#is that time of the year tikitikiti
flyingwea · 2 years
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*La consentida plays in the background* DREAM TEAM AS HUASAS FOR CHILEAN FIESTAS PATRIAS!!! :DDDD
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I used these ones as reference <3
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nemowritesstuff · 5 years
Wingless Dragon Race Introduction: Amiriad
Wingless Dragon Tag: @malaykawrites @madammuffins @kaatiba @mvcreates @starlitesymphony, @dove-actually, @waterfallwritings, @donovyn--nox
I haven’t talked much about the Amiriad, and that’s because there isn’t one on the crew of the Wingless Dragon, so I didn’t feel the need to. But since I’m now involving the Amiriad in a plot point, it was time to solidify the race.
It feels like there’s a lot more history for them than any other race, but that may be because they were an idea I had for something different that I repurposed for this universe. Hurray for recycling!
As the story is on its first draft, all content is subject to change. Under a cut because it’s 1900 words.
Amiriad are an insectoid species from the planet Chikasact. They value devotion to the hive over everything and are always eager to engage in battle.
Amiriad stand on four legs with two arms, a thorax, and a head. They are generally around five to six feet tall with a dark brown exoskeleton. They have four claw-like pincers for hands and three claws for feet. Their heads are oval shaped and end in a single set of pincers in front of a small mouth. Amiriad eyes are large compound eyes that can see in the most amount of colors of any GF race. Amiriad do have a set of antennae, and their primary use is smelling. Built for combat with a hardened exoskeleton and lean muscles, an Amiriad can run almost 8km/h on four legs and 10km/h on six.
Amiriad are carnivores, eating any meat they can get their hands on. While Amiriad attempt to eat twice daily, they can last months without eating or drinking if needed. They cannot process vegetation at all. In fact, too much plant products in an animal's stomach can render it inedible. Despite their restrictive diet, their bodies are able to process most venoms and poisons faster than it can harm them, rendering them nearly immune to even large doses of toxins.
In combat, Amiriad typically wield a weapon with their arms. They prefer melee combat, but can use guns just as effectively. Their exoskeleton is strong enough to protect them from general threats, while advanced armor is nearly as strong as a starship's hull. Skilled warriors can split their arms into four, allowing them to wield more weapons. In order to use four arms in combat competently, an Amiriad must train for several years.
Amiriad are born from an egg, where they are ready to join the hive as workers. Young Amiriad are given a short time to take classes to learn about the galaxy before being thrust into service. As such, maturation is considered two years old. Adult Amiriad serve a small stint in the military before either continuing military service or leaving to pursue other work. They can either specialize in one job or train in multiple jobs, such as miner, hunter, soldier, diplomat, police, etc. A select few Amiriad train to become queens, but the selection process is thorough and the training rigorous, leading to rarely more than a handful of queens being trained in a year. Most Amiriad die before reaching old age, but those that do tend to live no later than fifty years.
Amiriad are a collective hive, devoted to the hive and built around the military as a central pillar of society. Basic service is mandatory. Advanced training is given to those who prove themselves, while others attempting to join risky or prestigious battalions train themselves almost to their own death. After their mandatory serves, about half of the Amiriad join some other job dedicated to helping the hive. Builders, traders, engineers, doctors, and even teachers all exist to further the hive's interest and bolster the strength of the military.
Their devotion to the hive is so ingrained it is treated as a religion. The Amiriad call it Duty, and while many humans would describe it more as a cult than a religion, it is the officially recognized religion of the Amiriad. Duty is the most prominent religion among the Amiriad, but they are some also interested in Tichon (the religion), Humanity's pagan religions, and the Yur's old beliefs. 
In the beginning, there were twelve major factions vying for control of Chikasact. After almost three hundred years of war, where each faction's control waxed and waned, several key alliances changed the entire landscape of the planet. The number of factions dropped to four. The smallest faction, an alliance between the bold warriors of the Kitch and the masterful engineers of the Tikitik, prepared to unleash new weapons of war: the airplane. Thanks to the Kitch-Tikit aircraft, the other factions quickly fell under their thumb.
Faced with the possibility of an alliance breaking down, the leaders of the Kitch and Tikit agreed to dissolve their factions in favor of a singular faction. They mixed hives in order to become one single people. However, neither the Kitch nor Tikit wanted to have the first High Queen of Chikasact to come from the opposing faction, despite their apparent integration. They needed someone without loyalties to one or the other; they needed an outsider.
They needed Iktuit, the sole Queen of the Diskt.
The Diskt-the first faction to be bombed into near oblivion by the Kitch-Tikit-was always a small faction. The Diskt never fully regained their strength after their defeat, but maintained their independence as an ally of the Kitch and Tikit. This is different from every other larger faction, which were either absorbed into either the Kitch or Tikit or all of their queens, and thus their lineage, were killed. As the sole queen of the only ally of both the Kitch and Tikit, Iktuit of the Diskt was the perfect choice for peace.
This peace did not last. Soon after being crowned High Queen, Queen Iktuit declared a civil war on her subjects, throwing the entire planet into turmoil again. The reason? Iktuit hated both the Kitch and Tikit for how they destroyed her home and slaughtered her people, so she forced them to destroy the united world they had created.
After the declaration of war, several other queens looking to gain power also declared war on each other. The entire planet descended into war once again, except instead of battles being fought along faction borders, cities split and destroyed themselves. Queen Iktuit saw the chaos she created and reveled in it, joining battles just to ensure no side gained the upper hand.
The Iktuit Civil War did not last long. Queen Iktuit, in her attempt to keep both sides weak, wiped out the majority of both the Kitch and Tikit generals and queens in months. This display of power won her the support of many Amiriad. What few opposed her fell to the Iktuit's loyalists.
