makes me think about that "how each member of ateez would react if you ask them to watch your glass" video but anyways
i really doubt they're putting drugs into the last ep of The Wholesome Show™️ so there is def something else going on but quite important if two people decided it was vital to mention it
let's go to the other common point: "there is such a thing as taking "falling for you" too far" and "never give up but always watch ur step as u go"
i thought at first that this seems simple enough, a part of a pair (cause it's ep 11, obviously it's not gonna all be about tinngun) clumsily fell while being cute..i did, however, find it a bit sus it's one of two things said that @pondphuwin found worthy to mention..
so @chinzhillababy's addition made me paint a more colourful picture - person A upset person B, some big relationship quarrel occured but person A was like "oh no, this can't be it, i'm fighting for this, for us!" (based on the vibes of love and persistance the clues are exuding) and going after person B in a dramatic fashion, they fell down a solid amount of stairs; i was thinking tinngun tbh but reading about this type of stupidity just makes tiw's face steal tinn's spot in my imaginary scene..i can definitely see por being the needy bf being chased too. this would make sense if them secretly dating was canon and they had a fight about going public..i do, however, think my dash would have been bombarded with posts about it, so i feel i have to exclude that theory
honestly i'm just imagining someone making a dramatic love confession, falling fatally, ending up in hospital and dying (cause tissues?? went off with their acting?? @tinybangtanx your comment is so simple yet so confusing and it sets my imagination OFF)
but i remind myself this is the The Cute Vitamin of the Week Show™️ and get my head back in the boring reality of everyone being safe and sound 🙄 (if someone is actually seriously harmed i will kinda laugh ngl just because it'd feel like i've lost a bet brutally)
i can't get rid of the feeling it's more about a cathartic moment rather than a completely sad one, some type of breakthrough - although i imagine gun being a part of it, it might be the final conflict resolution or at least the open confrontation between tinn and his mom (which i imagine the show wouldn't treat lightly, their mom/son dynamic has been one of the constant themes of the show and this conversation is long overdue, the tension has been building since episode 1); ah, they better not be doing anything to gun's mom, considering the operation went well i doubt they'll be playing a will-she-won't-she (survive) in the last episodes (but the ending of the first resume is so ominous, the type of comment a person who's been hit by a shocker in a show and has been crying over fictional characters and is emotionally exhausted would put at the end of a sentence 😑(this is me squinting at you, mint, this "<3" bothered me more than the tissues comment! two takeaways is a sus amount of takeaways!! it reads as "idk what to tell ya this was a mess and i'm still not sure what i just watched"😭)
ugh let's move on, "arms are NOT legs (sometimes)" was the point at which i stopped squinting out of fear of being spoiled and just snorted loudly... this feels like another drunk gun moment- ohh
okay if the drink comment was NOT about the oishii product placement? if they are two different things OR there's not juice in those bottles? if someone really DID get drunk by accident and this arms-legs moment is just so cute and batshit insane that it HAD to be mentioned (but wasn't that important to the plot)?
i saw the thumbnails earlier btw so i know tiwpor are in this episode for sure but just realised i dont remember the preview from last week as i was trying to figure out what info i have from the previous ep
the arm/leg thing just reminds me of that yeosang video where he put his leg up during a photoshoot instead of his arm because the words sound the same but anyways; it also makes me think of like "give me your hand" and then they give him their leg..? or walking on all fours up stairs? (like it's basically a lot of drunk behaviour imagery, i'm stuck in this scenario lmao) so let's see the rest of the "details"
but before that i want to mention "never give up" really feels more like a not love-related thing, like chase your dreams or run after smth, it's only because of the "falling for you" line that i stay on the "romantic encounter/quarrel track)
(this is my thoughts flowing in real time, if you can't tell, that's why this post is two kilometers long, written in short paragraphs for orderliness and reading it probably feels like being splashed with a shot of espresso in the face at every turn)
okay maybe the arm/leg thing is about a hit? slap vs kick? and the sometimes is like.. whatever gets the job done? lol dramatic por shit if you ask me but maybe soundgun are finally battling that sexual tension out idk (again, my feed would not shut up if that were the case)
"you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" - okay who kissed who? like this is definitely about a cheesy ass romantic moment (im imagining a camping tent cause that's what i associate mosquitoes with apparently lmao but this ain't golden blood); like one of these guys sucked on someone's wrist or..?? maybe it's a cute nickname, maybe it's about the actual insect but someone (i am seeing tiwpor because of a thumbnail being stuck in my head) for sure turned a huh? moment into a cute type of confession thing (i can't get a tiwpor in a tent scenario out of my head, i'm corrupted);
"if you're feeling dizzy hold on tight" - the more i read the more i feel someone ended up at a hospital.. did someone fall off a bike?? did they fall from the stairs?? (there are school stairs in my mind and i can't do anything about that, they're part of my imaginary ep set now)
i am so sleepy at this point i just saw the cute poses they were doing in a gif (and immediately clicked away okay) that i also saw in a thumbnail but i'll try not to put that into my episode
okay so the boys went off with their acting which means that this ain't about gemfourth only probably? it feels like it's a more balanced or side-couple heavy episode; maybe tinngun appear for a mom conflict moment but the rest is establishing what is going on with the other guys? maybe a lot of group scenes again// it wouldve helped if yall mentioned names guys i am sweating over here;
like did the oishii pp come before the falling or not?? who winged their tags here?? this is important you guys :((
i just saw a gif of gun screaming angrily (and first - hot- but second nooo okay this is gonna solidify tinngun as the falling couple, tiwpor can get the mosquitoes and soundwin are on a bike)
speaking of soundgun the arm/leg thing could be related to their whole "i'll be your hands" thing and sound's injury, i feel like it could come back in this episode in some way?
the drinks thing sounds like a silly chinzhilla mess-around gone wrong or a complete accident one of the members caused, like he placed his bottle full of god knows what in the wrong spot and someone drank it in a hurry;
"you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" feels like such a romantic line. like "things that seem bad may bring you more joy than you imagined and could be right for you", smth spoken while one is walking away and the other gently gets hold of their wrist (yes, this is still calm tiw sitting down on a chair in a tent holding por's hand who looks distressed and is also wearing shorts with a belt and an expensive shirt tucked in, no, that will not make the final cut, it's a draft i can't get rid of, you see)
I KEEP SEEING MEME POSTS LIKE SMTH TIWPOR SMTH PAT SMTH AND I AM TOO SLOW AND INTRIGUED AND LOOK AWAY JUST IN TIME YO THIS IS A BATTLEFIELD (like why did all these msp posts start coming in now, is it the americans, did yall just get home and start blogging)
okayy serious conflict and what they are makes me think about the drinks again. if these are reffering to the bottles, aside from the content of the bottle, what else could be important about it? an indirect kiss? someone took gun's bottle and tinn was jealous for example? but that's silly stuff. so maybe there was a note on one of them? i am assuming it's more than one but maybe it is precisely one bottle as the pp this time and there was a romantic message on it (this reminds me of another show that's not coming to me rn). so this note gets in the hands of someone who was not meant to see it so maybe that's how tinngun's relationship gets revealed to the band (i had completely forgotten that was a conflict and could be turned into a big deal, i sobered up a bit and remembered just now); i feel like im way more on track with this one ngl ngl feels.. revelationary
again back to "you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" - this is soundwin. it has to beeeee. like mosquitoes are annoying but you don't always have to chase them away, you can be a big tsundere about it (prior or post starting dating depending on whether you're sound or win lol) and let them be a part of your life, something like that.