As the dust settled, only one nation remained, and Iktuit, the Bloody Queen, ruled.
Queen Iktuit immediately set about reforms, creating the modern Amiriad government. Instead of trying to strip power from her people, she encouraged everyone to take as much power as possible. This, combined with an emphasis on the betterment of the hive at all costs, meant the strong would take control in order to help-not destroy-the weak. With Queen Iktuit's passing, none other again claimed to be her equal. Instead, a council of generals and queens serve the High Command and attempt to match Iktuit's brilliance in both war and peace.
When the Galactic Federation first encountered the Amiriad, the Amiriad sent scouts to determine the GF's military might. The GF had a barebones militia that served more as a deterrent for criminals than an actual military fleet. The Amiriad determined that there was no point in engaging them in war. The GF welcomed the Amiriad with open arms, and the Amiriad quickly went to work redesigning the GF's militia to be a full-blown military force, with Amiriad making up over seventy percent of the armed forces.
The Amiriad found first contact with the Sheta and Humans to be a memorable day. The Sheta, masters of medical technology, intrigued the Amiriad; the Humans and their war-filled past looked to be a staunch ally. The Amiriad were just as surprised as the rest of the Galactic Federation when the Humans chose not to join and instead form an alliance the GF. However, the alliance did allow for the Humans and Amiriad to train with each other and practice with war games.
Relations between the Amiriad and Humans grew tense when a human joined the Amiriad's Arena. The Amiriad sent disgraced military personnel and convicted criminals to the Arena fight for entertainment and honor. A human managed to work her way into the Arena, due to a technicality in the rules. This human proceeded to beat Amiriad after Amiriad in individual combat. The Amiriad were confused by such a feat. How could a squishy human with far fewer limbs beat the armored Amiriad with such constancy?
The lone Human inspired other humans to join the Arena. The other humans were not as skilled, but their inclusion led to some Amiriad calling the Arena tainted by their presence. The Amiriad Champion, however, welcomed the new challengers. The Amiriad, forced to accept the humans, kept their growing resentment behind closed doors.
The spark came when the first Human Combatant managed to secure a fight against the Amiriad Champion. The battle ended before it began. The Combatant spoke with the Champion, wondering if the Champion knew that their old commander set them up for failure to force them to join the Arena. The resulting conversation led to a schism in the Amiriad that lasted several days as the Champion searched for the truth. The Champion learned the truth and killed his former commander for impugning his honor for personal gain.
Despire the Combatant being right, many of the Amiriad military commanders felt human intervention in their internal politics went to far. With growing pressure from those who could now voice their resentment of humans in public, the Amiriad demanded the Humans surrender the Combatant for Amiriad punishment for their involvement in civil unrest. Humanity refused. The Amiriad declared war on Humanity.
The Galactic Federation stepped in immediately. After much tense discussion, both the Humans and Amiriad agreed to keep war outside of Galactic Federation space, not to involve the other Galactic Federation races, and limited on what weapons could ethically be used. This war ended with Humanity gaining the upper hand and forcing the Amiriad to surrender. The defeat broke the Amiriad's pride.
Beaten, the Amiriad planned to leave the Galactic Federation. The Tichon convinced them not to, but the Amiriad still retreated out of GF controlled space and returned to their home planet.
In the Galactic Federation
Amiriad are not a common sight in the modern Galactic Federation. Few supply ships travel into Amiriad space, and even fewer Amiriad ships travel in the Galactic Federation's jurisdiction. What Amiriad that are seen are usually outcasts from Amiriad society or serve as representatives in the GF.
Relations between the Amiriad and all the races are still strong. Even Humanity, once their enemy, are happy to negotiate and trade with the Amiriad.
Bonus Facts
Amiriad don't really have pronouns as humans do. They are always referred to by their rank. Language technicians from the Amiriad have decided that masculine pronouns are used when referring to them in Inglo-Russian, and created a couple new word in Chikti specifically for when humans use pronouns.
It is believed Queen Iktuit was the first Amiriad to use four-armed combat in war. The fighting style is informally referred to as the "Queen's Fury" fighting style, thanks to this belief.
Tichon can use a Amiriad's egg sack. The resulting children display a mix of Tichon and Amiriad traits, but the children never live past a year, so there are no hybrids known to exist. The Sheta took particular interest in this, but Amiriad and Tichon governments, as well as the Galactic Federation, forbade any investigation into this phenomenon.
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nomosidad · 5 years
I guess I’m doing this, huh? Thank u @x-kytanna-x for tagging me! 
Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know and wrangle them into answering the questions below (I’m so not following the rules).
Nickname: Most people call me Shopo, but I've always used Nomosidad on the internet
Gender: Female
Astrological sign: Geminis or so I have been told
Sexuality: If u are bisexual and you know it clap your hands *clap clap*
Hogwarts House: Slytherin hiss hiss🐍
Favorite Animals: I dont know? Definitely cats. And otters. And sloths.  
Number of Blankets: all. of. them. I get cold quite easily so the more the better.
Where I’m from: Im from Chile! Tikitikiti
Dream Trip: I was in Venezia some years ago but literally just one day. I would love to go back and stay a couple of days
When I started this account: I have no idea? I was still at school, and that was some time ago. I think I was like 14 or 15, sooooo 7-8 years ago
Why I started this account: A school mate (my crush back then) had a tumblr account. I guess I just wanted to check what it was about and here I am. I am NOT proud of myself
There is no way im tagging 20 people so here we go: @thestudentofcoffee @barbsburger @certified-toad-chauffeur @malicious-cupcake @barricadeb0i @chrononautintraining @tifamex @loekas (I’ve never talked to some of you, but u seem nice and I would love to know a little bit more about you! Feel free to ignore this if you dont want to answer, but if u do don’t forget to tag me!)
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