tiw's career expectations vs wishes situation might actually be more than just a throwaway line for the job consultation part of the show, if we get to see more tiw that may be explored a bit. i personally don't know shit about por aside from the fact he's a fan of a teacher and has a fun fashion sense (that might be on me, i have trouble with understanding chinzhilla members) so it's very hard to speculate what they'd do together when given more screentime, all i can think about is their tutoring session and how that relates to career choices so it feels inevitable from my pov that their plot is gonna involve the topic of growing up or defying expectations or smth
the only feeling of dizzyness i can think off aside from bikes is the one gun's mom experiences? or maybe tinn's mom would experience out of shock (y'know, lakorn style) and considering thats the last comment in those tags i'm guessing it's about the end of the episode so maybe tinn's mom finally reacts to tinngun and faints or smth and tinn has to do some doctor- we had that with gun's mom already, moving onn
I JUST REMEMBERED THE PREVIEW WAITT so the last ep ended with hot wave (i absolutely forgot that you do not understand how hard im giggling at myself for that rn, i have to binge shows, otherwise you get me writing about msp for hours and not recalling the most anticipated event of the show happening as a cliffhanger last week) and in the preview they were back at the resort and gun talked about how he didn't want the guys to regret staying with him and they did a group hug.. now the other stuff i don't remember.) i'm guessing they didn't win; the way i remembered is i was like "tf they doing for a whole episode? a road trip?" and it came to me) so if they're back in the resort with pat i'm guessing my dude finally took two minutes to give them some words of wisdom without acting insane; maybe this ending of sorts for them got por thinking about his future and that got him and tiw talking and bonding but some of those tags have to be about tiwpor and yet NONE OF THEM FIT WITH THIS THEORY
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p3l0k3n · 1 year
MSP 11
I have seen people talk about MSP being a fluffy, serotonin-boosting series, a show that lacks the depth that its predissessor Bad Buddy had, and I have wondered what show they have been watching. I did not take it for granted that Gun's mom would survive the surgery (whereas Pat surviving being shot was never in question) or that Chinzhilla would win Hot Wave. Even after the scene when Gun wakes up I was not sure that they had lost (I had to wait for Tinn's flashback to be sure). Even with Gun's mom post-surgery recovery coming to a close I do not know she's truly alright. I have learned to let series unfold without too many assumptions (I thought Pat and Pran would be able to bring their parents around. Instead they had to figure out how their relationship would work without their support). That doesn't mean I'm going to like the series when it is all said and done.
Gun has been shown to be plagued by two major issues - being left behind and never being good enough. Tinn needs to talk to Gun sooner rather than later as Gun is vulnerable to seeing his worst fears coming true in the smallest of things. On the other hand, Gun rises to the occasion of being on his own as his mother recovers.
I found Win's outburst at Sound to be a really low blow, as well as the one at Gun. Our insecurities can bring out the worst of us. "What if" is a good question when thinking about the future as it opens possibilities you might not have thought of before, but not so much when you apply it to the past where it undermines your perception of your "best."
Tinn comes throught not only by trying to visit Gun and his mom in the hospital but by providing Chinzhilla an opportunity to get back on their feet by playing at prom. They'll need to process their lose and disappointment first, and that gets ugly.
"Do you think we raised him well enough?" This question is usually triggered when you see something in your child you don't like. What Tinn's mom doesn't like isn't explicitly stated.
"What mistakes do you think we've made along the way?" This question comes when you fear that what you don't like about your child is your fault. Both of these questions come from the belief that there is something wrong about your child. We are not to the point where you believe there is nothing wrong with your child, but others won't agree with you. This is not yet wanting to protect your child as he is or to save him from the difficulties of being who he is in a society that doesn't accept him. This is a crappy "between a rock and a hard place." You acknowledge that there is a problem, but you must decide if it is your child or your society that is in the wrong.
You want me to believe this conversation is about how Tinn's mom wasn't at his singing test, and that he messed up the lyrics because she wasn't there? Nope. I can't wait until they figure out what happened when neither of them could celebrate his birthday with him.
At face value, this looks like the beginning of Tiw and Por. I want more context.
The conversation between Gun and Tinn's mom went better than expected, but that is mostly due to the fact another costumer came in. Like his mother before him, Gun tells Tinn's mom more information about her son that she wasn't aware of.
The conversation between Tinn and his mom also goes better than I expected. Tinn told the truth this time, and his mom gives him permission knowing that he will be with Gun. That is major growth.
I don't have a good understanding of Buddhism, let alone Theravada, but wouldn't the Buddha want you to give your friend the drink if he is thirsty even if it means that you can't make the offering? Surely you wouldn't deny your hungry family food just to make sure you can give alms to the monks?
Seeing a video of Tinn singing happily on stage because of love and receiving some words of encouragement from your husband is what little it takes to make the shift? You see the positive effect Gun has made, and now you're all good with it, and you make the change to worrying for his well-being?
I was wondering why Tiw wasn't going with them, but I realized what was going on a split second before the camera pans to him.
I also wondered what this episode's song would be about if next episode was going to be prom, and "Healing" fits really well to move the band forward.
I was hoping the music box would play "City," but "Hook" does seem more fitting.
We already now that Gun's mom is fine with Tinn and Gun, but getting a read on Tinn's mom is difficult. What exactly is she going to bring up in her conversation with Tinn? Does she foresee trouble coming from the school itself, or will that blindside her?
Until Next Week
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